An Early Start To Testing

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An Early Start to Testing: How to Test Requirements Abstract We accept that testing the software is an integral part of building a system. However, if the software is based on inaccurate requirements, then despite well written code, the software will be unsatisfactory. The newspapers are full of stories about catastrophic software failures. What the stories don't say is that most of the defects can be traced back to wrong, missing, vague or incomplete requirements. We have learnt the lesson of testing software. Now we have to learn to implement a system of testing the requirements before building a software solution. This paper describes a set of requirements tests that cover relevance, coherency, traceability, completeness and other qualities that successful requirements must have. The tests have their starting point with the criterion that each requirement has at least one quality measure. This measure is used to test whether any given solution satisfies, or does not satisfy, the requirement. Requirements seem to be ephemeral. They flit in and out of projects; they are capricious, intractable, unpredictable and sometimes invisible. When gathering requirements we are searching for all of the criteria for a system's success. We throw out a net and try to capture all these criteria. Using Blitzing, Rapid Application Development (RAD), Joint Application Development (JAD), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), interviewing, apprenticing, data analysis and many other techniques [6], we try to snare all of the requirements in our net.

The Quality Gateway As soon as we have a single requirement in our net we can start testing. The aim is to trap requirements-related defects as early as they can be identified. We prevent incorrect requirements from being incorporated in the design and implementation where they will be more difficult and expensive to find and correct. [5] To pass through the quality gateway and be included in the requirements specification, a requirement must pass a number of tests. These tests are concerned with ensuring that the requirements are accurate, and do not cause problems by being unsuitable for the design and implementation stages later in the project. I will discuss each of the following requirements tests in a stand-alone manner. Naturally, the tests are designed to be applied to each of the requirements in unison.

Make The Requirement Measurable In his work on specifying the requirements for buildings, Christopher Alexander [1] describes setting up a quality measure for each requirement. "The idea is for each requirement to have a quality measure that makes it possible to divide all solutions to the requirement into two classes: those for which we agree that they fit the requirement and those for which we agree that they do not fit the requirement." In other words, if we specify a quality measure for a requirement, we mean that any solution that meets this measure will be acceptable. Of course it is also true to say that any solution that does not meet the measure will not be acceptable.

The quality measures will be used to test the new system against the requirements. The remainder of this paper describes how to arrive at a quality measure that is acceptable to all the stakeholders.

Quantifiable Requirements Consider a requirement that says "The system must respond quickly to customer enquiries". First we need to find a property of this requirement that provides us with a scale for measurement within the context. Let's say that we agree that we will measure the response using minutes. To find the quality measure we ask: "under what circumstances would the system fail to meet this requirement?" The stakeholders review the context of the system and decide that they would consider it a failure if a customer has to wait longer than three minutes for a response to his enquiry. Thus "three minutes" becomes the quality measure for this requirement. Any solution to the requirement is tested against the quality measure. If the solution makes a customer wait for longer than three minutes then it does not fit the requirement. So far so good: we have defined a quantifiable quality measure. But specifying the quality measure is not always so straightforward. What about requirements that do not have an obvious scale?

Non-quantifiable Requirements Suppose a requirement is "The automated interfaces of the system must be easy to learn". There is no obvious measurement scale for "easy to learn". However if we investigate the meaning of the requirement within the particular context, we can set communicable limits for measuring the requirement. Again we can make use of the question: "What is considered a failure to meet this requirement?" Perhaps the stakeholders agree that there will often be novice users, and the stakeholders want novices to be productive within half an hour. We can define the quality measure to say "a novice user must be able to learn to successfully complete a customer order transaction within 30 minutes of first using the system". This becomes a quality measure provided a group of experts within this context is able to test whether the solution does or does not meet the requirement. An attempt to define the quality measure for a requirement helps to rationalize fuzzy requirements. Something like "the system must provide good value" is an example of a requirement that everyone would agree with, but each person has his own meaning. By investigating the scale that must be used to measure "good value" we identify the diverse meanings. Sometimes by causing the stakeholders to think about the requirement we can define an agreed quality measure. In other cases we discover that there is no agreement on a quality measure. Then we substitute this vague requirement with several requirements, each with its own quality measure.

Requirements Test 1 Does each requirement have a quality measure that can be used to test whether any solution meets the requirement?

Keeping Track

Figure 1 is an example of how you can keep track of your knowledge about each requirement.

Figure 1: This requirements micro spec makes your requirements knowledge visible. It must be recorded so that it is easy for several people to compare and discuss individual requirements and to look for duplicates and contradictions. By adding a quality measure to each requirement we have made the requirement visible. This is the first step to defining all the criteria for measuring the goodness of the solution. Now let's look at other aspects of the requirement that we can test before deciding to include it in the requirements specification.

Coherency and Consistency When a poet writes a poem he intends that it should trigger off rich and diverse visions for everyone who reads it. The requirements engineer has the opposite intention: he would like each requirement to be understood in the same way by every person who reads it. In practice many requirements specifications are more like poetry, and are open to any interpretation that seems reasonable to the reader. This subjectivity means that many systems are built to satisfy the wrong interpretation of the requirement. The obvious solution to this problem is to specify the requirement in such that it is understood in only one way. For example, in a requirements specification that I assessed, I found the term "viewer" in many parts of the specification. My analysis identified six different meanings for the term, depending on the context of its use. This kind of requirements defect always causes problems during design and/or implementation. If you are lucky, a developer will realize that there is inconsistency, but will have to re-investigate the requirement. This almost always causes a ripple effect that extends to other parts of the product. If you are not lucky, the designer will choose the meaning that makes most sense to him and implement that one. Any stakeholder who does not agree with that meaning then considers that the system does not meet the requirement.

Requirements Test 2 Does the specification contain a definition of the meaning of every essential subject matter term within the specification? I point you in the direction of abstract data modeling principles [7] which provide many guidelines for naming subject matter and for defining the meaning of that subject matter. As a result of doing the necessary analysis, the term "viewer" could be defined as follows: Viewer A person who lives in the area which receives transmission of television programmers from our channel. Relevant attributes are: Viewer Name Viewer Address

Viewer Viewer Viewer Viewer Viewer

Age Range Sex Salary Range Occupation Type Socio-Economic Ranking

When the allowable values for each of the attributes are defined it provides data that can be used to test the implementation. Defining the meaning of "viewer" has addressed one part of the coherency problem. We also have to be sure that every use of the term "viewer" is consistent with the meaning that has been defined.

Requirements Test 3 Is every reference to a defined term consistent with its definition?

Completeness We want to be sure that the requirements specification contains all the requirements that are known about. While we know that there will be evolutionary changes and additions, we would like to restrict those changes to new requirements, and not have to play "catch-up" with requirements that we should have known about in the first place. Thus we want to avoid omitting requirements just because we did not think of asking the right questions. If we have set a context [10, 11] for our project, then we can test whether the context is accurate. We can also test whether we have considered all the likely requirements within that context. The context defines the problem that we are trying to solve. The context includes all the requirements that we must eventually meet: it contains anything that we have to build, or anything we have to change. Naturally if our software is going to change the way people do their jobs, then those jobs must be within the context of study. The most common defect is to limit the context to the part of the system that will be eventually automated [3]. The result of this restricted view is that nobody correctly understands the organization’s culture and way of working. Consequently there is misfit between the eventual computer system and the rest of the business system and the people that it is intended to help.

Requirements Test 4 Is the context of the requirements wide enough to cover everything we need to understand? Of course this is easy to say, but we still have to be able to test whether or not the context is large enough to include the complete business system, not just the software. ("Business" in this sense should be means not just a commercial business, but whatever activity - scientific, engineering, artistic - the organization is doing.) We do this test by observing the questions asked by the systems analysts: Are they considering the parts of the system that will be external to the software? Are questions being asked that relate to people or systems that are shown as being

outside the context? Are any of the interfaces around the boundary of the context being changed? Another test for completeness is to question whether we have captured all the requirements that are currently known. The obstacle is that our source of requirements is people. And every person views the world differently according to his own job and his own idea of what is important, or what is wrong with the current system. It helps to consider the types of requirements that we are searching for: •

Conscious Requirements Problems that the new system must solve

Unconscious Requirements Already solved by the current system

Undreamed of Requirements Would be a requirement if we knew it was possible or could imagine it

Conscious requirements are easier to discover because they are uppermost in the stakeholders' minds. Unconscious requirements are more difficult to discover. If a problem is already satisfactorily solved by the current system then it is less likely for it to be mentioned as a requirement for a new system. Other unconscious requirements are often those relating to legal, governmental and cultural issues. Undreamt of requirements are even more difficult to discover. These are the ones that surface after the new system has been in use for a while. "I didn't know that it was possible otherwise I would have asked for it."

Requirements Test 5 Have we asked the stakeholders about conscious, unconscious and undreamed of requirements? Requirements engineering experience with other systems helps to discover missing requirements. The idea is to compare your current requirements specification with specifications for similar systems. For instance, suppose that a previous specification has a requirement related to the risk of damage to property. It makes sense to ask whether our current system has any requirements of that type, or anything similar. It is quite possible, indeed quite probable, to discover unconscious and undreamed of requirements by looking at other specification. We have distilled experience from many projects and built a generic requirements template [12] that can be used to test for missing requirement types. I urge you to look through the template and use it to stimulate questions about requirements that otherwise would have been missed. Similarly, you can build your own template by distilling your own requirements specifications, and thus uncover most of the questions that need to be asked.

Another aid in discovering unconscious and undreamed of requirements is to build models and prototypes to show people different views of the requirements. Most important of all is to remember that each stakeholder is an individual person. Human communication skills are the best aid to complete requirements [2].

Requirements Test 5 (enlarged) Have we asked the stakeholders about conscious, unconscious undreamed of requirements? Can you show that a modelling effort taken place to discover the unconscious requirements? Can demonstrate that brainstorming or similar efforts taken place to find undreamed of requirements?

and has you the

Relevance When we cast out the requirements gathering net and encourage people to tell us all their requirements, we take a risk. Along with all the requirements that are relevant to our context we are likely to pick up impostors. These irrelevant requirements are often the result of a stakeholder not understanding the goals of the project. In this case people, especially if they have had bad experiences with another system, are prone to include requirements "just in case we need it". Another reason for irrelevancy is personal bias. If a stakeholder is particularly interested or affected by a subject then he might think of it as a requirement even if it is irrelevant to this system.

Requirements Test 6 Is every requirement in the specification relevant to this system? To test for relevance, check the requirement against the stated goals for the system. Does this requirement contribute to those goals? If we exclude this requirement then will it prevent us from meeting those goals? Is the requirement concerned with subject matter that is within the context of our study? Are there any other requirements that are dependent on this requirement? Some irrelevant requirements are not really requirements, instead they are solutions.

Requirement or Solution? When one of your stakeholders tells you he wants a graphic user interface and a mouse, he is presenting you with a solution not a requirement. He has seen other systems with graphic user interfaces, and he wants what he considers to be the most up-to-date solution. Or perhaps he thinks that designing the system is part of his role. Or maybe he has a real requirement that he has mentally solved by use of a graphic interface. When solutions are mistaken for requirements then the real requirement is often missed. Also the eventual solution is not as good as it could be because the designer is not free to consider all possible ways of meeting the requirements.

Requirements Test 7 Does the specification contain solutions posturing as requirements? It is not always easy to tell the difference between a requirement and a solution. Sometimes there is a piece of technology within the context and the stakeholders

have stated that the new system must use this technology. Things like: "the new system must be written in COBOL because that is the only language our programmers know", "the new system must use the existing warehouse layout because we don't want to make structural changes" are really requirements because they are genuine constraints that exist within the context of the problem. For each requirement ask "Why is this requirement?" Is it there because of a genuine constraint? Is it there because it is needed? Or is it the solution to a perceived problem? If the "requirement" includes a piece of technology, and it could be implemented by another technology, then unless the specified technology is a genuine constraint, the "requirement" is really a solution.

Stakeholder Value There are two factors that affect the value that stakeholders place on a requirement. The grumpiness that is caused by bad performance, and the happiness that is caused by good performance. Failure to provide a perfect solution to some requirements will produce mild annoyance. Failure to meet other requirements will cause the whole system to be a failure. If we understand the value that the stakeholders put on each requirement, we can use that information to determine design priorities.

Requirements Test 8 Is the stakeholder value defined for each requirement? Pardee [9] suggests that we use scales from 1 to 5 to specify the reward for good performance and the penalty for bad performance. If a requirement is absolutely vital to the success of the system then it has a penalty of 5 and a reward of 5. A requirement that would be nice to have but is not really vital might have a penalty of 1 and a reward of 3. The overall value or importance that the stakeholders place on a requirement is the sum of penalty and reward. In the first case a value of 10 in the second a value of 4. The point of defining stakeholder value is to discover how the stakeholders really feel about the requirements. We can use this knowledge to make prioritization and trade-off decisions when the time comes to design the system.

Traceability We want to be able to prove that the system that we build meets each one of the specified requirements. We need to identify each requirement so that we can trace its progress through detailed analysis, design and eventual implementation. Each stage of system development shapes, repartitions and organizes the requirements to bring them closer to the form of the new system. To insure against loss or corruption, we need to be able to map the original requirements to the solution for testing purposes.

Requirements Test 9 Is each requirement uniquely identifiable?

In the micro spec in Figure 1 we see that each requirement must have a unique identifier. We find the best way of doing this is simply to assign a number to each requirement. The only significance of the number is that it is that requirement's identifier. We have seen schemes where the requirements are numbered according to type or value or whatever, but these make it difficult to manage changes. It is far better to avoid hybrid numbering schemes and to use the number purely as an identifier. Other facts about the requirement are then recorded as part of the requirements micro spec.

Order In A Disorderly World We have considered each requirement as a separately identifiable, measurable entity. Now we need to consider the connections between requirements and to understand the effect of one requirement on others. This means we need a way of dealing with a large number of requirements and the complex connections between them. Rather than trying to tackle everything simultaneously, we need a way of dividing the requirements into manageable groups. Once that is done we can consider the connections in two phases: the internal connections between the requirements in each group; and then the connections between the groups. It reduces the complexity of the task if our grouping of requirements is done in a way that minimizes the connections between the groups. Events or use cases provide us with a convenient way of grouping the requirements [8, 4, 11,]. The event/use case is a happening that causes the system to respond. The system's response is to satisfy all of the requirements that are connected to that event/use case. In other words, if we could string together all the requirements that respond to one event/use case, we would have a mini-system responding to that event. By grouping the requirements that respond to an event/use case, we arrive at groups with strong internal connections. Moreover, the events/use cases within our context provide us with a very natural way of collecting our requirements.

Figure 2: The event/use case provides a natural grouping for keeping track of the relationships between requirements.

Figure 2 illustrates the relationships between requirements. The event/use case is a collection of all the requirements that respond to the same happening. The n-to-n relationship between Event/Use Case and Requirement indicates that while there are a number of Requirement to fulfil one Event/Use Case, any Requirement could also contribute to other Events/Use Cases. The model also shows us that one Requirement might have more than one Potential Solution but it will only have one Chosen Solution. The event/use case provides us with a number of small, minimally-connected systems. We can use the event/use case partitioning throughout the development of the system. We can analyse the requirements for one event/use case, design the solution for the event/use case and implement the solution. Each requirement has a

unique identifier. Each event/use case has a name and number. We keep track of which requirements are connected to which events/use cases using a requirements tool or spreadsheet. If there is a change to a requirement we can identify all the parts of the system that are affected.

Requirements Test 10 Is each requirement tagged to all parts of the system where it is used? For any change to requirements, can you identify all parts of the system where this change has an effect?

Conclusions The requirements specification must contain all the requirements that are to be solved by our system. The specification should objectively specify everything our system must do and the conditions under which it must perform. Management of the number and complexity of the requirements is one part of the task. The most challenging aspect of requirements gathering is communicating with the people who are supplying the requirements. If we have a consistent way of recording requirements we make it possible for the stakeholders to participate in the requirements process. As soon as we make a requirement visible we can start testing it. and asking the stakeholders detailed questions. We can apply a variety of tests to ensure that each requirement is relevant, and that everyone has the same understanding of its meaning. We can ask the stakeholders to define the relative value of requirements. We can define a quality measure for each requirement, and we can use that quality measure to test the eventual solutions. Testing starts at the beginning of the project, not at the end of the coding. We apply tests to assure the quality of the requirements. Then the later stages of the project can concentrate on testing for good design and good code. The advantages of this approach are that we minimize expensive rework by minimizing requirementsrelated defects that could have been discovered, or prevented, early in the project's life.

References 1. Christopher Alexander. Notes On The Synthesis Of Form. Harvard Press. Massachusetts, 1964. 2. Donald Gause and Gerald Weinberg. Exploring Requirements. Dorset House. New York, 1989. 3. Michael Jackson. Software Requirements and Specifications. Addison-Wesley, London, 1966. 4. Ivar Jacobson, Object-Oriented Software Engineering. Addison-Wesley. 1992.

5. Capers Jones, Assessment and Control of Software Risks. Prentice Hall, 1994. 6. Neil Maiden and Gordon Rugg. Acre: selecting methods for requirements acquisition. Software Engineering Journal, May 1966. 7. Steve Mellor and Sally Schlaer. Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: Modelling the World in Data. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1988 8. Steve McMenamin and John Palmer. Essential Systems Analysis. Yourdon Press. New York, 1984. 9. William J. Pardee. How To Satisfy & Delight Your Customer. Dorset House. New York, 1996. 10. James Robertson. On Setting the Context. The Atlantic Systems Guild, 1996. 11. James and Suzanne Robertson. Complete Systems Analysis: the Workbook, the Textbook, the Answers. Dorset House. New York, 1994. 12. James and Suzanne Robertson. Requirements Template. The Atlantic Systems Guild. London, 1966.

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