Andrew Gee Pastoral Counselor

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Vol. XXXIV • No. 5 • March 6, 2009

“Among Friends” There we were last Sunday afternoon—radio on, Starbucks café mocha in hand, watching big, lazy snowflakes blanket the ground as we headed north on I-85. Tim and I had been planning for weeks to drive to Montreat, NC, on March 1st so that I could make some headway on my doctoral project. We left Atlanta at 4:00, eager to be on the road. At 4:30 we rounded a curve on the freeway and saw ahead of us what every motorist dreads: a river of brake lights. “Must be a fender bender,” said Tim as he slowed to a stop. After about 45 minutes, when we’d moved only 500 feet or so, it occurred to us to dial 511 for a traffic update. We were advised that trees and power lines had fallen on the road ahead and to “avoid I-85 at all costs”. Thanks. For the next four hours we passed the time munching on Girl Scout cookies, watching Clemson students pelt each other with snowballs, fishing for songs on the iPod, and talking about conversations we’d had at church that morning. Every now and then a fire truck would make its way past us on the shoulder of the road. By 8:30—after four hours—we had progressed only about six miles. We finally cried uncle in Commerce and rented a room for the night. I am happy to report that by 10:00 Monday morning we were back on the road, arriving in Montreat by mid-afternoon. Our adventure last Sunday reminds me of what we are experiencing these days throughout our country. As difficult economic news continues to ripple out in all directions, we see a lot of brake lights on the highway. Our nation, which for so long appeared to be cruising at about 70 mph, now seems to be stuck somewhere in the middle of Spaghetti Junction. Government rescue vehicles keep passing us on the shoulder but we aren’t quite sure where they’re going or if they’ll get there in time. So we pass the time doing all that we know to do. We take stock. Simplify. Pare down. Re-think some of our plans. And we do our part to help get the traffic moving again. The community of Christ isn’t immune from global gridlock. We operate in the same world as the Dow and Fannie and Freddie and A.I.G. and stimulus packages and bailouts. At First Baptist Decatur we are feeling the economic ripples the same as everybody else. And so we’re doing what we know to do—we’re taking stock. Paring down. Re-thinking some of our plans. But we know a happy secret, don’t we? We know that we also live in a world where manna falls from heaven, and a starving woman’s flour and oil don’t run out, and a couple of loaves and fishes are enough for the town, and a widow’s mite is a fortune, and a tomb lies embarrassingly empty—thanks be to God! So as I sit here with you, idling for a while in this bumper-tobumper traffic, there’s a song on the radio that I want to recommend; maybe you’ve heard it:

This is my Father’s world. O let me ne’er forget that though the wrong seems oft so strong, God is the ruler yet. Blessings,

Sunday, March 29 11:15 am FBC Sanctuary On ING Marathon Sunday we will have ONE WORSHIP SERVICE @ 11:15, led by the Fresh Start and 11:00 worship leaders, followed by a COVERED DISH luncheon (info below). Sunday School will NOT meet on this day.

Covered Dish Luncheon INFO We will have an old fashioned covered after worship, and the church will provide paper products and drinks for the potluck. Everyone is encouraged to bring at least two dishes to share at the potluck, and we are encouraging everyone to bring at least one protein type main dish and one other type of dish like a vegetable, salad, or dessert. Please bring your dishes to the Fellowship Hall before worship starts. If you are interested in helping setup or cleanup for the lunch please let Kurt Varney know. ([email protected] or 404/219-3920)

Congregational Life “Guest” Preachers—March 8 & 15 Two of our pastors will lead us in worship while Pastor Julie is away on a two-week doctoral study leave. On March 8th Kurt Varney brings the second message in our Lenten Series: Turning Points: A Tenacious Mother. Sharyn Dowd follows on March 15th with Turning Points: A Religious Man. Pray for Kurt and Sharyn as they prepare. Allan Gilmer to Speak to WOM On Tuesday morning, March 10, at 11:00, Dr. Allan Gilmer will speak to the Women on Mission about his work in the Philippines through Philippine Mission and Mustard Seed Ministries. These ministries provide evangelism, healthcare, and discipleship to the impoverished millions near Manila. Dr. Gilmer is Alice Long’s great-nephew. March 15th King Tut Tickets Available Unfortunately, our first trip to King Tut was cancelled due to snow but we are still planning on going to the exhibit on March 15th. Tickets will be for the 2:30 exhibit time so those going will meet at the church to leave at 2 or meet at the Civic Center at 2:15. If you were signed up for the 1st we will NOT automatically put you down for the 15th. Please confirm with Amy in the office if you would like to attend on the 15th and whether or not you will need transportation. Congregational Meeting— Meeting—March 18 Our next congregational meeting is Wednesday, March 18 at 5:45. In this meeting a presentation will be made that spells out our options regarding our chillers that are beyond repair and must be replaced: 1) Do nothing, try to pry open windows and bring back the “funeral home fans”; or 2) Move forward with this project and challenge the congregation to fund it now in order to avoid borrowing money or, if we must borrow, to borrow as little as possible. It will be a congregational decision. Struggling with life???? The Verdery Counseling Center of FBCD in conjunction with the Care & Counseling Center of Georgia have Trained & Licensed psychologists and pastoral counselors that are available for appointments NOW. The center is located in the Activities Level of the Education building, room A-101 . Our Center director, Dr. Lynyetta Willis and Pastoral Counselor, Andrew Gee are the two counselors in our Center.

Yard Sale Collections Our collections for our annual youth yard sale are a looking a little slim at this point and we are worried about the effects that the economic downturn may have on the sale this year. Please help us have another strong yard sale by donating your unwanted and unneeded items to the sale, and to pass the word on to family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers. We will take just about anything for the sale from automobiles and boats to dishes and sporting goods. We are available to make pickups and to help clean out attics, basements, and storage areas. We are looking forward to a banner year of ministry this year and need your help to make it all happen. To talk with Kurt about donating items to the sale or about volunteering your time to help prepare please email or call Kurt at [email protected] or 404-373-1653. Clothing Room Needs • Boy’s jeans/pants; size 6 & up. • Men’s jeans/workpants; 30, 32, 34 & 36. • New men’s briefs. Help us communicate better! We are in the process of updating our church records and would like to collect as many email addresses as we can possibly collect. If you are a church member, Sunday school member, regular attender, or just enjoy being on our mailing list please get us your current email address. This is the quickest and most cost effective way we can communicate as a church. You can get your email address to Holly Upchurch in the church office with a phone call, note or email ([email protected] or 404-373-1653) Your Church Library is 70 this month! Because some of the Church members and leaders thought it was important in 1939, the Allen Memorial Library was started in March of that year. Our Media Center has grown a lot since then through donations, regular funding for books and A/V materials, and memorial/honor books. We have Bible commentaries and periodicals for adults, 2009 award-winning books for pre-K-and-up children, recent bestselling fiction for adults, and audiovisual choices for everybody. Celebrate your heritage—check out YOUR Media Center!

Go...Be...Do! Missions Corner March is our month to collect canned goods, cereal, and peanut butter for Decatur Emergency Assistance Ministry. The need is great so please be generous!

Prayer Concerns as of March 4, 2009 In the Hospital: •James Williamson, father of Bob Williamson Sympathy To: •Christina Conrardy on the death of her father. •John and Barbara Webb on the death of Barbara’s sister Boneta Ledford.

Weekend Emergency Pastoral Care—Pastor On Call March 6-8...................Kurt Varney March 13-15...............Ryan Forbes Call 404-373-1653 opt. 8 for the Pastor On Call

Tithes & Offerings A Generous People 2009 Ministry Action Plan Weekly Need:.......................$ 29,126 Received on Feb. 22.............$ 22,177 Received on March 1 ...........$ 20,900 YTD Budget:......................$ 262,135 YTD Received: ..................$ 186,600 YTD Spending Deficit (Jan. 30) .......................................... ($ 10,277) “Years of Opportunity 2007-09” Campaign Given to Date .....................$ 370,096 Bank Loan Balance ............$ 212,395 Owed to FBC Foundation ..$ 180,000 Missions Offering YTD........$ 4,936

Wednesday Dinner Menus March 11 Pick one of the following menus: Blue Plate Menu Fried Pork Chops, Macaroni and Cheese, Chopped Collards, Salad Bar, Yeast Rolls, Peach Cobbler “Lighter Side” Menu Broccoli and Cheese Soup, Baked Potato/ Salad Bar, Grilled Pork Chops, Pepperoni Pizza, Lite Yogurt March 18 Pick one of the following menus: Blue Plate Menu Fried Chicken Strips, Potato Soup, Green Beans, Salad Bar, Yeast Rolls, Apple Pie “Lighter Side” Menu Tomato Soup, Baked Potato/ Salad Bar, Chicken Salad, The “Works” Pizza, Jello

Youth Sp•t

Kid’s Zone

It is almost time for two really great youth events…

Children at FBC Decatur Summer 2009—Mark your calendars

The first one is March Mission Madness in Newnan Georgia over the weekend of March 20th through the 22nd. We will be leaving the church around 6:00 PM on Friday evening and returning on Sunday afternoon. The weekend will be filled with some really good stuff like good friends, new people, community service work, worship, food, and a couple nights away from home. The cost for the weekend is only $50.00 per person. If you are planning on going please let Brandon Tubbs or Kurt Varney know so you can get your name on the list. The second great event is our annual youth spring break retreat on St. George Island for youth in grades 8 through 12. This year our accommodations are beach front and include a private pool right off the beach. We will head out of town after worship on Sunday, April 5th and return in the early evening on Saturday, April 11th. This is always a highlight of the school year as we get away from the daily routine of life and take some time to play and reflect. The cost for the week is only $300.00 per person and the spots always fill up fast. So get your name on the list today. As always --- friends are welcome.

The Outlook, a publication of the First Baptist Church of Decatur, Georgia, is mailed to members and friends of the First Baptist family. Main Office......................................404-373-1653 Finance.............................................404-370-7694 First School ......................................404-370-7688 Activities ..........................................404-373-2442 FAX ..................................................404-370-7692 Debbie Britt .....................................404-373-1653 Sharyn Dowd....................................404-373-1653 Ryan Forbes.....................................404-370-7690 Julie Pennington-Russell.................404-370-7684 Kurt Varney......................................404-373-1653 Bob Williamson ...............................404-370-7687 Computer Connections: Website— E-Mail—[email protected]

The Outlook, USPS 600-320, is published bi-weekly, except Christmas week, by First Baptist Church Decatur, GA Postmaster: Please send address changes to First Baptist Church, 308 Clairemont Avenue, Decatur, GA 30030

May 31-June6 Crocodile Dock: Where fearless kids shine God’s light. (Jekyll Island beach retreat) Completed 2nd grade-5th grade Cost $295.00

July 6-10 Camp E D G E: Experience + Discover God everywhere. (Dogwood Lodge, Chattanooga) Completed 2nd grade-5th grade Cost $225.00

July 20-24 Vacation Bible School Paul and the Underground Church Children 6 wks-5th grade

Extended Session Volunteers Fresh Start March 8 March 15 Anand Mwangura Palmer Herndon Sanctuary March 8 March 15 Milton Dalton Visser Smith

March 22 Mullins Fisher

March 29 Verdery Class

March 22 Morris Madden

March 29 Verdery Class

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