Akshay's Yoga Book

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 34
Petrofac Engineering & Construction



Compiled By C.Amsaveni- GET -Inst

Introduction „


Yoga is a word from the ancient Sanskrit language that means Union, the attainment and merger of the individual human consciousness with the cosmic consciousness. Yoga is the way we answer for ourselves Lead us from the unreal to the Real. Lead us from darkness to the Light. Lead us from death to Immortality.

Yoga for Health


Wake up




Clean up


Drink 1.5 liters water in early morning


Warm up


Surya Namaskaras


Stretch up




Fresh up




Joy up



Yoga for Health Tips & Techniques to get rid of common problems: „


Cold / Head ache / Cough -> Clean Nostrils regularly with warm & salt water (Jalanethi Kriya) Constipation -> Pavanamuktasan, Sankaprakshalan, Bhastrika


Obesity -> Surya Namaskaras (2 times a day)


Asthma -> Bhujangasan, Matyasan, Kapalabati




Back pains -> Padothasan, Navasana, Naukasan


BP - > Savasan, Sidhilasan, Makarasan, Meditation


-> Pranayama

Diabetic -> Ardhamstendrasan, Salabasan, Pranayam, Meditation

Six Chakras

Astanga Yoga ( Eight Fold Yoga) ) Yama ) Niyama ) Asana ) Pranayama ) Pratyahara ) Dharana ) Dhyana ) Samadhi

Yama (The five Commandments for Social Discipline) 1. Ahimsa (Non-violence), 2. Satya (Truth) 3. Asteya ( Non-stealing) 4. Aparigraha (None-accumulation of wealth etc..) 5. Brahmacharya (Continence / Celibacy) The society is at peace if these social restraints are practiced by every citizen.

Niyama (Five commandments for personal discipline) 1. Saucha (cleanliness) 2. Santosha (Contentment) 3. Tapas ( the endurance to face the pairs of opposites such as heat and cold; joy and sorrow; regard and disregard etc) 4. Swadhyaya (Self Study) 5. Ishwarapranidhana ( Dedication / Surrender to god and work without selfish motives and work not for praise)

Asana (The body postures or poses) „ „



Asana ( the posture) is the third step in yoga. Patanjali says “Stira sukham asanam” Posture which is firm and pleasant Practice of yogasanas eliminates all impurities from the body keeps the body in good health & free from any disease.

Asana (Postures)

Pranayama (control of vital energy of the body) „ „

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Pranayama helps in restraining and regulating the breath. Whenever the mind is disturbed, breathing becomes irregular. Rhythmic breathing calms down the mind. Pranayama is an integral limb of Yoga. Pranayama should be practiced under the supervision of a competent teacher.



Pranayama is an intermediate step which if practiced well, leads to other higher steps of yoga such as pratyahara, Dharana etc..

Pratyahara and Dharana Pratyahara(control of senses) pratyahara (negation) is willful control of senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Well practiced pratyahara leads one to achieve the higher step of Dharana. Dharana (concentration) Dharana is connection of the mind to a particular object.




Truth , Reality, Self, Atman, Purusha, Pure Consiousness cannot be smelled, tasted, seen, touched or heard. Those are merely senses(Indriyas), which are instruments by which consiousness experience outer or inner objects. To know the true self, it is imperative to go beyond the senses. This is sense withdrawal or Pratyahara

Dhyana and Samadhi „

Dhyana( Meditation) Dhyana also known as meditation is the constant flow of thought. This is the ultimate step which of practiced well leads to the highest step called samadhi.


Samadhi (Super-conscious stage) Samadhi is super-conscious stage the highest step in Yoga. In this state one enjoys eternal bliss.

Pre-cautions & Recommendations „

„ „


Initially practice under guidance of Guru. Follow instructions. Asanas should be practiced with empty stomach Asanas should not be practiced immediately after meal (except Vajrasan) Proceed slowly/carefully Never force or strain to get into a specific position.


Relax briefly between each practice


If the position is uncomfortable, don't do it



Never practice any yoga techniques under the influence of alcohol/mind altering drugs Take bath before Yoga or with 30 min gap after yoga

Surya Namaskaras

Asanas (Postures)





Any steady posture which gives comfort to the body is known as asana (Sthira sukham Asanam). Asanas generally named after the birds, animals and other objects depending up on the similarity of the postures. It is said that 84,00,000 of Asanas commensurate with all the species on the earth including in the sea. One should select and practice Asanas according to one’s capacity.

Asanas (Postures)

Benefits „

Reduces stress


Increases vitality, energy, relaxation


Increases blood circulation



„ „


Keeps joints juicy, increases muscle strength around joints to support under pressure Improves strength and flexibility which reduces the risk of injury, or re-injury Improves immunity (i.e. getting sick less often, if at all) Can reduce the symptoms of many chronic diseases (e.g. arthritis and thyroid disorders) A sense of well being that spreads into your daily life.

Petrofac Engineering & Construction

YOGA - Surya Namaskara

Compiled By C.Amsaveni- GET -Inst


¾ Surya Namaskara - Salute to the sun. ¾ It only involves forward and backward bending but the practice can also include additional elements such as breath synchronisation, mantra repetition, Chakra concentration.

Position 1 – pranamasana (Prayer pose)


Breath : Exhale


Chakra : Anahata


Surya mantra : Om Mitraya Namaha


Bija Mantra : Om hram


„ „


Muscles : Postural from soles of feet to crown of the head Organs/Glands : Cerebellum and Thymus Benefits : Establishes Balance, Concentration and Calmness Spiritual : Raising conciousness to higher level of awareness

Position 2 – Hasta Utthanasana (Raised Arm Pose )


Breath : Inhale


Chakra : Vishuddhi


Surya mantra : Om Ravaye Namaha


Bija Mantra : Om hrim


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Muscles : Back, Shoulders, Arm, Chest, Abdomen Organs/Glands : Kidney, Intestine, Lungs Benefits : Opening Emotionally, Corrects Poor Posture Spiritual : Invoking the Grace and power of High Forces

Position 3 – Padahastasana (Hand to Feet Pose)


Breath : Exhale


Chakra : Swadhisthana


Surya mantra : Om Suryaya Namaha


Bija Mantra : Om hroom


„ „


Muscles : Hamstrings, buttocks, back, neck, shoulders Organs/Glands : Kidneys, thyroid Benefits : Improves digestion,circulation & respiration Spiritual : Surrender to the powerful forces of gravity

Position 4 – Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)


Breath : Inhale


Chakra : Ajna


Surya mantra : Om Bhanave Namaha


Bija mantra : Om hraim


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Muscles : Legs, buttocks, abdomen, thorax and neck Organs : Cerebellum Benefits : Sense of balance, centre of gravity Spiritual : Removes darkness from delusions

Position 5 - Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)


Breath : Exhale


Chakra : Vishuddhi


Surya mantra : Om Khagaya Namaha


Bija mantra : Om hraum





Muscles : Legs, buttocks, abdomen,thorax and neck Organs : Cerebellum, tones spinal nerves Benefits : Sense of balance, centre of gravity,improves circulation Spiritual : Salute to the one by whom time is measured

Position 6 - Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute With 8 Points) „

Breath : Retain breath (out)


Chakra : Manipura


Surya mantra : Om Pushne Namaha


Bija mantra : Om hraha





Muscles : Legs, buttocks, abdomen,thorax and neck, shoulders, forearms Organs : Recharges solar plexus, stimulates metabolism, Adrenal glands, Kidneys Benefits : Strengthening and nourishing the body Spiritual : Salute to the giver of strenght

Position 7 - Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)


Breath : Inhale


Chakra : Swadhisthana


„ „




Surya mantra : Om Hiranya Garbhaya Namaha Bija mantra : Om hram Muscles : Stretches abdomen ms,anterior neck ms strengthens posterior back ms Organs : Kidney and liver, digestive system Benefits : Good for asthma, constipation Spiritual : Praying to the awakening of creativity

Position 8 - Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)


Breath : Exhale


Chakra : Vishuddhi


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Surya mantra : Om Marichaye Namaha Bija mantra : Om hrim Muscles : Legs, buttocks, abdomen back and neck Organs : Thyroid Benefits : Tretches spinal nerves, circulation Spiritual : Salutations to the lord of the dawn

Position 9 - Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose)


Breath : Inhale


Chakra : Ajna


Surya mantra : Om Adityaya Namaha


Bija mantra : Om hroom





Muscles : Stretches hip flexor ms, strengthens quads loosens tight hips Organs : Massages abdominal organs, nervous system Benefits : Nervous system, pineal gland Spiritual : Salutations to he who illumines

Position 10 - Padahastasana (Hand to Feet Pose)


Breath : Exhale


Chakra : Swadhisthana


Surya mantra : Om Savitre Namaha


Bija mantra : Om hraim


„ „


Muscles : Stretches hamstrings, buttocks,back, Posterior neck, shoulders ms Organs/glands : GIT, kidneys, thyroid Benefits : Improves digestion,circulation & respiration Spiritual : Salutations to the benevolent mother forces of gravity

Position 11 - Hasta Utthanasana (Raised Arm Pose)


Breath : Inhale


Chakra : Vishuddhi


Surya mantra : Om Arkaya Namaha


Bija mantra : Om hraum





Muscles : Back, shoulders, arms, chest, abdomen Organs/glands : Kidneys, intestines,lungs,adrenal glands , thyroid/parathyroid Benefits : Opening emotionally, corrects poor posture Spiritual : Salutations to he who is fit to be praised power of higher forces

Position 12 - Pranamasana (Prayer Pose) „

Breath : Exhale


Chakra : Anahata


„ „




Surya mantra : Om Bhaskaraya Namaha Bija mantra : Om hraha Muscles : Postural, from soles of feet to crown of the head Organs/glands : Cerebellum, thymus Benefits : Sense of balance, centre of gravity, concentration Spiritual : Salutations to he who leads toenlightenment

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