Ama Annual Report 06-07

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NU Chapter... A N N U AL R E P ORT

NO RTH W O O D U N IV ER SI T Y American Marketing Association




NUAMA Rating Scale NUAMA has established a rating system which involves a critique of each project to measure our success. This rating system has been developed to allow future members to review and build from. It is also to be utilized to gain perspective on projects that may not have yet been undertaken or that have room for improvement. This new rating system will ensure a great level of success for NUAMA now and into the future.

5/5 - The project was successfully completed with minimal complications. These projects are to be carried on throughout future years due to the significant level of success that has been achieved.

4/5 - The project was successfully completed, but a challenge was presented at some point throughout its execution.

3/5 - The project encountered several complexities, which resulted in rehabilitation in order to work through and improve the situation.

2/5 - The project was attempted, but did not reach the chapter’s projected level of success. 1/5 - The project was poorly attempted. It would not be beneficial to attempt this project in the future.

0/5 - The project was not completed. N/A - Not applicable: NUAMA has not yet initiated the project.


Executive Letter


Major Accomplishments


S.W.O.T. Analysis


Professional Development 5 Membership




Community Service




Chapter Operations






Executive Letter In the past year, the Northwood University American Marketing Association (NUAMA) has witnessed an incredible transformation. From a small organization averaging only ten members per year to a campus leader and influential organization of nearly 40, the NUAMA has surpassed expectations and embarked on “A NU Beginning”. NUAMA chose this theme to represent the task at hand: starting from scratch, reorganizing, planning ahead, setting goals and appointing a talented and motivated Executive Board. After analyzing the successes and failures of the past, the NUAMA Executive Board was conscious and responsive to the great amount of restructuring needed to meet our goals. The main focus of the year was on membership. Success can only happen with an active member base. This being so: we hosted recruitment events, recruited through viral and online marketing, and made appearances in marketing classrooms. Our membership has been low is the past due to a lack of awareness within the Northwood student body. We made the immediate decision that the professional marketing organization on campus should be marketing itself to students better than any other. We attacked this issue by branding our organization with a logo. The NUAMA logo is used on every piece of communication from our organization; this helped to create awareness right away. Our next focus was to create valuable opportunities in every division of NUAMA in order to retain member interest. We planned to enhance the growth of our members by way of strong commitment to teamwork, personal responsibility, and leadership. Members remained actively involved with various marketing-related projects; including the creation of a media kit for Gerace Construction, and participating in the 2007 Case Competition. Members also had the opportunity to learn from industry leaders such as Ford Motor Company and Quicken Loans. As the 2006-2007 year comes to a close, we are able to review our chapter’s progression. We launched into “A NU Beginning”, accomplished our goals, and prepared the chapter for continued success. Because of this, we are proud to present: The 2006-2007 Northwood University American Marketing Association Annual Report Sincerely,

Benjamin G. Coy President

Lauren E. Brackel Executive Vice President

Courtney R. Soule Executive Vice President


Major Accomplishments This was a very progressive year for NUAMA. The current member base has set a standard for future members to follow. accomplishments of 2006-2007 are highlighted below.

The major

1. Our number one goal this year was to increase membership. Due to exceptional recruiting efforts, chapter membership has been increased by 240% thus far.

2. We were able to raise enough funds this year to send 13 members down to New Orleans, LA for the 29th Annual AMA International Collegiate Conference. This included air fare, registration fees, and hotel room costs.

3. NUAMA set a fundraising record this year. We started with $1,445 and raised $6,676 in additional revenues. We had $7,191 in expenses for the year leaving a balance of $930 for 2007-2008 members to build on.

4. As part of NUAMA’s goal to gain exposure and establish a presence on campus, we branded our organization with a logo. This logo was used for all forms of communication pertaining to our organization.

5. On February 7, 2007 NUAMA hosted “Bowl for a Buck”. This event set a record attendance for an AMA event with 81 students present. This event was used as a recruiting tool as well as a fun night for members to take a break from heavy workloads. NUAMA members planned and advertised the event flawlessly.

6. NUAMA participated in the 2006-2007 AMA Collegiate Case Competition, “Renew New Orleans”. 7. For the second consecutive year, the City of Midland’s Downtown Development Authority asked NUAMA to plan and market the kick-off event for its downtown summer sculpture series, this year entitled “DaBenchi: Hot Seats in a Cool City”. Seven members worked on this Community Service project.

8. NUAMA was asked by Northwood University to be a pilot organization using the new Blackboard Academic Suite. This has become a central location for all NUAMA communications.

9. NUAMA established a chapter of Alpha Mu Alpha, AMA’s academic fraternity. In order to be inducted, members must hold a cumulative 3.0 GPA with a 3.25 GPA in their chosen major. There will be eight inductees this April.

10. NUAMA has created a relationship with Gerace Construction. As this year’s major fundraising project, select NUAMA members researched Hydroelectric Dam criteria and created a media kit for both current and potential clients. This project gained NUAMA $1,800. NUAMA and Gerace will partner on future projects.


S.W.O.T Analysis Strengths


Experienced Executive Board

Membership and development of underclassmen

Ten seniors served on the Executive Board, including five returning members.

Underclassmen participation increased by seven members, raising total membership to 34.

Active support of our advisor

Quality and continuity of past communications

Fred Honerkamp serves on the Association Collegiate Council.



We increased continuity of all communications by branding our organization with a logo.

Diverse membership core

Commuter based student population

NUAMA is compromised of ten specific business related majors.

NUAMA has attacked this issue by holding events and meetings during the week. An example was “Bowl for a Buck”, which hosted a record 81 students in attendance.

Established business relationships NUAMA has developed relationships with companies including Quicken Loans, Enterprise Rent-a-Car, Gerace Construction, and Ford Motor Company.



Growing student body

Upperclassmen with involvement in many different areas

Incoming freshman class experiencing growth.

Many senior members have outside obligations. We took this as an opportunity to develop skill sets with underclassmen and prepare future NUAMA leaders.

New relationships NUAMA was able to build relationships with Gerace Construction, Lansing Community College, Midland Police Department.

Fresh start This year’s “NU Beginning” allowed for restructuring of the chapter in order to reach goals. We created ten Executive Board positions, a member point incentive system and increased the number of professional development opportunities.

NUAMA competes with 75 other student organizations on campus Successful advertising efforts, continuity in external communication and well planned membership events allowed us to dramatically increase awareness of NUAMA.


Professional Development NUAMA’s members have learned valuable marketing tactics through presentations from top corporations, while establishing an honors marketing fraternity and developing networking opportunities.

Goal 1 To have at least one professional guest speaker per ten week trimester with 80% member participation.

Accomplishments 10/31/2006, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, Jenn Lawatsch “Marketing @ Enterprise” NU students and 12 of 23 members were given insight into the marketing practices conducted at Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Enterprises’ strategy in gaining and retaining market share in their industry were also discussed.



11/3/2006, Northwood University Leadership Blitz, Nancy Hunter Denney NU held a leadership conference for students interested in enhancing their leadership skills. The nationally recognized keynote speaker, and leadership trainer, highlighted the event that included workshops covering topics such as motivational techniques and group dynamics that eight NUAMA members attended.



12/5/2006, Ford Motor Company, Bill McCausland, “Careers @ Ford” Bill McCausland, Special Events Manager at Ford Motor Company, spoke about a range of topics such as brand management, and the marketing and advertising strategies used at Ford. Bill also spoke about careers at Ford Motor Company. This yielded an excellent turnout with 75% of our current members in attendance as well as 13 non-members.



2/6/2007, Quicken Loans, Nicole Colpitts, “Company Culture & the Art of Sales” College Recruiter Nicole Colpitts spoke to 17 NUAMA members about company culture as well as the importance of sales. Emphasis was placed on how often employees use sales positions as career builders. Attendees were able to present resumes on-site. Six attendees have begun the interview process with Quicken Loans.




Goal 2 To visit at least one marketing department or organization per ten week trimester with 70% member participation.

Accomplishments 11/11/2006, Toyota Faculty-Student Seminar at Oakland University Three NUAMA students accompanied our faculty advisor to Toyota’s Faculty-Student seminar at Oakland University. Speakers ranged from former Daimler Chrysler President, Thomas Stallkamp, to current purchaser for Toyota, Simon Nagata. Members listened and discussed various business issues with the speakers.



12/7/2006 - Present, Midland Area Marketing Partnership (MAMP) Six NUAMA members attend monthly MAMP meetings. The meetings consist of the community’s best and brightest marketing minds coming together for the good of the community. Members work on marketing projects and marketing strategies for the city of Midland, while developing networking opportunities.





3/20/2007, Dow Corning Corporation Visit NUAMA will tour Dow Corning’s marketing department for business world exposure..

Goal 3 To reach out to another AMA chapter

Accomplishments 10/6-10/7/2006, Lansing Community College AMA (LCCAMA) visits Northwood University International Auto Show (NUIAS) 75% of NUAMA members toured seven students from LCCAMA through the NUIAS; the largest outdoor new car show in North America hosting over 50,000 annual attendees. Members toured the show and discussed marketing with the Promotions Chair of NUIAS.



Goal 4 To establish Alpha Mu Alpha marketing fraternity within our chapter. Minimum requirements include: an overall grade point average of 3.0, major grade point average of 3.25, and current membership in NUAMA.




Membership NUAMA’s top priority this year was recruitment. We outlined a plan to both recruit new members as well as retain current members by building awareness of our chapter and creating a balance between hard work and fun.

Goal 1

To expand our chapter by 140% (approximately 14 members) while concentrating on recruiting underclassmen; obtaining two seniors, five juniors, and seven freshman/sophomores.

Accomplishments Membership has increased 240% from the beginning of the year, with 24 new members, nearly doubling our expectations. Currently we hold 19 seniors, eight juniors, five sophomores, and two freshmen. We have a diverse membership with members in ten different majors. Membership was increased executing the following strategies: •

During the month of September we held an AMA Informational Kickoff Meeting with pizza and refreshments. Our president and advisor gave an insightful overview of the organization with a Q&A session about our chapter. Over 30 students attended and many were willing to join on-site.

For the winter term we put our campaign efforts towards the NUAMA Fun Night “Bowl for a Buck” at the local bowling alley, Northern Lanes. We promoted the event through the internet using Blackboard, Facebook, and through our e-mail announcements. On campus, we carried out a two week campaign with flyers, window paintings, and tri-fold table displays. We applied our logo within this campaign to assure recognition of NUAMA. The event was a success hosting over 80 students from Northwood University. We plan on partnering with the local Buffalo Wild Wings to host a member fun night in April 2007.

NUAMA participated in Northwood’s Fall Fling, an event to promote organizations on campus. Our chapter table displayed accomplishments of past years, items from the 2006 Collegiate Conference in Orlando, informational pamphlets, and a slideshow of pictures. Chapter members were present to answer questions about AMA and spark interest. The event brought in over 500 students and our chapter acquired approximately 50 e-mail contacts.

Members gave informational presentations to 12 marketing courses during our winter term with the goal of increasing our membership in all classes, specifically underclassmen. We plan on holding additional classroom presentations during our spring term.

Online recruiting was possible through notification of events by e-mail sign-up and has been beneficial to inform students about our chapter happenings. After events or meetings are held, all potential members receive personalized e-mails thanking them for their interest, informing them about NUAMA, and inviting them to our next event.




Goal 2 To promote active participation through implementing a participation point system.

Accomplishments Membership Point Incentive System The NU Chapter AMA Membership Point Incentive System was established to aid in recognition of members who contribute greatly to the growth and success of our organization. Benefits of this system include awarding those who hold high accumulated points for the school year at an Awards Night in the spring. It assists with Executive Board nominations, travel selection with AMA to the annual Collegiate Conference, and the honors program Alpha Mu Alpha. Appendix A.



Goal 3 To build an archive of current and former NUAMA Chapter Members.

Accomplishments Currently an extensive archive of information is available on our 34 current members. Our five year history, however, is minimal because NUAMA is fairly small and was virtually unknown at Northwood University before this year. This database will continue to grow beginning with this year’s members into a great networking tool for the future. Currently, we have contact information for all current members and we will update this information upon our seniors’ graduation.




Fundraising Northwood University’s American Marketing Association raised money to finance our trip to the International Collegiate Conference in March of 2007. We focused on raising money in a way that also enhanced our marketing skills.

Goal 1 Raise $420 through member donation fees of $21.

Accomplishments Our chapter successfully achieved and surpassed our goal of $420 by $294. We earned a total of $714 from the annual donation fees of 34 members.



Goal 2 Raise $3,600 to send at least 12 students to attend the International Collegiate Conference in New Orleans, LA.

Accomplishments Gerace Construction Marketing Project Our chapter was asked to perform an in-depth marketing research project for Gerace Construction. Gerace has been involved in the creation of many of Northwood’s major buildings, making them a huge asset to the university. The committee consisted of nine members who conducted secondary research regarding the hydroelectric dam rehabilitation industry, a very profitable section of Gerace Construction’s services. Through our research we were able to: •

Create a database of potential contacts throughout the entire United States allowing Gerace to locate and contact potential clients much easier. There are 78,000 dams in the United States, 52% of which are privately owned making clients difficult to locate. Our hard work has solved this problem for Gerace.

Create a media packet for Gerace Construction to send to prospective clients, which included highlighted projects, economics and projections of the industry, a letter from Gerace directed towards prospective clients, a tri-fold brochure and a business card.

Perform a case study to help Gerace understand their current position in the Dam Rehabilitation industry. In this case study we conducted a S.W.O.T analysis and an extensive market opportunity section.

NUAMA has proposed a $1,800 donation from Gerace Construction at the completion of the project on February 27, 2007.


NUAMA has proposed a $1,800 donation from Gerace Construction at the completion of the project on February 27, 2007.



Wolverine Bank Six members were selected by Wolverine Bank to work at the Saginaw Home Show from March 9, 2007 – March 11, 2007. These members helped to promote Wolverine Bank, the show’s sponsor, and pass out advertising literature to prospective clients. Each member earns $10/hour for their services for a total of $200 gained. Expected revenues of $600 were overstated in the Chapter Plan because payment and hours worked are less than the 2006 event NUAMA worked last year.



2007 Graduation Mug Sale This project would involve the sale of mugs displaying 2007 graduate names. NUAMA gained approval from the President of the University to move forward. However, our plan was stopped due to a conflict of interest with the Student Alumni Board who also sells a graduation package including a beverage mug.



Goal 3 Establish a Corporate Advisory Board with at least one major corporation to gain professional and financial support of at least $1,500.

Accomplishments Quicken Loans We successfully raised $2,000 through a working alliance with Quicken Loans. This donation was given in exchange for representation of the Quicken Loans logo at the International Collegiate Conference.




Community Service NUAMA continues to use its marketing expertise for the good of both the Northwood University and Midland communities.

Goal 1 To offer our marketing skills to local businesses

Accomplishments 11/2006-6/2007, “DaBenchi: Hot Seats in a Cool City” kickoff “Summer Seats & Beats” In spring 2006, six members collaborated with the Alden B. Dow Midland Creativity Center and the City of Midland Downtown Development Authority (DDA) to market “Rock the Block”, the “Block Party” the kickoff for the summer sculpture series. After a successful turnout of over 200 attendees and $7000 in revenues, NUAMA was again asked to partner in this year’s event. This year, seven NUAMA members have contributed on the Marketing Committee for the event, “DaBenchi: Hot Seats in a Cool City”. The selected members are in charge of planning and marketing the kickoff event entitled, Summer Seats & Beats”. The goal of this event is to generate a buzz within the community for the entire summer series. The event planning is running on schedule and we are currently under our budget of $1,250.00. Marketing of this event will continue until the event kicks off on June 1, 2007.



11/2006-Present, Northwood University/Midland Police Department Alliance A four member committee has been formed to create an open line of communication between NU students and the Midland Police Department. This alliance was formed to clear misconceptions between both parties. Members met on November 13, 2006 with the Chief Midland of Police, to discuss areas of misunderstanding and brainstorm methods for clarification. The committee has created the following plan: Conduct student surveys: 50 surveys were taken to determine student perception of police. The results were then brought to our police officer. The officer is scheduled to speak in an open forum hosted by NUAMA on April 22, 2007. A letter has been drafted to distribute to the 75 student organization leaders, giving them the opportunity to host Officer Berchert as a guest speaker. A mock interview has been created to be published in our school newspaper, “The Entrepreneur” in April. This Q&A style article will help to erase student misconceptions of the Midland Police.




Literacy Council of Midland County (LCMC) Marketing Audit A NUAMA member, who works for the LCMC, has been asked to bring our marketing expertise to help their organization. NUAMA members will be performing a marketing audit to help the LCMC get a better understanding of their strengths and weaknesses from a marketing perspective. This will be performed during April 2007.



Goal 2 To work in conjunction with Northwood’s Entertainment Sports and Promotions Management Association (ESPMA) in marketing “Music Fest”, an all day concert on Northwood’s campus.

Accomplishments Music Fest ESPMA President, Kiel Hooten, has joined NUAMA to contribute his marketing knowledge. He has asked us to assist in promoting Music Fest to high school and college age people in the Tri-city area of Mid-Michigan. NUAMA plans to contribute our efforts in March and April 2007.




Communications An “Outstanding Communications” Award-winning chapter in 2006, NUAMA still had room for improvement. We added two new online communication platforms and streamlined existing platforms which have helped increase chapter membership.

Goal 1 Develop and maintain effective communications between all members of our organization.

Accomplishments Blackboard Academic Suite NUAMA was selected as the first student organization among NU’s 75 Registered Student Organizations (RSO) to pilot the new Blackboard Academic Suite. Blackboard allows our organization to communicate more effectively. Blackboard allows for events to be announced to all 2000 students. A screen shot of our Blackboard homepage can be found in Appendix B.



Meeting Minutes Prior to Blackboard implementation, weekly meeting minutes were sent to every member and advisor via email. As of January 31, 2007, minutes can be found under the “Meeting Minutes” tab on Blackboard.


(3/5) We created a group through the social networking site Event invitations are sent to each member, informing them of meeting time and location. Members can RSVP allowing us to gauge the turnout and plan accordingly. Meeting attendance has increased from an average of 15 members to an average of 30 members.



NUAMA Official Website Given the relatively small size of our chapter and due to the implementation of both Blackboard and Facebook, an official website is not needed at this time.




Goal 2 Develop and maintain effective communications between our chapter, the Northwood student body, faculty and alumni.

Accomplishments Creating the NUAMA Brand

NUAMA has drastically enhanced the continuity in all marketing external communications. The development of a new logo created awareness and recognition of our organization throughout our campus.



Marquee Announcement Every Monday NUAMA events are displayed on the electronic Marquee boards at the two entrances to campus. The Northwood community is aware of our events as soon as they enter campus.



Alumni Connection On January 23, 2007 we established an Alumni Connection to increase the support of the current NUAMA organization. Previous members will be invited to join. This relationship will offer a professional networking connection.





Goal 3 Develop and maintain effective communication between our chapter and the local Midland community.

Accomplishments Midland Community Television (MCTV) We expect to air an informational program on MCTV to run during Marketing Week.

High School Recruitment We are expected to present informational speakers at both Midland High School and H.H. Dow High School in May 2007. We intend to reach between 20-50 registered B.P.A students.




Chapter Operations Our objective was to provide our members with practical marketing experiences on a professional level. We executed our objective while enhancing development through strong commitment to teamwork, personal responsibility, and leadership. NUAMA is now a highly recognized student organization on campus and in the community.

Goal 1 To construct a dedicated Executive Board who will communicate strategies to members in order to achieve chapter goals.

Accomplishments One President and two Executive Vice Presidents were elected at the 2006 academic year-end. These three individuals took major responsibilities and successfully achieved credibility within the organization. Seven members were appointed to Vice President positions of the following: Advertising, Membership, Professional Development, Community Service, Fundraising, Communications, and Finance. Each VP was adequately provided with proper training through the support and supplementary knowledge of experienced members. New ideas and concepts were tested to improve upon those that were previously utilized. We held monthly Executive Board meetings to ensure progress and productivity. The following significant projects were completed as a result: “A NU Beginning” Chapter Plan; “Get Cultured” Case Competition; and Membership Point Incentive System. Mid-year evaluations of each Executive Board VP were given by the President. VPs were evaluated face-to-face on ten criteria based upon their progress, enthusiasm and leadership within NUAMA.




Goal 2 To create committees by November 2006 to enhance chapter production.

Accomplishments Fundraising Committee - directed by the VP of Fundraising Led major projects including Gerace Construction and Wolverine Bank Saginaw Home Show.

Membership Committee - directed by the VP of Membership Led major recruiting events including “Bowl for a Buck”. The goal of these events was to create a “buzz” on campus in addition to formal classroom recruiting presentations.

Case Competition Committee Produced Case Competition entry “Get Cultured”. This committee was comprised of ten dedicated individuals who put forth extensive time and energy into research, composition, editing, design, and development of the marketing plan.



Goal 3

To practice effective planning and implementation of all NUAMA activities.

Accomplishments We created a balance between business and recreation, keeping members involved with “real world” marketing experiences, followed by AMAsponsored “fun nights”. In NUAMA, we work hard so we can play hard. Monthly Executive Board meetings were held while weekly member meetings were held every Tuesday in order to maintain member interest and involvement. Member feedback was welcomed in an open forum setting at the beginning of each weekly member meeting.




Goal 4 To be an award-winning chapter of the American Marketing Association.

Accomplishments Based upon accomplishments in professional development, recruiting and fundraising, we plan to achieve this goal by winning at least one award at the annual awards banquet. Through comprehensive analysis of our Chapter Plan, we have recognized our strengths and weaknesses have been able to use this assessment to cultivate success. Rating: (N/A)

Goal 5 To arrange for a smooth transition into the 2007-2008 academic year.

Accomplishments Current Executive Board members will submit a written job description of requirements and expectations to guide future leaders to plan and appoint new Vice Presidents. Three prospective Executive Board members were selected upon performance factors to attend the 2007 International Collegiate Conference. A financial budget was established to track revenues and expenses, guide in decision-making throughout the year and to provide funds for 20072008, which totaled $930. Those elected for the 2007-2008 Executive Board will gain insight and experience through “job shadowing” with the current Executive Board. The election process is scheduled to begin in April 2007.




Chapter Budget Beginning Balance Beginning Balance

Expected* $1,445




Revenues Beverage Mug Sale (a) Northwood University Quicken Loans Gerace Construction Wolverine Bank (b) Enterprise (c) Member Dues ($21/member) Other donations Total Revenues

3,750 2,000 1,500 1,500 600 500 420 0 $10,270

0 2,000 2,000 1,800 200 N/A 651 25 $6,676

(3,750) 0 500 300 (400) N/A 231 25 ($3,594)

3,600 763 300 210 150 95 75 0 1,000 $6,193

5,988 N/A 250 25 257 150 51 125 345 $7,191

(2,388) N/A 50 170 (107) (55) 24 (125) 655 ($988)



Expenses AMA Conference Beverage Mug Sales (a) Annual Report Postage Fun Nights Banner Chapter Plan Case Competition Contingency Total Expenses

(a) Beverage Mug Sale – The expected values shows the planned revenues and expenses for this project. However, our plan was stopped due to a conflict of interest with the Student Alumni Board who also sells a graduation package including a beverage mug.

(b) Wolverine Bank – Expected revenues were based on 2006 actual revenues. Revenues earned from this projected were overstated due to a difference in pay and hours worked from the previous year.

(c) Enterprise Rent-A-Car – NUAMA is currently waiting on a donation from Enterprise Rent-A-Car of $500 in exchange for display of their logo on our shirts at the International Collegiate Conference.

* Measured in U.S. dollars

Ending Balance Ending Balance



Appendix - A The NU Chapter AMA Membership Point Incentive System was established to aid in recognition of members who contribute greatly to the growth and success of our organization. Benefits of this system will include awarding those who hold high accumulated points for the school year at an Awards Night in the spring. In the future, it will also assist with those individual’s position nominations, travel selection with AMA to annual Collegiate Conference, and our honor program Alpha Mu Alpha. The following point system is broken up into four categories organized by how they best serve the chapter and points are distributed to correspond with their beneficial value.


Participation Attendance


Recruitment Bringing a friend to a meeting Bringing a friend who joins Organizing a recruitment event

+2 +2 +3

Member Development Scheduling a speaker Attending a special event (Non-recruitment based) Organizing a community service-based project

+2 +3 +3

Chapter Development Chapter Plan drafting/revising Annual Report drafting/revising Case Competition involvement Organizing a fundraising-based project

+3 +3 +3 +3

Appendix - B Blackboard allows our organization to communicate more effectively. Members are able to view weekly meeting minutes and future NUAMA events, read and post on our discussion board, and also acquire member contact information through our Registered Members directory.


American Marketing Association

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