Annual Report 2003-2004

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  • Words: 1,579
  • Pages: 6
Annual Report of The Bel Air Home for Children and Adolescents. Grenada, West Indies 2003 - 2004 1. Introduction 1.1 This is the sixth Annual Report of the company and, as in previous years, is being published towards the end of the third quarter of the calendar year. 1.2 The audited accounts for 2003-2004 are an integral part of this report and are appended to this written report. 2. The Company 2.1 There was one change to the membership of the Company during the time covered by this report. Mrs Merle Byer was elected as an Ordinary Member of the Company at the Annual General Meeting in September 2003. There are eight Ordinary Members of the Company. 2.2 The Directors elected at the Annual General Meeting in September 2003 were: President Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Director

Mr A.P.Ross Miss C. Alexis Mrs M.E. Ross Miss L. Taylor Mrs L. E. Grey

3. Staff 3.1 During the period of this report, the staff comprised:-Home Manager, Educational Needs Coordinator (who is also Deputy Manager), Home Co-ordinator, Adolescent Development Programme Workers (3), Educational Needs Assistant (part-time) , Nursery Co¬ordinator, Nursery Workers (7), Cook, Laundress, and Administrative Assistant. Again, there were fewer changes in staffing during the term of this report and we hope that this trend will continue. 3.2 Staff training sessions took place intermittently during the year with a number of them arranged through the Child Welfare Authority. Subjects covered were :- The Standards and Licensing of Child Care Homes, effective parenting, general training for Caregivers in Homes, the working of the Adoption Board, and fire training. 3.3 Mrs Hazel Bierzynski conducted some management training with senior members of staff. 3.4 The Directors are pleased to place on record their appreciation and gratitude to all the staff members who worked at Bel Air during the period of this report. 4. Finance

4.1 The audited accounts for the year July 1 st 2003 to June 30th 2004 are attached to this report. Special thanks are given to Mr. Norman Stalker for undertaking this task yet again on an honorary basis. 4.2 The Directors express gratitude to the Trustees of St George's University for their generous contribution of EC$133,000 per annum paid on a monthly basis towards the running costs of the Home. 4.3 Gratitude is expressed also to the Government of Grenada for continuing the subvention of EC$ 80,000 for the year. 4.4 It will be noted from the audited accounts that the Friends of Bel Air (UK) donated approximately EC$140,000 during the financial year. In the past, the Friends have funded capital projects and the purchase of major pieces of equipment and continued to do so during this year. However, they have now agreed to help on a regular basis with the funding of salaries. A first payment of EC$70,000 was received in June 2004 (see above) and included EC$20,000 towards maintenance costs. This accounts for the large closing balance shown in the balance sheet and statement of receipts and payments included in this report. 4.5 The local community and businesses have again contributed generously by way of goods and services and the Directors are extremely grateful for this continuing support. 4.6 The schemes involving donations received at a significant number of hotels, restaurants, and shops showed an increase in income to just over EC$11 ,500. Thanks are expressed to all those participating in these schemes. 4.7 The Directors are extremely grateful to Will and Ann King who continue to fund the salary of the Educational Needs Co-ordinator and also a nursery worker. 4.8 A significant problem developed during the year involving a failure in the run-off system for grey and rainwater from the Home. Major work was required to correct the situation and this work was carried out at a significantly reduced cost by Creative Design and was funded by Grenlec. The Directors place on record their sincere thanks to these two companies. 4.9 In line with the Directors decision to maintain a reserve fund for contingency purposes, Bel Air has EC$84,800 on deposit with one of the major local firms. 4.10 The Directors are very grateful to Dr. Beverly Nelson, Dr. Kecia Lowe and to Ms. Lisa Taylor for their professional services that were provided free of charge. Mrs Hazel Bierzynski also provided her input free of charge (see para 3.3 above) and receives the Directors gratitude. 5. Residents 5.1 During the year covered by this report, 52 children resided at Bel Air. On 30th June 2004, there were 35 children resident at Bel Air, twenty in the Nursery and fifteen adolescent girls. 5.2 There have been 14 admissions throughout the year and 11 discharges, some of whom have been reunited with their biological families and one that has been fostered.

5.3 The Nursery continues to operate at full capacity. The development of two of our most seriously physically challenged children continued slowly but positively. 5.4 Four children have completed their "pre-school" education at Bel Air and will be commencing at Calliste Government School in September 2004. In addition, a fifth child from the "preschool" will commence at the Grenada School for Special Education. This will make a total of six Bel Air residents at this school and reflects the growing number of children with special needs that have been referred to Bel Air. 5.5 The general atmosphere and standards of discipline in the Home remain good under the management of Ms. Sharon Davis. 6. Achievements 6.1 The building and fitting out of the Craft/Resource Room where the adolescent girls learn various skills such as sewing, hospitality arts and many different crafts has been completed. 6.2 An increasing number of enquiries from overseas have been received from volunteers who wish to travel to Grenada and help at Bel Air at no cost to the Home. Three of these volunteers are trainee social workers from Denmark. 6.3 Special thanks to Mrs. Colleen Taylor who assists in the nursery on a regular basis during her annual three month stay in Grenada. 6.4 Students and Significant Others from St. George's University take the adolescents and the children from the Nursery to the beach in alternating groups. This is appreciated greatly. Many continue on an individual basis to donate gifts to the children. 6.5 Special mention must be made of the effort and hardwork that the children put in last summer for the Exhibition and Day 01 Appreciation held for our many donors. 7. Problems 7.1 The problems of inadequate background information or admissions to the Home and the mechanisms to support moving children on from institutional care continue but have shown signs of decreasing during the past year. 7.2 Operational dealings with The Child Welfare Authority have continued to improve during the last year. 8. Plans for the Future 8.1 The activity area for the adolescents in the back garden of the Home remains to be completed. The proposed work had to be deferred while the drainage problems were addressed (see para 4.7) but the SSU of the Royal Grenada Police Force has given a commitment to help with this project. The Directors also wish to acknowledge the valuable support given by the SSU in assisting with transporting sick children to the General Hospital and helping to maintain the grounds of the Home.

AUDIT CERTIFICATE --------------I have examined the attached Statement of Receipts and Payments for the period from 1st July 2003 to 30th June 2004 and the Balance Sheet as at 30th June 2004 I have obtained all the information and explanations that I have required and I certify that, as a result of my audit, in my opinion the attached Statement of Receipts and Payments and Balance Sheet represent a true and fair view of the financial affairs of The Bel Air Home for Children and Adolescents Inc. Date 19th November, 2004 N .B.Stalker, Honorary Auditor THE BEL AIR HOME FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS INC. STATEMENT OF RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS FOR THE PERIOD FROM 1st JULY 2003 TO 30th JUNE 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------RECEIPTS Opening balance (cash) St George's University Government of Grenada Friends of Bel Air UK Business Donations General Donations Bank Interest

$ 19,173.75 $133,619.76 $ 80,000.00 $ 141,072.97 $ 28,111.98 $ 30,917.75 $ 701.84

PAYMENTS Salaries (including NIS) Staff training Fittings, furniture & equip. Utilities Food & household Petty Cash Maintenance School uniforms, books Building and contents insurance Vehicle insurance & upkeep Medication Stationery Transport

$218,270.30 $ 495.00 $ 9,436.25 $ 29,999.71 $ 29,637.37 $ 7,100.00 $ 18,005.29 $ 4,689.81 $ 6,985.80 $ 5,792.17 $ 5,579.97 $ 1,692.55 $ 4,674.00

Bank charges Miscellaneous Property development Hire & maintenance of equipment Disposable nappies Closing balance

$ 113.64 $ 737.12 $ 2,550.00 $ 5,455.80 $ 6,406.06 $ 75,977.21


BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30th JUNE 2004 LIABILITIES Accumulated Fund Surplus of receipts over payments ASSETS Fixed Assets Fittings, furniture and equipment (less depreciation) Land and Building (at cost) Current Assets Cash at Bank Cash on 6 months deposit


$ 135,584.44 $1,217,035.36 $1,352,619.80 $ 75,977.21 $ 84,872.00 $ 160,849.21 $1,513,469.01

NOTES: 1. Fittings, furniture and equipment - depreciation has been calculated at 20% of the asset value at 30th June 2004 Additions are included at cost. 2. Not reflected in the above are donations in kind of goods and labour to an approximate value of $39,500.00. 3. Not reflected in the above is drainage work carried out at a cost of $16,000 which was paid by Grenlec directly to the contractor. Approved

C. Alexis M. Ross

Date: 16th November, 2004.

Director Director

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