Amlita Review Modified

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American Literature A Final Exam Review #1 Unit I: Origins and Encounters Part 1: In Harmony with Nature 1. “The World on the Turtle’s Back” – Iroquis Myth Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. Where were the gods located in this story? 2. Who saved the woman when she fell from the sky? Why did they save her? 3. Who created humans according to the story? What was the reason for creating humans? 4. What is the purpose of a creation myth? Literary Term: define Creation Myth.

Unit II: From Colony to Colony Part 1: Between Heaven and Hell 1. The Crucible – Arthur Miller Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. What does Sarah Good confess to doing? 2. What is Rev. Parris’s primary concern throughout the story? 3. When does Elizabeth urge John to go to town to tell the court Abigail’s story is false? 4. What did Abigail do to accuse Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft? 5. Who is the most respectable woman in Salem Village? 6. What is Elizabeth’s reaction to John’s decision to be hanged?

7. What is the theme of The Crucible? 8. Where do you find stage directions? Literary Term: Define Dialogue and provide an example

Part 2: The Right to Be Free 1. “The Declaration of Independence” – Thomas Jefferson Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? 2. According to Jefferson who gives the government power?

3. Which lines from the Declaration of Independence could be used as a theme for it?

Literary Term: Explain how this piece is an example of Persuasive Rhetoric

2. “from Stride Toward Freedom” – Martin Luther King, Jr. Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

3. “Necessary to Protect Ourselves” – Malcolm X Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Literary Term: Explain how this is an example of Historical Context

Unit III: The Spirit of Individualism Part 1: Celebrations of the Self 1. “The Devil and Tom Walker” – Washington Irving Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. What is the agreement made between Tom and “Old Scratch”?

2. How does Tom feel about this agreement as he reaches an older age?

3. What is the relationship like between Tom and his wife? What happens to Tom’s wife?

Literary Term: Define Imagery

Literary Term: Define Folklore

2. “from Self-Reliance” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. What makes people great according to Emerson?

2. What aphorisms does Emerson use in his writing? List 3 and explain what they mean. a. b. c.

Literary Term: Define Aphorism

Literary Term: Define Transcendentalism

3. “from Walden” – Henry David Thoreau Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. What was Thoreau’s reason for going to Walden Pond?

2. What metaphor is made to describe the idea that human have the ability to change?

3. What does Thoreau believe about babies who have just been born? Why does he feel this way?

4. What is Thoreau’s reason for moving away from Walden Pond?

4. Walt Whitman poetry Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Literary Term: Explain how this is an example of Free Verse

Part 2: The Dark Side of Individualism 1. “The Masque of the Red Death” – Edgar Allen Poe Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. How is irony used in this story?

2. As an allegory, what does the clock, Prince Prosepero, and the masked character represent?

Literary Term: Define Allegory

Literary Term: Define Gothic Literature

2. “Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment” – Nathaniel Hawthorne Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. As an allegory, what does each of the character’s represent, including Dr. Heidegger?

2. What reason does Dr. Heidegger give for not participating in the experiment?

3. What happens to the rose when it is placed in the water? How do the guests react after drinking the first glass?

4. What is the doctor’s view on youth and old age after the experiment?

5. How is foreshadowing used in this story?

Literary Term: Define Foreshadowing

Unit IV: Conflict and Expansion 1. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn –Mark Twain Characters:

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Brief synopsis of the plot:

Questions for thoughtful consideration: 1. What is a picaresque novel?

2. What is dialect?

3. What is satire?

4. What is local color?

5. What are a few themes from the novel?

Literary Term: Define Theme

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