Ap U.s History Study Guide

  • June 2020
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4th T Stegge


4th T Stegge


By Abdisa Dawano, Connor Ryan Chase Christensen, and Richard parker Linking Identifications 1. Common Sense and declaration of independence: Was a document that was created before the declaration of independence itself. It was intended to influence or persuade the settlers to stand up for what was considered the right idea to split from the herd. This was to set themselves apart from the British rule. In addition, the Common Sense was written in order to produce popular support for the aspiration of independence. But nevertheless, the declaration of independence was more peaceful and balanced foundation with a plan to go forward. 2. Women and colonial resistance: women were the main consumers of tea so when the tea tax came along they used no consumption and didn’t drink it anymore significantly hurting Britain economically. Also Women started creating apparel for their family instead of buying it and they formed spinning bees where they would just make clothes together and it gathered a lot of public attention. Also a few wealthy women like Sarah Osborn started the daughters of liberty and preached colonial resistance Colonial resistance: Was the concept of resisting Britain. It was used by like the sons of liberty and they promoted it and it started after the 7 years war when Britain started internally taxing America and they found that very unconstitutional and so they started resisting Britain. All of this grew with the Townshend acts and tea and stamp act. 3. Internal and External Taxes: when the Britain first imposed an internal tax which was the stamp act and it required the colonies to use stamped paper for bills, legal documents, newspapers. This angered the colonies so they got mad and got that tax overturned. So then Britain imposed an external tax on items coming into the colonies and this were called the Townshend duties. And then that angered the colonies so in the end they declared their independence in 1776. 4. Locke Social Contract and Declaration of Independence: Illustrate the way in which when people come together to create common social order. The theory which is described by john Locke says that in order to contain social order the citizen should give some rights to the leaders of the country, that’s in to abstain social order. Locke states the existence of a "Natural Law" that transcends any man-made law. Simply put all citizens have a right to "life, liberty and property." Furthermore Locke states that a legitimate government can only obtain its legitimacy from the consent of those whom it governs. Consent is necessary because for any government to exist individuals must voluntarily surrender some of the freedom they would possess if they existed in "a state of nature." (Book) 5. Suffolk Resolves and Olive Branch Petition: This was a article of American settlers that addressed to King George III and sign by f the Continental Congress in July 1775. This was delivered by the great speaker manned Richard Penn in 1775. Therefore he resisted the King and also refuses to see him or the article. And this was the effort done by the American settler which later led to the revolutionary. (Book)

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