All Brothers Profile 2007

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ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ Company Profile

ªª ª ª ª

ú      m      No. 118, 1st Floor, Armour Street, Colombo ± 12, Sri-Lanka. Tel. (0094) 112471279 / 112473694 / 114615450 Mobile 777763000 Fax (0094) 112338055 Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

[email protected] Web site:

ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϤόϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϣΎόϠϟ Our Location ± ΎϧήϘϣ

ÿ  ÿ 

All Brothers International (Private) Limited. Address: 118, 1st Floor, Armour Street, Colombo ± 12, Sri-Lanka. Tel. (0094) 112473694 / (0094) 112471279 Mobile (0094) 777763000 Fax (0094) 112338055 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Website:

All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ϞϣΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη ÿ  ÿ ªªªªªªªªªªªΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϤόϠϟ ϞγΎϨϤϟ΍

Chairman¶s Letter

Company Profile

à             e are pleased to exhibit and high light a brief profile of our well reputed, experienced firm. Our organization is one of the leading manpower supplier licensed by the Government of Sri Lanka, holding license No. 863 centrally located in the capital city of Colombo with all the modern communication facilities with well experienced staff fully geared to meet the manpower requirements. Our Motto is ü         e are on this trade for well over two decade and have deployed several thousand workers mainly to Middle Eastern and few for South Asian countries. During this period we have gained several major establishments as our customer and their bridges to meet their constant demand of manpower.









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////////// - &  0       1   +223  '&" "+&"+2 All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη

.....ΐΘϜϤϟ΍ ΐΣΎλ Ϧϣ ΔϟΎγέ...........Δϛήθϟ΍ Ϧϋ ΓάΒϧ

Company Profile

... ΎϨΘϛήη Ϧϋ ΐϴΘϛ Δ΋΍ήϗ ϰϠϋ ϢϛήϜθϧ ϥ΃ ΎϨϟ ΍ϮΤϤγ΍ ˬ ˯ΪΑ ϱΫ ΉΩΎΑ .ΔϠϳϮσ ΓήΒΧ ΔϳϭΎΤϤϟ΍ ΎϨΘϛήη Ϧϋ ΓΰΟϮϣ ΔΤϤϟ ˯Ϯο ωΎϔΗέ΍ϭ νήόϟ ˯΍Ϊόγ ϦΤϧ ΪϘϋϭ ˬ ΎϜϧϻ ϱήγ ΔϣϮϜΣ ϞΒϗ Ϧϣ ΎϬϟ κΧήϤϟ΍ ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ ϲδϴ΋ήϟ΍ ΩέϮϤϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΓΪΣ΍ϭ ϲϫ ΎϨΘδγΆϣ Ϧϣ ΓήΒΨϟ΍ ϱϭΫ ϊϣ ϝΎμΗϼϟ ΔΜϳΪΤϟ΍ ϖϓ΍ήϤϟ΍ ϊϴϤΟ ϊϣ ϮΒϣϮϟϮϛ ΔϤλΎόϟ΍ ϲϓ Ύϳΰϛήϣ ΎόϗϮϣ 863 Ϣϗέ κϴΧήΘϟ΍ .ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΕΎΟΎϴΘΣϻ΍ ΔϴΒϠΘϟ Ω΍ΪόΘγ΍ ϢΗ΃ ϰϠϋ ϦϴϔχϮϤϟ΍ "ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϣΎόϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϤόϟ΍ϭ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϤόϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϣΎόϟ΍" Ϯϫ ΎϧέΎόη ϕήθϟ΍ ϰϟ· ϝϭϷ΍ ϡΎϘϤϟ΍ ϲϓ ϦϴϠϣΎόϟ΍ Ϧϣ ϑϻ΁ ΓΪϋ ήθϨΑ ΖϣΎϗϭ ˬ ϦϳΪϘϋ Ϧϣ ήΜϛϷ ΓέΎΠΘϟ΍ ϩάϫ ϰϠϋ ϦΤϧϭ ΎϨ΋ϼϤϋ ϮΤϨϟ΍ ϰϠϋ Δϴδϴ΋έ ΕΎδγΆϣ ΓΪϋ ΎϫΎϨΒδΘϛ΍ ϲΘϟ΍ ΓήΘϔϟ΍ ϩάϫ ϝϼΧ .Ύϴγ΁ ΏϮϨΟ ϥ΍ΪϠΒϟ ΔϠϴϠϗϭ ςγϭϷ΍ .ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ Ϧϣ ήϤΘδϤϟ΍ ΐϠτϟ΍ ΔϴΒϠΘϟ έϮδΠϟ΍ϭ ϰϟ· ήϤΘδΗ ϑϮγ ΎϬϧ΃ϭ ˬ "ϱήΠΤϟ΍ ήμόϟ΍" ΔϳήθΒϟ΍ ΩϮΟϭ άϨϣ ˯ΎΤϧ΃ ϊϴϤΟ ϲϓ ΓΩϮΟϮϣ ρήη ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ρϮΒϫ ϥ΃ Ϫϧ΄η Ϧϣ ϥΎδϧϹ΍ ϥΎϛ Ϯϟ ϰΘΣ ΎϤΑέϭ) νέϷ΍ Ϧϣ ΐϛϮϜϟ΍ ΍άϫ ϰϠϋ ΩϮΟϮϣ ϥΎδϧ· ΎϤϟΎσ ΪΑϷ΍ ϲϓ ϢϜΤΘϠϟ ΕΎΗϮΑϭήϟ΍ϭ Εϻϵ΍ ΔΜϳΪΤϟ΍ ϡϮϠόϟ΍ ω΍ήΘΧ΍ Ϧϣ ϢϏήϟ΍ ϰϠϋ (ϙΎϨϫ ΓήϤόΘδϣ βϴγ΄Ηϭ ˬ ΦϳήϤϟ΍ ΢τγ ϥΎδϧϹ΍ ω΍ϮϧϷ΍ Ϧϣ ˯ΎϛΫ ήΜϛ΃ ΪόΑ ϒθΘϜΗ Ϣϟ ϢϠόϟ΍ϭ ϥΎδϧϹ΍ Ϧϣ Ϟπϓ΃ ϢϴϤμΗ ϦϜϤϳ Δϟ΁ ϱ΃ .ΔϳήθΒϟ΍ ϞϤόϟ΍ ΓϮϗ . ϯήΧϷ΍ ΐϛ΍ϮϜϟ΍ ϱ΃ ϲϓ ϰμϗϷ΍ ΪΤϟ΍ ΎϧέϭΪΑ ϡϮϘϧ ϦΤϧϭ ˬ ΔϤψϨϣ ϱ΃ ΡΎΠϧ ϲϓ ϲδϴ΋ήϟ΍ έϭΪϟ΍ ΐόϠΗ ϲΘϟ΍ϭ ˬ ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ ΔϴϤϫ΃ Δϓήόϣ "ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϣΎόϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϤόϟ΍ϭ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϤόϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϣΎόϟ΍" ϰϠϋ ϞμΤΗ ϥ΃ Ϧϣ Ϊϛ΄ΘϠϟ ϞϏΎθϤϟ΍ϭ ϊϧΎμϤϟ΍ϭ ΕΎδγΆϤϟ΍ϭ ΕΎϛήθϠϟ ϦϴϟΎϤόϟ΍ ΪϳϭΰΗ ϲϓ ΎϤϴγϻϭ ϝΎΠϤϟ΍ ΍άϫ ϲϓ ΔϠϳϮσ ΓήΒΧ ΎϨϳΪϟϭ ...... Φϟ΍ ΐΗΎϜϤϟ΍ϭ ϢϋΎτϤϟ΍ϭ ϕΩΎϨϔϟ΍ϭ ΕΎϴϔθΘδϤϟ΍ϭ αέ΍ΪϤϟ΍ϭ ϦΤϧϭ ˬ ΎϨόϣ ϞϣΎόΘϟ΍ ϲϓ έ΍ήϗ ϰϟ· ϞλϮΘϟ΍ ϰϠϋ ϢϛήϜθϧ ϦΤϧϭ ˬ ϚϟΫ ΕΎΒΛϻ Δλήϓ Ύϧ˯Ύτϋ΍ ϢϜϨϣ Ϟϣ΄ϧ ΎϨϧΈϓ . ϪϣΪϘϧ ϥ΃ ϦϜϤϳ ΔϣΪΧ Ϟπϓ΃ ϢϜϟ ΪϛΆϧ ϖϴϓϮΘϟ΍ ϲϟϭ Ϳ΍ϭ . (ΎϨϟϭ ϢϜϟϭ ϞϣΎόϠϟ) ϊϴϤΠϠϟ ΍ήϤΜϣ ΎϨϠϣΎόΗϭ ΎϨΗΎϗϼϋ ϞόΠϳ ϥ΍ ϲϟΎόΗ Ϳ΍ ΎϨϘϓϮϳ . ϦϜϤϣ Ζϗϭ Ώήϗ΃ ϚϨϣ ωΎϤγ ϰϟ΍ ϊϠτΘϧ ϦΤϧ ˬ ΕΎϴΤΘϟ΍ ήΣ΃ ϊϣ Ϣϴϫ΍ήΑ΍ ΩΎϳί ΔϴϟϭΪϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη ΐΣΎλ All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ





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All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη

Company Profile

ª .....ΎϨΘϛήη Ϧϋ ΓάΒϧ ª

Ε΍Ω΍Ϊϣ· ήϴϓϮΗ ϝΎΠϣ ϲϓ ήθϋ ϊγΎΘϟ΍ ϥήϘϟ΍ ΕΎϨϴϧΎϤΛ άϨϣ ϞϤόΗ ΎϨΘϤψϨϣ ϝΎΧΩϹ ΔϠ΋Ύϫ ΔόΘϣ ΎϨϴτόϳ ΍άϫ ϝΎϤϋ ϰϟ΍ ϞμΗ ϝΎϤϋϻ΍ Ϧϣ ωϮϧ ϱ΃ϭ Γήϴϐμϟ΍ ΕΎϋΎϨμϟ΍ϭ ˬ ΕΎϋΎϨμϟ΍ ϒϠΘΨϣ ϲϓ ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ .ϝίΎϨϤϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ ϰϟ· ΝΎΘΤΗ ϝΎϤϋϷ΍ Ϧϣ ωϮϧ ϱ΃ ˬϞϤϋ ΓϮϗ ήϴϓϮΘϟ ˬϝΎΠϤϟ΍ ΍άϫ ϲϓ ΩϮϘϋ 2 Ϧϣ ήΜϛϷ ΎϨΗήΒΧ ϊϣ ϝΎϤόϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΕΎΌϓ Ϧϣ (ΎϬϋ΍Ϯϧ΍ ϊϴϤΠΑ) ΓήϫΎϤϟ΍ ήϴϏϭ ΓήϫΎϤϟ΍ ϪΒηϭ ΓήϫΎϤϟ΍ ΔϴϨϬϤϟ΍ ϡΪϘϧ ϦΤϧ .ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ Ϧϋ ϥϮΜόΒϳ Ϧϳάϟ΍ ϦϴϟΎϤόϟ΍ϭ ϞϤόϟ΍ ιήϓ ϥϭήϓϮϳ Ϧϳάϟ΍ ϞϤόϟ΍ ΏΎΑέ΃ ϦϴΑ Ύϣ ήδΠϛ ϒϘϧ ϦΤϧϭ .έϮϛάϟ΍ .ϞϤόϟ΍ ϒ΋Ύχϭ ΓΩΎγ Ϧϣ ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΕΎΟΎϴΘΣϻ΍ ΔϴΒϠΗ ϰϟ· ϑΪϬΗϭ ˬ ϼϣΎϛ ΍ΰϴϬΠΗ ΓΰϬΠϣ ϲϫ ΎϨΘδγΆϣ .(ϞϤόϟ΍ ΏΎΑέ΍) ϢϟΎόϟ΍ ˯ΎΤϧ΃ ϊϴϤΟ ϲϓ ΎΒϳήϘΗ ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ ΪϳέϮΘϟ έΪμϣ ϰϨϏ΃ νϭήόϟ΍ ΎϜϧϻ ϱήγ ϥ΃ ϥϮϤϠόΗ ΎϤϛ ϥϮϜϧ ϥ΄Α ϥϭέϮΨϓ ϦΤϧϭ ˬ ϊγ΍ϭ ϕΎτϧ ϲϓ ΔϴοΎϤϟ΍ ΔόΑ΍ήϟ΍ ΩϮϘόϟ΍ ϲϓ ςγϭϻ΍ ϕήθϟ΍ ϲϓ ΎϤϴγ ϻϭ .ϪϨϣ ΃ΰΠΘϳ ϻ ΍˯ΰΟ ήϴμϗ Ωήγϭ ϞϣΎη κΤϓ ϒϧ΄ΘδΗ Ϧϣ ϑϻϵ΍ ϊϣ ϚϨΒϟ΍ Δϔϴχϭ ΔΒγϮΤϤϟ΍ ΕΎϧΎϴΒϟ΍ ϰϠϋ υΎϔΤϟ΍ ΎϨϴϠϋ .ϦϳΩΎϴμϟ΍ ΔϠϣΎόϟ΍ ϯϮϘϟ΍ Ϧϣ ΕΎΟΎϴΘΣϻ΍ ΔϴΒϠΘϟ ϥϭΪόΘδϣ ˯΍ήΒΨϟ΍ ϖϳήϓ κΤϓ ΎϨϳΪϟ .˯ϼϤόϟ΍ Ύοέϭ ΔόϤγ ϰϠϋ ΩΎϤΘϋϻ΍ ϊϣ ΔϳήμΣ ΖϤϛ΍ήΗ Ϧ΋ΎΑί ΎϨϳΪϟ Δλήϔϟ΍ ϩάϫ ϢϨΘϐϧ .Ϛϟάϛ ΓήϗϮϤϟ΍ ϢϜΘϤψϨϤϟ ΓήϤΘδϣ ΎϨΗΎϣΪΧ ϕΎτϧ ϊϴγϮΘϟ ΓήϴΒϛ ΓΩΎόδΑ ϊΘϤΘϧ ϦΤϧ .ϢϜΘϳΎϋέ αΎϤΘϟϻ .ϢϜϨϋ ΔϴϔΗΎϫ ΔϤϟΎϜϣ ΪόΑϭ ˬ ϢϜϴϟ΍ ΍ΪΟ ϥϮΒϳήϗ ΎϨϧ΃ ήϛάΗ ϥ΍ ϢϜϨϣ ˯ΎΟήϟ΍ ϞϤόϠϟ ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ϞϣΎόϟ΍" νήόϟ΍ ϥ΃ ϢϜϟ Ϊϛ΅΃ϭ ˬ Ζϗϭ Ώήϗ΃ ϲϓ Ϟ΋ΎϔΘϣ ϢϛΩήϟ ϊϠτΘϧϭ ϢϜϟ ήϜθϟ΍ "ΐγΎϨϤϟ΍ ˬ Ϛϟ ΎϳΩϭ Ϣϴϫ΍ήΑ΍ ΩΎϳί Ϊϴδϟ΍ ΔΟϭί

ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ


Receiving Orders« We can receive the orders through any sources of communication such as via Fax, Email, Telephone calls or even SMS, XMS etc. We prefer to have clear picture or job description of workers to enable us to cater you the ­        

Next step we take« Gn receipt of Manpower order from our client, we carefully study the requirements. We ensure that we can supply the manpower while looking after the interest of both the client as well as the workers. Salary, work hours and other terms are negotiable. There is stipulated salary for each and every category by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment under the Ministry of Labor - Sri Ȃ Lanka.

MODE AND SOURCES OF RECRUITMENT:ôª †pon receipt of the order (demand) we search our computer database (Job Bank) for resume that generally include information of job hunters (already registered with our firm for employment in foreign countries) and we reconfirm their availabilities and readiness of the relevant candidates. ôª We approach and seek the coordination of other sources of recruitment such as other leading Recruiting Agents / Registered Sub Agents / Vocational Training Institutes / Trade Testing Centers etc. ôª If still we do not meet the demand, then we go for the media advertisement. Mainly in major newspapers / TV / Radio etc.

-OB HEAD HUNT - SELECTION We adopt state of the art and systematic technique for selection procedure and pay extreme attention and careful screening even on minutest requirement of our client so that nothing should escape in meeting his / her needs.

All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ


DOCUMENTATION AND PROCESSING A recruitment contract is negotiated on basic policies agreeable to both the parties. Each contract goes through a process comprising several stages, which are negotiated between our clients and us. SCHEDULE OF DOCUMENTS We initially require the following documents in order to register with Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (SLBFE). (Without the registration, the approval will not be granted for placing media advertisements and will not be able to deploy candidates):~.ª JGB GRDER / DEMAND LETTER: Should be in your company letter head and to be attested in Sri Lankan Embassy in your country. m   2.ª„GWER GF ATTGRNEY: Should be in your company letter head and to be attested in Sri Lankan Embassy in your country. m  )

3.ª AGREEMENT: Should be in your company letter head and to be attested in Sri Lankan Embassy in your country. m  )

All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ


Interviewing & Screening. We take preliminary personal interviews by our qualified personnel to determine the skill and competence of candidate. We adopt state of the art and systematic techniques for screening and interviewing procedures and pay extreme care and attention on this. For certain technical categories we make use of assistance of Authorized Trade Testing Centers. We also can arrange the candidates for the personnel interview by principal over the phone or in person.

Sending CVs:We dispatch the CVs to the principal after short listing the candidates for final selection. †pon receipt of the name list of the candidates from principal after final selections, we re-confirm the availability and fitness (medically) of the candidates for sponsor to start processing their visas.

Salary and other terms:We negotiable the Salaries and other terms between principal and candidates and provide the Employment Agreements accordingly.

Deployment Procedures:†pon receipt of the visa, we shall complete all the necessary registration in the Bureau of Foreign Employment and arrange the departure formalities according to the convenience of sponsor and employee and inform sponsor the departure detail in advance for them to make arrangements to receive the candidate upon arrival.

Probation and guarantee:The probation period is 90 days and we take the responsibility under the following circumstances:~.ª If found medically unfit (Contractive disease only). We need the original medical certificate from the Ministry of Health to prove this. 2.ª If the candidate is female and found to be pregnant from the country of origin. 3.ª In case any skilled workers deployed found un-qualified for the specified job. In the cases above we will help the employer in repatriation of the employee and provide replacement free of charge.

All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη


......ϡ΍ήϜϟ΍ ΎϨϨ΋ΎΑί ˯ΎϤγ΍ ξόΑ

Al-Darmi Trading Est. Al-Muthin Office Al-aleed Recruiting Agency Rashid Trading & Services Co. The Golden Ball For Trading & Services Al-Khanaq Trading Services Al-Siddiqi Int¶l Group M. Rafie & Abdulla Al-Siddiqi Qatar Building Engineering Co. Tariq Trading & Contr. Est. Bu Matar Est. G.L.C. Contracting Al-Majles Al-Arabi Restaurant Al-Tauqeet Trading & Services Est. Sadoon Mubarak Sadoon Apple Employent Agency Al-Mutawassit Cleaning Co. Jabri Sweets & Restaurant Arabian Engineering Cont. & Trading Est. Taj Gulf Trading Est. University of Qatar Qatar Manpower Recruiting & Services Ahmad Peerun Travel & Tours Recruiting Agent Hussain Al-Bahlaq Recruting Office Kababayan Far East Manpower & Services Apcon Contracting Est. Al-Saqar Serent Office Al-Raqeeb Recruitment & Gen. Services Khalid Bin Jabor Al-Ateeq Hourani Enterprises Al-Huda Services Est. Hail Manpower & Services Est. SAK Trading & Contracting Co. Sariya Al-Hajar Manpower (Pvt) Ltd. Mahmood Edoo Vegetable Suppliers Manaal Ahlam for Technology

All Brothers Int¶l (Private) Limited

State of Kuwait State of Kuwait State of Kuwait State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Kuwait State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Kuwait Singapore State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar State of Qatar Mauritius State of Kuwait Singapore State of Qatar State of Kuwait Saudi Arabia State of Qatar Jordan United Arab Emirates Bahrain State of Qatar State of Kuwait State of Kuwait State of Kuwait

ϒϴχϮΘϟ΍ϭ ϡ΍ΪϘΘγϼϟ ΔϴϤϟΎόϟ΍ ΓϮΧϻ΍ ΔϓΎϛ Δϛήη


......ϡ΍ήϜϟ΍ ΎϨϨ΋ΎΑί ˯ΎϤγ΍ ξόΑ

Al-Braha Gen. Services Suwad Al-Neel Co. Sun Air International Genisis Employment Agency Kahlid Al-Hajari Est. Crown Trading & Project Qrenis Manpower Services Co. Al-Shabiba Trading & Services Glow Tours & Trade Ltd. Ghanim Bin Saad Al Saad & Sons Group Al-Mulaihim Bicecle Stores Amani Trding Cont. Co. Qatar Cleaning Copany Al-Sayel Trading Co. Al-Zahra Manpower Conserv Trading Trading & Contracting Ibrahim Bin Khudabaksh Tradeing TEMALCO Roma Contracting Co. SATCO Int¶l Abdul Rahman Al-Otaishan Group for Cont. Al-Fayasi For Recruitment Delta Contracting Co. Salem Saiyah Ayed Al-Shammeri The Diamond Star For Trading & Serv. Beautiful Corner Florist Al-Dolaimy Group Bu ± Rahma Rec. Co. Al-Safa Bakery Al-Tamani Gen. Services Est. Pluto Electro Mechanical Cont. Gulf Lights Gulf Flag Company Qatar Automatic Block Vision NAFFCO Al-Quds Cleaning Co. Al-Aboor Transport Co. S.B.K. Agricultural Co.

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