Ap Us History Course Outline09

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Science Skills Center High School Mr. Boehm

Humanities Department

Advanced Placement United States History Purpose The AP U.S. History course is designed to provide students with the analytic skills and factual knowledge necessary to deal critically with the problems and materials in U.S. History. The program prepares students for intermediate and advanced college courses by making demands upon them equivalent to those made by full-year introductory college courses. Students should learn to assess historical materials—their relevance to a given interpretive problem, reliability, and importance—and to weigh the evidence and interpretations presented in historical scholarship. An AP U.S. History course should thus develop the skills necessary to arrive at conclusions on the basis of an informed judgment and to present reasons and evidence clearly and persuasively in essay format.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS I. Each marking period’s grades shall be cumulative (count from the first day of the term) for each class. II. Absence and lateness without a note shall not be excused. III. Grades will be based on:  Culminating Project 40%  Exams/Essays/Tests 30%  Classwork, Quizzes, Participation 20%  Homework 10% **Plan on having either a quiz or a test every Monday, as that is the assessment day for social studies at SSCHS.** IV. Class Materials: *Notebook: Composition or spiral (be prepared to hand it in for checks) *2 Pens *Folder designed to carry class procedures and returned assignments *Stapler: All assignments must be stapled before being handed in V. This course will utilize www.engrade.com as an online grading system. This way, you can log on and chart your progress whenever you like. To register, 1. Click “Students and Parents” 2. Click “sign on to account” 3. Enter the following in the box: engrade-pick1066-your nine digit id # v. Students are expected to sit for the A.P. United States History Exam administered by The College Board in May. More information is available at www.collegeboard.com **The project for this marking period relates to the DBQ Essay section of the regents exam, relating to an early theme in American history. This will be done throughout the marking period, in class and at home. It will include several DBQ essays, followed by a letter to a friend describing how to write a DBQ essay(in other words, what you’ve learned relating to how to write a DBQ essay). STANDARDS New York State Department of Education has defined the following Social Studies Standards: Standard 1: History of the United States and New York Standard 2: World History Standard 3: Geography Standard 4: Economics Standard 5: Civics, Citizenship, and Government

These five standards will all be addressed, though Standards 1 and 5 will be emphasized. OVERVIEW 1. This course will emphasize primary documents and document based essays and essay writing, as well as 2. Textbook: Divine, Robert A., et al. America Past and Present AP Edition. New York: Pearson/Longman. • You will also be reading non-fiction, historical fiction, newspapers, primary sources, and journals throughout this course 3. Students will sit for the A.P. exam in U.S. History in early May. A fee may be required for this exam. MAJOR THEMES WITHIN AP UNITED STATES HISTORY • American Diversity The diversity of the American people and the relationships among different groups. The roles of race, class, ethnicity, and gender in the history of the United States. • American Identity Views of the American national character and ideas about American exceptionalism. Recognizing regional differences within the context of what it means to be an American. • Culture Diverse individual and collective expressions through literature, art, philosophy, music, theater, and film throughout history. Popular culture and the dimensions of cultural conflict within American society. • Demographic Changes Changes in birth, marriage, and death rates; life expectancy and family patterns; population size and density. The economic, social, and political effects of immigration, internal migration, and migration networks. • Economic Transformations Changes in trade, commerce, and technology across time. The effects of capitalist development, labor and unions, and consumerism. • Environment Ideas about the consumption and conservation of natural resources. The impact of population growth, industrialization, pollution, and urban and suburban expansion. • Globalization Engagement with the rest of the world from the fifteenth century to the present: colonialism, mercantilism, global hegemony, development of markets, imperialism, cultural exchange. • Politics and Citizenship Colonial and revolutionary legacies, American political traditions, growth of democracy, and the development of the modern state. Defining citizenship; struggles for civil rights. • Reform Diverse movements focusing on a broad range of issues, including antislavery, education, labor, temperance, women’s rights, civil rights, gay rights, war, public health, and government. • Religion The variety of religious beliefs and practices in America from prehistory to the twenty-first century, influence of religion on politics, economics, and society. • Slavery and Its Legacies in North America Systems of slave labor and other forms of unfree labor (e.g., indentured servitude, contract labor) in Native American societies, the Atlantic World, and the American South and West. The economics of slavery and its racial dimensions. Patterns of resistance and the long-term economic, political, and social effects of slavery. • War and Diplomacy Armed conflict from the pre-colonial period to the twenty-first century; impact of war on American foreign policy and on politics, economy and society. WEEKLY OUTLINE OF TOPICS This is a proposed schedule and will be adjusted as circumstances dictate. Basic procedures throughout the year will include the assignment of reading, lecture and note taking, the administration of announced and unannounced

reading quizzes, and involvement in class discussions. There will also be document based questions and practice free response questions administered periodically, to be written in and out of class. Students are expected to take notes on all primary source reading.

I. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492–1690(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 1,2 A. Pre-Columbian Societies 1. Early inhabitants of the Americas 2. American Indian empires in Mesoamerica, the Southwest, and the Mississippi Valley 3. American Indian cultures of North America at the time of European contact B. Transatlantic Encounters and Colonial Beginnings, 1492-1690 1. First European contacts with Native Americans 2. Spain’s empire in North America 3. French colonization of Canada 4. English settlement of New England, the Mid-Atlantic region, and the South 5. From servitude to slavery in the Chesapeake region 6. Religious diversity in the American colonies 7. Resistance to colonial authority: Bacon’s Rebellion, the Glorious Revolution, and the Pueblo Revolt

II. Colonial North America(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 3,4 A. Colonial North America, 1690-1754 1. Population growth and immigration 2. Transatlantic trade and the growth of seaports 3. The eighteenth-century back country 4. Growth of plantation economies and slave societies 5. The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening 6. Colonial governments and imperial policy in British North America

III. The American Revolution(1 week) Readings: Divine, Chapter 5 A. The American Revolutionary Era, 1754-1789 1. The French and Indian War 2. The Imperial Crisis and resistance to Britain 3. The War for Independence 4. State constitutions and the Articles of Confederation 5. The federal Constitution

IV. The Early Republic (2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 6,7,8

A. The Early Republic, 1789-1815 1. Washington, Hamilton, and shaping of the national government 2. Emergence of political parties: Federalist and Republicans 3. Republican motherhood and education for women 4. Beginnings of the Second Great Awakening 5. Significance of Jefferson’s presidency 6. Expansion into the trans-Appalachian West; American Indian resistance 7. Growth of slavery and free Black communities 8. The War of 1812 and its consequences

V. Society, Politics and Reform 1816-1861 (2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 9,10,11,12

A. Transformation of the Economy and Society in Antebellum America 1. The transportation revolution and creation of a national market economy 2. Beginnings of industrialization and changes in social and class structures 3. Immigration and nativist reactions 4. Planters, yeoman farmers, and slaves in the cotton South B. The Transformation of Politics in Antebellum America 1. Emergence of the second party system

2. Federal authority and its opponents: judicial federalism, the Bank War, tariff controversy, and states’ rights debates 3. Jacksonian democracy and its successes and limitations C. Religion, Reform, and Renaissance in Antebellum America 1. Evangelical Protestant revivalism 2. Social reforms 3. Ideals of domesticity 4. Transcendentalism and utopian communities 5. American Renaissance: literary and artistic expressions

VI. Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 13,14 A. Territorial Expansion and Manifest Destiny 1. Forced removal of American Indians to the trans-Mississippi West 2. Western migration and cultural interactions 3. Territorial acquisitions 4. Early U.S. imperialism: the Mexican War

VII. The Civil War(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 15 A. The Crisis of the Union 1. Arguments and conflicts for and against slavery 2. Compromise of 1850 and popular sovereignty 3.The Kansas-Nebraska Act and the emergence of the Republican Party 4. Abraham Lincoln, the election of 1860, and Secession A. Civil War 1. Two societies at war: mobilization, resources, and internal dissent 2. Military strategies and foreign diplomacy 3. Emancipation and the role of African Americans in the war 4. Social, political, and economic effects of war in the North, South, and West

VIII. Reconstruction and the New South(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 16

A. Reconstruction 1. Presidential and Radical Reconstruction 2. Southern state governments: aspirations, achievements, failures 3. Role of African Americans in politics, education, and the economy 4. Compromise of 1877 5. Impact of Reconstruction B. The Origins of the New South 1. Reconfiguration of southern agriculture: sharecropping and crop lien system 2. Expansion of manufacturing and industrialization 3. The politics of segregation: Jim Crow and disfranchisement

IX. Westward Expansion(1 week) Readings: Divine, Chapter 17 A.

Development of the West in the Late Nineteenth Century 1. Expansion and development of western railroads 2. Competitors for the West: miners, ranchers, homesteaders, and American Indians 3. Government policy toward American Indians 4. Gender, race, and ethnicity in the far West 5. Environmental impacts of western settlement

X. Industrial United States(1 week) Readings: Divine, Chapter 18,19

A. Industrial America in the Late Nineteenth Century 1. Corporate consolidation of industry 2. Effects of technological development on the worker and workplace 3. Labor and unions 4. National politics and influence of corporate power 5. Migration and immigration: the changing face of the nation 6. Proponents and opponents of the new order, e.g., Social Darwinism and Social Gospel

B. Urban Society in the Late Nineteenth Century 1. Urbanization and the lure of the city 2. Urban problems and political machines 3. Intellectual and cultural movements and popular entertainment

XI. Populism and Progressivism(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 20,22,23

A. Populism and Progressivism 1. Agrarian discontent and political issues of the late nineteenth century 2. Origins of progressive reform: municipal, state, and national 3. Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson as Progressive presidents 4. Women’s roles: family, workplace, education, politics, and reform 5. Black America: urban migration and civil rights initiatives

XII. America as a World Power(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 21,24 A. The Emergence of America as a World Power 1. American imperialism: political and economic expansion 2. War in Europe and American neutrality 3. The First World War at home and abroad 4. The Treaty of Versailles 5. Society and economy in the postwar years

XIII. 1920s, Great Depression, New Deal(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 25,26

A. The New Era: 1920s 1. The business of America and the consumer economy 2. Republican politics: Harding, Coolidge, Hoover 3. The culture of Modernism: science, the arts, and entertainment 4. Responses to Modernism: religious fundamentalism, nativism, and Prohibition B. The Great Depression and the New Deal 1. Causes of the Great Depression 2. The Hoover administration’s response 3. Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the New Deal 4. Labor and union recognition 5. The New Deal coalition and its critics from the Right and the Left 6. Surviving hard times: American society during the Great Depression

XIV. World War II(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 27 A. The Second World War 1. The rise of fascism and militarism in Japan, Italy, and Germany 2. Prelude to war: policy of neutrality 3. The attack on Pearl Harbor and United States declaration of war 4. Fighting on many fronts 5. Diplomacy, war aims, and wartime conference 6. The United States as a global power in the Atomic Age B. The Home Front during the War 1. Wartime mobilization of the economy 2. Urban migration and demographic changes 3. Women, work, and family during the war 4. Civil liberties and civil rights during wartime 5. War and regional development 6. Expansion of government power

XV. The Cold War(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 28

A. The United States and the Early Cold War 1. Origins of the Cold War 2. Truman and containment 3. The Cold War in Asia: China, Korea, Vietnam, Japan 4. Diplomatic strategies and policies of the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations

5. The Red Scare and McCarthyism 6. Impact of the Cold War on American society

XVI. The Affluent 50s and Turbulent 60s(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 29,30 A. The 1950s 1. Emergence of the modern civil rights movement, the affluent society and “the other America” 2. Consensus and conformity: suburbia and middle-class America 3. Social critics, nonconformists, and cultural rebels 4. Impact of changes in science, technology and medicine B. The Turbulent 1960s 1. From the New Frontier to the Great Society expanding movements for civil rights 2. Cold War Confrontations: Asia, Latin America, Europe 3. Beginning of Détente

XVII. Politics and Economics at the end of the 20th Century(2 weeks) Readings: Divine, Chapter 31 A. Politics and Economics at the End of the Twentieth Century 1. Election of 1968 and the “Silent Majority” 2. Nixon’s challenges: Vietnam, China, Watergate 3. Changes in the American economy, the energy crisis, deindustrialization, and the service economy 4. The New Right and the Reagan revolution 5. End of the Cold War

XVIII. Society and Culture at the end of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21st Century(1 week) Readings: Divine, Chapter 32 A. Society and Culture at the End of the Twentieth Century 1. Demographic changes: surge of immigration after 1965, sunbelt migration, and the graying of America 2. Revolutions in biotechnology, mass communications, and computers 3. Politics in a multicultural society B. The United States in the World after the Cold War 1. Globalization and the American economy 2. Unilateralism vs. multilateralism in foreign policy 3. Domestic and foreign terrorism 4. Environmental issues in a global context

* The AP Exam will be administered sometime in May. Read about it on www.apcentral.collegeboard.com

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