Akumiitti Interactive Comics 27092001

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  • Words: 1,376
  • Pages: 7

interactive comics

OVERVIEW The interactive comics service, enabled by the Akumiitti Entertainment Service Center (ESC), is a multimedia service, where subscribers receive comic strips, ringing tones, operator logos and SMS (Short Message Service) messages to their mobile phones. The service concept enables mobile subscribers not only to receive comic strips to their mobile phones, but also to influence the flow of the story. In the first phase the service is delivered via a Picture Messaging Application, which enables users to retrieve pixel images with text to their mobile phones. In the second phase the service will be made available to Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS). EMS enables the attachment of animations and sounds to plain SMS messages, and EMS is supported by ESC. The interactive comics service will also be made available to WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) in the future. The value chain for the interactive comics service is presented in Figure 1. A service provider, service operator or mobile operator offers the service to mobile subscribers, and thus is the only visible party to the service users. The network operator in turn offers the network services enabling the operations of the service provider. The Akumiitti ESC runs the interactive comics service, and delivers billing information and reporting as well. The content provider either creates the comics content or transforms another copyright owner’s content to formats supported by mobile phones. Finally, a copyright owner receives a payment for all the copyrighted pieces of the multimedia content delivered.

Figure 1: Value Chain for Interactive Comics

Copyright © Akumiitti Ltd. 2001


AKUMIITTI INTERACTIVE COMICS The interactive comics service delivers multimedia content to mobile phones. Subscribers receive picture messages, ringing tones, icons, logos and SMS messages to their mobile phones. The content received contributes to a comic strip. In addition to receiving the comic strip to the mobile phone, the subscribers can also influence the outcome of the story. The logic behind the interactive comics is presented in Figure 2. When subscribing to the service, subscribers first receive comic strips 1 and 2 followed by a question A or B? The comic strips as well as the question are received as SMS messages. The subscribers can then decide whether they want the story to continue as comic A or comic B. Consecutively, they send the corresponding keyword to the dedicated service number and receive the requested comic to their mobiles. The content delivered to the subscribers is not limited to picture messages and SMS messages, but also ringing tones, operator logos and caller group icons can be attached to the story line.

Figure 2: The Logic behind the Interactive Comic Strip Service Concept

Copyright © Akumiitti Ltd. 2001


HOW DOES THE SERVICE WORK? In this example the comic story about a spider called Mack. In order to subscribe to the interactive comics, subscribers type in the keyword COMIC MACK on their mobiles and send the message to the dedicated service number 1234.

Next, the subscribers receive the first strips of the comic. These include both pictures and text.

The messages are scrollable, so the story after the picture message can be 140 characters long.

The last message is in a form of question, thus allowing the user to affect the storyline. The users can choose a preferred storyline twist (COMIC WHACK or COMIC FEED), and send the keyword comic whack or comic feed as a reply to the dedicated service number. Based on the subscribers’ decision on how the story will evolve, they receive the next comic strips.

Copyright © Akumiitti Ltd. 2001



The SPIDER story continues the same way with choices given to the subscribers every now and then. The example story includes 5 to 8 comic strips, 1 to 2 questions and 1 to 2 answers. In total, that contributes to 15 to 24 SMS messages sent by the operator, and 2 to 3 SMS messages sent by the subscriber. In reality, the length of the story can be varied to meet the subscriber and service provider preferences and content requirements.



Copyright © Akumiitti Ltd. 2001


NEW INNOVATIVE SERVICE FOR SUBSCRIBERS Interactivity is the key issue, which makes subscribers addicted to the service. For the first time they can affect on how the story continues. Both well-known and localized copyrighted comic strips can be offered to subscribers to meet the individual’s interests. Via the Akumiitti Content Provider Program, Akumiitti can also offer content for the service. The interactive comics enables mobile operators, mobile portals and service providers operating in GSM 900, GSM 1800, GSM 1900 and TDMA networks to differentiate against the competition by offering their subscribers an innovative service concept that is new to the market. The service itself is targeted at the heavy SMS-using youth segment and will create additional premium-rate SMS traffic with the pushed content and additional requests received via SMS. A considerable handset base for Picture Messaging already exists, and the emergence of EMS will further increase the number of potential customers. Furthermore, the market segment and potential subscribers already know how to send and receive SMS messages. That makes it easy to market the service and gain a large number of end-users within a short period of time.

WHY PICTURE MESSAGING In the first phase the interactive comics service is delivered via Picture Messaging. The idea is to deliver the service to an already existing customer base with a large volume of Picture Messaging phones. The Picture Messaging function is currently available, for instance, in Nokia 3210, Nokia 3310, Nokia 6210, Nokia 6250, Nokia 8210 and Nokia 8850 handsets presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Nokia 3210, Nokia 3310, Nokia 6210, Nokia 6250, Nokia 8210 and Nokia 8850 Mobile Phones support Picture Messaging In the second phase the interactive comics service will be made available to EMS phones, which are expected to be available on the markets during the 1st quarter of 2001. Currently the availability of the service to WAP phones is postponed, as the number of WAP handsets among the targeted customer segment remains low. However, the situation is likely to change during year 2001 and that is when the offering of the service to WAP handsets becomes topical.

Copyright © Akumiitti Ltd. 2001


BILLING ESC records all the transactions conducted, and the service provider can then use this information to bill the subscribers. That enables several pricing models for the service provider. A service package, for instance a story consisting of three pictures, can be offered at a fixed price, or subscribers can be billed based on the transactions.

ESC ARCHITECTURE The ESC architecture presented in Figure 4 consists of all the elements needed for providing the interactive comics service. Mobile subscribers communicate with ESC by sending and receiving SMS messages via a GSM network. ESC handles the storage of the comic contents and the interaction with the subscribers, i.e., the delivery of comic content and the handling of requests. The multimedia content is uploaded by the service provider via the Administration Interface open to various content providers. Billing information is passed to the service provider’s billing system via the billing interface.

Figure 4: The Architecture of the Interactive Comic Service

Copyright © Akumiitti Ltd. 2001


Head Office Akumiitti Tammasaarenkatu 5 B FIN-00180 Helsinki Finland Telephone: Facsimile:

+358 (0)201 500 500 +358 (0)201 500 501

Sales Office Akumiitti APAC Pte Ltd 7500A Beach Road #07-310/311 The Plaza, Singapore 199591 Republic of Singapore Telephone: Facsimile:

+65 297 0021 +65 297 3032

Internet: WAP: Email:

www.akumiitti.com wap.akumiitti.com [email protected]

No part of this publication may be copied, distributed, transcribed, or translated without the prior written permission of Akumiitti. Akumiitti has made every effort to ensure that the information contained in this document is adequate and free of errors and omissions. If necessary, Akumiitti will explain issues that may not be covered by the documents. Akumiitti’s liability for any errors in the documents is limited to the correction of errors and the aforementioned advisory services. Akumiitti welcomes customer comments as part of process of continual development and improvement of our documentation. Please submit your comments to the Akumiitti support organization at [email protected]. Any trademarks mentioned in this document are properties of their respective owners

Copyright © Akumiitti Ltd. 2001


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