Amunc Delegate Newsletter Issue 6

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Asia-Pacific Model UN Conference The University of Queensland 12 – 17 July 2009 Newsletter 6 – Friday 3 July

In this issue… Sustainability at AMUNC


Message Board


Greenheart CitySmart


Feature Committee


UNFCCC COP-15 Delegate Training Session


Tips on Going Green


Meet the Secretariat


Sustainability Brisbane Transport




Sustainability at AMUNC Integral to the conference’s commitment to global citizenship, the Host Team has developed a holistic approach to sustainability that aims to incorporate the best practices based on internationally recognised agreements such as the Earth Charter and Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The Sustainability strategy for AMUNC 2009 targets a few key areas where the conference has a notable environmental footprint. We are working on making electronic resources available during committee sessions to reduce our dependence on raw materials. In addition, all the chartered buses are run on efficient natural gas. Moreover, we have given thought to catering – with a supply of locally brewed beer a feature at the finale ball. Likewise at the welcome BBQ we are putting Kangaroo sausages on the BBQ and serving a vegetarian alternative, as meat (beef in particular) is environmentally taxing, due to the water input and carbon dioxide emitted from belching bovines.

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Stationary supplies such as handbooks, pens, pencils and delegate lanyards will be procured from companies producing products main from high recycled content material with a preference for reuse where possible. We’re also undertaking a carbon audit and offset of emissions produced directly from the conference – from the electricity used in committee sessions, emissions from the gas used to cook for the welcome BBQ, through to the exhaust from chartered buses that will move you around Brisbane. Once we know our carbon footprint we’ll have enough native trees planted to take out of the atmosphere more CO2 than we are responsible for. Delegates will also get to engage with this theme of sustainability at the COP15, which will be dealing with real-time climate change negotiations. Being run for the first time at AMUNC, this committee precludes the upcoming Copenhagen debate, and sets a precedent for future AMUNC committees.

Stay in touch Flick us an email! [email protected] Find us on Facebook Search Groups: ‘AMUNC 2009 Brisbane’ or add us as a friend: ‘Amunc Secretariat’ Follow us on Twitter: amunc2009 Skype me! amunc2009 Check out our Blog!

AMUNC Delegate Newsletter – Issue 6 – Friday 3 July 2009

Message Board Laptop Tips


If you’re planning to use a laptop during committee sessions, please bring a power board if possible so more delegates can share power points. International delegates, remember to bring adaptors for your electrical appliances if necessary!

Attire during the week is business wear; that means a suit for men and business shirt and skirt/pant for ladies. Please check the Social Event pages for dress codes for the relevant nights. Don’t forget the dress up theme for the Q150 global village cruise!

AMUNC Airport Shuttle Bus!

Swine Flu Update

We will be arranging a shuttle bus to take delegates directly from the airport to UQ on the Saturday and Sunday. Please complete the form by Saturday 4 July uttleform Details of bus times will be published online on Wednesday 15 July.

1. 2.

We will not be canceling the conference We strongly recommend that all delegates take out medical and travel insurance (incl interstate Aus and NZ delegates).

More detailed advice has been posted on the website

Accommodation Update All delegates staying at the colleges will be receiving a comprehensive email update on Monday 6 July regarding their accommodation booking, including check-in/check-out times, baggage, arrangements for delegations, meals and key contacts.


Upload your position statements to your committee’s file sharing site: by Sunday 5 July. Fill out the airport shuttle bus form by Saturday 4 July. Keep checking back on the website over the next few days for more updates!

New Committee File Sharing Sites! Due to difficulties experienced by some delegates in accessing the Gsites committee portals administered by Google, we have launched new file-sharing sites for all of the committees. These are available at Your committee log-in details have been emailed to you.

Green Heart CitySmart is Brisbane City Council’s program to make Brisbane Australia’s most sustainable city. Brisbane residents have already shown the world that we lead the way in water saving, by meeting our water target of 140 litres per person per day.

Now, we are aiming to be a carbon neutral city by 2026. Council Strategies • Using carbon-free energy • Reducing energy use through a sustainable built environment • Reducing the impact of infrastructure • Reducing the impact of travel • Offsetting emissions • Planting 2 million trees across Brisbane by 2012 Page 2

Currently, each Brisbane household emits 16 tonnes of greenhouse gas each year. Brisbane is currently aiming to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions to 10 tonnes per household per year, by the year 2012. But research has shown that to stop climate change, each person on the planet should be emitting no more than one tonne per year. This is our final carbon footprint target – one tonne for everyone.

For more information on Green Heart CitySmart and how you can get involved, visit AMUNC Delegate Newsletter – Issue 6 – Friday 3 July 2009

Feature Committee UNFCCC COP-15

Almost every scenario concerning world energy consumption over the coming decades predicts a massive increase in the amount of energy the world will demand. In contrast, the international consensus regarding action towards climate change is that the world will have to drastically reduce its present use of energy if adequate reductions in greenhouse gases (especially carbon dioxide emissions which are produced by current energy consumption) are to occur. The difficulties in bringing renewable energy technology to developing countries are vast, but the economic, political, and environmental costs will be far greater if the international community fails to take appropriate and effective steps now in order to ensure a secure energy future.

Director and Assistant Director training Saturday


July: 11am – 5pm

Delegate training

Sunday 12th July: 2.30pm – 5pm

NGO Orientation

Sunday 13th July, 4.00pm, OR Wednesday 15th July, 8.30am The delegate training session will begin with an overview of the Rules of Procedure in the Conference Hub. After this, delegates will go to their committee rooms to run through the rules with their fellow delegates and directors.

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Background on UNFCCC

In December 2009, under the auspices of the UNFCCC, nations will come together for Cop 15 in Copenhagen and determine the successor to the Kyoto Protocol. Building on the groundwork laid at Cop14, delegates are invited to participate in this simulation of one the most seminal moments in the history of addressing Climate Change. While the majority of nations agree on the need for action, disagreement is greatest over who should bear the brunt of responsibility. Eventually however, developing nations will have to play a role in preventing severe climate change – how effectively they can meet this demand will depend on the successful negotiation of bringing and implementing successful renewable technology into countries that lack sufficient capacity, mostly in terms of capital, to address climate change in a timely manner.

In 1979 the first World Climate Conference was held, leading countries to begin to consider what actions can be taken to reduce the effects of global warming. Since then a number of documents, treaties and organisations have been created in furtherance of this aim. In 1995 the first Conference of the Parties (COP) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Berlin, setting the precedent for the annual meeting of state signatories. The UNFCCC is an overall framework for intergovernmental efforts to tackle climate change, ratified by 192 countries. All parties to the Convention are subject to general commitments to tackle climate change, such as mitigation measures, provisions for developing and transferring environmentally friendly technologies, and plans for climate research amongst other measures.

Delegate Training Session Training will be a compulsory element of participation in this year’s AMUNC. All delegates are expected to undertake this "conference induction", which includes committee training, cultural awareness and delegate support information, and safety and emergency procedure training. Committee training is designed to furnish delegates with an understanding of the committee procedures from day one and will be interactive so as to ensure that delegates are able to give the rules of procedure a test run before they are called upon to use them in committee sessions.

These sessions will also cover communications skills and intercultural understanding. This multi-faceted training will enable delegates to be wellprepared and confident in undertaking their tasks throughout the week.

AMUNC Delegate Newsletter – Issue 6 – Friday 3 July 2009

Your Planet Needs You! Tips on Going Green AT HOME • •

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Turn off the tap while shaving or brushing teeth Bundle up in warm clothing instead of using electrical heaters in winter Use towels for drying your face and hands instead of tissues Make sure you recycle your newspapers after reading When packing food, opt for reusable containers instead of aluminum foil or plastic wrap Don’t forget to switch off all lights and appliances; saving energy helps reduce air pollution Plant a tree! Help achieve UNEP’s Billion Tree Campaign target of planting seven billion trees by the end of 2009!


Don’t go anywhere without a cloth bag so you can just say no to plastic whenever you shop Reduce your carbon footprint by avoiding driving altogether – try biking, walking, carpooling or public transport If you have to drive, look for the most fuel-efficient car model and keep your tyres inflated to the correct pressure If you spend your mornings stuck in traffic, consider turning your engine off if you will be idling for long periods of time Aggressive driving lowers your mileage – so if you want to save on fuel and save the planet while you’re at it, accelerate gradually

Meet the Team Sustainability

(Clockwise from top left) Noah Bergel (USG), India Green, Ira Warner, Natalija Simic Page 4


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Use a washable mug as an alternative to nonbiodegradable Styrofoam or plastic cups. 80% of plastic bottles are recyclable but only 20% are actually recycled. Default your printer option to use both sides Set computers and other business equipment to energy saving mode and turn them off at the end of the day Houseplants are good for personalising workspaces, and also for the environment because they remove quantities of pollutants present in the air

Why did you get involved with AMUNC? Noah: The main reason was that class just isn't enough – I wanted to engage with a group at uni who were intelligent and fun and wanted to engage with world affairs, and through MUN culture I got to experience all of this! Ira: To become part of an active student organisation and work with other focused and motivated individuals in creating a positive impact for our future. How are we making the conference sustainable? Natalija: We’re having locally produced organic wine for the finale ball, food connect display to educate delegates exactly how our eating effects the earth, tips on how to be a green delegate – for instance plate what you can eat, procurement of green recyclable supplies, adjusting rooms temperatures to minimise energy usage, offsetting the conference by investing in planting trees.

Information from the United Nations Environment Program World Environment Day 2009 website

India: By using Green supplies and incorporating sustainable initiatives in any way that we can during the conference, we can help to significantly reduce carbon emissions. By determining our carbon footprint for the conference through a carbon audit we can provide next year’s conference hosts with the ability to set targets for reducing their carbon emissions. What’s your favourite food? India: Vege and tofu stirfry! Ira: Seafood! Noah: Fresh, locally grown figs, sweetened with organic honey with walnuts. What are you most looking forward to at AMUNC 2009? Noah: The promise of meeting new people. And the exciting vibe that lasts all week long- at AMUNC everyone's on an IR (international relations) high! Natalija: The cultural diversity, making lifelong friends so I have somewhere to stay when I travel!

AMUNC Delegate Newsletter – Issue 6 – Friday 3 July 2009

Logistics Transportation Brisbane’s public transport system integrates bus, train and ferry services all on the one ticket – no need to purchase numerous tickets for the one trip! Most AMUNC events will take place either at the University of Queensland St Lucia campus, or in the Brisbane City Centre, and there are numerous ways to travel between these two destinations. There are two bus stops on campus at UQ, from which numerous routes can be taken to the city centre. There is also a CityCat (ferry) stop on campus at UQ, which will take you to the city centre (North

Getting to UQ from the airport Quay Ferry Terminal). The closest train station to the University of Queensland is Toowong Station, on the Ipswich line, which is a 10min bus ride away from the campus. A taxi from UQ St Lucia to the Brisbane CBD will cost approximately $20. At various times during the conference, chartered transport is provided for delegates. These times will be clearly listed in the conference handbook. Visit or call 13 12 30 for more information.

The cheapest way to get from the airport to Brisbane City, and on to UQ, is by public transport. We will be running shuttle buses from the Airport on Sat 11 and Sun 12 July. Please fill out the form by Saturday 4 July • At the airport, get the Airtrain to Central Station • Change trains, and get on an Ipswich line train going west • Get off the train at Toowong Station • Exit the station and cross the pedestrian overpass to the University of Queensland bus stop • Get on any bus going to UQ

Thank you to our generous sponsors Host Sponsor Gold Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsor

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Special Event Sponsor

AMUNC Delegate Newsletter – Issue 6 – Friday 3 July 2009

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