The Ended Of Ever

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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,345
  • Pages: 3
I FELT LIK E I WA S TRA PP ED IN ON E OF THO SE TER RIF ING nightmares, the one where you have to run, run till your lungs burst and you scream but when you do it comes out mute. Every door you open every corner you turn leads you, you nowhere but onto an endless path of nothingness .i tried to run but my legs go weaker as my strength and hope cease s I screamed for help, but no one came. The one thing in my life that I love I can’t seem to save. This wouldn’t be so bad except for the fact that this wasn’t dream nor a nightmare no, this was my life my faith and possibly my end. Maybe if I didn’t love so much to care about my life I wouldn’t be here. Maybe if I has said no to this destiny then my life my only love wouldn’t be on this situation. My time was up but its was a time well spent with him.

Chapter 1. There he was standing watching me on the sly as if I couldn’t see, as if I couldn’t see him when he’s all that I see all that I want to see and all that I see when I close my eyes. His topaz hair dancing in the wind his green hazelnut eyes beaming with a light that must signify that he’s an angel. He’s smooth light russet skin and his prefect biluctious pink lips. How can I not see that or any one. Just thinking about him his name demetrio makes my heart take a double take. But as if he ever saw the way a feel about him’ as if he returnees the feeling. “Hey, veronica” demeterio called in his oh to sexy husky voice. I hesitated was he talking to me no not me. But I got out of my beat up sedan to see.” Hey, veronica um… how’s it going…” he fumbled trying to find the words. He, he was at lose for words, I don’t know why in less he ran here to me to my car. “Yes” I said a l tle startled by the sudden interaction stared in to his eyes like the night sky like stars he’s eyes twinkling I lost my concentration for a minute or so . “how’s it going ‘ he said once more waiting for me to respond “Uh great…. Mm why?’’ I asked be wilderd “dunno.. . just asking “ he responded in a firm but attractive tone and then winked. I swear my heart went from lub dub to silence he’s flirting with me I was baffeld as to what broyght this , this flirtious ness on. I heard his friends laughing “the jocks” as some call them in the background their voices be comeing mor comprhensible as they drew closer. “yo d what the hell are you doing ?” one of his friends said in a hars mokeing way that turned my stomach sour. “just hangin out,talking why?, whats it to you?” demetrio growled –ina dark menacing voice. “ well we just wanted to know why your talikin g to her do you like her?”they another boy said in an desaproving voice the was big he’s eyes blue and cold his mouth ppursed in to a line the spikes on his stupid head blowing in the wind as well. “yeah may be I do what the hell does that have to do with you huh who I like and talk to is my got damn bussines so get the hell out of it, okay.” Demetrio barked hes’s heyes hes face cold and rock hard as he glowered at his frineds. “Chillaxe,dude no harm intended no harm done why just have kind of a rep ,but im mea your right “ the third boy said he was much shorter the his other friends but had a relatively deep raspey voice and huge guns.

The boys darted of to class and detnetrrio turns to me.” Im really sorry about that my friends can really be jack asses but there not bad ,im so sorry you had to here that.” He pleaded and apoligized he’s smooldering eyes boreing in to mine. “yeah no ‘s k.” I said attomaticly it was hard to see him like this . “no really let me make it up to you …. Hey do you mind if I walk you to class?” he begged me he wanted to make it up to me wow .well why in the hell not. “yeah. Okay. Sure. If it makes you happy” I said

fourth period was hected my bff zoey kept asking me what happened, what was going on and I kept reassuring her nothing . but she blabed and blabed in blabled.

At lunch I got in line kmpwing I probablly wasn’t gonna eat anything and got a tray full of food. I turned around to go to my usall tabble and sent next to zoey,lashana, and mike to see him wacthing me and it looked like he liked what he saw I felt my cheeks heat up as they turned cherry red he caught that I found him looking,but he didn’t stp wacthing to my surprise he fingered my to come over and as I focused on what I was seeing I noticed that he was sitting to him self it almost look as if he was lonesome well with him isolated formhis usual posie. But he was smriking and grinning.and my heart stated to sting as my head started to spinn I neede t o sit be fr I toppled over so I hired to the table were he sat. I placed my ay gently on the small light blue lunch table as I failed gracfully to sit .he leaned across the table his hand on toppe of his fist and gently said” hows your day going / I hope its been alright.” Demetrio asked in a new voice it was smooth vevelty, intoicating, and alluring I gasped. This was all to much to take in in one day imean they wayhe acted to day was so out of his character from what saw he bearlld at me or maybe he did and I just didin’t care to notice. As I struggled unfathomably to cacth my breath I felt my face turn red again but a bright red like an apple. I fiddled wit my fingers then jaggedly mange to produce my sentence” its better now that you’re here how are you doing to day?” oh no how did I llet that slip , ohnio thsats embarrseng my face contineud to generate new collors of red as I bushed and grimmiced. He wouldn’t likeme at allnow if he did a little. But his response was not what I expected. “ my day was okay, but now its complete since you decided to join me at lunch. So I have question . he cleraed his troat and continued.”I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out on the side of other than just makiking up to you I ean like a real date you know if your cool with that.” He splurged through the words like a bullet from agun. Okay so I was way of he id like me .this is great ive waited form him to ask me that question for months. And yet im not quie sure what my espons might be was he just trying to hurt me was this miorning just a plan to makwe fun of me/ be I repressed those dreadfull assunptions and answered.” Yes” I said morre camly than I thought possible. “great than it’s a date I pick you up at 7’ k by the way I love your knew shirt its looks good on you red is defentliy your color.’ He said with dark humor.”

On no he’ll be here in thrity mintutes where in the hell is my purse I grunted as I shuffled thropugh my closet i

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