Annual Report 2006-2007

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  • Pages: 7

Annual Report of the Bel Air Home

2006 – 2007

The 2006- 2007 Annual Report of The Bel Air Home for Children and Adolescents Grenada, West Indies

1. Introduction 1.1 This is the ninth Annual Report of the company and, as in previous years, is being published towards the end of the third quarter of the calendar year. 1.2 The audited accounts for 2006-2007 are an integral part of this report and are appended to this written report. 2. The Company 2.1 There are ten Ordinary Members of the Company. They are the Directors listed in para 2.2, plus Ms. Merle Byer, Ms. Marcelle Lewis, Ms. Lisa Taylor, and Ms. Karen Samuel. In addition, Mr. Paul Thomas was elected as an Ordinary Member of the Company during the course of the year. 2.2 The Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting in October 2006 were:President Mr. A.P.Ross Vice-President Miss C. Alexis Treasurer Mrs. M.E. Ross Secretary Mr. Clement Gabriel Director Mrs. L.E. Grey 2.3 Sister Francis Nelson is a Director of the Company, appointed by St. George’s University, but is not a Member of the Company. 3. Staff 3.1 During the period covered by this report, the staff numbered twenty two and comprised:- Home Manager, Deputy Manager/Educational Needs Co-ordinator, Home Coordinator, Assistant Home Co-ordinator, Adolescent Development Programme Workers (7), Nursery Co-ordinator, Nursery Workers (9), Cook, Laundress/Cleaner, part-time

Gardener, and Administrative Assistant. Other than the increase in numbers, there were few changes in staffing during the term of this report and we welcome the continuity of care that this provides. 3.2 Staff training sessions continued on a monthly basis during the period of this report. The Directors place special emphasis on staff development. Sessions included:- effective communication - verbal/non-verbal; sex and sexuality; discipline versus punishment; understanding children’s needs within residential care; how to be an effective leader; introduction to social work; first aid refresher course. Thanks are given to Mr. Shane Joseph, Ms. Harriet George, Ms. Alison Greene, and Grenada Red Cross. 3.3 The Directors are pleased to place on record their appreciation and gratitude to all the staff members who worked at Bel Air during the year. The professionalism of the staff is evident in the behaviour of the residents of Bel Air. Special mention and appreciation of the work of Ms. Sharon Davis, Manager, and Ms. Alison Greene, Deputy Manager, is recorded. 4. Finance 4.1 The audited accounts for the year July 1st 2006 to June 30th 2007 are attached to this report. Special thanks are given to Mr. Norman Stalker for undertaking this task yet again on an honorary basis. Mr. Stalker has carried out this essential function every year since the Home was established in 1998 but this was his final audit of the Bel Air financial records. The Directors record special thanks to Mr. Stalker for his conscientious service over all these years. Thanks are due also to Mrs. Slinger-Hammersley, who provided financial guidance in the latter part of the financial year.

4.2 The Directors express gratitude to the Trustees of St. George’s University for their continued generous contribution of EC$133,000 per annum paid on a monthly basis towards the running costs of the Home. 4.3 Gratitude is expressed also to the Government of Grenada for continuing the subvention of EC$ 80,000 for the year. The Directors acknowledge the many competing claims on Government revenues and thank the Government accordingly. 4.4 The Directors thank those members of the local community and business houses for the support, financially and in kind, that they provided during the period covered by this report. 4.5 The Friends of Bel Air (UK) continued to provide significant support to Bel Air during the year. The Directors thank especially Ms. Julia Montgomery and her fellow trustees for their selfless service in maintaining this vital financial lifeline. Thanks also to Ms. Anne Lynch who provides the administrative support that is essential to this trust and to Mr. David Dutton, whose financial support of Bel Air includes the time that Ms. Lynch works on the business of the Friends. Gratitude is also due to Mr. Peter McIntosh of VT Shipbuiding who organized a fundraising event within his firm which resulted in a twelve thousand pound donation to the Friends of Bel Air (UK). 4.6 Metal fire escape stairs were manufactured in the US, transported to Grenada, and installed at Bel Air during the year at minimal direct cost to the Home. This was made possible through the generosity of Mr. Mike Pemberton, Port Louis Trading, Mr. Ron Thomas of American Steel Frame Housing Inc., Mr. Cheney Joseph of Tropical Shipping, Mr. Anselm LaTouche of Creative Design, Mr. Ken Sargent of Dream Builders, and Mr. Roy Hall.

4.7 In line with the Directors decision to maintain a reserve fund for contingency purposes, Bel Air has approximately EC$95,000 on deposit with one of the major local firms. 4.8 The Directors are very grateful to Dr. Beverly Nelson and to Ms. Lisa Taylor and Ms. Karen Samuel for their professional services that were provided free of charge during the period of this report. Gratitude is due also to Mr. Peter QuentrallThomas for his ideas and continued dedication to Bel Air. 5. Residents 5.1 During the twelve months covered by this report, 50 children resided at Bel Air. On 30th June 2007, there were 35 children resident at Bel Air, 21 in the Nursery and 14 adolescent girls. 5.2 There have been 15 admissions during the year and 11 discharges, of whom four were reunited with their biological families, four were fostered, and three boys were transferred to the Father Malligan Home for Boys. 5.3 The Nursery continues to operate at full capacity. The development of two of our most seriously physically challenged children continued to improve, thanks largely to the seconded Danish students (see 6.1 below) 5.4 Three current and two recent residents of Bel Air passed the Common Entrance Examination in 2007. Congratulations are due to these children and particularly to Ms. Alison and her helpers. The continued improvement in the educational achievements of the residents is particularly gratifying. 6. Achievements 6.1 Bel Air is proud of its continued approval as an appropriate training partner for social education student training by the Skovtofte National Institute for Social Education in Denmark. The fourth group comprising four students are now

working at the Home with mutual benefit. The Directors of Bel Air appreciate this ongoing partnership with the Institute. 6.2 A Suzuki Super Carry Van with seating for eight was purchased during the year with funds provided by the Friends of Bel Air (UK). This has given the Home greater flexibility in its day to day running and reduced significantly vehicle maintenance costs. 6.3Students and Significant Others from St George’s University take the adolescents and the children from the Nursery to the beach in alternating groups. This is appreciated greatly. Many continue on an individual basis to donate gifts to the children. Special mention should be made of the Muslim Students Association who gave much of their time to the benefit of the residents. A number of St George’s University Pre-med students have completed their Community Service module at Bel Air. 6.4 Bel Air has continued to support an ex-resident who is now 22 years old and who has graduated from TA Marryshow Community College. She is due to commence soon as an Assistant Librarian at this college. 6.5Two residents of the Home were selected for the honour of accompanying the captains of the teams out for the “toss” before two of the Super Eights Cricket World Cup 2007 matches which took place at the National Stadium. 6.6 A baby boy was found in Market Square approximately three years ago and placed in Bel Air. Despite repeated requests, no details have been forthcoming with regard to his name, age, parents etc. Legally, he “did not exist”. Bel Air has repeatedly asked the Child Welfare Authority to establish a legal identity for this boy but in view of the lack of progress, it was decided that Bel Air, with the professional help of Ms. Lisa Taylor, would have to approach the courts directly. The Directors are

pleased to report that this child has now been given a name by the courts and a Protection Order to cover his placement in Bel Air. Mr. Justice Benjamin instructed the CWA and officers of the Ministry of Social Development to obtain Protection Orders for all the other children in childcare homes but nine months later Bel Air is not aware of any Protection Orders being sought for its residents.

7. Problems 7.1 Last year’s annual report mentioned the “Moving On” project and that the Government of Grenada had been asked in writing in March 2006 for a parcel of land for the project from the land adjacent to Bel Air which is Government owned but under the management of the Airport Authority. The Directors are disappointed to have to report that action in response to this request has been extremely prolonged. The land has now been surveyed by the relevant Ministry and the Directors await a response from Government. 8. Plans For The Future 8.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ross, who have been Directors of the company since it was incorporated in 1998 will for family reasons be leaving shortly to relocate overseas. This will necessitate new Directors being elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held in October 2007. *********************************

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