An Ideology That Kills!! 26/11,mumbai Jehadi Terrorist Attacks

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An Ideology that Kills!! 26/11 – One more bloody page in Islam’s 1200 year old history of Jihad against Hindustan – Will this ideology finally lead to extinction of Hindus?


A VHP SAMPARK VIBHAG PUBLICATION (For Private Circulation only)

Our Website Vishwa Hindu Parishad Sampark Vibhag Website Inaugurated on December 21, 2008, by VHP International President Shri Ashokji Singhal


ver the last 1200 years Hindus and their holy land Hindustan have been the target of the most beastly attacks by forces inimical to their very existence. No race in the world, excepting the Jews perhaps, have had to withstand savage attacks from the West, jehadi forces and forces out to baptize, convert and rule over us. Over the years, almost 30 percent of the Hindu race has been converted, mainly to Islam and in smaller numbers to Christianity. The country that stretched from Kandahar in the West to Indonesia in the East has been reduced to just 40 percent of its original size. And the converts to an alien religion have become its enemies, wishing and planning our destruction, sending jehadis across the borders, waging a war against us. And now, the information revolution has put a major weapon in the hands of the anti Hindu forces. A major information war is being waged in to us. Thousands of crores of foreign money is pumped to wage this war. To counter this, the Samark Vibhag of Vishwa HIndu Parishad has launched a website www' to counter the lies, the calumny, the hatred and the false motivated propaganda against HIndus and Hindutva organizations, to give the average HIndu acorrect picture of things as they are. Kindly access the website. and recommend the same to your friends and contacts.

Introduction Over the last 1200 years and more, more Hindus than any other race have been butchered by the Jehadi barbarians in the name of the ideology of Islamic jihad. But unfortunately, unlike the Jews, the Hindus don’t have a strong racial memory of the carnage inflicted on them right from the day Md. Bin Quasim invaded Sindh in 712 AD. Crores of Hindus fell victim to the blood lust of the jehadi marauders, crores of women were raped, abducted and sold in the slave markets of Arabia, crores were forcibly converted to Islam, thousands of Hindu shrines including the ones at Ayodhya, Kashi, Mathura and Varanasi were destroyed and replaced with mosques, Hindu lands were usurped, Hindu wealth was looted and carted away in elephant loads, Hindu places of learning like Nalanda were burnt down and for over one thousand years, Hindus were placed under bondage.

Nalanda University destroyed by the barbarians 

Finally, in 1947, the Muslims carved out of Hindustan, an Islamic country comprising the regions where they were in a majority and called it Pakistan. Hindus, who were unfortunate to find themselves caught on the other side of the border, were mercilessly butchered, their women raped, their properties usurped, and even tiny infants were not spared. Accounts of the period recall that infants used to be tossed in the air and caught on the tips of spears killing them instantly. Very few lucky Hindus escaped the Islamic carnage, hurt, demoralized and pauperized, and made their way to a new home and a new life in India. Thanks to the anglicized and Islamized Congress leadership of the time, while almost all the Hindus were driven out of Pakistan, a majority of undivided India’s Muslims, remained in India. Instead of calling India a Hindu republic, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, and Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru, decided to make India a secular democratic republic, giving way to all the problems that we have been beset with since. While secular civil laws, even in personal matters were enforced on the Hindus and most of their shrines were put under government control, , the Muslims were allowed special privileges like retaining their personal laws pertaining to marriage, subsidies for Haj and freedom to retain their mosques and the huge properties attached thereto, their madrassas and their dargahs.

A riot scene .A common occurrence even after Muslims got their Pakistan 

Islamic ideology is based on a concept of Islamic brotherhood. Geographical frontiers matter not. It is the umma on the one side and the kaffirs and the dhimmis on the other.

The ultimate aim is to establish dar ul islam in the world, governed by Islamic laws. And partition did not divide the Muslim umma. They continue to be united by the Islamic ideology and all that it stands for. In fact India has the second largest number of practitioners of the ideology with all its ramifications. All incidents of communal violence, terrorism in Kashmir and the exodus of Hindu pandits from there, terror strikes across India, forcible conversions and the abduction of Hindu women, the violence against Amarnath pilgrims --- everything has its roots in this ideology. And fuelling this ideology has been the irresponsible, anti Hindu vote bank Muslim appeasement politics that successive Congress governments and their allies have been playing, the mercenary hacks and intellectuals who parade as secularists, the Communists and their fellow travelers, the various so called human rights bodies and bigoted historians.

Somnath to Mumbai 26/11 Somnath, 782 AD: : “Sultan Mahmood’s soldiers broke open the gate of the temple and forcibly entered inside. Hundreds of priests were wailing aloud and praying to God to save the temple. They were cut down in front of the main idol. The Shivalinga, which was covered with gold and jewels was broken into pieces. As soon as word of the temple’s destruction spread in the town, the Hindu families, men and their wives, along with whatever belongings they could muster, tried to flee, but were mercilessly killed by Mahmood’s soldiers emerging from the destroyed temple. This slaughter left the entire town of Somnath totally desolate. Thus wrote Ibn Assan, about Mohammad Ghazni’s slaughter in which over 50,000 Hindus were slaughtered by Ghazni’s barbaric jehadis in one single day in the year 712 AD. 

Mumbai, November 26, 2008 : Just like their wild Jehadi forebears from the barren deserts of Arabia,. ten heavily armed Jehadi barbarians from Pakistan with the blood lust of jehad in their eyes, their AK 47s blazing, the grenades hurled by them exploding , descended on Mumbai in the early hours of the evening of November the 26th spraying death and destruction in their wake,

The new Somnath temple that rose from the ruins of the one destroyed by Mohammad Ghazni

holding huge numbers of Hindus and foreign guests as hostage and killing hundreds, injuring hundreds more. But they had not reckoned with the raw courage of Mumbai’s Hindu police force who took them heads on. Reacting almost instantly, the poorly armed but brave policemen overcame the initial surprise and to a large extent stymied what would have been a massive massacre on a scale that would have had no precedent.

Roots of terror in jehadi ideology 26/XI, Mumbai’s 93 blasts, Akshardham, Parliament House Attack, Delhi, Jaipur, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Varanasi, Guwahati and the Islamic butchery of lakhs of Hindus over the last millennium 

and more, has its roots in the ideology of Jehad. The Holy Quaran contains Allah’s injunction to either convert all infidels into Muslims or kill them if they do not comply. If a few do manage to survive, they should be allowed to live only after the payment of a tax called jaziyaa. Allah’s Female Victim of the recent instructions to humiliate Delhi jehadi bombing crush and emasculate non-Muslim infidels is quite clear and uncompromising. The 12th aayat in Sura 3 of para 9 contains an order from Allah to Muslims which goes thus : I shall strike terror into the hearts of the kaafirs (non believers) and you (allah’s faithful), shall then behead them and crush every bone and joint of theirs.(Translation from The Qar’an Majeed by Hazrat Maulana Abdul Karim Parikh Sahib).

The BAD ( Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Delhi) happened – But the worst was to come – And it was 26/XI BAD happened, Bangalore, Ahmedabad and Delhi were bombed in quick succession. India’s pseudo secular government woke up from its hibernation. And reacted just like a flock of a myriad slumbering birds when disturbed from their evening perch on a tree by a stone thrown by an urchin.

And the usual impotent Congress Government reaction As usual there was condemnation. Sonia’s hand picked loyalist and Home Minister Shivaraj Patil posed for TV cameras at various venues, each time in a new dress, each time with fresh make 

up, made the right noises. Super Sonia loyalist Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, was at his most inaudible eloquent best, saying terrorism will not be tolerated, that terrorism has no religion, and that terrorists will not be spared.

Media’s methodic pro minority madness – identifies roots of terror as Muslim marginalization, not jehadi ideology The Rajdeeps and the Barkhas, the Srinivasan Jains and the Goswamis, the sickular Times and the Hindu, scrambled a gaggle of the usual Delhi “faces”, viz. human rights activists, political analysts, .defence and anti terrorism experts, retired military men, pseudo secular intellectuals, and flooded the airwaves and the print media with an unending diarrhea of words and more words. The refrain was the same. Terror has no religion. Terrorists are enemies of humanity. The major provocation for terror was the HIndutva ideology, Godhra incidents, the Babri demolition; the so called injustice meted out to the Muslims over the Amarnath issue, the “marginalization” of Muslims, the economic deprivation suffered by them, et al. In other words, blame for the terror strikes was placed squarely at the door of the country’s majority Hindus. And the hopelessly outnumbered Hindutva representatives on the TV discussion panels and in the print media were hopelessly outnumbered and silenced. If the other participants could not silence them, the media anchors ensured that they were silenced. Their attempts to drive home that it was the Jehadi ideology that was the root cause of terror was drowned in the cacophony of the pseudo secularists.

Amar and Arjun’s , Mulla Mulayam and Laloo’s Vote Lust, UPA Government’s incompetence make country more dangerous than Iraq Not to be outdone, vote bank hungry politicians of various shades from the Reds to the Laloos and Mulayalms to the Amar Singhs 

and Arjun Singhs found the troubled waters ideal to cast their net for Muslim votes. Not only did they express their skepticism about the existence the Indian jehadi terror modules that had carried out the blast, but they also came out openly in defence of the jehadis of Delhi’s Batla House encounter, and went to the extent of implying that the encounter there was fake. So eager were they to please their Islamic constituents that they even questioned the death of Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma attributing it to a fake encounter. The Minority Messiah Arjun Singh even backed Jamia Milia Vice Chancellor’s move to provide legal aid to the jehadis captured in connection with the Delhi bombings.

Rising Public Anger Amidst growing sense of insecurity, public anger was rising. No place in the country was safe. The country, with one voice, was demanding an answer from the Sonia Gandhi piloted UPA government. But as usual, the incompetent men at the helm, all of them Sonia acolytes, were humming and hawing that sent out strong indications of their collective impotence in dealing with jehadi terrorism. Angry Mumbai citizens took to the streets

With elections looming large and the very existence of their vote bank at stake, the Congress and its other constituents were at their wit’s end. They had to save their government. They had also to prevent their Muslim vote bank slipping out of their hands. “The nation be damned, Survival is paramount” seemed to be their mantra.

UPA Govt. coins new term “Saffron Terror” When Pakistan’s dictators find the going tough, they resort to raising the old bogey of danger to their citizens from Hindu India 

to divert the attention of the masses from the real issues. “Islam in danger” scream headlines in Pak newspapers. Taking a leaf out the book of their Pakistani counterparts, what better way to divert public attention than draw a red herring by inventing something called “Saffron Terror”. Congress spokespersons and the spokespersons of their allies, the likes of Mulayam and Laloo, Amar and Arjun, Alva and Abhishek, Jayanati and Moily, and the mercenary pseudo sickular intellectual lackeys in their service took up the refrain and made it a major issue. The ever obliging media lackeys took up the cry and for almost over two months, they were screaming hoarse at the so called “saffron terror”. The servile bureaucracy and the police made a beeline for their cobweb ridden dead file rooms and came up with “dossiers” pertaining to the alleged Malegaon blasts. They imprisoned a holy Sadhvi, arrested a patriotic highly decorated army colonel, detained several other patriotic Hindus and lost no time in giving monstrous proportions to the so called saffron terror.

Crude Attempt by UPA Government to Divert attention : Crucifying Holy Hindu Sadhvi, patriotic army officer at the altar of Muslim votes

Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur

Cornel Purohit, Malegaon 

In a bid to please their political masters, the police went out of the way to extract confessions from the arrested persons. Flouting every legal norm and civilized behavior, the then Maharashtra CM Deshmukh’s cops perpetrated the worst form of barbarity on the defenceless sadhvi. As claimed by Sadhvi Pragya they illegally detained her, beat her up, questioned her chastity, played to her obscene tapes got her admitted to hospital, and did not even ensure the presence of a female constable when she was being interrogated or when she was in hospital. The attention of the entire nation stood riveted to the train of lies, half truths and blasphemy chugging across the national landscape. Attention was totally diverted from the jehadi terror of a few days back. The police, too, single-mindedly were made to engage in the vilification of Hindus, HIndutva organizations, Hindu saints and patriotic Hindu army officers, both serving and retired.

Sonia Piloted Manmohan Singh Government’s diversionary tactics With the focus of the entire nation, the government, the police and the media firmly fixed on this vilification campaign of Hindu saints, patriotic soldiers and patriotic Hindu organizations, what better benign situation could the Islamic jehadis from across the border Sonia Gandhi with wish for, to once again unleash the Prime Minister dogs of death and destruction on this holy land in furtherance of their 1200 year old ideology of death, defilement and destruction?

Twenty Six Eleven It was a balmy November evening. Mumbaikars after a hectic day at work were relaxing at their favourite watering holes. This being 

the Hindu season of marriages, immaculately turned up guests were attending marriage functions at the Taj and the Oberoi. Hundreds of foreign tourists were in these hotels to savour the flavour of exotic, incredibe India. All of a sudden, around 9:30 pm, the terrorists struck ! They attacked diners at a South Mumbai restaurant, targeting the foreigners dining there. Soon Mumbai’s central bub, the CST railway station came within their sights. Simultaneously, the Islamic jehadis struck at the Taj and the Oberoi. Armed with sophisticated AK47s and hand grenades, they jehadis caused mayhem at these places. Each venue witnessed the death of hundreds. The jehadis held hundreds captive at the hotels.. They moved into the Jewish centre at Chabad Mumbai’s brave but poorly armed House and took the inmates police put up a gallant fight hostage. Early reports on TV channels headlined “Breaking News” attributed the shooting to a gang war but soon the horrific reality of the shootings emerged. Starting from a Colaba Café, the shooting spread like wild fire to the Taj Mahal Hotel, the Oberoi, CST Station, Chabad House and the Cama Hospital. Caught absolutely off guard, the poorly equipped Mumbai police reacted fast and reacted furiously. They check-mated the terrorists at CST and spread out to the spots where the terrorists had struck. It was only hours after, that the reality of the situation dawned on the police and the slumbering government. It was not just an ordinary terrorist attack, but a war on this country. A war that sought to undermine the country’s morale by attacking and destroying its commercial and cultural capital and spread panic throughout India. 10

The first few hours of the invasion claimed the lives of brave and illustrious police officers like ATS Chief Hemant Karkare, encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar and Additional CP Kamte A war it was. Out foxed, out gunned, the brave police were at their wit’s end. Their antiquated world war I .303 rifles were no match for the array of deadly arms carried by the terrorists. The bullet proof jackets, the few that were available, were not up to the mark and were no match for the deadly bullets being rained from the terrorist’s guns. A battered and shaken foreign coupleehadi attack

In the mean time, fanning out in pairs, the terrorists had the Taj, the Oberoi and the Chabad House in their grip. Unable to make a dent on the CST Station, two terrorists killed Karkare, Salaskar and Kamte hijacked their Qualis, and ran amock through the city spraying death until their march of death ended at Chowpatty where the brave cops stopped them, killing one and arresting the other. Pandemonium and panic had the city in its grip. Johnny Joseph the Maharashtra government’s Chief Secretary gathered his wits to call up the Indian Navy to help. The Navy responded by rushing its crack commando squad, the MARCOS who succeeded in checkmating the terrorists to some extent. Meantime,

The three Hindu heroes who checkmated the Islamic jehadis from, Pakistan, but paid with their lives 11

Joseph phoned New Delhi for NSG commandos. His request was acceded to but the commandos arrived many, many hours later. The brave Mumbai police held the fort until then.

Scene of jehadi carnage at CST Railway Station

TV Channels a third eye for terrorists to get real time information ?

Adding to the over all panic was the battery of TV channels who had parked themselves at vantage points at all the terror locations. The reporters were going berserk, screaming hysterically into the microphones leading to a situation of near panic all over the city. While the country was facing a war, the tv channels were waging another war, viz. the TRP War, a war to woo the maximum, number of viewers. As the siege progressed, the TV reporting became more shrill, hysterical and absolutely careless. The TVs were carrying out a no holds barred coverage, giving out every single move of the commandos. They were, wittingly or unwittingly, feeding the terrorists holed up at the various places and their “controllers” in Pakistan, minute by minute real time updates about the situation and thereby aiding them in countering our security forces. What more help can the enemy receive than this irresponsible coverage by the tv channels of the encounters.!!

Were Did the Terrorists come from ? It’s a long story. It began in the badlands of Pakistan, Masterminded, planned and executed by the notorious ISI and the Lashkar e Toiba, a Pakistani terror outfit that has been responsible for several terror attacks in India, the entire operation could beat even the most meticulously written war thriller 12

Planning for the strike began many months ago. Recruits for the operation were hand picked from various parts of Pakistan, mostly Punjab. They were given all round training in Murdike, the viper pit of terrorists in Pakistan for over several months, Ten hand picked terrorists were smuggled Picture of trawler in which into Mumbai through the sea terrorists came to Mumbai route. Their journey started in Karachi where they boarded a ship Al Hussaini. They later on switched over to a hijacked Indian fishing vessel off the Gujarat Coast and finally made shore at Cuffe Parade in Mumbai traveling in rubber dinghies. Abandoning the dinghies they fanned out to various targets in the city in pairs and caused may hem that we all know about.

Citizens Butchered, City Raped, but Congress politicians vanished ! Only to reappear later with pompous statements

Bumbling State Home Minister R.R. Patil

State CM Vilasrao Deshmukh who undertook disaster tourism of Taj with Ram Gopal Varma 13

One wonders what happened to all the Congress politicians during the 60 hour siege of Mumbai by the terrorists. The administration was totally paralysed. Who was in charge of the city during those fateful hours? The DGP was cooped in his cabin till 1:40 AM on the fateful day. New York on 9/11 had Mayor Rudy Guiliani standing on Ground Zero guiding and encouraging his men. By the same token, the CM, or the Home Minister or even the Mayor were conspicuous by their absence. They left the city orphaned. The statements coming out of their offices were misleading, irresponsible and to say the least, absolutely discouraging. It was much , much after the terrorists had been killed that CM Vilasrao Deshmukh, with film producer Ram Gopal Varma in tow, undertook , what is called a “disaster tour” of the Taj. Where was he till then? As for the Central government, the less said the better. Sonia acolyte, Home Minister Shivraj Patil was at his sartorial best but horribly ill informed, when he addressed the press in the wee hours of the following morning. He did not inspire, much less impress.

The Battle is won, but the War is Still on ! Because it is jehad against Hindus !! Thanks to the effort of the NSG commandos aided by the Mumbai police, of the ten terrorists who entered Mumbai, nine were killed and one, Amir Kasab, a Pakistani national from Faridikot near Lahore in Pakistan was arrested. His revelations are indeed shocking. But the war is still on! For the jihadi terrorists, it is a war against the kaffir Hindus that has been going on for the last 1200 years and more. As said earlier, Hindus have paid a very heavy price. A heavy price in terms of life, the honour of their women, their assets and properties. Why even the Hindu nation that extended from the steppes of Central Asia to the far shores of Indonesia has been decimated to almost one third of what it was. Hindu Punjab, 14

Sindh, Baluchistan and Bangladesh were torn apart and usurped by Pakistan. But the blood lust and the lust for Hindu lands and property of the barbaric jehadis has not yet been satiated. One Pakistan general said, “hanste hanste liya Pakistan, ladte ladte lengey Hindustan. Zulifquar Ali Bhutto, father in law of the present Pakistan President Zardari once declared a thousand year war on India. All this is owed to the ideology of Islam that does not recognize that kaffirs have a right to exist. Get converted or get killed seems to be the jehadi motto. But do our pseudo secular Congress politicians and their likes such as Laloo and Mulayam (Mullah) Yedav understand this? Blinded by their vote lust, their attitude towards Hindus have been inimical. They along with the Congress are working against the interests of the majority population of this country. The jehadis are drawing inspiration from the Laloos and Mulayams, from the Arjun Singhs and the Amar Singhs and are getting emboldened by the day. Islamic terrorism once confined only to the Kashmir valley that forced almost the entire Hindu population to leave the valley has not sp-read its tentacles to other parts of the country.

How pseudo secular politicians in a frenzied lust for minority votes, and anti Hindu media betray the country Pseudo secular politicians and their friends in the media describe Muslim militancy to the sense of deprivation they are feeling. They attribute this to their anguish over the destruction of the Babri structure and the Godhra events. . Agreeing with them for a moment without admitting what they say, what answer do they have for the blood bath that Islam has subjected the Hindus to over the 15

last 1200 years? What about the partition and post partition riots indulged in b y India’s Muslims? Was there any Babri demolition or Godhra events? And what about the near destruction of Hindus and their civilization by the Muslims over the last 1200 years. An extreme ideology needs no provocation or cause for action. It is something built into the ideology that is at the root cause of jehad not only in India but all across the world. Our pseudo secular politicians are not only turning a Nelson’s eye to this but are also tacitly encouraging this ideology to flourish, Glaring examples of this can be found in some recent statements, attitudes and actions of some politicians like Laloo Yadav and Arjun Singh, cement scam tainted former Maharashtra CM Abdul Rehman Antulay and others . And in the actions and statements of various law enforcement agencies acting at the behest of their Congress masters.

Just to please the Muslim vote bank 1. For instance, just to please the Muslim vote bank, Amar Singh and Laloo Yadav questioned the death of Hindu Inspector Meherchand Sharma during the Batla House encounter with terrorists. These shameless politicians even went to the extent of saying that the encounter was fake and that Inspector Sharma had been done away with. The pro Muslim secular messiah went one step further by openly backing the Jamia University Vice Chancellor’s decision to provide legal aid to the terrorists captured during the Batla House encounter. 2. While making submissions before the court in the Malegaon case, the police went on to claim that Col. Purohit had supplied RDX for the Samjhauta Express blast. What a lie this was when it was on record that n o RDX was found at the scene of the blast. Quick to react, the Pakistanis denied responsibility for the various blasts in India and quoted the police and the politicians statements about the Samjhauta Express blast. 16

Abdul Rehman Antulay’s Pro Pakistani Antics–

Cement scam tainted Abdul Rehman Antulay who is now Minister for Minority Affairs in the union government, has raised questions about the death of Mumbai’s brave policeman Hemant Karkare claiming that a Hindu group was responsible. He was obviously taking a cue from the statements of his colleagues in the government and emboldened to make such bizarre statements. Whom is Antulay working for? Is it the government of India or the Government of Pakistan? Well, Antulay, Dawood and Mobin are all Konkani Muslims !!! It is disgusting to see the government speaking in so many different voices. What we have on our western flank is a huge venomous snake spitting venom on us, poisoning our country. It is a huge snake pit breeding dangerous snakes that has made life hell for us, nay, threatened our very existence. It is high time that this snake was destroyed; the snake pit was blown out of existence. But will the Laloos and the Antulays, the Amar Singhs and the Arjun Singhs, the Mulla Mulayams and their Shahi Imam friend allow this. And there are also snake pits in our Holy Land that are the breeding ground for anti Hindu terror. They are the madrassas.,,,the existing 17

ones and the new ones that are mushrooming all over the country. Preaching the same kind of ideology that is at the root cause of Islamic terror. Time we woke up. Time we threw out anti Hindu politicians who are siding with the followers of the jehadi ideology. Otherwise, India is doomed. And Hindus will become extinct.

Now the Questions How was it possible for 10 terrorists to plot and execute such a complex operation in a strange city without local logistical support? It is apparent that they knew the layout of their targets just like the lines on the palm of their hands? Who briefed them and guided them? The terrorists were absolutely at home at the Taj knowing every nook and cranny like long time residents. How was this possible for perfect strangers to the city? Did the Indian Intelligence agencies receive intelligence about the likelihood of such an attack? If so, why was nothing done to prevent the attack? Sources say that there were intelligence reports received from the IB and RAW and these were passed on to the Mumbai police, which, in turn, passed the same on to the Taj Management. If so why was not anything done by the Vilasrao Deshmukh Government? Did the Indian Coast Guard apprehend a boat load of terrorists off the Gujarat coast? It is said that the occupants of the boat bribed their way out? Is this true? If so has the government investigated this? 18

Who were the local persons or groups who provided logistical and other support to the terrorists? ON what basis did Hassan Ghaffoor, Mumbai’s Police Commissioner State that there was no local support to the terrorists? In the same breath, DG Police Roy was not so categorical about the same? Where was Hassan Ghaffoor till 12:20 am on the fateful night? According to Ramdas Kadam, he (Kadam) had to wake up Hassan Ghaffoor. What is the role of Dawwod Ibrahim and his gang in the attack? Dawood was the mastermind of the 93 Mumbai bombings and had brought the RDX for the blasts via sea from Pakistan. Besides his network of smugglers is still in tact. Why weren’t these gangsters arrested and questioned? Narayan Rane has categorically stated that he knows that the terrorists had some links with some members of the government? Who are they? Why has not the police arrested Rane and made him spill the beans? Who is this shady character Tariq Parveen alleged to be Dawood’s henchman. What was he doing during a meeting at the Congress headquarters in Mumbai when Vialasrao Deshmuh was present? The Vora Committee reports that some Muslim politicians are involved in terrorist activities? Why have they not been named? It will be worth noting that a former Congress minister from Gujarat has been convicted for his role in the 93 Mumbai blasts. Has he been quizzed? The 93 blasts and 26/11 have a lot in common. For one, in both the cases, the sea route was used. RDX for the 93 blasts came via sea. The 26/11 terrorists also came by sea. Is there a linkage between the two? 19

If so, why not interrogate all the accused and the convicts in the 93 bomb blasts case. And that includes convicted actor Sanjay Dutt. The various restaurants and bars in the Taj and the Oberoi are the favourite watering places for the Bollywood Suparstars. A lot of Bollywood denizens are known to have Dubai connections and connections with the underworld. How is it that none of them was present at these places when the jehadi attack too place? Was it just coincidence? Was it premonition? Or was it something else? During one of his TV appearances Vilasrao Deshmukh claimed that over 20 terrorists had landed in Mumbai, How does he know this? What happened to the other 10?



Vishwa Hindu Parishad Vishesh Sampark Vibhag Office Bearers Shri Purushottam Narayan Sinh Chief, All India Sampark Prof. Vyankatesh Abdeo,

Jt. Chief, All India Sampark

Shri Dada Desai

Chief, Regional Sampark (Maharashtra)

Dr, Narendra Parikh

Chief of Sampark, Konkan Prant

Shri Janak Thakkart

Jt. Sampark Chief, Konkan Prant

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