Anotec Landfill And Site Remediation Odour Control

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Anotec® Product Information Odour Management

Anotec® 0307 Odour Control – Vapour Phase Features •

Removal Efficiency for Odour >90% Safe Non-toxic and immediate reduction

Odour mitigation chemical for industrial, fugitive and related odorous emissions. Applications: •

To significantly reduce and / or eliminate malodours associated with landfill, site remediation and waste management facilities using engineered atomising devices.

Typical Properties: *Specification Writers: Please contact your local Anotec sales office before writing specifications for this product




Proprietary blend, safe, synergised surfactants, nature identical odour control agents


Result Clear / White liquid


Vapour Pressure (mm of Hg@25 C)

Similar to water

Flash Point, closed cup




Solubility in water



DESCRIPTION The chemical constituents of Anotec® 0307 are highly active organic compounds that include but are not limited to sugar derivatives and peptides. Anotec’s unique blend of compounds forms complexes that effectively absorb and treat offending odour molecules. Further, the Anotec® 0307 blend, when applied, reduces the surface tension in the liquid phase and assists in the blocking or inhibition of volatisation of malodours. The effectiveness of Anotec® 0307 Odour Control formulations stems from the unique chemistry of synergised surfactants ad odour profiling technology, enabling efficient and immediate reduction in chemical odour concentrations when compared to conventional odour abatement technologies. The non-ionic surfactants in the product are readily biodegradable in standard BOD tests and CO2 evolution procedures. Neither slight branching nor increments in the length of the carbon chain appear

to exert a significant effect on the rate of degradation. Run-off can be disposed of via normal wastewater channels. The proprietary additives for binding, enhancing biodegradation and odour profiling – each of which is >2% - are all food grade quality. The active ingredients in this product have boiling points in >1500C. Anotec® 0307 is fully miscible in water and the product does not have a measurable flash point. Application via a misting or fogging system ensures direct contact between the Anotec odour control formulation and the malodorous emission. Upon direct contact, odour analysis shows a significant reduction in chemical odour concentrations for each component identified in any malodorous mix. 1


GC/MS & Olfactometry – Laboratory & Field

Anotec® Product Information Odour Management

PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Performance Characteristics of Anotec® 0307 odour control formula compared with Conventional Odour Abatement Methods (Masking Agent) Anotec® 0307

Masking Agent

(1:300 dilution) Odour Profiling Technology

(1:300 dilution) Perfume

Removal Efficiency (%)

Removal Efficiency (%)

Chemical Components (ppm) 1,1,1 trichloroethane 5.62………………………….. 2-methyl pentane 3.5……………………………….. 2-methyl butane 0.9…………………………………

95 98.25 95.71

0.5 8.7 0.2

Chemical Components (ppm) Acetone 12.0………………………………………… Benzene 10.8………………………………………... C7-C11 alkanes 79.36………………………………

99.3 99.95 89.90

Increase Increase 9.6

Chemical Components (ppm) C3-alkylbenzenes 9.6………………………………. Carbon disulfide 2.3………………………………… Carbonyl sulphide 8.2……………………………….

99.64 98.13 99.96

Increase 0.9 0.7

Chemical Components (ppm) (Olfactometry reported = 300 ODU) Dimethyl sulphide 15.3……………………………... Hydrogen sulphide 58.9……………………………. Methyl mercaptan 21.32……………………………. Methyl amine 16.8…………………………………...

ODU = 4 99.14 99.98 99.92 98.81

ODU = 515 0.31 3.20 2.93 0.20

ODU = 1063

ODU = 26, 309

VOCs and Other Odours (Putrescibles Waste)

Simulated Wind Tunnel Tests (Permeation device) Raw / Untreated Odour: ODU = 18, 227

H2O Only ODU =4092

HOW TO USE Industrial: (Liquid Phase) Formulations. Anotec® 0307 odour profiling formulations may be used as an additive ingredient for highly odorous products such as pesticides, slurries, lagoons, paint etc. The product is identified as Anotec PRO5L and is stable upon application that does not affect the chemistry of the product to be treated. If added to wet scrubber liquor, an anti-foaming agent may be required and is available via Anotec’s network of distributors. Anotec PRO5L, when used as an odour control additive to finished products must not be diluted

prior to use. This product is supplied as a Hyperconcentrate formulation. Available in 200-L, 25-L 5-L & 1-L containers Other volumes available upon request.

Anotec® Product Information Odour Management LIMITATIONS Industrial & Waste Management (Vapour Phase) Formulations Anotec® 0307 odour control formulations are diluted with clean water prior to use. Once the chemistry of the emission has been determined, the appropriate Anotec® 0307 formulation will be supplied. As a guideline, Dilution rates vary between 1:40 – 1:1000. Example, small sewage installations with low-medium odour levels will dilute Anotec® 0307 1:40 prior to use. Anotec® 0307 products can be applied via high pressure or air atomisation devices, via portable (hand-held and larger) misting systems or custom built application equipment depending on the industry type and area to be treated. APPLICATION Achieving the correct droplet size is fundamental in ensuring the efficacy of Anotec odour control formulations. Anotec product consumption rates heavily depend on application device and duration of atomisation. USABLE LIFE & STORAGE When stored between 200C ad 400C Anotec® 0307 odour control products have a shelf life of two years from the date of manufacture. Once opened, the product will need to be consumed within 6 months to retain efficacy. PACKAGING All Anotec odour control formulations are available from 500-ml bottles to 1000-L tanks.

Anotec products are neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmacological use. PRODUCT EVALUATION & ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Evaluation of Anotec odour control formulations have been carried out by numerous government and private laboratories and organisations. These include but are not limited to ANSTO, Environmental Science Program (AUS), Odor Science Engineering (USA), Korea Heavy Industry Group (ROK), Stephenson & Associates (AUS), CH2MHill (AUS), Dow Corning (NZ for PRO5L), University of New South Wales (AUS). Removal Efficiency (RE%) using Anotec formulations to challenge malodours have consistently been reported to be >80%. LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLY The information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, due to varying conditions and methodologies engaged by clients when using our products that are beyond our control, we strongly advise against using this information in conjunction with any other product and forbid the use of any analytical or sensory assessments to be used as support for implementation at any given site unless a comparative study is conducted onsite. Anotec’s sole warranty is that the product will meet the Anotec sales specification in effect at the time of despatch from their warehouse or delivery dock. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product proven to be other than as warranted.

Anotec® Product Information Odour Management

APPLICATION EXAMPLES: Indicative only – models and systems may vary


High Pressure systems with Hydraulic nozzle configurations (fixed systems) Drum mounted units (FogMaster USA)

Air atomisation nozzle application (fixed system)

60-L, 200-L and 100-L (not shown) self contained portable units for use outdoors (waste management, landfill and site remediation).

Portable odour control units used during QEII visit to Sydney. 400, 000 Litres of raw sewage was pumped out whilst Anotec was sprayed to eliminate malodours from affecting the surrounding community.

Anotec® Product Information Odour Management

Photograph – Anotec Pty Ltd 2006

Photograph – Anotec Pty Ltd 2006

Cluster nozzles (high pressure system)

Anotec® 0307 product onsite storage

Photograph – Anotec Pty Ltd 2006

Photograph – Kaplan Ticaret 2006

1000-L Control system to service fans or fixed nozzle systems

Nozzle spraying into pond

Photograph – Anotec Pty Ltd 2006

Photograph – Kaplan Ticaret 2006

Perimeter spraying (Fixed & timed system)

Truck mounted system

Anotec® Product Information Odour Management

CONSUMPTION RATES (Guideline only) Calculations herein are based on worst case scenario and will vary in accordance to selected application device(s) and / or application rates (timers) Worst case scenario = 24 hr continual application Guideline for 1% solution = 1Litre /1Metre /1Hour

Photograph – Kaplan Ticaret 2006

Truck mounted system front view

2 Calculation for area approximating 300m (there may be a need to simply apply product to predetermined areas hence the omission to calculate encompassing the nominated and specified measurement of 900 x 70 x 35

1. High pressure system (fixed, perimeter spraying) networked system = 1000-L Anotec per week 2. Air Atomisation System (fixed, perimeter spraying) = 500-L Anotec per week 500-L Anotec per week 3. Rotary Atomisers (approximately 10 units through area) = 250-L Anotec per week Photograph – Kaplan Ticaret 2006

Side wall system – adjustable

The calculation herein should be re-worked to fit in with your specific requirements. The landfill operation mentioned may require that you dilute the Anotec product up to 1:800.

Photograph – Kaplan Ticaret 2006

Side wall system – adjustable

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