Al Qaeda

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Al-Qaeda Paranoia about terrorism is at an all time high. That is why every time a mass shooting occur or some “terror-like” occurrence transpire, people yell out that it’s al-Qaeda that’s doing it. Now, the U.S. is trying to send into prison Khalid Sheik Muhammad (he joined the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood as a long man). Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, a Democrat, said that military commission trials would only be acceptable under revised rules which will expand defendants’ legal protections( and that Obama may act quickly). “My hunch — it’s more than a hunch — I believe there’ll be something happening on that fairly soon,” Levin told reporters. Guantanamo Bay still holds 241 inmates from 30 different countries globally according to the Pentagon. Some neo-cons don't want the facility to be closed, they want to have military commissions, and a plan to send the prisoners elsewhere. These neo cons are wrong since that Camp has been depository of torture and even innocent people being placed there. Some believe that military commissions are tarnished and can't be fixed. Some believe that that the alternative is to place these individual detainees in a regularly constituted court like a federal court (or a court martial). The US Department of Justice memos released in April revealed that Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded 183 times in a single month. So, the water boarding obviously didn't work since why do you water board anyone over 100 times to gain information? “The Obama administration shouldn’t tinker with a fundamentally flawed system,” said Human Rights Watch (HRW) counterterrorism adviser Stacy Sullivan. “Reviving the military commissions would strip much of the meaning from closing Guantanamo.” Tom Parker of Amnesty International said the president would be making “a

disastrous misstep” if he revived the commissions after blasting them as “an enormous failure” on the campaign trail last year. Therefore, military commissions and the Guantanamo Bay facility ought to be gone and replace with real trials to see what is going on with the detainees in this war on terror era. Even Muhammad Atta was a member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. So, secret societies and mysterious organizations have been linked with terrorists for thousands of years. They want to use “chaos” as a means to create their version of “order.” The mainstream media is proclaiming him as the mastermind of 9/11 when there is no evidence that he caused all aspects of 9/11 to occur at all. Khalid didn’t make NORAD stand down or make the Building Number Seven fall down. Al-Qaeda is nothing more than a government/intelligence creation sent as a boogeyman to scare people, so submission to the governments policies would be easy to achieve. Even the former head of the MI5, Dame Stella Rimington, admitted that the British government has exploited the fear of terrorism to restrict civil liberties. This isn’t just me saying this. Shortly before his death, the former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that al-Qaeda was a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan. This database existed on an intranet computer located at the Permanent Secretariat of the Islamic Conference Organization in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Cook told the House of Commons the following: “…The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive the ‘TV watcher’ to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money…” Another person have said a similar commentary on al-Qaeda: “The myth of ‘al Qaida’ is built on an expansive foundation of many half-truths and hidden facts,” writes Peter Chamberlin. “It is a CIA creation. It was shaped by the agency to serve as a substitute ‘enemy’ for America, replacing the Soviets whom the Islamist forces had driven from Afghanistan.”

The Ancient Mystery Religions of Egypt, Babylon, India, and other Gentile nations were the precursors of all Secret Societies including the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. Jerry Falwell once called Muhammad a terrorist immediately after 9/11. He apologized and Mamoun Hudaibi (who is the spokesman for the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood) accepted his apology. Hudiabi thought that it was unacceptable to insult Muhammad as a terrorist. Of course, the vast majority of Muslim human beings are not terrorists. Many Muslim Secret Societies existed from the Middle Ages like the Assassins, Sufis, and Ismalis. All of them used concepts related to the Illuminati. Napoleon invaded Egypt and the Masons in his army contacted the remnants of the Ismali Grand Lodge and set up the Egyptian Rite

Freemasonry when they returned to Europe.

The person on the left is the Englishman Richard the Lion-Hearted with a Knights Templar cross. The person on the right is Jacques de Molay before he’s murdered by Roman Catholic authorities. After the Crusades, the Vatican and Muslims are allies in the Ecumenical Movement (which is extended into the Interfaith and Emergent Church Movements. Tony Blair is one leader of the Interfaith movement, who is Roman Catholic), some of their doctrines are similar (from the Rosary beads that includes the unscriptural practice of repetitive prayers, persecutions against the Jewish populations for centuries, and to praise of Mary). Romanism calls Mary the “Queen of Heaven” when the book Jeremiah forbids this practice. The Queen of Heaven has been related to goddess worship for thousands of years. The real Mary was a humble servant of the Lord, who said "Yes" to God's will for her life. Mary became the mother of the human nature of the Saviour. Mary is NOT the "Mother of God." God does NOT have a "Mother.” Authoritarianism is common in Muslim and Catholic theocracies. In 1232, Pope Gregory IX set up a system of special religious courts to even burn people deemed "heretics." This collaborated involved

warfare as well. One example is how the Roman Catholic Croats united with the Muslim extremists to kill Orthodox Slavic Serbian people, Gypsies, Jewish people, etc. Franco and Muslim radicals have kill about 2 million Spaniards during the Spanish Civil War from 1936-1939. There are many Arabic Christians being murdered to day. Some believe that Islam and Catholicism are uniting in order to facilitate the new world order (including the one world religion better).

The times of the Crusades inspired a rapid development of Islamic-based Secret Societies since the Papists during these Crusades wanted to steal land form the Holy Land by force. Pope Urban II in 1095 called on the Crusades to take the Promised Land from the Muslims by force. Urban II falsely said that Muslims assaulting pilgrims and destroying Christian artifacts and sacred places. Muslims in that time allowed pilgrims to visit the Holy Land without violence. The Knights Templar supported the Crusades. Peter the Hermit and Godfrey de Bouillon was in the First Crusade near Jerusalem in 1099. The Catholic agent and French monk Bernard of Clairvaux preach the 2nd Crusade. Saladin in the 3rd Crusade was famous for his chivalry and generosity. The cruetly of many of the Crusades were 100X worse than what Charles Manson did in 1969 (although this doesn’t diminish evil Manson and his followers did though). The Catholics and the Muslims still fought in Jerusalem. The Englishman Richard the Lion-Hearted (1157-1199) fighting Saladin in the Holy Land. He is famous for allowing the Knights Templar to attack Joppa on the Palestinian coast. More Crusades came to steal wealth in the Muslim world. The Knights Templar’s order's full and proper name was Pauperes commilitones Christi Templique Salomonis, or "Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon." The order was founded in 1118 by nine knights: Hugues de Payens, Geoffrey de St. Omer, Rossal, Gondamer, Geoffrey Bisol, Payen de Montdidier, Archambaud de St. Agnat, Andre de Montbard, and the Hugh Conte de Champagne. 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike wrote of the true purpose of the Knights Templar: “…The Templars, whose history is so imperfectly known, were those terrible conspirators. In 1118, nine Knights Crusaders in the East, among whom were Geoffroi de Saint-Omer and Hugues de Payens, consecrated themselves to religion, and took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a See always secretly or openly hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius. The avowed object of the Templars was to protect the Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret object was the re-building of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel. "This re-building, formally predicted by the Judaizing Mystics of the earlier ages, had become the secret dream of the Patriarchs of the Orient. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe; the East would prevail over the West, and the Patriarchs of Constantinople would possess themselves of the Papal power. "The Templars, or Poor Fellow-Soldiery of the Holy House of the Temple intended to be re-built, took as their models, in the Bible, the Warrior-Masons of Zorobabel, who worked,

holding the sword in one hand and the trowel in the other. Therefore it was that the Sword and the Trowel were the insignia of the Templars, who subsequently, as will be seen, concealed themselves under the name of Brethren Masons. [This name, Frères Maçons in the French, adopted by way of secret reference to the Builders of the Second Temple, was corrupted in English into Free-Masons, as Pythagore de Crotone was into Peter Gower of Groton in England. Khairüm or Khür-üm, (a name mis-rendered into Hiram) from an artificer in brass and other metals, became the Chief Builder of the Haikal Kadosh, the Holy House, of the Temple, the ; and the words Bonai and Banaim yet appear in the Masonic Degrees, meaning Builder and Builders.]…” (Albert Pike’s “Morals and Dogma” from pgs. 532-533)

The Knights Templar utilized evacuations under Solomon’s Temple to find artifacts and scholars believed they believed in the occult covertly (or in the Mystery Schools). The Hiram Key, Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas-both Masons (including Gaetan Delaforge) believed that the Knights Templar wanted to find manuscripts to find the secret traditions of apostate Judaism (or the Kabbalah, which is true Judaism, but a corruption of it) and ancient Egypt. The Knights Templar were burned for heresy and they were strong international bankers competing against the Vatican. Jacques de Molay was the Grand Master of the Knights Templar who was burned at the stake in Paris, France on March 18, 1314. Regardless if the Knights Templar directly created Freemasonry or not, Freemasonry mimics the Knights Templar in numerous ways. One example is how the Blue Lodge in

the 3rd degree reenact the interrogation of the Knights Templar Jacques de Molay. The initiation is brutal and the degree in the initiation someone says: “..He gave me the third degree…” in reference to someone questioning a person. The sword, an indispensable symbol for the Templars, is also an irreplaceable accessory in the Masonic lodges. Even the DeMolay group possesses influences from the Knights Templar. Freemasonry have a firm tie with Muslim extremist groups. Jamal al-Din al-Afghani was living in Egypt and is known as the founder of the Salafiyya movement to end British imperialism to end British imperialism plus called for modernization for the Muslim world. Mohammed Adbhuh was his most famous disciple and was another Freemason. Hasan alBanna created the Muslim Brotherhood and it is Masonic by its pyramidal structure, secrecy, charity, etc. but it was exclusively for Muslims to join. The Muslim Brotherhood came in 1928. Sayed Qutb, another Freemason, joined the Brotherhood. Dr. John Coleman and other scholars said that the British globalists exploited and also controlled the Muslim Brotherhood to control the Middle East, oppress Arabic citizens, and exploit their resources like oil. Osama in the late 1970's-1990's was a CIA asset and the CIA funded him to fight Soviet Communists and other groups. When the Muslim Brotherhood tried to assassinate Egyptian Prime Minister Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt in 1954, Nasser shut down the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood went into Syria in exile temporary. It is suspected that the Muslim Brotherhood has involvement in the murder of Anwar Sadat in October 6, 1981 for trying to have peace in the Middle East. It has been recently found out that the Palestinian-Jordanian ideologue Dr. Abdullah Azzam conceptualized al-Qaeda in 1987. He was born in 1941 in northern Palestine. He joined the Muslim Brotherhood as a young man. He was apart of the Jordanian chapter and then he moved into Afghanistan. Osama's teacher was Muhammad Qutb, another member of the Masonic Muslim Brotherhood. Also, Osama bin Laden was mentored by Azzam. Azzam and Osama once ran the Afghan Service Bureau. This was done to create a network of offices, disseminate propaganda, and increase new members of al-Qaeda. That is why the al-Qaeda heavily recruited individuals from the Muslim Brotherhood. al-Qaeda's role is a executioner of globalist policies to stir the people in fighting this fake "war on terror" like the fake "Cold War" [since both the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. back then were funded by Rockefeller and other industrialists]. Leonid Shebarshin, ex-chief of the Soviet Foreign Intelligence Service, who heads the Russian National Economic Security Service consulting company said that al-Qaeda is a myth as an unified terrorist entity. In fact, a Congressional report had the U.S. funding al-Qaeda-related groups in battling against the Serbs during the 1990s. Just like the Illuminati centuries ago, al-Qaeda work in cells. Even the Taliban means students. Adam Weishaupt in his Illuminati would heavily use university students to promote his agenda of globalism. Both alQaeda and the Illuminati work in a pyramidal structure with most members on the bottom and the few elite leaders of al-Qaeda on the top of the pyramidal political power structure. Even the elite Taliban of Osama bin Laden was called the “Takir.” According to CNN, “…each Takfir knows only two other Takfir, the one immediately above him and below him…” The top 3 man cell of the Takir was made up of Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri, and Muhammad Atef (who was killed by US/NATO forces in

the beginnings of the Afghanistan war). There is a picture of both men arranged in a pyramid-like sitting arrangement. Al-Qaeda hence acts as a secret society with some of its members denying its existence to remain

More Secret Society connections exist in Islam. One simple example is the Shiners. It allows people to swear an oath to Allah and Muhammad. Once, only a 32nd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason or a 13th Degree York Rite Mason can join. Now, people from the 3rd Degree of the Blue Lodge can be apart of the Shiners, because the events of 9/11 (and obvious reasons). Its full name is the Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine. The Shiners use Fez as a hat design. The fez existed from the ancient Byzantine Empire, but it was popularized greatly by Muslims from the Ottoman Empire. The Shiners do charity and other works, but they have been plagued with sexual scandals for decades. The Masonic Muslim leaders don't have the Muslim populace's interest at heart in the Middle East. The reason is that the Masonic Muslim leaders have collaborated with Western interests, international bankers, the CFR-controlled NeoCons, etc. for years exploiting the region. One example proving that is how the Saudis are working with the White House and the West. In fact, Saudi Prince AlWaleed bin Talall gave $200,000,000 to Jesuit Georgetown University. Prince Turki was trained in intelligence work by the Knight of Malta Alexandre de Marcenches. There is a big Masonic Lodge in Cairo, Egypt. It's a known fact that Osama bin Laden is a CIA asset and his code name was Tim Ossman. A Forbes 2006 article says that Saudi King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz is worth $21 billion. The Jesuits have worked with Freemasons for a long time like Jesuit Edmund Walsh working with Mason Douglas Macarthur. The PhD. Henry Makow and others explain the al-Qaeda being the biggest threat in the world myth greatly. Peter Goodgame, another expert says that Osama is a product of the Muslim Brotherhood controlled by Western globalists (as found in the Anglo-American elite, the Vatican/Jesuit network, etc.). The hierarchy

of al-Qaeda has cells with a capstone on the top similar to Freemasonry. So, there is no doubt that a significant part of Muslim extremists (not the majority of Muslims) are linked up with the international intelligence/governmental communities especially in the Western world.

In Iran, Iranian President Mohammad Mossadegh nationalized his country's oil industry at the expense of the British oil companies. This angered the west, because it restrict their influence over the natural resources in Iran. That is why Kermit Roosevelt, who was a former CIA officer admitted that the CIA (including the MI6) created Operation Ajax. Operation Ajax was about the Western overthrow of Mossadegh in order to control its oil supply. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC) was expelled from Iran nine months earlier before the Operation was enacted. Mossadegh was overthrown in 1953 with war, propaganda, and other specific tactics. In Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Ben Bagdikian’s "The Media Monopoly" is a book that documents this information. John Foster Dulles, General Fazlollah Zahedi, Norman Schwarzkopf Sr., and others were apart of the Operation.

Now, in the 21st century and for thousands of years (like Operation Gladio, Operation Phoenix, Operation Ajax, etc. The CIA paid demonstrators to march in the streets during

Operation Ajax, which successfully resulted in the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953), governments or intelligence agencies have used false flag operations to get an agenda accomplished. More recently, Ikram Yabukov, who is a former Uzbek National Security Service (SNB) major, said the government of President Islam Karimov carried out a number of false flag terrorist attacks. Later, it was then blamed them on Islamist extremists to win support at home and abroad. Craig Murray, who is the former British ambassador to Uzbekistan validated Yabukov's claims. It's a known fact that Karimov is a dictator in Uzbekistan. Ironically, Uzbekistan is an ally with America in the global war on terrorism. Yakobov also claimed that many Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) leaders, who are designated terrorists by the U.S. State Department, were nurtured by the Uzbek government, did terrorism. He claimed that the Uzbek government supported the IMU bombings in Tashkent and the 2005 Andijon uprising, which killed more than 1,500 people. There was also the Bologna Massacre caused in 1980 in Italy. It is suspected that either neo fascists or Operation Gladio was involved in the event. UNESCO awarded Karimov a “Diversity award” when he‘s known for torturing innocent Muslims. Now, in many of these false flag operations, the intelligence/government community use patsies as the fall guys or scapegoats. These patsies act as dupes with mental health issues, they abuse antidepressant drugs (or psychotropic drugs like Prozac), and they have a military/intelligence background like McVeigh. The patsies exist and the technicians are people actually helping to orchestrate the event (behind the scenes. Many of these false flag operations like 9/11 and even the 7/7 bombing have drills occurring before the act occurs). For example, multiple drills occurred on the morning of 9/11, 7/7, and even in the Fort Hood bombing, people thought drills occurred in that murderous rampage. Contradictions occur in the mainstream media coverage as well of the occurrences. One example is how early reports of the Ft. Hood murders show that 3 shooters were involved in it, then the media says that there is one shooter. Another contradiction is how a regular military person would be court marshaled if he or she even slightly criticize President Barack Obama or ex-President George W. Bush years ago. Yet, Nidal Malik Hasan in public goes and criticizes the government in a hardcore way inside of military facilities saying he loves al-Qaeda, etc. Hasan is portrayed as some dedicated Muslim by the CFR-influenced mainstream media, but Nidal Hasan goes into strip clubs getting lap dances from stripping, he’s drinking alcohol, etc. in Kielene, Texas like Muhammad Atta. Hasan comes out of the VA Tech hospital facility that Cho came from. That is why I wouldn’t be surprised if Hasan is a patsy of a bigger deal in the Fort Hood shooting. Whatever occur in the Fort Hood massacre, the truth should totally come out. We owe it to the victims and their families for the truth to come out. Frank Morales have shown that it’s a known historical fact that the Pentagon used P2OG to instigate terror attacks, then fight to defeat the terrorists.

Appendix A: The Assassins

The Assassins is a Secret society with a lot of mystery and intrigue. They are called one of the violent secret societies in the Middle Ages. They are also called the Hashashin. They are known for penetrating security and striking down any victim regardless of the body of men who might guard him. The name of this secret society is where we get the English word of “assassin” from. Hashashin comes from the Arabic words of “Hashish.” Hashish is the Indian hemp (or the cannabis sativa). European Crusaders and others accused the Assassins of using the hashish liberally to make them have fierce courage and eliminate their fear of death. Some scholars dispute this claim. The early members of this Secret society were followers of the Nizari

branch of the Isma Iiiyya sect of Shiite Muslims, which are located mostly in Syria and Persia. Islam is divided mostly into Sunni (which are the majority numerically) and the Shia. Both disagree with each other on some issues pertaining to Islam. Sunnis believe that Muhammad’s followers who are non-relatives as found in Muhammad’s tribe of Qurasyh ought to have a leadership position in Islam, while Shias believe that Muhammad’s family, or the Ahl al-Bayt ("the People of the House"), plus certain individuals among his descendants, who are known as Imams, have special spiritual and political rule over the community. The Sunnis supported Abu Bakr to be the first caliph. The Shia people believe that Ali (who was Muhammad’s cousin and son in law) is the rightful successor of Muhammad. So, they reject the first 3 Rashidun caliphs. Ali was the 4th caliph and he married Muhammad’s daughter named Fatimah. Shias exist all over the Earth. Mostly Shia nations include Iran and

Iraq. In 1090, Hasan ibn Sabbah (1034-1124) seized the mountain citadel of Alamaut in northern Persia and made it his "Eagles' Nest," a center where he, as grand master, could live in relative safety and direct his forces throughout Asia. The Hashashin believed in the ideas of ancient Greek philosophy, mysticism, and they wanted to end perceived corruption and greed. They formed their first Shi’ite state called the Fatimid Empire as trying to fulfill their goals. It spread across Levant (near Lebanon) and on the Mediterranean Sea. It has its capitol in Cairo. The Fatimid Empire issued developments in the Islamic Golden Age. In 1090, the 8th Fatimid Caliph and Isma’ili Iman Ma'ad al-Mustansir Billah took ill in Cairo, his powerful Vizier, Al-Afdal, took the reins of state power and appointed the Caliph's younger son Al-Musta'li (the Vizier's brother-inlaw) as Caliph, in a palace coup. Nizār, the actual heir apparent, left for Alexandria, where he was given strong local support and led another rebellion, only to be defeated and executed on his brother's orders. This caused a split amongst the Isma'ilis, and Nizār's supporters, called the Nizaris or after their martyred leader, moved east and continued his cause under the charismatic leadership of Persian herald Hassan-i Sabbah. Iman is another word for religious leader, which equivalent to a preacher in the Christian faith. The Nizariyya failed to make an Utopia, so they used political assassination to defeat their foes. The Fedayeen (or sleeper commandos) were ready to defend Nizari civilians facing pogroms. They fought against the Seljuk Turks as well. They or the Hashshashin took contracts from outsides. Richard the Lion-heart was suspected of commissioned them to assassinate Conrad de Monferrat. They were defeated by the Mongol warlord Hulagu Khan during the Mongol siege of Alamut in December 15, 1256. Their Syrian branch was taken over by the Mamluk Sultan Baibars in 1273. They are survived by the Shia Imami Isma'ili Muslims in the contemporary world, who are currently led by the Aga Khan IV or their 49th Imam. Today, they are popularized in books, the Internet, and even video games (like the game of “Assassin’s Creed,” which is based on the novel called Alamut by Vladimir Bartol). Some compare the Knights Templars and the Hashashins together because of their secretive history, etc:

Freemason Clavel mentions that: “…Oriental historians show us, at different periods, the Order of the Templars maintaining intimate relations with that of the Assassins, and they insist on the affinity that existed between the two associations. They remark that they had adopted the same colours, white and red ; that they had the same organization, the same hierarchy of degrees, those of fedavi, refik, and dai in one corresponding to those of novice, professed, and knight in the other ; that both conspired for the ruin of the religions they professed in public, and that finally both possessed numerous castles, the former in Asia, the latter in Europe…” (F.T.B. Clavel, Histoire Pittoresque de la Franc-Maçonnerie, p. 356 (1843). According to author James Wasserman (in his book entitled, “The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven”), the interaction between the Knights Templars and the Assassins caused the Templars to develop a more occult tradition in their background. The occult secrets of both groups according to Wasserman spread into the Renaissance and the modern Western Mystery Tradition.

Honor Killings There is a victim dying of an Islamic honor killing who died in Arizona. Noor Faleh Almaleki was run over by her father in Arizona 2 weeks ago. She died on November 2, 2009. The murderer father fled to England, he was arrested, and brought back to America to face trial. County Stephanie Low told the media that: "...his own admission, this was an intentional act and the reason was that his daughter had brought shame on him and his family. This was an attempt at an honor killing” (“‘Westernized Woman’ Allegedly Hit by Dad’s Car Dies,” AP, Nov. 3, 2009). The Human Rights Watch defines honor killings as acts of violent (usually murder) committed by a male family members (or members) against female family members. The victims are claimed to have brought dishonor to their murderer's family. This is very common in the Middle East and Turkey. According to the U.N., 5,000 females were murdered every year. Some of the perpetrators get off scout free or have a light sentence. Islamic apologist believe that honor killings are cultural and aren't a product of Islam. Yet, Jihad Watch reports that in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down ON ISLAMIC GROUNDS a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings, and Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values” (“Muslim Ran Down Daughter,” Jihad Watch, Oct. 22, 2009). Honor killings are increasing in America and that's wrong. Adullam Films have recorded about the Emerging Movement. The Emerging is a new phase of the Vatican's Ecumenical Movement. They

realize that they can't overtly say I want to control Christian believers, so the Vatican uses new terminology to get compromise more accessible in Christianity. Even Adrian Hilton wrote that the Pope wants a big European Union and he was driven out of European politics for his strong stand against the Vatican. These globalist policies come out of the Counter Reformation.

Fathima Rifqa Bary

A judge refuses to send a teenage Christian girl back to her Muslim parents. The judge did sent Fathima Rifqa Bary to Ohio in a child custody location. Once, a judge from Florida heard arguments about a young Christian who ran away from her Muslim parents in Ohio. The young girl claims that her father allegedly threatened to kill her , because she converted to Christianity. Now, the parents of the girl want her returned to Ohio immediately. The 17 year old girl is named Fathima Rifqa Bary. She is an honor student and a cheerleader that was raised in a Muslim household from Columbus, Ohio. She became a Christian 4 years ago. It occurred by the interactions with children at school. Bary is a native from Sri Lanka. She claimed that her family was going to kill her in an honor killing, so she hitchhiked to a bus station and ran away from home on July 19. She said that her father severely beat her many times. In the Islamic tradition, a honor killing is the killing of a person who is believed to have brought dishonor to his or her family. John Stemberg, who is an attorney representing the teen said that the Columbus area is densely populated with Muslims that have connections with radical Islam and al-Qaeda. Of course, people would disagree with him as promoting “Islamophobia.” Wafa Sultan, a Syrian-born psychiatrist, human rights activist and author, wrote on that the case ‘highlights the danger of creeping jihad in the Western world. This is not only because of the imminent danger the teenage girl may face right here in the U.S., had the court decided to have her return to her parents’ home, but also because of the mainstream media’s weak response to the severity of this case.’ Dr. Phyllis Chesler, author of ‘Are Honor Killings Simply Domestic Violence?’ told Fox News Bary’s life will be in danger if she is forced to return to her parents. Dr.

Chesler believes that anyone leaving Islam is considered an apostate and apostasy is a capital crime. Muslim girls are murdered for far less in Muslim theocracies indeed. The truth is that the girls' parents are Muslims and they deny abusing her, yet the girl claims otherwise. The U.N. finds that 5,000 honor killing occur yearly worldwide. Some even occur in America. One case was when a Muslim TV network founder was charged with beheading his wife. It’s hard to decipher the real truth in this case. So, Fathima Rifqa Bary has a right to be a Christian as this is apart of her religious liberty rights. I believe she should stay in Florida if she is really in danger of her life. I believe her parents should see her sometimes in the future (as parent and child relationships are great to maintain regardless of what religion you are. I have relatives that are not of my religion, but I will never disown my blood relatives at all), but with some type of supervision to make sure that nothing happens to Fathima. Since, Fathima is now a Christian, she should be encouraged in her faith.

By Timothy

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