[an Analysis Of The Financial Crisis In The United States] 14 – God Is Shaking The Heavens And The Earth

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Prophetic Brief Insight and Analysis for the 21st Century An Analysis of the Financial Crisis in the United States - 14

God is Shaking the Heavens and the Earth

The Afghanistan Briefs

Afghanistan continues to be in the news with new troops, a renewed push against the Taliban and increased deaths. The month of July has seen the highest death toll of Amer ican soldier s since the beginning of the war in 2001, and the total may increase still more before the month is out.   In a series of short video briefings, S c o t t We b s t e r a d d r e s s e s Afghanistan from the perspective of the Word of God. Included in the video sessions are:   1. Why Be Aware 2. The Formative Process 3. U.S. Involvement 4. Key Players 5. What Does the Future Hold 6. Kingdom Insights   Visit scottwebsterministries.org, where these videos will be available for viewing soon.


Hebrews 12:26 Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens." 27 e words "once more" indicate the remoing of what can be shakenthat is, created things-so that what cannot be shaken may remain We are in a time when God is shaking the heavens and the earth, and things are being removed and re-shaped in the unseen realm. We know that God cannot shake Himself so when it says He will shake things in the heavens He is speaking about principalities and the structures of wickedness that seek to keep the earth locked in darkness and mortality. It is a day of massive tectonic movements in the heavenly realm, and we are feeling the results as core structures in the unseen realm are being shaken and removed One result of the shaking in the heavens is the demise of capitalism which I wrote about in a previous newsletter. e system which has endured for hundreds of years was removed in a few short months because unseen principalities – which goern the thinking systems of man through principles – are being shaken and removed. It would be easy to misperceive the natural results – and many who feel strongly about defending or attacking a specific ideology, institution or system will in fact misperceive – while being completely blind to the fact that behind the economic and political events that we can see there is a catalyst that can’t be seen.

e Primacy of the Unseen Realm 2 Corinthians 4:16 erefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction,

which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, 18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Paul made it clear that there is an unseen architecture to the universe, something behind the obvious, which we must focus our attention on and seek to understand. We are commanded to look at the things which are not seen; the word is skopeos and it means to consider carefully, to observe, to contemplate, to exert effort in continually acquiring understanding. In other words without intense scrutiny and appropriate attention, the unseen realm will be missed entirely by intelligent and rational people whose eyes are fixed on the illusory and deceptive realm of physical life. e verses also indicate that if a focus on temporal reality produces weak people who are incapable of changing the earth, but when we have sight into the invisible architecture, we are empowered to stand strong and rule even in the most difficult of circumstances. ere is a spiritual design

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Hebrews 12:26-27 26 Once more I will shake not only the earth but also the heavens." 27 The words "once more" indicate the removing of what can be shaken-that is, created things-so that what cannot be shaken may remain that governs all of life on the earth. ose who see it are elevated above the blindness inflicted by carnal responses and motivations to situations. ose who see it come to a place of absolute conviction concerning God, His nature and His purpose and gain the power to represent Him.

Hebrews 11:3 By faith we understand that the worlds were amed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. (NKJ) All of the prophets understood the seamless connection between the visible and the invisible. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams and delivered prophetic insight about the next 14 years of economic indices and he made it clear that natural events in the nations are not simply the result of normal or rational processes and physical outcomes. Joseph knew that there are spiritual realities which lie behind: a) economic cycles, b) political processes, c) the emergence of nations on the world scene, d) administrative systems, e) natural disasters, etc. ese spiritual realities must be discerned and understood; therefore the greatest requirement is for a fresh understanding of the Prophetic in the earth. We are faced with the reality that in our day God is shaking the heavens and the earth, and we have to know what that means.

Implications of the Shaking e shaking in the heavens that removed capitalism also has implications for life in the future in two primary areas: a) the © 2009 SCOTT WEBSTER MINISTRIES.

United States will be less dominant, coherent and stable b) the system that is replacing socialism & capitalism will be more oppressive. A) e U.S. will be less dominant, coherent and stable. It just makes sense that if the spiritual reality behind the systems of the U.S. has been shaken and removed, the nation will be less powerful relative to other nations, and that life in this nation will be both less stable and the nation itself less coherent (coherent means to stick together). Reduced dominance will manifest primarily in the economic realm, with several points of manifestation including: a) the U.S. dollar being replaced as the world’s reserve currency, probably by a basket of currencies sometime in the next 20 years – I think it will be sooner rather than later b) domestic difficulty in funding projects and necessary budget items that can no longer be fully financed by a system which is going bankrupt c) increased dependence on foreign sources of financing and production, etc. e U.S. will remain the most dominant military power but will face an increasingly difficult series of trade-offs regarding which weapons systems and wars it can afford to finance, while at the same time some other nations increase their military capabilities. e removal of the unseen architecture which sustained life in the nation will produce greater social instability and a decreased level of coherence within the nation also. Among the possible outcomes of this instability and incoherence are: a) social and ethnic groups becoming more diffused and antagonistic, perhaps even breaking off regions of the U.S. into new ethnic enclaves

I know that many are expending massive energy dealing with their political and social concerns that America is moving towards a more socialist construct, but they will not ebb the flow of events because that is not the point. When Pharaoh taxed all Egyptian farmers 20% and increased the federal bureaucracy by appointing a new Department of Agriculture with Joseph as the operational head, many within Egyptian society could have wondered about the swing of power towards greater federal involvement and authority which directly intervened into private life. Page 2 of 4


that seek to insert their interest against the rest of the nation b) increasing disorder or inability to control and police society, leading to parts of cities or states which are controlled by gangs or militias – this will be especially true if there is a food or water shortage c) some states will begin to seriously consider succession either because their ethnic base demands unique rights or because the economic advantages of being one of the states in the union are no longer attractive, or because they disagree with the direction of the federal leadership. ere will be notable events that occur during this time including acts of terrorism and some natural disasters, but more important than the events themselves is the fact that American society will generally trend towards more instability and incoherence. ese are trends for the future based on movements in the invisible dimension and they cannot be reversed; they are inevitable because the unseen reality that sustained things in the past has been destabilized and replaced. B) e system replacing socialism and capitalism will be more oppressive. e system that is replacing that which has been shaken is not ideologically based, it is utilitarian and functional which is why I subtitled our newsletter on each system as the death of ideology. If we refer back to Table 1 in a previous newsletter which describes the two primary economic philosophies, we note that the actual result of each system was oppression. Under communism the oppression was a state oligarchy, and under capitalism it was a private oligarchy (oligarchy means a small number of persons who have all the power). e new non-ideological system of Market Socialism will merge the worst elements of each and produce a time of great oppression and darkness. ere will be things the state does that are more and more totalitarian as situations arise that require a response and administrations from both sides of the aisle will enact strategies that lead towards more oppression. For example, in a time of increased terrorism nations will try to © 2009 SCOTT WEBSTER MINISTRIES.


protect themselves and in trying to create a secure society they will produce greater infringement of civil liberties. As nations seek to stop the economic meltdown they will plunge their nations into greater debt and long term instability and the economic realm will become more unequal and unjust. We can see this already since one result of the meltdown is the consolidation of financial institutions into fewer and larger banks which now have increased power.

Source of the Events is Spiritual e source of the oppression is not human for we know that the enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy ( John 10:10). e origins of these movements are not natural but spiritual, and as we journey towards the Finish of all things he will unleash everything within his power to oppress humanity. Even with people praying and exerting maximum effort the oppression of the system will still occur – it is inevitable because it is part of the pathway towards the End. It would be a mistake to assign the source of the oppression to a political agenda or one administration’s policies because the engine that is driving the change is not political, it is spiritual. I know that many are expending massive energy dealing with their political and social concerns that America is moving towards a more socialist construct, but they will not ebb the flow of events because that is not the point. When Pharaoh taxed all Egyptian farmers 20% and increased the federal b ure au cra c y by app o inting a n e w Department of Agriculture with Joseph as the operational head, many within Egyptian society could have wondered about the swing of power towards greater federal involvement and authority which directly intervened into private life. Others might have questioned the immigration status of a foreign people – Joseph’s family – who received favorable treatment under one administration but who were later to be enslaved by a different Pharaoh. Even Pharaoh’s perspective of God enriching his nation in the short term was limited and ultimately missed the point that God had a purpose that required Him to visit the

The Architecture of the New Dimension A revolutionary new look at prophetic reality as it exists in the 21st century church. get this book>

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Empire with destruction in the future and wreck the Egyptian economy to break the slaves out. Only Joseph correctly perceived that God was sovereignly managing the nations which required Egyptian prosperity in the short term and then brutalizing the nation in the long term. God’s purpose involved the saving of Jacob and his sons with food during a


famine, and then enslaving and exploiting them for centuries. is is a God who is over prosperity and disaster, over slavery and liberation. Certainly He is over Barack Obama, the G-20 and the Great Recession and we are required to see His working in the earth just as Joseph did. erefore we can say that there has never been a worse time to be a liberal or a

conservative because the danger is to interpret political, military, economic and social happenings in lieu of natural factors when in fact God is enacting Divine purpose. As God is shaking the heavens and the earth it has never been more important to have a belief system that stands outside of time, and to have sight and perspective that is not rooted in a political or economic ideology.

Releasing The New Prophetic Dimension • Activating The Capacity To Build • Obeying The Command To Finish

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