Amchamnews Moldova August/september 2007

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AmChamNews The official newsletAugust/ ter of the American September 2007 AMCHAM MOLDOVA FIGHTING FOR YOUR BUSINESS

AmChamNews is produced by The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova 57/1 Banulescu-Bodoni QBE ASITO Building, office 410 MD-2005 mun. Chisinau Republic of Moldova Telephone: (+373 22) 221 781 Fax: (+373 22) 211 782 Email: [email protected]

Questions or Comments? Please feel free to contact us at [email protected]


Dear AmCham Members, I would like to start by saying congratulations to Moldova for celebrating its sixteenth independence day on August 27, what a great occasion for the country. Moldova has changed a lot in the last sixteen years and we hope that the years to come will be filled with progress and growth for Moldova and its people.

AmCham Calendar Member Luncheon at U.S. Ambassador Kirby’s residence September 20, 2007

Board of Director’s Meeting September 13, 2007

Board of Director’s Elections

Just as Moldova has grown over the last sixteen years, we at AmCham are starting to experience growth. Our membership numbers are up again for the third straight month and we have hired a new project manager, Mila Dodon, who is working on the organization and forming of committees and projects within AmCham.

October 17, 2007

All Members Meeting October 17, 2007

All Member Cocktail Party October 17, 2007

International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility

Now that autumn is here we can say that we had a very productive summer and we will look to carry that momentum into the next season. The next few months are full of activities and we hope to add more members and strengthen our membership base even more. Speaking of change, we will be having elections for a new Board of Directors in October. This is another first for AmCham and we are currently working towards the organization of an all member meeting followed by a cocktail party to be held in October. I would like to thank the Board of Directors and all of the members of AmCham for your enthusiasm. AmCham is where it is today due to your continued support.

November 8, 2007

BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING The most recent AmCham Board of Directors meeting was held on Thursday, September 13. The following issues were discussed at the meeting: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Best regards,


Introduction of our new project manager, Mila Dodon; Mr. Cameron Burks spoke about the Overseas Security Advisory Council and the forming of a Steering Committee in Moldova; Autumn plan of activities for AmCham; Discussion of BOD elections in October; Preliminary list of proposed concepts and projects for AmCham organization and promotion; Mila Dodon presented the Swedish Employee Program on Home Computer Use and Moldova Credit Rating Report; Approval of new members since May 2007.

The complete minutes of the meeting is posted to the AmCham website.

Director of Member Communications Jerad Scott Tietz 1

AmChamNews August-September 2007

LUNCHEON AT AMBASSADOR KIRBY’S RESIDENCE The U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Michael D. Kirby, invited AmCham and its members to attend a luncheon at his residence on September 20. This was a very special occasion for AmCham and the invitation and luncheon demonstrated the support that the U.S. Embassy and Ambassador Kirby have for AmCham and its members. The luncheon was hosted by Mrs. Kelly Feidling in the Ambassador’s absence. Mrs. Feidling and Mr. John Maxemchuk addressed the crowd of over 40 of AmCham’s members. Both speakers noted AmCham’s one-year anniversary and the strong ties between AmCham and the Embassy. Mr. Maxemchuk also briefly outlined AmCham’s busy fall schedule for the audience, which consists of upcoming elections for a new Board of Directors. U.S. Embassy staff also attended the event including Mrs. Daria Fane, Dr. Valentina Robertson, Mr. Ernest Abisellan, and Mr. Iulian Bogasieru. Mr. Christopher Williams, the Country Director of the U.S. Delegation in Moldova for the Millennium Challenge was also in attendance during the luncheon. The reception itself was wonderful and it consisted of a beautiful spread of food and select Moldovan wines. Everyone in attendance thought that the event was a success and we look forward to working closely with the U.S. Embassy and its staff in the future. 2

AmChamNews Aug-Sep. 2007

AMCHAMS IN THE REGION AmCham Moldova has been serving the local business community for just over one year. It was registered in September of 2006 and since then it has grown into the organization that exists today. One way for an organization to see how far it has come is for it to see how far it still has to go . In terms of experience and member numbers AmCham Moldova can learn a lot from its neighbors. There are over 190 AmChams in operation throughout the world and our goal is for AmCham Moldova is to be recognized as one of the best. In striving to achieve this goal we may well draw upon the experience of our neighboring AmChams for guidance and advice. Here is a brief look at what other AmChams in the region have been able to accomplish and what AmCham Moldova may use as an example to continue its progress in the right direction.


AmCham News Aug-Sep. 2007



Literally one of our neighbors, AmCham Romania was founded fourteen years ago by American investors. Since its inception, AmCham Romania has grown into an organization with a membership roster made up of many major U.S. and international corporations as well as local Romanian businesses and private individuals such as consultants and free-lancers.

During its fifteen year history AmCham Ukraine has grown to become one of the largest and most effective nongovernment and nonprofit business organizations in the Ukraine. It has over 500 members consisting of internationally known corporations and small and medium sized businesses from more than 50 countries that operate in the Ukraine.

Today AmCham Romania has over 200 members and various categories of membership. AmCham Romania’s membership comprises corporations and individuals representing or strongly linked to American business in five categories: patrons, large corporations, small businesses, non-profit entities and individuals. Membership entitles participation in all AmCham events at member price and access to lobbying and advocacy services.

AmCham Ukraine is a member of the Foreign Investment Advisory Council under President Yushchenko as well as a wide variety of Public Councils within Ukrainian Ministries and State Committees.

AmCham Romania has held many formal business and social and networking events in its past. This October it will organize a one-day seminar “Mechanisms of Protecting Intellectual Property Rights – Border Measure Actions”. This seminar will reunite representatives of the U.S. Embassy in Romania, European Commission Delegation, large international companies, ministries and other public authorities, as well as specialized NGOs fighting the trafficking of counterfeit and pirated goods.

As part of its very active advocacy program AmCham Ukraine currently collaborates on four working groups: Certification and Standardization, Illegal Corporate Raidering, Joint Stock Companies, and Waste Packaging Management.

AmCham has its own committees as well, fourteen of them to be exact. Some of these committees include: Agriculture, Banking and Financial Services, Information Technology, and Telecommunications.

Offering its members services is one way that AmCham Ukraine keeps its current members satisfied while at the same time attracting new companies to join the organization. Some of the services that are offered for members include a “member 2 member” program which allows AmCham members to receive special discounts when doing In its role to represent its members through business advocacy, Ambusiness with other members. Another member-only program is the Cham Romania has organized six committees: Tax, European Union, “Gourmet Club” which unites many of the best restaurants in Ukraine IT & C, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Health Care, and Corpo- providing discounts to AmCham members. rate Social Responsibility.


For further information about AmCham Romania and its activities please visit its official website.

For further information about AmCham Ukraine and its activities please visit its official website.

AmChamNews August-September 2007

AMCHAM BULGARIA The organization was founded in 2004 and currently unites over 220 reputable American, Bulgarian and International companies and organizations from all sectors of the economy. Today AmCham Bulgaria has a total of seven committees working on diverse sectors of the economy including Public Affairs, EU Affairs, AmCham Membership, Business Development, Real Estate & Construction, Healthcare, and Corporate Social Responsibility.

AMCHAM RUSSIA The AmCham in Russia was founded shortly after the unraveling of the U.S.S.R. in 1991. A group of American businessmen created the American Business Club to unite the American business community in Russia. Then in 1993 the Club formally applied to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and celebrated its official registration in Moscow on January 13, 1994. From its humble beginnings AmCham has grown into the largest business association in Russia and effectively advocates the business interests of its more than 800 members.

AmCham Bulgaria organizes many events for its members including an event that will take place this October. AmCham and the U.S. Embassy in Bulgaria are organizing the seminar “Contracting Training of U.S.—Bulgaria Joint Training Facilities”. The seminar is designed to teach contracting procedures to firms interested in the U.S. – Bulgaria joint training facilities and the upcoming business opportunities in the Middle East and other NATO and European countries.

AmCham works closely with the Russian government and is even used as a resource in designing business legislation. As part of establishing its credibility in the country, AmCham identified key individuals in both the Russian and American governments and focused on creating close, working relationships with them.

For further information about AmCham Bulgaria and its activities please visit its official website.

For further information about AmCham Russia and its activities please visit its official website.

One way AmCham advocates for its members is through its committees. Today AmCham is made up of 18 committees that work in varyAmCham Bulgaria also works closely with the community by offering ing sectors of the economy including Aerospace, Energy, Manufacturvarious trainings, classes, and other external programs. In the spirit of ing, and Taxation, to name a few. this cooperation a partnership has been established with the American College of Sofia which offers various English language courses and AmCham provides its members with plenty of opportunities to nettrainings. Another such program is the “Toast Master’s Club”. work through many diverse activities and events including member dinners, an annual golf tournament, CEO forums, and Policy RoundtaThe Toast Master’s Club was a re-opened in the summer of 2005 and ble discussions. provides participants who attend the bi-weekly meeting with the opportunity to develop communication and leadership skills through pub- To keep its members informed AmCham has 10 publications and a lic speaking. section on its website dedicated to doing business in Russia. This section focuses on many of the common issues that its members face.


AmChamNews August

UPCOMING AMCHAM EVENTS AND COLLABORATIONS CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY International Conference Corporate Social Responsibility for Moldova Co-organized by American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova Eurasia Foundation United Nations Development Programme

U.S. EMBASSY LOOKS TO OPEN A SCHOOL IN MOLDOVA The Embassy of the United States is exploring the option of opening a new school for Embassy employees’ children, international students, and Moldovan students. The proposed school is in need of funding before it can move on to the next step of development. The estimated amount of funding needed for the project is $800,000 and if that amount is not raised by mid-October than the project cannot continue.

If you or your organization are interested in donating to this project please contact Mrs. Royanna Butler with the United States Embassy by email at Nistru Hall, Leogrand Hotel & Convention Center, 77 Mitropolit Vaarlam str. [email protected] or via telephone at 408 946. Thursday, November 8, 2007

ANP CLUBS ECONOMIQUES INTERNATIONAUX The conference will focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in The ANP Clubs Economiques Internationaux is an organization from BelMoldova as a concept and will identify and acknowledge CSR practices gium that is creating an economic guide for the European Union and its neighbors. in Moldova and abroad. Representatives from Moldovan and international companies, central and local government, the diplomatic and donor community will be invited to attend and make presentations. Various media outlets will be attending and reporting on this CSR conference. Conference invitations and the agenda will be sent in October.

The economic guide will consist of 100 pages with 50 pages being devoted to the European Union and 50 pages to the Republic of Moldova. The 50 pages covering Moldova will consist of various topics including Government, Parliament, Private Sector, Foreign Investment, etc.

The guide will be used as a tool to promote Moldova in Western Europe and it will be distributed to the Euro Chamber in Brussels who will then All AmCham members are highly encouraged to participate in the event. XEROX has already generously agreed to be the general sponsor distribute it to all Chambers of Commerce in the European Union. This guide will be seen by many government officials, business people and inof the conference. Two other AmCham members, KPMG and Glass vestors throughout the European Union and its neighboring countries. Container Company, have also agree to sponsor the conference and other non-AmCham companies have also decided to sponsor the event. We are still in need of sponsorship for the event and we kindly ask each AmCham has decided to work with ANP Clubs Economiques Internationaux and will be featured in the economic guide and we encourage our AmCham member to consider sponsoring this conference. members to consider promoting their organizations in this economic guide In the event that your organization is interested in sponsoring this CSR too. If your organization is interested in this opportunity please contact Jerad Scott Tietz and he can put you in touch with the guide’s organizers conference please contact Jerad Scott Tietz via email: in Moldova. [email protected] or via telephone: 211 781. 6

AmChamNews August-September 2007



We are proud to introduce this new section of the monthly newsletter which will focus on a different member of AmCham each month.


The members of AmCham are its greatest asset and we believe that helping our members better understand each other’s businesses will go a long way to improving member relations and the efficiency of our organization. So without further ado, we are proud to present this month’s member spotlight. Corporate Office Solutions has been an office interiors consultant since 1995 and is now one of the largest in Europe. Ever since 1995 the Office Solutions group has been the trading partner of Steelcase, the World’s leading office furniture supplier and is currently the exclusive dealership of Steelcase in Romania, and from March 2007, in Moldova. COS offers a Complete Portfolio of office furniture systems and architectural items to meet all functional, design and budget requirements.


Corporate Office Solutions (COS) is relatively new to the Moldovan market and is in the process of establishing a presence in Moldova. What challenges and obstacles has COS encountered while trying to establish itself in Moldova?


Corporate Office Solutions is a company with an international presence. It is the exclusive Steelcase dealer. That is why the decision was made based on the market research that was done before opening an office here. We saw a good chance to find a correct way of understanding the values of high standard services. Moldova is a country with great potential in many areas: banking, IT, communications, etc. Every one of these areas need to be presented in a certain way and we here to help to find these ways as well as to add value to your business. Moldova is by most standards a small market for COS to enter. How do you feel your organization’s experience in larger and more developed markets such as Romania can be translated to the Moldovan market?



Even if Moldova is a small market there are some really good projects going on. There are investors who want to extend their businesses in this part of the world. Moldova is just going through the steps of development the same way Romania did a couple of years ago. Big companies are coming to improve our services by introducing new management.

COS also offers a wide variety of professional office services in design and architectural, logistic, project management, construction management.

In Romania, COS is one of the leading companies in this area. We are planning to achieve the same results in Moldova. We are a solid company, very flexible for our customers. Our business relationships are based on trust and good reputation. That is why many of our Romanian clients, that have companies here, in Moldova, are willing to cooperate with us further on.

The COS representative in Moldova is Ms. Oxana Jantoan.


AmChamNews August-September 2007


Can you talk a little bit about the reason why COS chose to enter the Moldovan market and what benefits COS expects to get from their operations in Moldova?


One of the most important factors leading to Corporate Office Solutions decision to enter the Moldovan market was the changes that have appeared in Moldova recently: a growing market, many investments, another mentality; people began to see the difference between a high quality services and a bad supplier. We expect to see our clients satisfied and happy in their offices, that we will create for them. We can not mention more or less benefits for COS to enter Moldova’s market. The important thing for COS is to extend and to develop its services in the most needed areas, by offering durable products. For this, we are taking care of our clients by improving their image.


Does COS plan on implementing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy in Moldova? Does COS implement CSR strategies in other countries that it operates in?


COS is currently developing in Romania a “green” campaign, meant to generate public awareness on environmental protection. COS is actively participating protecting the environment by recycling all the office paper disposals and by enrolling in a program of planting new trees in Bucharest, Romania’s capital. Moreover, COS carefully and constantly distributes only products which can be recycled and can be obtained through an industrial process that respects the environment and do not create pollution. This is one of our future plans in Moldova, too.


Could you please tell us what you think the future of the market for office furniture and office related products in Moldova will be like? Oxana:

I think this market is just at the beginning of its development. There are many reasons for that: foreign invest ments, a growing request for something new and more comfortable, new business opportunities. I believe in a couple of years this domain will be very successful.

AmCham: The annual International Wine Festival will take place in Chisinau next month. What is your favorite type of Moldovan wine? Oxana:

Sauvignon Blanc A special thank you to Ms. Oxana Jantoan for taking her time to speak with AmCham.


AmChamNews August-September 2007

Independence Day 2007


We would like to welcome all of our new members to AmCham. We look forward to a prosperous and continued relationship with AmCham would like you and all of our members that have supported AmCham from the beginning.

to congratulate Moldova on celebrat- COCA-COLA BOTTLERS CHISINAU Marius Gogorita ing the sixteenth an- Contact Person: Phone: 471 040 niversary of its inde- Address: str. Industriala 5 MD-2023, mun. Chisinau pendence on August Website: 27. EURASIA FOUNDATION Contact Person:

Sorin Mereacre 235 343 str. Tighina 49/4, 3rd floor MD-2001, mun. Chisinau

We wish Moldova Phone: and its citizens many Address: prosperous and pro- Website: ductive years to MOLDCELL come. Contact Person:

Rodica Verbeniuc 794 000 26 str. Belgrad 3 MD-2060, mun. Chisinau

Phone: Address: Website:

Limba Noastra 2007 AmCham felicită Republica Moldova cu ocazia sărbătorii “Limba Noastra”.

VICTORIABANK Contact Person: Phone: Address: Website:

La mulŃi ani şi să traească Republica Moldova şi cetăŃenii săi.

Lilia Lozinschi 576 100 str. 31 August 1989, Nr. 141


AmChamNews August-September 2007

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