Bel Air Newsletter Feb 2006

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Bel Air Newsletter

February 2006

B el A i r C h i l d r e n ’s H o m e , C al l i s t e , G r e n a d a , We s t I n d i e s w w w. s p i c e i s l e . c o m / b e l a i r h o m e b e l a i r h o m e @ c a r i b s u r f . c o m Ph o n e 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 1 0 0 ; F a x 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 2 2 0

President’s Notes By Paddy Ross INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1

President’s Notes


Manager’s Matters


Resident’s Experiences


Picture Gallery


Trip to St. Lucia

“.. made us all very proud to be associated with Bel Air ..Sharon Davis and her staff must be congratulated”

2006 is here and I wish all those who read this newsletter a happy and blessed New Year. You will read later on in this newsletter of the performance that our staff and residents put on last November in conjunction with the Finding Smiles group from St George’s University. It was a huge success and made us all very proud to be associated with Bel Air. Sharon Davis and her staff must be congratulated on the advances that have been made in the general demeanour of the Home and its residents over the recent years. Bel Air is seven years old this month. But life is not without its problems. As the adolescent girls grow up, they have nowhere to go when they reach 18 and technically are no longer our responsibility. Some go to NEWLO while some others find employment but they have nowhere to live and support themselves. The Board of Bel Air has decided to address this problem with a project that we are calling “Moving On”. The concept is to give the girls the opportunity to develop their independence and adulthood but in a Please see President’s Notes on page 2

Manager’s Matters By Sharon Davis

From the Nursery

Since joining the ranks at Bel Air in 2000, the road has not been an easy one but from September 2004 to 31st December, 2005 it has been challenging mentally, physically and emotionally. I thank God for a New Year and wish for a new beginning. Paul said in Philippians “but one thing I do, forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me, heavenwards in Christ Jesus.” There is no physical prize or awards we can obtain from working with our damaged children of the nation. It is not a job that brings great accolades and recognition. I/we may not even see the changes we have caused in these vulnerable lives. Knowing that I have been strategically placed and positioned for such a time as now, using God given talents, skills and knowledge is personally rewarding. To see a child’s feet corrected that she could wear shoes and walk “normally” for the first time in her 10 years of life, to hear an adolescent affirm that she is special afterPlease sexualsee abuse has been Against her Manager’s Matters on page underdeveloped body, to hear a staff member say that being physical 2in showing love is not “her thing” and then seeing the same person give hugs and kisses to a child, to have a young person leave and then return as an employee to teach and encourage others, this is what it’s all about and much more…….

Bel Air Newsletter

Page 2

Resident’s Experiences FINDING SMILES CONCERT

“There were over one hundred and fifty persons present…. that night I was so frightened when I saw all the people in front of me t”

I will tell you how the Finding Smiles Concert came about. A student of the St. George’s University in Grenada came to the home and was introduced to me, Kisha Mc Farlane, a past resident of the Bel Air Home. We both saw the talent in the children of the home and thought that we could host a show to raise funds for the home. We brought our idea to the children and Management, who thought it was a good idea. The show was scheduled for November 12, 2005 in the Bell Lecture Hall at St. George’s University. It took a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment and the children had to practise both night and day, going to bed tired knowing that the next day would be another day of practice. However, we made it through, the day came and everybody was ready for the show. The theme of the show was “Grenada United”. We depicted Grenada before, during and after Hurricane Ivan. The girls performed dances, drama and songs. We had appearances by a gospel singer as well as students of the University. Some of our guests included Her Excellency Lady Williams. The show was a great success. By: Kisha - Past Resident There were over one hundred and fifty persons present. There were four dances, two acts, a poem and two songs. That night I was so frightened when I saw all the people in front of me. I took part in three dances. I was glad to have that show. I wish we will have another show. By: Camella - Resident Please see more Resident’s Experiences on page 4 President’s Notes from page 1

controlled environment. This process will be phased with a new small residence which would accommodate three to four girls under the care of a house mother but also three “chattel style” wooden houses that could accommodate one or two girls in each. The girls in these houses would also be under the eye of the housemother, would be guided in independent living, but be responsible for their own food and utility bills. We are looking for a site near to Bel Air which would be big enough for all these buildings, ideally between a half and three quarters of an acre. All this will cost money so a proper proposal will be drawn up and costed to form a basis for fundraising. You have been warned! We are “Moving on”. And in conclusion, thank you for your continued interest and support without which the Home would not be what it is to-day Manager’s Matters from page 1 A Trip down Memory Lane Anicar (in white) at the Princess Elizabeth Children’s Home in Trinidad

Page 3

Bel Air Newsletter

Picture Gallery


…..Time At…..

…….Bel Air

Some of the participants in the St. Lucia Youth Camp. (Check out our own Manager Sharon Davis 2nd from left standing)

A Depressed Child’s Cry By Kisha. A Past Resident Oh Lord almighty, You know my strength, weakness and sadness, Lord, you know me both inside and outside, Oh God, I have shamed myself and you, But Father, whatever I went through, You walk with me day and night, and that’s true. Some days, Lord, I feel so stressed, depressed and lonely, It’s just like a blank space, but you fill the rest. Help me to forgive myself and my enemy too, Help them to see even I can become what you want me to. Wipe away my tears, help me through my fears. When my enemies attack, help me to fight back, Not with false words and not with my hands, But with your words to protect my heart. Help me to forgive them even though the things they might say may ruin my day. Lord, for I say I tried everything and everything failed me, But when I tried God he protect, guide and comfort me. And Father, for that I can open my eyes and see, What a sweet wonderful and mighty God you can be. Amen.

“On Saturday 16th July some of the other residents, staff and I went to St. Lucia to a Christian Youth Camp. On the plane I felt very scared”

From Resident’s Experiences

Bel Air Newsletter

Page 4 Resident’s Experiences from page 2

TRIP TO ST. LUCIA On Saturday 16th July some of the other residents, staff and I went to St. Lucia to a Christian Youth Camp. On the plane I felt very scared. There were thirteen islands present. It was held in Castries and the theme for the camp was “Strategically Positioned”. We had a Grand Opening in the hall the day after we arrived and had dinner. I saw beautiful things in St. Lucia and the other girls invited us to their dorms. I made lots of friends in St. Lucia. We went to the kitchen to help share dinner and also helped to pick up and wash dishes. We had culture night. We went to the beach and the next day we went shopping in town. We went to the chapel to have praise and worship. We went on an island tour. We played sports outside on the field. We went to a show in town, I felt very excited. We had a concert and some of us went to the banquet. I learnt how to praise the Lord. My experience was very nice. By: Wendy Ann - Resident In the morning the girls who were leaving for the two week vacation had breakfast then hugged everybody. We took our luggage and four of the girls went with Ms. Sharon in the bus and five stayed back. She then came back for the other five girls to take to the airport. At the airport I saw Ms. Barbara and I was very happy when I saw her. I went to the washroom and when I came back I saw Mr. Andy checking in the Bel Air group. We had something to eat while we were waiting for the plane then went in to sit. The number was called and then we went on the plane. When I was getting on the plane I was very happy, it was my first time on a plane. We go things to eat on the plane and when I looked out we were almost in Trinidad. We took another plane in Trinidad. The air hostess explained the security needs to us before we took off, what to do when and if there was danger and how to put on our seat belt. She

also told us that it would take us fifteen minutes to get to St. Lucia from Trinidad. When we arrived in St. Lucia we went through immigration then went outside to wait for the bus. When we arrived at camp a girl took the Bel Air group to get yellow hand bands. Ms. Sharon went to ask the leader if we could leave the compound and she said we could not because it will be too dangerous. We then went around and asked the others their names and made new friends while the staff went to get food for us. On Sunday 17th we had the Grand Opening and orientation. Thursday 21st we went on a shopping trip. We had other activities such as an island tour, sight seeing, beach lime, culture night and banquet night. On Sunday 24th we had a worship service. On Friday 29th, the last day, we played water fighter then it was time for farewells. We arrived back home in the night. It was a wonderful experience. By: Sarana - Resident We went with Caribbean Star. The airhostess told us it would take thirty-five minutes to get to Trinidad. In Trinidad we transferred to another Caribbean Star plane. I felt excited on the plane. In St. Lucia we got off the plane, collected our luggage then went to wait for the bus, which took us to the Castries Comprehensive Secondary School where the camp was. When we arrived there we had to register before we went to our dorms. The next day we got to meet the others and know their names. We had to go in the chapel for Praise and Worship then we had a ten minute break. We had things like Praise and Worship, calling gifts, recurrent session, siesta, entertainment, Christianity, sports, recreation etc. On camp we had thirteen islands represented with four hundred and fifty-three persons attending altogether. The theme for camp was “Strategically Positioned”. It was a great experience and lots of fun. By: Anaisa - Resident

Think Think what life can bring, When overwhelmed, sometimes we sing, Think hard before reacting, think.

…there might be a reaction, So, think, don’t send your retraction.

Think when someone wrongs you, Maybe, you, one day wronged someone too. A frown, or a smile. To hit or be mild. Think.

Yes, think, think and think again, Before your action….. cause you too much pain, Think of course before you act, Yes, think before you speak, that’s a real wise fact.

Think what is my next best move, Think, don’t put someone out of groove. Think, to every action,


By Barbara - Staff

B e l A i r C hi l d r e n ’s H o m e , C a l l i s t e , G r e n a n d a , We s t I n d i e s w w w. s p i c ei s l e . c o m / b e l a i r h o m e b e l a i r h o m e @ c a r i b s u r f . c o m Ph o n e 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 1 0 0 ; F a x 1 - ( 4 7 3 ) 4 4 4 - 5 2 2 0


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