Panels Reports

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 15

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

On 7th and 8th of July 2009, project partners and representatives from all citizens’ panels met in Sofia (Bulgaria) in order to present the first results of their local activities and to elaborate common opinions and recommendations through the constitution of a transnational citizens’ panel. The panel discussions showed a general lack of an effective and interactive institutional communication network with citizens, as also a lack of culture of listening and respecting the voice of youth. A lack of tradition and reduced stimulation of citizens in building a democratic society has been individuated as the actually new challenge for the Istria Region and the whole Croatian society on the way to Europe during the panel discussion on Youth Activism in Istria on the way to the EU held on June 3rd 2009 in Pazin (Croatia) by the Region of Istria and the Foundation for Civil Society Development. The first “1-day event”, the Europe for citizens: Promotion of Active European Citizenship was organized on May 14th 2009 in Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) by the Balkan Assist Association, supported by local partners organizations as Centre for European Initiatives and Municipality of Razgrad.The key aspects of European citizenship were discussed with the support of local authorities and the curiosity of the media. The Municipality of Vejle set the EU-citizens' panel on May 28th 2009 in Bygningen (Denmark), in a public town building, where the ALL.4.EU was introduced to the participants through the use of the open space methodology and an asset based approach in order to make participants the “owners” of the citizen’s panel. Panels activators gave to the participants useful information introducing them to the project ALL.4.EU, as well as to the EU funding programs such as Youth Program and Europe for Citizens Program. So the participants felt the project as an opportunity to express their concerns and doubts regarding the European Union in general. The creation of a valuable network is the result of another “1day event” held on June 11th 2009, the EU-citizens' panel – ALL.4.EU, the second meeting organized by the same municipality. It took place at the Vejle Business College in order to continue and elaborate the debate that had been initiated on the first meeting. As a matter of fact, during the ALL.4.EU Public Seminar, held on May 30th 2009 in Valletta (Malta) by the Local Councils’ Association, the participants wondered how can NGOs participate in an EU funded project; how can schools and students get involved in; how can a citizen complain about an environmental issue within the EU institutions and what is the EU doing in the field of the air pollution; if there are projects for people over the age of 30 years old and if pensioners can participate in some EU projects. During the Workshop “Citizens for Europe: To promote an active citizenship” – Set-up of Local Citizens’ Panels, organized in Arquà Polesine – Rovigo (Italy) on June 11th 2009 by the Consortium for Development of Polesine (CONSVIPO) and supported by local partner organizations as Municipalities of Rovigo, Taglio di Po, Polesella, Bosaro, Arquà Polesine and Ceregnano, from the Province of Rovigo and some secondary schools. The working groups, where participants were involved by three local networks, gave a definition of participation and active citizenship defining possible tools to increase it and stimulate relationships among citizens and institutions. Participants collected needs, proposal and limits about the active citizenship during a second meeting, The Active citizens - Research activity at the local level and preparation of the international meeting, organized by

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

CONSVIPO with the support of the Municipality of Rovigo and local secondary schools, realized on June 25th 2009 in the Grandi Fiumi Museum of Rovigo. In Zvolen (Slovakia) was held on May 26th 2009 the panel titled Europe for us, we for Europe organized from the Center for community organizing in cooperation with the Citizens Initiatives Zvolen – Zapad. Despite some doubts at the beginning of the panel preparation about willingness of citizens to participate, organizers and activators had been positively surprised about the number of participants and quality of discussion. This last was focused in raising awareness about the importance of actively participating in the construction of Europe, special in participating on European Parliament elections. The panel resulted with an increased interest of EU issues among young people, an greater willingness for citizens cooperation and participation. Below some information about each panel theme, aims, target, methods and conclusions.

Citizens’ Panels in Bulgaria

"Europe for citizens: Promotion of Active European Citizenship "

Date and time

14 May 2009;


Organization in charge

Balkan Assist Association

Local partners organizations

Description of the modules (aims, target groups, methodology…)

Stara Zagora,Bulgaria

 Centre for European Initiatives  Municipality of Razgrad

Aims: General:  to encourage the participation at the local level  to raise awareness about the importance of actively participating in the construction of Europe  to provide first relevant information on the topic to be addressed Specific:    

Getting to know the concrete rights of being a EU citizen Clarifying of the way in which the big EU “machine” works Suggesting ways of finding partners in EU Giving ideas of where and how to search for funding for citizens’ initiatives

Target groups:  Citizens, especially those who would not have spontaneously participated in projects of a European nature, paying attention to involve people of different demographic, social and professional background  Young people

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

 Local authorities  Civil Society Methodology:  2 round – tables for active citizens – in Northern and Southern part of Bulgaria  Presentation of the project  Key aspects of European citizenship were discussed  Local authorities supported the initiatives  Media were curious Main outcomes and outputs

 Pre-elections period  Lack of long-lasting traditions in citizen participation  Variety of projects aiming to “educate” citizens about their rights and obligations  Economical crisis – people are more interested in their incomes than in participation  “Europe means money”  “European language is not understandable. What do agenda, cohesion or beneficiary mean?...”  “The government always says that ‘Brussels’ want us to do something. When shall we start insisting ‘Brussels’ to do something for us?”

Impact at the local level

 Authorities start to open themselves for citizens. A transparency program adopted.  A lot of registered NGOs have set citizen participation as a priority.  Many projects addressing citizen participation have been realized by local NGOs since 1990. Local authorities have been involved as partners.  Good practices and examples have been achieved both in the municipal centre (a big city) and in smaller communities in the surrounding villages.  Community centers (the so called “chitalishta”, which are unique public bodies in Bulgaria) have found their new role as places for public initiatives, especially in the villages, where there is no other form of organized citizen activities.  Ethnic minorities as well as people with disabilities have their representatives in the local government bodies.

Citizens’ Panel in Croatia

Panel discussion on Youth Activism in Istria on the way to the EU

Date and time

June 3rd 2009


Organizations in charge

Region of Istria and

Local partners organizations

Foundation for Civil Society

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

Meeting hall at the Spomen Dom building in Pazin Region of Istria and

Development Description of the modules (aims, target groups, methodology…)

Foundation for Civil Society Development Target groups:      

local and regional authorities representatives; civil society and NGOs representatives; Youth Council representatives; youth associations; students; common citizens.

Aims: to introduce the ALL.4.EU: Citizens for Europe! project; to disseminate information about the Europe for Citizens Programme;  to shortly present the work and mission of the projects involved local partners;  to raise awareness about the importance of citizens active participation in local, national and European decision building proces;  to launch the citizens panel discussion on the selected theme.


Methodology of a circle planned open discussion. Main outcomes and outputs

The panel discussion had several conclusion points: - there aren't enough established strategic local / regional self-government communication channels where citizens could express their wishes, suggestions and opinions, so therefore it is not surprising to have such an expressed skepticism, particularly of young people towards the EU, when they are left alone by themselves on all the levels, not trying to actively being engaged in processes of decision-making; - apart a general lack of an effective and interactive institutional communication network with citizens and the lack of culture of listening and respect the voice of youth, in those rare communities and civil cases where initiatives are not marginalized, often happens that young people don't know how to present their own goals on a public debate level, so it is most important to teach the young population in order to represent their ideas and arguments to the local authorities and compete to other political initiatives; - recently the Croatian law prescribed the establishment of Youth Councils in all municipalities and cities in Croatia, what is actually very good, but the bad thing is that for those units which did not establish it until the deadline (which was the beginning of 2009, so already expired), the law does not provide any form of sanctions, and are therefore only few Istrian towns and municipalities that met this legal obligation. It is considered that introducing specific financial sanctions for the delay of the Youth Council establishment

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

would be effective measures for those local units that do not respect the issues and the citizens' interest; - when speaking about the existing, already created Youth Councils, it should be said that not all are equally active in their work. Some were originally established and that later no longer met, in part because young members don't know their roles and tasks in these tips, and because their local government has not explained them what should they do. It is necessary to enable young people to act in local communities; - surely the young people should be familiar with the structure of local, regional, national and European government and get closer to them, because of the great government machines they often get the impression that these facilities and jobs are reserved for only few selected citizens, what is wrong and in itself a bad influence on the general desire of young people to get involved in civic initiatives. We should work and the exception of governments as potential partners rather than opponents. Impact at the local level

The lack of tradition and reduced stimulation of citizens in building a democratic society is actually a new challenge for the Istrian Region and the whole Croatian society on the way to Europe.

ALL.4.EU Public Seminar

Citizens’ Panel in Malta Date and time

30th May 2009


Osbourne Hotel, Valletta, Malta

Organization in charge

Local Councils’ Association

Local partners organizations

Local Councils’ Association

Description of the modules (aims, target groups, methodology…)

Target Groups:      

Representatives from Local Councils Representatives from the Civil Society Youth Clubs Youth Associations Students Housewives

Aims: To introduce the project ALL.4.EU To disseminate information regarding EU funding programmes such as Youth Programme and Europe for Citizens Programme  The set-up of the Citizens’ Panel The main outcomes of the seminar where the following:  

Main outcomes and outputs

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

Easier access to information


Cut-off unnecessary paperwork and bureaucracy The role of the media The use of renewable energies EU Ombudsman; how to contact him?

During the seminar the participants questioned the following issues:      

How can NGO’s participate in an EU funded project? How can schools and students get involved? How can a citizen complain about an environmental issue within the EU institutions? Air pollution. What is the EU doing? Are there projects for people over the age of 30 years old? What about the pensioners? Can they participate in an EU project?

At a local level the Panels Activators gave useful information regarding the following:

Impact at the local level


Youth in Action programme Europe for Citizenship Programme

They also addressed the participants on a number of the questions raised.

All the participants said that they felt the need of such a project as they felt that they were given an opportunity to express their concerns and doubts regarding the European Union in general.

Citizens’ Panel in Slovakia

Europe for us, we for Europe

Date and time

26. May 2009



Organization in charge

Centrum komunitného organizovania

Local partners organizations

Citizens Initiatives Zvolen - Zapad

Center for community organizing

Description of the modules (aims, target groups, methodology…)

Aims:  to present model of the citizens panels to citizens, aims, tasks, potential next steps  presentation of All.4.EU project  to raise awareness about the importance of actively participating in the construction of Europe, specialy participation on European Parliament election

 to provide first relevant information on the topic  to present the “tasks” of citizens’ panels, focusing in particular on the research to be developed at the

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

local level (relevant inputs guidelines for the research activity will be provided at this stage)

Target groups: •

citizens of Zvolen, (different age groups, different background, students and young people...) Methodology: • • • • • • •

Main outcomes and outputs

• •

Impact at the local level

Citizens’ Panels in Denmark Date and time

First meeting 28th of May 2009

presentation discussion work in small groups empowered group of activators plan for next public events plan to organize public hearing with MEP group of young people decided to organize quiz in secondary school in region plan for info-days increase of interest of EU issues, especially among young people and their will to cooperate in future participation of event promised to participate on European Parliament election

EU-citizens' panels (Vejle) – ALL.4.EU Place

Second meeting 11th of May 2009.

Organization in charge

Vejle Municipality

Description of the modules (aims, target groups, methodology…)

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

Bygningen – public townbuilding

Vejle Business College

Local partners organizations

Vejle Municipality

The first meeting that was held 28th of May 2009 was announced in two newspapers in Vejle, through the municipality's intranet and public web-site and through recruiting in our private network. Besides that we had send press-releases to all the local and national media. Therefore potentially the majority of the citizens of Vejle have had the opportunity to inform themselves about our meeting and the citizen’s panel.

We wanted to reach as many people as possible and from as different target groups as possible in order to make the citizen’s panel representative of the population in Vejle. The aim was to get as many different groups as possible with their different opinions and walks of life - to participate, in order to create a debate that was marked by diversity. The purpose of this evening was to present ALL.4.EU to the participants, and to stimulate a fruitful debate on the different topics that the participants wished to discuss

Through the use of the Open Space Methodology and an Asset Based Approach to the participants, the goal was make the participants the “owners” of the citizen’s panel as quickly as possible – To let the citizen’s understand that ALL.4.EU is their project, and that Vejle Municipality function mostly is to facilitate the process.

The second meeting that was held 11th of June 2009, was announced in the same way as the first meeting. The purpose of this evening was to continue and elaborate the debate that had been initiated on our first meeting. The aim was to discuss the different topics which the participants in the first meeting has selected, and to agree on a set of recommendations based on the evenings discussions that we could bring to the International Workshop in Strasbourg.

Main outcomes and outputs

The outcome of the first meeting was that our participants agreed on a number of topics that they wanted to discuss on a second meeting. A discussion that was started already on the first evening

The second meeting was held 11th of May 2009. The debates in Denmark in general were characterized by lack of interest in the EU after the elections.

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

Like on the first meeting our participants were engaged and we had a very good discussion. This meeting was held in a conference facility at Vejle Business College We decide to involve a participant from the citizen panel, to present the result of the citizen’s panel in Sofia.

Suggested activities from the citizens panel: •

Impact at the local level

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

All activities using a common denominator (f.ex. ALL4EU) - to give a solid branding • EU Course of study o A 6 months study to secure knowledge about EU o Involvment of 'professional' EU persons o A certifying course o At the end of the course (and included in the study plan) a visit to Brussels • Permanent 'EU-corner' in libraries • EU - booth in larger retail shops - presentation materials handed out • EU - program on local TV channel • 'Open house' arrangement by the EU parliament • Continous transnational activites: o Different themes chosen every ½ year on transnational meetings o Themes could be sports, transnational panel meetings etc. o Educational activities using already existing EU bodies (Comenius etc.) o Local panel persons join according to interest • Spotactivities such as: o Quiz arrangements (reward visit to EU) o EU information on buses, trains o EU videclips in cinemas/MTV o Provocative campaigns on 'make your point on EU' • Obligatory EU projects in secondary school • 'Granny/Grandpa for EU' The project has showed that there this a great interest among many of Vejle Municipality’s different education institutions and organisations to participate in projects where the goal is to get people more involved in the public debate about the EU and local democracy

But at the same time the result has showed that many “ordinary” citizens in Vejle, still has no real interest in participating in a project like ALL.4.EU, and that is why one of the main target groups are the younger people. This was also reflected in much of the debate and in the results from the citizen’s panels two meetings - many of the discussed subjects was about how to encourage people to participate especially through teaching and information.

1st Citizens’ Panel in Italy

Meeting: “The Active citizens” - Research activity at the local level and preparation of the international meeting

Date and time

Thursday 25th June 2009


Museum of “Grandi Fiumi” of Rovigo

Organization in charge

Consortium for Development of Polesine CONSVIPO

Local partners organizations

Municipality of Rovigo

Description of the modules (aims, target groups, methodology…)

Secondary Schools

The aims of the Meeting are: - to promote the “International meeting of citizens panels” through a real bottom-up approach, where citizens and their knowledge represent the main “resources” of the meeting itself. The target groups of the Workshop are: -common citizens of the province of Rovigo, -schools, - institutions, - civil society organizations, - young people. Methodology: - The Meeting “The active citizens” has been promoted by flyers and posters during the Workshop “Citizens for Europe”, by the network “Informagiovani”, by the Municipality involved in the project and by common citizens involved in the first activities, - The event has been organized as a big Working Group in which every participant express his opinion about the results of the questionnaire and about the active citizenship (possible incentives and activities), - In the end of the meeting the participants have collected: needs, proposal and limits about the active citizenship,

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

Main outcomes and outputs

- These conclusion are the first draft of a paper about the active citizenship in the province of Rovigo. The main Outcomes and output produced during this meeting are Needs, Proposal and Limits of the active citizenship in the province of Rovigo: Needs: a. Publication of the Questionnaire: “Citizens for Europe” to make citizens and institutions aware of the actual need to develop a knowledge of Europe and the limits regarding this; b. A direct link with public administrators, who should be continuously available to listen to the people; c. The creation of a ”Council for active citizenship and participation”; d. The adoption of methods of “work in progress” or working methods that ensure the development of activities; e. Strengthening and development of projects already in the field instead of establishing new initiatives; Proposal: a. Create networks or multimedia workshops through institutions such as municipal, regional and provincial, but also the development agencies of the territory though direct communication with each other; b. Develop a social platform like Facebook, which allows a connection with anyone who works, studies, or who is otherwise interested in European subjects; c. Training for students and teachers in order to raise awareness of the opportunities that Europe offers; d. Select the most interesting initiatives, avoiding overloading and consequently wasting institutions resources; e. Create a platform for discussion where you can communicate in issues ”European” and where we can provide a “File download” where you can find material useful for “making yourself active”; f. Develop E-learning technologies within the reach of all ages; g. Teach what is Europe in the elementary schools, through comics, games and audio-visual techniques (such as interactive CD) by reducing and making learning more interesting. Limits: a. Inadequate political will to break down the barriers that divide people in the institutions; b. Loss of passion that comes from not obtaining results; c. Difficulty in establishing continuous interest in the subject

Impact at the local level

The meeting has allowed to know and analyze the problem about active citizenship in the province of Rovigo also thanks the proposal and problem arisen during the workshop “Citizens for Europe”. During this meeting the common citizens have expressed their opinions about this important issue and have suggested their proposal.

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

2nd Citizens’ Panel in Italy

Workshop “Citizens for Europe: To promote an active citizenship” – Set-up of Local Citizens’ Panels

Date and time

Thursday 11th June 2009


Above “Canalbianco” of Arquà Polesine (Rovigo)

Organization in charge

Consortium for Development of Polesine CONSVIPO

Local partners organizations

Municipality of Rovigo Municipality of Taglio di Po Municipality of Polesella Municipality of Bosaro Municipality of Arquà Polesine Municipality of Ceregnano Province of Rovigo Secondary Schools

Description of the modules (aims, target groups, methodology…)

The aims of the Workshop are: - to show the project ALL.4.EU and the activities implemented or will be implemented, - to present the three citizens’ panels activators and their future activities, - to develop the active citizenship, - to involve common citizens in the project, - to create a citizens’ panel in the province of Rovigo, - to create the basis for the future activities. The target groups of the Workshop are: - common citizens of the province of Rovigo, - schools, - institutions, - civil society organizations, - young people. Methodology: - to define the local activities and the “Set-up” there have been five meetings among CONSVIPO an Panels, - a questionnaire has been developed by three activators and CONSVIPO, - the aim of the questionnaire was gather knowledge, information and interest that the citizens have about European Institutions and European Policies, - to assure and promote this initiative ballot boxes have been prepared for collecting filled-up questionnaires, - questionnaires have been distributed in the Municipality where the

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

three Activators live: 1. Municipality of Rovigo: a. Front office of the Municipality, b. Youth policies office, c. Senior citizens office, d. Volunteer centre, e. Library, f. Front office of the Province of Rovigo, g. Loans office of the Province of Rovigo h. Secondary schools 2. Municipality of Polesella, 3. Municipality of Taglio di Po. Moreover in the Municipality of: 1. Arquà Polesine, 2. Ceregnano, 3. Bosaro. The three activators also have distributed and collected more questionnaires in some secondary schools: a. IISS “E. DeAmicis” – Rovigo, b. Istituto Corrado Ferrini – Rovigo, c. Liceo Classico Celio – Rovigo, d. IPSIA – Rovigo, e. Liceo Classico Bocchi – Adria, f. Istituto Professionale Alberghiero – Adria, - The questionnaires collected have been 621, 59 of them with errors. The sample investigation was represented by 562 questionnaires. - The common citizens and the young people that have attend at the workshop have been involved by the network “Informa giovani”, the network among CONSVIPO, Municipalities and Institutions, the network of civil society organizations and the schools of the province. - The event was been promoted by: 1. press conference, 2. press articles, 3. dissemination on the web-site, 4. flyers, 5. open call, 6. posters. - During the meeting, Authorities and many experts have intervened in the discussion. - During the workshop the three Activators have been realized three working groups: 1. Culture, education and learning by Laura Frigeri; 2. Economy and work, Youth policies by Mattia Braghin; 3. Security and immigration by Leonardo Raito. These three topics are the main voted in the questionnaire Each working groups have given a definition of participation and active citizenship, have defined possible tools to increase it and stimulated relationships among citizens and Institutions and finally have underline the problems. - The citizens that not interested in working groups activities have

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

participated to a laboratory when through a questionnaire they have understood which “Kind of Europe” they prefer. - At the end of the workshop the results and the activities implemented have been promoted and disseminated by newspapers and internet. Main outcomes and outputs

The main outcome produced is the analysis developed by the questionnaire. Thanks this analysis we can know that the citizens of the province of Rovigo think and Know of the European Union, of its Institutions and its politics. Another important output is the results of the working groups coordinated by the three Activators. Each of these working-groups have given a definition of participation and active citizenship, have defined possible tools to increase it and to stimulated relationships among citizens and Institutions and finally have underlined the problems.

Impact at the local level

The Workshop and all the activities developed have been promoted and disseminated by internet and newspapers. The activities implemented have allowed at the participants to know the importance of the active citizenship for the increase of a territory and a community. Thanks the Workshop the citizens, the institution and the association of civil society have known the project ALL.4.EU and all the activities developed or will be developed. By this meeting the citizens of the province of Rovigo have known the programmes and the project implemented by the European Union to developed the active citizenship.

ALL.4.EU:Citizens for Europe!

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