Amended Constitution Sept 2008

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  • Pages: 15
FOSIS Constitution September 2008

The Federation of Students Islamic Societies In the United Kingdom & Eire

«And hold fast to the rope of Allah, all of you together, and be not disunited» Sura Al Imran: 103


Last amended on the 28 June 2008

Muslim students from various parts of the world and representing Islamic societies of several educational institutions in Britain and Ireland gathered in Birmingham in 1962, and succeeded in establishing “The Federation of Students Islamic Societies in UK and Ireland” with the motto “Hold fast to the rope of Allah, and do not be disunited” (AI-’Imran, 103).

By the grace of Allah, subsequent generations of students continue their voluntary and humble efforts in strengthening and extending the course of the Federation. The Federation, as an independent student organisation, has ever since played an important role in the service of Muslim students. Insha'Allah, this process shall continue in the years to come.

The activities of FOSIS are guided by the objectives and aims of the Federation:

(a) To unite all existing student Islamic organisations in the United Kingdom and Eire and to encourage and help in the formation of such organisations.

(b) To encourage and help members to conduct congregational prayers, lectures, discussion groups, and Islamic classes for the Muslims in their areas.

(c) To create the right atmosphere for the fulfillment of Islamic duties, and to foster and to protect the interests of Islam.

(d) To encourage members to participate in community work for Muslims.

The programmes and policies of the Federation to pursue these objectives are devised by the Council on an annual basis, and implemented on its behalf by the Executive Committee.



The name shall be “The Federation of the Students Islamic Societies in the United Kingdom and Eire”, hereinafter referred to as “The Federation”.



The Headquarters of the Federation shall be at the Muslim Students’ Centre and Hostel, 38 Mapesbury Road, London NW2 4JD.



The Motto of the Federation shall be: (Hold fast to the rope of Allah, all of you together, and be not disunited).




To unite all existing student Islamic Organisations in the United Kingdom and Eire and to encourage and to help the formation of such Organisations.


To encourage and help members to conduct congregational prayers, lectures, discussion groups and Islamic classes for Muslims in their areas.


To create the right atmosphere for the fulfilment of the Islamic duties, and to foster and protect the interests of Islam.


To encourage members to participate in community work for Muslims.




Constituent Membership


Constituent membership shall be open to Student Islamic Organisations in the United Kingdom and Eire.


Any Student Islamic Organisation admitted to the Federation shall be called “The Constituent Organisation” hereafter referred to as “The Constituent”.


Only Muslim, bona fide Student, members of each of the Constituent shall automatically become full members of the Federation.


Associate Membership


Students Islamic Organisations seeking membership of the Federation may be granted Associate Membership for a minimum period of one year. The Organisation shall undergo certain assessment to the satisfaction of the National Executive Committee, as directed by the Council, before Constituent Membership be granted.


Any Muslim Student Organisation admitted to associate membership of the Federation shall be called ‘The Associate Organisation’ hereinafter referred to as “The Associate”.


Associate Muslim members of Constituents who do not otherwise qualify for membership for the Federation under 5.1(c), may be considered as Associate members of the Federation, hereinafter referred to as “Associate Members”.


All Muslim members of Associate Organisations shall be Associate Members of the Federation.


Constituents shall be required to submit reports on their activities at least twice yearly to the Head of Communications of the Federation, in May and December.


Eligibility for Membership


An organisation should have been in existence for one year, and be in a position to submit a report of its programmes and activities.


A Constitution should be submitted with the application for membership.


When a Constitution is amended by an Associate or Constituent, the amendment is subject to the ratification and approval of the National Executive Committee of the Federation.




Application forms for “The Constituent Membership” and the “Associate Membership” of the Federation, shall be obtained from the Head of communications of the Federation. Constituent members shall update their particulars annually.


The completed “Application Form” accompanied by the Affiliation Fee must be submitted to the Head of communications who shall present it to the National Executive Committee at its earliest meeting.


Application for membership should reach the Head of communications of the Federation at least three lunar months prior to the Annual Council Meeting.


In the event of the application being refused or deferred, the National Executive Committee must give reasons to the applicant unless it is prejudicial to the interests of the Federation. The refused application may appeal to the Council.




Any constituent desiring to withdraw from membership of the Federation shall give notice in writing to the Head of communications who shall present it to the Council.

(b) or

The Head of communications shall not entertain any withdrawal notice unless that notice contains is accompanied by a resolution passed by at least two-thirds of the members, as defined in 5.1(c), attending any General Meeting of the Constituent.


The withdrawal notice shall not be operative before the Council has given its “Assent”. The Head of communications shall communicate, in writing, the decision of the Council to the withdrawal Organisation.


Any Constituent or Associate that fails to pay its Affiliation Fee for two consecutive years shall cease to be a member of the Federation, provided that such Organisations be given two notices, in writing, before each Annual Council Meeting, and do not provide the National Executive Committee with convincing evidence of not being able to pay their fee.


Any constituent that fails to attend the Annual Council Meeting for two consecutive years, without reasonable causes acceptable to the Council shall cease to be a member of the Federation




Constituent members


Each constituent shall be liable to pay an affiliation fee of fifty five pence per Muslim student member of the Organisation or as otherwise decided by the National Executive Committee of the Federation. (It is specified as being £10 by the Executive Committee)


All constituent members will pay the same set affiliation fee. The National Executive Committee may grant a constituent a special affiliation fee based on their circumstances.


Associate members


Each Associate shall be liable to pay an annual subscription of twenty five pence per Muslim member of the Organisation or as otherwise decided by the National Executive Committee of the Federation


The affiliation fee must be paid to the Head of finance of the Federation not later than 31 December. New Constituents and / or Associates shall pay theirs four weeks after being granted Membership, or as otherwise decided by the National Executive Committee of the Federation. (Payment after 31st December doesn’t nullify membership)




Constituents shall enjoy full autonomy in all the actions except when such actions contravene the Constitution or interests of the Federation.



It is members of the council that cast votes, therefore only the people under 10.2 can actually vote. This means that individuals who are members of a committee within FOSIS such as IAP or SAC, cannot vote unless they are from a constituent member. 10.1

The Supreme Governing Body


The Supreme governing body of the Federation shall be the Council of the Federation, which is referred to as the “The Council” throughout this Constitution.


All members of the Council shall believe in the unity and Oneness of Almighty Allah, the Book of Allah, the Qur’an being the last revealed Book, the Prophet-hood of Mohammed (peace be upon him) as the last of the Prophets and that there can be no Messenger and / or ‘Nabi’ after him, the Day of Judgment and all the requirements and teaching of the Qur’an and Sunnah.


The Members of the Council


The Executive Officers mentioned in Art. 11.


A Constituent is entitled to send one representative for every twenty-five Muslim student members or part thereof to a maximum of three representatives.


Where any representative is elected to the Executive Committee of the Federation his Constituent shall send another representative to fill his seat.




The National Executive Committee

The total number of the National Executive Committee shall be 18 and shall consist of the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

President Vice President of Training and Human Resource Vice President of Islamic Societies Vice President of Student Affairs Head of Communications Head of Finance Head of Media Head of Services Head of Campaigns Head of Members Relations Ireland Islamic Societies Chair London Islamic Societies Chair Midlands Islamic Societies Chair North Islamic Societies Chair Scotland Islamic Societies Chair South Islamic Societies Chair Wales Islamic Societies Chair Ex-Officio


Term of Office


The term of office of the National Executive Committee shall be one year.


All the Executive Officers shall be eligible for re-election to a maximum of four years.


Whenever possible, each new executive committee shall contain a minimum of four members from the previous committee who have been in office for at least one year


Executive Consultation Committee


The Executive Consultation Committee will come together to discuss sensitive and delicate issues

when required. The committee will also be open to all members of the executive and each executive member will have voting rights. (b)

The committee comprises of the following positions: President, Vice President of Islamic Societies, Vice President of Student Affairs, Vice President, Head of Communication Head of Finance and Head of Media.



Team FOSIS refers to all members of the National Executive Committee, all FOSIS committee members and paid employees. 12.



Shall be referred to as NEC during certain part of the document


The NEC shall be responsible for the leadership and management of the affairs of the Federation, except when the Council is in session.


The National Executive Committee shall be responsible for implementing the recommendations, decisions and resolutions of the Council.


The National Executive Committee shall be subject to any direction of the Council and have control over all financial matters of the Federation.


The National Executive Committee shall have the power to allot additional duties to any member of the Executive Committee.


The National Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt to itself not more than five

members whose term ends one week before the Annual Council Meeting. The President, Vice President, Vice President of Islamic Societies, Vice President of Student Affairs, Head of Communications and Head of Finance cannot be co-opted. (g)

The National Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees known as ‘FOSIS committees’.


The National Executive Committee shall have the power to invite any observer/s to the Council and the Executive Committee meetings.


All those employed by the Federation, shall be directly responsible to the National Executive Committee.




National Executive Members

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


Shall work within the constitution and other agreed policies by the Executive Shall attend executive and other relevant meetings. Shall exercise his/her casting vote. Shall maintain high standards of legal, Islamic and ethical conduct. Shall complete blogs and report on progress as well as keep a record of important documentation and return it as part of the handover. Shall keep receipts in order to be reimbursed and check financial spending with the Head of Finance. Shall conduct a handover once term has been completed with the newly appointed officer within a month. Shall submit a plan and budget to the NEC.



6. 7.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. (c)

Shall be the head and the spokesperson of The Federation. Shall become a signatory on The Federation accounts within 6 weeks of his/her election year. Shall oversee and support members of the National Executive Committee. Shall oversee and support the Board of Advisors. Shall develop and oversee the strategic direction of The Federation. Shall ensure that the constitution is adhered to as well as additional agreed upon guidelines and policies (such as those outlined in the FOSIS handbook). Shall preside at all Executive and Council Meetings. Shall attend relevant external meetings where FOSIS is represented or shall appoint someone to deputise for him/her in his/her absence. Shall represent The Federation to external organisations and bodies. Shall be the Ex-officio member of the subsequent Executive Committee. Vice President of Training and Human Resources

1. 2. 3. 4.

Shall deputise for the President in his/her absence or when the President relinquishes the chair. Shall oversee and support the Training and Human Resource Committee. Shall oversee and develop recruitment. induction and training for the National Executive Committee. Shall be responsible for implementing necessary procedures and systems to deal with complaints and disciplinary action. 5. Shall update the FOSIS Handbook. 6. Shall promote and coordinate personal development programmes. (d) Vice President of Islamic Societies

1. Shall aim to strengthen and support student Islamic societies. 2. Shall oversee and support the National Islamic Societies Coordinating Committee and Regional Islamic Societies Committees. 3. Shall identify the needs of Muslim students, Islamic societies and Regional Committees and represent their views at NEC level. 4. Shall ensure that the Regional Islamic Societies Chairs understand their role and support them with managing and leading their Regional Islamic Societies committee. 5. Create positive links between societies and regional committees and highlight examples of good practise.

6. Shall create communication procedure for National Executive Committee and FOSIS committees to work with Regional Islamic Societies Committees and Islamic Societies. (e)

Vice President of Student Affairs

1. Shall be principal lead in discussion with the rest of the executive, on issues relating to government and politics. 2. Shall oversee and support the Student Affairs Committee. 3. Shall represent FOSIS at NUS and at Student Union level 4. Shall attend meetings at Government level. 5. Shall attend meetings with relevant Muslim organisations. (f) Head of Communications 1. Shall oversee and support the Communications Committee. 2. Shall keep records of the constitution, amendments to the constitution, motions as well as additional agreed upon guidelines and policies (such as those outlined in the FOSIS handbook). 3. Shall oversee the coordination and compilation of material read externally such as e-newsletters, updates, blogs, and council and annual reports. 4. Shall oversee the coordination and compilation of the material read internally such as annual calendar, planning documents and strategic documents, budgets, meeting minutes and handover documents. 5. Shall work with the relevant members and office manager to keep the FOSIS website updated, to maintain an up-to-date list of Team FOSIS contact details and to maintain FOSIS emails and egroups. 6. Shall work with relevant people to organise National Executive Committee meetings, National Council meetings and elections. 7. Shall deal with all correspondence of the Federation unless otherwise decided by the National Executive Committee. (g) Head of Finance 1. Shall be responsible for organising and managing FOSIS Accounts and submission of FOSIS budget by all committees. 2. Shall coordinate the raising of funds for The Federation. 3. Shall oversee and support the Finance Committee. 4. Shall become a signatory on the FOSIS accounts within 6 weeks of election. 5. Shall work with FOSIS office manager to keep accurate records and accounts of FOSIS income, expenditure and assets. 6. Shall pay all expenses incurred by FOSIS out of its fund. 7. Shall submit a statement of the accounts of FOSIS to each council meeting. 8. Shall submit a report of the accounts of The Federation at least once per academic term, or when requested by The Executive. 9. Recommended to have a background in finance, accounting and/or fund raising. (h)

Head of Media

1. Shall be co-opted onto the executive by no later than one month after elections of the executive committee. 2. Shall oversee and support the media committee 3. Shall be responsible for monitoring mainstream media outlets. 4. In discussion with the President, shall respond to relevant media issues pertaining to and concerning the Muslim student community and/or the wider Muslim public. 5. Shall be the first point of contact and public spokesperson for FOSIS for media related issues.

6. In discussion with the President, shall respond to requests for media interviews. 7. Shall be, in conjunction with the executive, the principal lead in formulating media strategy for FOSIS. 8. Shall support FOSIS committees with media related work. This includes training, or communicating FOSIS events to media outlets using various mediums, for instance articles, press releases.

(i) Head of Services 1. Shall oversee and support the services committee. 2. Identify and deliver service for its members that both meet the needs of its members and are inline with the strategic direction. 3. Shall represent the views and issues of the committee at NEC level. 4. Provide a direction to the committee and be able to provide up-to-date information to NEC when required. 5. Work with the Training and Human Resource Committee to recruit members onto the various services and support them with relevant documents. (j) Head of Campaigns 1. 2. 3. 4.

Shall oversee and support the campaigns committee. Shall represent the views and issues of the committee at NEC level. Provide a direction to committee and be able to provide up-to-date information to NEC when required. Work with the Training and Human Resource Committee to recruit members onto the various campaigns and support them with relevant documents.

(k) Head of Members Relations 1. 2. 3. quired. 4.

Shall oversee and support the Member Relations Committee. Shall represent the views and issues of the committee at NEC level. Provide a direction to the committee and be able to provide up-to-date information to NEC when reWork with the Training and Human Resource Committee to recruit members to the committee and support them with relevant documents.

( l ) Islamic Society Regional Chair Includes the following: Ireland Islamic Society Chair London Islamic Society Chair Midlands Islamic Society Chair North Islamic Society Chair Scotland Islamic Society Chair South Islamic Society Chair Wales Islamic Society Chair

ii. Shall be assigned to a region in the United Kingdom and Ireland. iii. Shall represent the interests of the Islamic Societies in their regions. iv. Shall oversee and support Regional Islamic Society Committee.

v. Shall communicate the activities of FOSIS to their regions. vi. Shall promote FOSIS in their region vii. Shall carry out the projects under the name of FOSIS with permission of the Executive Committee. viii. Work with the Training and Human Resource Committee to recruit volunteers to work within the regional and other committees. (m)

Ex Officio

1. 2. 3.

Shall function as an advisor to The Executive. Shall attend all executive and relevant meetings. Shall exercise his/her vote.


FOSIS Committee


The National Executive committee shall oversee and support the following committees: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.


raining and Human Resource Committee Islamic Societies National Coordinating Committee Islamic Societies Regional Committees Students Affairs Committee Communications Committee Finance Committee Media Committee Service Committee Campaigns Committee Members Relations Committee Ireland Islamic Society Committee London Islamic Society Committee Midlands Islamic Society Committee North Islamic Society Committee Scotland Islamic Society Committee South Islamic Society Committee Wales Islamic Society Committee


1. Training and Human Resource Committee shall assist with head with promoting, developing and meeting the needs of NEC, FOSIS committees with regards to training, development and personal wellbeing. In addition to this it would be in charge of coordinating new volunteers and dealing with complaints. 2. Islamic Societies National Coordinating Committee shall support the head with assisting and developing regional committees and represent the views of Muslim students at national level. 3. Regional Islamic Society Committee shall work with the chair to strengthen and support the Islamic societies as well as to promote work FOSIS within the region. 4. Student Affairs Committee shall support the head with representing the needs of Muslim students at SU, NUS and Government level 5. Communications Committee shall support the head with producing appropriate communication materials, to ensure that effective communication regarding the work that FOSIS does exists within The Federation and externally.

6. Finance Committee shall ensure accounts are organised and accurate, and that budgets and funding is allocated appropriately. To work with various committees to fundraise in order that the NEC and FOSIS committees can deliver their work. 7. Media Committee shall assist the head to monitor media, voice the views of Muslim students using mediums such as press releases, articles and represent FOSIS and its committees within media outlets. 8. Service Committee shall assist the head by identifying appropriate services that meet the needs of federation and deliver them to its members. 9. Campaigns committee is to identify relevant campaigns that raise awareness about issues that students face and to coordinate them nationally. 10. Members Relations committee is to support the head to deliver project through which FOSIS develop its public image with its members such as freshers’ packs and annual conference. 11. Board of Advisors shall be made up and represent a diverse set of backgrounds and skills such as scholars from different orientations and skills such as with training and working with the government. The board must be elected within 6 weeks of the executive elections. The process of electing is through consultation with the national executive committee and final decision rests with the President. These advisors will be given the accessibility to FOSIS committees so that they can assist them with their work when relevant. 16. EMPLOYEES 16.1 The Office Manager (a) Shall have a permanent position. (b) Shall be appointed by the executive committee. (c) Shall be responsible to the President and Head of Communications. (d) Shall work closely with the Head of Communications. (e) Shall be in charge of the day to day running of the office. (f) Shall deal with all correspondence of the Federation delegated by the Head of Communications. (g) Shall have a contract of two years which is automatically renewed unless he / she does not fulfil their role, and which can be reviewed by the executives only at the end of this period. (h) Clause (vii) above applies only if the Office Manager fulfils his / her role to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee. 16.2 The Property Manager (a) Shall have a permanent position. (b) Shall be appointed by the Executive. (c) Shall be responsible to the President and Head of Finance. (d) Shall work closely with the Head of Finance. (e) Shall deal with the management of the hostels (f) Shall submit a monthly report to the Head of Finance and an annual report six weeks before the ACM. (g) Shall have a contract of two years which is automatically renewed unless he / she does not fulfil their role, and which can be reviewed by the executives only at the end of this period. (h) Clause (g) above applies only if the Property Manager fulfils his / her role to the satisfaction of the Executive Committee.

17 MEETINGS 17.1 The Council (a) The Council shall hold an Annual Council Meeting on a date fixed by the Executive Committee. (b) Notices of this meeting shall be given at least two lunar months before the date of each meeting. (c) A quorum of each meeting shall be one third of the total membership of the Council as defined in Article 10.2. If at the announced time of the meeting there is no quorum, the meeting shall be delayed until a quorum is achieved or three hours have elapsed. If then there is no quorum, one sixth of the total membership of the Council will be sufficient. (d) A temporary lack of quorum during a meeting shall not cause the meeting to be ceased. (e) Motions passed in accordance with the Constitution shall be acted upon by the Executive Committee.

17.2 Emergency Meeting of the Council (a) The Emergency Meetings of the Council shall be called at short notice by the Head of Communications at the Written return request of all least one third of the total number of the members of the Executive Committee. (b) The Emergency Meeting of the Council shall be called upon at short notice by the Head of Communications at the request of at least one third of the total membership of the Council. 17.3 The Executive Committee (a) The Executive Committee shall meet at least once per academic term. (b) The meeting shall be called by the President or the Head of Communications. (c) At least two weeks notice for each meeting shall be given, along with an agenda. (d) The quorum for such a meeting shall be half of the total number of the members of the Executive Committee. 18 ELECTIONS 17.1 Any full member of the Federation shall be eligible for election. 17.2 All the candidates shall be elected by secret ballot on simple majority. 17.3 The order of the election of the Executive Committee shall be as follows: (a) The President. (b) The Vice President of Training and Human Resources, Vice President of Islamic Societies, Vice President of Student Affairs, Head of Communications and Head of Finance. (c) The regional council chairs shall be elected by their region before or during the ACM and then ratified at this point by the council

19 VOTING (a) Each member of the Council shall be eligible to cast one vote. (b) All voting, with the exception of voting for the election of Executive Officers and for motions for disciplinary actions, shall be by show of hands. (c) A member of the Executive Committee shall be eligible to cast one vote at any Executive Committee or Council meeting. (d) No Proxy vote shall be recorded at Council and Executive Committee meetings. (e) Constituent Observers, Associate observers and Observers shall not have voting rights at Council or Executive Committee meetings 20 RESIGNATION OF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (a) Any Executive Officer may tender his resignation to the Executive Committee. (b) When the Executive Committee has accepted the resignation, the Executive Committee shall then have the power to appoint any Muslim student member of a constituent to fill the post of the resigning Executive Officer, or the post of the Executive Officer who has relinquished his post as a result of his new appointment. Such member shall enjoy the same rights as the elected members. (c) No member of the Executive Committee shall be permitted to hold any Executive post on the termination of his stay in the United Kingdom and Eire.

21 FINANCE (a) There shall be a fund known as the “Federation Fund” hereinafter referred to as the “Fund”. (b) The Fund shall be derived from affiliation fees, donations or from any other sources provided they do not contravene any part of the Islamic Shari'ah or the Constitution. (c) The Executive Committee shall unless otherwise instructed by the Council, decided how the Fund shall be used. (d) The Head of Finance shall set the Office manager a maximum amount of annual petty cash at the beginning of the year (e) All cheques drawn from the Fund must be signed by the Head of Finance and counter signed by any one of the Executive Officers authorised by the Executive Committee. (f) The Executive Committee shall have the description to appeal for emergency funds or donations, should the need arise, providing such appeals are in accordance with the objects and aims of the Federation.

22 AUDITORS (a) A firm of professional auditors may be appointed by the Council at its discretion, to examine and audit the accounts of the Federation presented by the Head of Finance. (b) The firm shall examine and audit the accounts of the Federation presented by the Head of Finance.

23 OBSERVERS (a) Observers may be invited by the Executive Committee in accordance with article 12(g). (b) Constituent and Associates may send any number of observers. (c) The observers shall not have debating or discussion rights except by permission of the President.

24 AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION (a) Any Constituent or any member of the Executive Committee may propose an amendment to the Constitution. (b) All amendments shall be submitted in writing. (c) Amendments to the Constitution shall reach the Head of Communications at least six weeks before the Council meeting. (d) The Head of Communications shall circulate the amendments duly proposed and seconded, to all Constituents at least four weeks before the Council meeting. (e) Amendments to the original amendments should reach the Head of Communications not later than two weeks before the Council meeting. (f) Amendments received less than two weeks before the Council meeting shall not be introduced at the Council meeting. (g) Amendments to the Constitution shall be passed by two third of all the Council members or four fifths of all the Council members present provided at least one third of the total membership of the Council is present. (h) Amendments to the Constitution shall not contravene the Qur’an and Sunnah.

25 DISCIPLINARY ACTION (a) Disciplinary action may be taken against any Constituent or Associate, which is acting in a manner prejudicial to the objects and aims of the Federation. (b) The Executive Committee has the power to carry disciplinary action in the form the Executive Committee thinks fit and necessary; the Executive Committee must then communicate the matter to the Constituent or Association concerned. (c) No Constituent shall be expelled from the Federation without the approval of the Council. (d) The Constituent against whom disciplinary action has been taken has the right of appeal to the Council.

26 INTERPRETATION (a) The Council only shall have the power to interpret the Constitution. (b) Council not in session (c) The Executive Committee shall have the power to interpret the Constitution when the Council is not in session.

27 CONSTITUTIONAL BOOK The Head of Communications shall maintain a book, which shall include a Master Copy of the Constitution, all amendments, and additions as they are made in chronological order, and which shall also include a Master Copy of Standing Orders.

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