Agricultural Arts- Lesson Plan # 2

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,140
  • Pages: 5
Topic: Plant production Year Level: First Year Objectives: A.Subject Learning Area:

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to: 1. describe how plants grow and reproduce. 2. demonstrate ways of improving the quality of plants. 3. identify farm equipment and hand tools. B.ICT Learning Area :

1. access and retrieve appropriate information from the internet 2. communicate with a targeted audience by using such communication technologies as e-mail and web browser 3. demonstrate an understanding that information can be transmitted through a variety of media

Class Duration: One hour ICT Tools/Resources:

1. Computer with Internet connection 2. Manual 3. Software 4. Internet URL of the subject matter

Pre-requisite Skills:

1. The student has the basic knowledge on the use of the computer. 2. The student knows how to browse the internet. Preparations: Before the class the following must be done:


Check the availability of the computer laboratory.


Check the number of functional computers with the internet connection.


Save URLs in the hard disk or CD/flash drive

4. Let the students browse the internet and study plantsl. Click here Activities and Procedures:


Student Activities A. Review For the review of the previous lesson, click here


Teacher Activities A. Review

Facilitates in the review of the lesson. Parts of plants and their function.

Materials The following are the materials and resources needed: 1. software 2. Internet URL 3. books

C.Motivation Students will recite the poem

B. Motivation

Ask the students to recite the poem Ask the students whats the idea of the poem.


The following are the materials and resources needed: 1. books 2. internet URL

Follow-up question: How does a seed grow?

C. Lesson Presentation (student)

Plant Reproduction


C. Lesson Presentation (teacher)

Guide the students in accessing the web freely.

The following are the materials and resources needed: 1. books 2. Internet URL 3. software

Learning Activity For the learning activity Click here

Guide the students in accessing the web freely.

The following are the materials and resources needed: 1. books 2. software 3. Internet URL


D. Assessment (student)

D. Assessment (teacher)

Guide the students in accessing the quizstar.


The following are the materials and resources needed: 1. software 2. lab equipment

Click here to answer the quiz

E. Generalization (student)


Students are going to: A .Explain the different methods of plant reproduction. b. Name the different farm tools and equipments.

3. Internet URL 4. books

E. Generalization (teacher)

Facilitates in the discussion.

The following are the materials and resources needed: 5. software 6. lab equipment 7. Internet URL

8. books

F. Enrichment (student)

F. Agreement (teacher)

Secure sample of For enrichment, click here plants affected by fungus diseases.

Rubric Assestment Work Skills CATEGORY






Routinely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A definite leader who contributes a lot of effort.

Usually provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A strong group member who tries hard!

Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. A satisfactory group member who does what is required.

Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in the group and in classroom discussion. May refuse to participate.

Quality of Work

Provides work of the Provides high quality Provides work that highest quality. work. occasionally needs to be checked/redone by other group members to ensure quality.

Provides work that usually needs to be checked/redone by others to ensure quality.


Routinely uses time well throughout the project to ensure things get done on time. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.

Tends to procrastinate, but always gets things done by the deadlines. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.

Rarely gets things done by the deadlines AND group has to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's inadequate time management.

Does not suggest or suggests solutions to suggested by others. refine solutions, but problems. is willing to try out solutions suggested by others.

Does not try to solve problems or help others solve problems. Lets others do the work.

Usually uses time well throughout the project, but may have procrastinated on one thing. Group does not have to adjust deadlines or work responsibilities because of this person's procrastination.

Problem-solving Actively looks for and Refines solutions


Never is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Rarely is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Often has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Occasionally is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Usually has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Often is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Often has a negative attitude about the task(s).


Never is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Always has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Rarely is publicly critical of the project or the work of others. Often has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Occasionally is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Usually has a positive attitude about the task(s).

Often is publicly critical of the project or the work of other members of the group. Often has a negative attitude about the task(s).


Brings needed materials to class and is always ready to work.

Almost always brings needed materials to class and is ready to work.

Almost always brings Often forgets needed needed materials but materials or is rarely sometimes needs to ready to get to work. settle down and get to work


Work reflects this Work reflects a Work reflects some student's best efforts. strong effort from this effort from this student. student.

Work reflects very little effort on the part of this student.

Monitors Group Routinely monitors the effectiveness of Effectiveness

Routinely monitors the effectiveness of the group and works to make the group more effective.

Occasionally monitors the effectiveness of the group and works to make the group more effective.

Rarely monitors the effectiveness of the group and does not work to make it more effective.

Working with Others

Usually listens to, shares, with, and supports the efforts of others. Does not cause "waves" in the group.

Often listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others, but sometimes is not a good team member.

Rarely listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Often is not a good team player.

the group, and makes suggestions to make it more effective.

Almost always listens to, shares with, and supports the efforts of others. Tries to keep people working well together.

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