Annex 4 Draft Of Tors

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 937
  • Pages: 4
(Annex 4)

DRAFT Revised based on the meeting on 11th Aug, 2003 •

SMASSE INSET Malawi Programme Ministry of Education, Science and Technology in Malawi 1. Background • Malawi has experienced some major changes in education over the past eight years. Many of these changes were triggered by the introduction of Free Primary Education in 1994, as a result of which primary school enrolments rose dramatically. Expansion of the primary sub-sector has in turn put pressure on the secondary sub-sector as well. • In order to deal with the expansion of the demand for secondary education, the Government of Malawi (GOM) authorised the conversion of Distance Education Centres (DECs) as a formal institution for delivering secondary education in the name of Community Day Secondary School (CDSS) in 1998. • This policy change on secondary education has brought about a rapid expansion of the enrolment that rose from 70,000 in 1997 into 240,000 in 1999. • Several harmful effects have been observed for this phenomenon in a shortterm, out of which the shortage of qualified teachers is devastating. About 67% of total enrolments in secondary education is accommodated in CDSS, however, most of the teachers at CDSS are under qualified. The educational statistics reveal that about 68% of teachers at secondary level out of 4,300 in total is under qualified as they has only certificates for primary education. • With the recognition of the situation above, the Policy & Investment Framework (PIF), education’s response to GOM priority policy of poverty reduction and addresses the national educational goals as spelt out in Vision 2020 and the MPRSP, understands that the strong secondary school system is an important link between primary and higher levels of education. • Moreover, in MPRSP and PIF, GOM declares the importance of upgrading secondary schools’ human physical resources to minimum operational standards through such as a decentralization of administrative management of secondary education, collaborative financing system to achieve cost-effective

(Annex 4)

DRAFT Revised based on the meeting on 11th Aug, 2003 use of available resources, and continuous upgrading system for unqualified teachers. • We have recognised the need to put in place effective mechanisms to ensure prudent use of resources and increase the level of resources for secondary teacher training through mobilisation of government and resources from development partners as well as cost-sharing with the Teacher Training Colleges (TTC) trainees and serving teachers at secondary schools. 2. Overall Goal, The overall goal of the programme is to upgrade and improve the performance of secondary education, especially in mathematics and science. The purposes of the programme are to strengthen the quality of secondary education, focusing on mathematics and science through IN-Service Education and Training (INSET) for serving teachers. 3. Outputs The expected outputs through the programme are to; • refine teaching and learning attitude based on the PDSI (Plan, Do, See, Improve) and ASEI (Activity, Student-centred, Experiment and Improvisation); • design the curriculum for INSET; • develop teaching and learning instruments; • establish a training system for the district trainers in pilot districts at Domasi College of Education; • establish a sustainable INSET system (Planning, Implementation, Management, Monitoring, Evaluation, Feedback (PIMMEF cycle), especially, in mathematics and science at secondary education in the pilot districts; • strengthen the cluster system for teacher training.

(Annex 4)

DRAFT Revised based on the meeting on 11th Aug, 2003 4. Committees, Team Members and Terms of Reference (TOR) The Ministry of Education, Science and technology needs to establish the In-Service Steering Committee and a technical Committee to effectively and efficiently carry out the In-Service training. A) The Steering Committee a) Team Members The Steering Committees roles are to direct, determine, Coordinate, monitor and approve programmes and activities made by the technical committee. The membership of the Steering Committee shall be as follows. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

SEST DTED DEMAS Director of Planning Director of Secondary Director of Basic Director of Science and Technology Chairperson of TSC CHRMD Director of Finance and Administration Principal of DCE Director of MIE University of Malawi Mzuzu University


Chairperson Secretary Member “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “

b) Terms of Reference The In-Service Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST) shall: 1. decide on the policy, overall framework and expected each role among the stakeholders; 2. monitor the INSET Programme; 3. approve Work Plans and budgets made by the Technical Committee; 4. receive Progress Reports from the Technical Committee; 5. meet quarterly or when necessary for extraordinary meeting.

(Annex 4)

DRAFT Revised based on the meeting on 11th Aug, 2003 B) The Technical Committee a) Team Members The technical Committee is to develop, implement, facilitate and monitor programmes and activities of SMASSE insert. The membership of the technical committee to be as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

DTED EMAS DCE Planning Secondary Basic MIE (DSTD) Head of Department of Science and 8. Mathematics (Blantyre) 9. South East Division 10. Faculty of Education, Chancellor College


Chairperson Secretary Member “ “ “ “ “ “ “

b) Terms of Reference The Technical Committee of SMASSE In-Service shall: 1. prepare and implement Needs Assessment when necessary; 2. develop/refine the teaching and learning methods; 3. design the curriculum for INSET; 4. coordinate the implementation of INSET Programme during every school holidays; 5. monitor and evaluate the implementation of INSET Programme; 6. initiate the implementation of budgets; 7. prepare and present periodic reports to the Steering Committee quarterly or as necessary; 8. meet quarterly or as necessary; 9. disseminate good practices to teachers, inspectors, lecturers and pupils.

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