Algo Hari Ini

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 152
  • Pages: 4
Larik Indeks

Info No 1 2 3

Nama 1 Ydi 4 Hade 2 Aman

Alamat Hadir uts Inten 2 8 Inten 12 Inten 3 9

uas 99 66 88

tugas 70 70 45

na 80 920.33 90 998 90 864

Program Buble; (i.s (f.s kamus type info record No: Integer Nama : String Alamat : String hadir : integer uts : real uas: real tugas: real na : rael type

larik=Array [1….100] of Info

(* Algoritma Entry*) Program entry(i/l: Larik, N: integer) kamus i: integer Algoritma Entry for i:= 1 to N input L[i].No input L[i].Nama input L[i].alamat input L[i].hadir input L[i].uts input L[i].uas input L[i].tugas L[i].NA := (L[i].hadir/12)*100*0.05)+L[i].uts*0.3+L[i].Uas*0.3+L[i].Tugas*0.35 end for (*Algoritma Sorting *) program sorting(i/o L: Larik, i/n: integer) (i.s (f.s Kamus algoritma for I:= 1 to n-1 for j:= n downto l+i

if (L[i].no < L[i].no) then begin temp:= L[i].no L[i].no:= L[i-1].no L[i-1].no := temp



L[i].no < L[i).no-1

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