Aims And Objectives For Geography.docx

  • Uploaded by: María Fabiana Zuñiga
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,358
  • Pages: 4
OBJETIVOS GENERALES Segundo knowledge of the functioning of the natural system which makes life possible on Earth an understanding of how local environments contribute to the global environment a sensitivity to, and a sense of responsibility and concern for the welfare of the environment and all other life forms which share this planet enable the student to collect and describe data used in studies of society promote the appreciation of the way in which learning is relevant both to the culture in which the student lives, and the culture of other societies develop an understanding of the interrelationships between people, places, spaces and the environment Tercero an appreciation of the diverse influences of human activity on the natural system an awareness of the need for management and human responsibility to keep the system in a healthy condition if life as we know it is to continue develop in the student the capacity to identify, to analyse critically and to evaluate theories, concepts and arguments about the nature and activities of the individual and society enable the student to collect, describe and analyse data used in studies of society develop an awareness in the student that human attitudes and beliefs are widely diverse and that the study of society requires an appreciation of such diversity develop a concern for human welfare and the quality of the environment, and an understanding of the need for planning and sustainable management Cuarto an understanding that humankind is part of this system and depends on it an understanding of sustainable development and management to meet the needs of the present, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs a sound basis for further study, personal development and participation in local and global environmental concerns. encourage the systematic and critical study of: human experience and behaviour; physical, economic and social environments; and the history and development of social and cultural institutions enable the student to collect, describe and analyse data used in studies of society, to test hypotheses, and to interpret complex data and source material enable the student to recognize that the content and methodologies of the subject are contestable and that their study requires the toleration of uncertainty. appreciate the relevance of geography in analysing contemporary issues and challenges, and develop a global perspective of diversity and change. OBJETIVOS EVALUATIVOS Segundo  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specified content o patterns and change in resource consumption o populations in transition o hazards and disasters – risk assessment and response o leisure, sport and tourism

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Specific geographic research topic: leisure activities in the local community (fieldwork) the wide range of processes contributing to the functioning of the Earth’s natural, geophysical and ecological systems

Demonstrate application and analysis of knowledge and understanding o Apply and analyse geographic concepts and theories o Identify and interpret geographic patterns and processes in unfamiliar information, data and o cartographic material o Demonstrate the extent to which theories and concepts are recognized and understood in o particular contexts Demonstrate synthesis, evaluation, judgment and decision-making o Examine and evaluate geographic concepts, theories and perceptions o Use geographic concepts and examples to formulate and present an argument o Evaluate materials using methodology appropriate for geographic fieldwork Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate skills and techniques o Select, use and apply the prescribed geographic skills in appropriate contexts o Produce well‑structured written material, using appropriate terminology o Select, use and apply techniques and skills appropriate to a geographic research question o select and use suitable basic techniques to  observe, record and classify relevant primary data  extract and classify relevant secondary data from appropriate sources o organise and present their findings  in a logical and concise manner  in a clear and coherent form, using appropriate techniques including graphs, diagrams, maps and tables

Tercero  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specified content o Disparities in wealth and development o Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability o Extreme environments o Freshwater issues and conflicts o Specific geographic research topic: local ponds (fieldwork) o the wide range of processes contributing to human development within the natural system and the impact of human activity on the total environment o the concept and practice of sustainable development o ways of reducing and repairing environmental damage. 

Demonstrate application and analysis of knowledge and understanding o Apply and analyse geographic concepts and theories o Identify and interpret geographic patterns and processes in unfamiliar information, data and cartographic material o Demonstrate the extent to which theories and concepts are recognized and understood in particular contexts Demonstrate synthesis, evaluation, judgment and decision-making o Examine and evaluate geographic concepts, theories and perceptions o Use geographic concepts and examples to formulate and present an argument o Evaluate materials using methodology appropriate for geographic fieldwork


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recognise that cultural, economic, social, and political factors influence the different ways in which people perceive, value, use and make decisions about the environment recognise and analyse choices available to decision makers and the influences and constraints in which they operate recognise and analyse strategies for sustainable development make reasoned judgements about environmental issues

Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate skills and techniques o Select, use and apply the prescribed geographic skills in appropriate contexts o Produce well‑structured written material, using appropriate terminology o Select, use and apply techniques and skills appropriate to a geographic research question o select and use suitable basic techniques to  observe, record and classify relevant primary data  extract and classify relevant secondary data from appropriate sources o organise and present their findings  in a logical and concise manner  in a clear and coherent form, using appropriate techniques including graphs, diagrams, maps and tables o analyse data to  recognise patterns and deduce relationships  draw reasoned conclusions

Cuarto  Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of specified content o Populations in transition o Disparities in wealth and development o Patterns in environmental quality and sustainability o Patterns in resource consumption o Oceans and their coastal margins o The geography of food and health o Urban environments o Specific geographic research topic: garbage in coastal environments (fieldwork) o the concept of environmental interdependence and should be able to place local environmental o questions in an international or global setting o the implications of the unequal distribution of resources and of the unequal patterns of human development o the concept and practice of sustainable development o ways of reducing and repairing environmental damage. 

Demonstrate application and analysis of knowledge and understanding o Apply and analyse geographic concepts and theories o Identify and interpret geographic patterns and processes in unfamiliar information, data and cartographic material o Demonstrate the extent to which theories and concepts are recognized and understood in particular contexts

Demonstrate synthesis, evaluation, judgment and decision-making o Examine and evaluate geographic concepts, theories and perceptions o Use geographic concepts and examples to formulate and present an argument o Evaluate materials using methodology appropriate for geographic fieldwork


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recognise that cultural, economic, social, and political factors influence the different ways in which people perceive, value, use and make decisions about the environment discuss and evaluate choices available to decision makers and the influences and constraints in which they operate recognise, analyse, discuss and evaluate strategies for sustainable development make reasoned judgements about environmental issues.

Select, use and apply a variety of appropriate skills and techniques o Select, use and apply the prescribed geographic skills in appropriate contexts o Produce well‑structured written material, using appropriate terminology o Select, use and apply techniques and skills appropriate to a geographic research question o select and use suitable basic techniques to  observe, record and classify relevant primary data  extract and classify relevant secondary data from appropriate sources o organise and present their findings  in a logical and concise manner  in a clear and coherent form, using appropriate techniques including graphs, diagrams, maps and tables o analyse data to  recognise patterns and deduce relationships  draw reasoned conclusions o plan and carry out an individual enquiry.

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