Agreement Between Manufacturer & Logistics

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  • Words: 6,180
  • Pages: 14


Testatum Location & Term

Ownership & possession

Lien/Charge on Goods

THIS AGREEMENT is executed at ………… made on this ……… day of ………… 2008 between ABC Pvt. Ltd., a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at ………… hereinafter referred to as “The Company” or "ABC” (which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors and assigns) of the ONE PART; AND LSP PRIVATE LIMITED, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at ………… (hereinafter referred to as "LSP", (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof deem to include its legal heirs and representatives, executors, administrators and assigns) of the OTHER PART. WHEREAS (1) The Company is carrying on the business of manufacturing and sale of ………… and is in need of a logistics service provider to provide for warehousing and distribution of its goods. (2) “LSP” is engaged in the logistics business, which involves the provision of warehousing and distribution services and ancillary services in relation thereto. (3) “ABC” is desirous of availing and “LSP” is willing to provide the services, as defined hereunder on the terms and conditions herein after contained. NOW THIS AGREEMENT WITNESSETH AND IT IS HEREBY AGREED AND DECLARED BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS: (1) LSP shall act as the Company’s Logistics Service Provider at ………… for receiving, warehousing, safe storage and dispatch of Company’s goods to various destinations, including local City distribution and outstation deliveries to the transporters warehouse for Upcountry Invoices for a period of 1 year (One Year) (unless otherwise terminated as provided in terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned) effective from ………… to ………… on the direction and control of the Company & its representatives at its Branch Office at ………… (2) The Company’s goods kept in the LSP’s Warehouse, though under LSP’s custody, shall remain the property of the Company and the LSP would be responsible for its safety and security. The LSP shall not make any claim or exercise any right with respect to the goods. The LSP will not have any lien on the Company’s goods kept in the LSP’s warehouse under this Agreement. (3) The LSP shall not hypothecate/pledge or otherwise encumber or raise any finance on security of the Company’s goods warehoused, and that the goods shall not be removed, sold or invoiced on behalf of the Company, otherwise than and in accordance with the written instruction in this regard by the Company. (4) The LSP shall not hold or claim to hold any lien or create any charge upon any of the products, stationery or document held by it on behalf of the Company or on the unserviceable products received from the customers. (5) The Company shall ensure that all payments specified in

proposal shall be made within the prescribed limits. In the event of the Company transferring stocks from the warehouse upon expiry and closure/Termination of the agreement period, the Company shall settle the account of LSP in full for the service rendered prior to movement of stocks from the warehouse. (6) Any visibly defective or damaged goods or incorrect count and discrepancies during receipt of stocks into the warehouse shall be notified to the Company by LSP in writing. Liability and Limitation of Damages

Warehousing Requirement

(7) The LSP shall be liable for all types of losses, damages, destruction to goods or tampering with the quality of goods or shortages in the quantity of the goods caused due to non/wrong delivery of the goods and/or by any act of commission or omission by the LSP, its employees, servants, and agents whilst the goods are in the custody or under the control of the LSP and/or caused from the LSP's failure to exercise such care in regard to the goods as a reasonably careful man would exercise under like circumstances. LSP shall be liable to the Company for any loss or injury to Goods caused by the negligence or omissions or failure to act of LSP. (8) In the event of loss, damage or destruction to goods as reported in Clause 7 for which LSP is legally liable, LSP's liability shall be limited to the Landed Value of the lost, damaged, and/or destroyed goods. The LSP’s liability referred to in this Clause shall apply to all claims including inventory shortage and mysterious disappearance of goods in due course of LSP operations. (9) The LSP shall not hold out or claim to have implied authority as a LSP of the Company beyond that specified by the Company. (10) The LSP shall provide a Warehouse of first class construction admeasuring 6000 sq.ft. including the built up area, loading, unloading area, aisle space & office space at the warehouse for a period of minimum one year to store Company’s Goods within the area of the premises at ……………. (11) The warehouse provided by the LSP should either be of the ownership of the LSP or should have been/should be taken on lease for a minimum period of one year. The LSP should not change the warehouse provided without the prior written approval of the Company. Any dispute relating to the title or lease of the premises in which LSP is carried on, should immediately be brought to the notice of the Company. (12) No explosive, dangerous or offensive goods shall be supplied by the Company to LSP for storing in warehouse. LSP also warrants that the goods stored in warehouse other than of ABC are not explosive, dangerous or offensive in nature. (13) The Warehouse should be free from dampness, water leakage and other elements which may adversely affect the Company’s goods. Adequate fire extinguishers of the correct type should be provided and it should be considered as a first class risk from the point of view of Fire Insurance. At least one fire extinguisher of 9 liter Water/Foam for every 300 Sq. Mtrs. or part thereof must be installed. For each electrical panel/switch board two DCP extinguisher of 5kg capacity or two CO2 extinguishers of 4.5 kg. capacity should be provided. All electrical panel/switchboard should be easily approachable and electrical wiring should be routed through proper conduits and there shall be no loose wiring or joints in the electrical circuits. All fire extinguishers must be kept in working

Destruction of a Warehouse


condition all the time and competent third party should be appointed for annual maintenance of the fire extinguishers to check physical condition and contents. Testing & refilling status along with expiry date must be displayed on extinguisher. Escape routes should be clearly marked on a fluorescent board and list of the contact numbers for emergency services should be displayed clearly at prominent places. No inflammable material should be stored, either in the LSP’s Warehouse or any adjoining Warehouses or in the open space immediately outside the Warehouse within a perimeter of 20 yards. The LSP shall abide by conditions laid down by Insurance Companies/Inspector of Explosives. (14) At the space in the warehouse where the Company’s goods are stored, the LSP shall arrange to maintain a proper notice board with the following wordings: “GOODS STORED IN THIS WAREHOUSE ARE THE PROPERTY OF ABC Pvt. Ltd., REGISTERED OFFICE: ………… (15) If a warehouse is fully or partially destroyed and ABC’s goods destroyed or remain unaffected, then LSP shall take immediate measures within a reasonable period of time for security and protection of unaffected goods and for restoration of business with the Company. The Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement at its sole option in case restoration of business after such destruction is not possible or acceptable to the satisfaction of the Company. (16) The Company shall be entitled at its absolute discretion, and in a manner thought fit by them, to employ at or to permanently station an employee at the Warehouse Premises of the LSP or to periodically visit at the cost and expenses of the Company with a view to inspect the Warehouse Premises, supervise or check the work carried out by the LSP. The LSP shall render assistance as may be required to the Company's executives, officers, representatives and sales Staff during the time of the visit to the Warehouse Premises or otherwise. Such assistance shall include the use of the office part of the Warehouse Premises by the Company's executives, officers, representatives and Sales staff.

LSP Activities

(17) The LSP shall be responsible at its own cost for the receipt of goods at the warehouse, maintenance of warehouse, i.e. rent, municipal taxes, clerical staff, labor, security staff, loading and unloading of goods, Bookings on Road Transport for upcountry Invoices, providing Computer, Printer plus other peripherals of Company’s configuration as per Schedule-II. The clearance of consignment from Railways and Road Transport office shall also be the responsibility of the LSP subject to reimbursement of expenses incurred on such clearance by the Company to LSP on such terms as may be mutually agreed between the parties. (18) The LSP shall provide two telephone lines dedicated to the Company’s operations of which one will have a Shared Fax Machine making deliveries, return of goods from dealer, undertaking for collection of cheques and banking operations and adhering to the reporting/documentation/monitoring systems of the Company and any other job forming part of the LSP operations. (19) The LSP should also as required for operation of services, maintain and operate the ABC provided e-mail facility in the LSP’s Warehouse so that communication can be made conveniently through e-mail. (20) The LSP shall ensure that a sufficient number of experienced and competent employees as agreed are available for carrying out the services as required by the Company under this Agreement. Personnel employed by LSP for the rendering of the service in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement shall not be considered to be the employees of the Company. (21) Minimum number of manpower to be provided by LSP to the Company shall be: (a) One Warehouse Manager (b) One Data Entry Clerk (c) One Inward and Outward Supervisor (d) One Night Watch Man (Shared) (e) One Housekeeping Labour (Shared) (f) Manpower for loading/unloading of the Company’s goods, etc. (22) Save as expressly provided in this Agreement, the LSP undertakes to settle all genuine claims that may arise on him for proper fulfillment of the contractual obligations and other genuine claims towards any loss of goods/funds, the Company may suffer during the course of the operations through the LSP.


Receipt & Dispatch Requirements

(23) In consideration of the LSP rendering the services to the satisfaction of the Company the LSP will be paid an all-inclusive amount of fixed commission per month as per Schedule I. In addition, the LSP will be paid variable commission as per Schedule I. Except as expressly provided for in this Agreement, the commission shall include all costs associated with the services provided by LSP under this Agreement. (24) No expenses other than Fixed Commission, Variable Commission, (as per Schedule I), Secondary Freight (as per Clause 39) is payable to the LSP. Other statutory cost such as Service Taxes on total billing by the LSP shall also be paid by the company. (25) The LSP shall not be entitled to claim commission other than mentioned in Schedule I on sales made by the Company directly to its dealers or to various Government Accounts/Customers in the region where dispatches have been made directly from Company’s Factories or Sales Offices and on stock transferred to other Branches. The Company reserves the right to make direct delivery to the dealers/ customers at its discretion. The LSP will be reimbursed for any services rendered in these cases. (26) The LSP will ensure that all operations related to the Company are completed on the dates as per the calendar of working days as supplied by the Company. In case of a difference in the dates of holidays the same will be agreed upon in writing before the start of the calendar year. LSP shall continue to perform the activities on all working days as per Company’s requirement during the working hours 9.30 hrs to 18.30 hrs. The C&F will also co-operate if required, by working on holidays limited to support the Fortnight end and Month end day of operations. In situation beyond the control of the LSP like bandhs, strike or lockout at LSP place, the LSP will inform the Company in advance of the same in writing stating clearly the reason why operations would not be carried out on any particular day. (27) Any request or order made by the Company’s Sales person which is illegal or against the Company’s norms & policies, it is obligatory on the part of the LSP to immediately report to Director Logistics. A written approval is must from Director - Logistics for deviating from any of the company’s policies. Any failure on part of LSP to fulfill this obligation will be considered as a violation of this agreement. (28) The LSP shall make the delivery based on the order given by the Company’s sales person, however he shall ensure that no delivery of goods is made without collection of the payment of an amount equivalent to that of the Invoice for all local deliveries. (29) For any deviation from the above mentioned procedure, a prior written sanction of Director -Logistics must be obtained by the LSP. The acknowledgement with date of the delivery of the goods to the Dealer for all the dispatches must be obtained. (30) The Company shall despatch the goods from the manufacturing site to the Warehouse Premises by rail/road in securely packed containers/cartons and in the manner appropriate to the relevant description and quantity of pack of the goods. The LSP will receive, accept and properly store all goods received from the Company’s Factory/Office/Customers and dispatch consignments of the Company’s goods to various destinations as per the instructions of the Company’s Sales staff.

(31) The LSP shall ensure necessary arrangement for receiving the goods at his warehouse. He has to make proper arrangement for labor & other facilities related to receipt of material at the warehouse. Any charges related to loading & unloading will be borne by LSP. (32) All vehicles and material sent from the Company’s Plant to LSP must be unloaded immediately. In case of detention of vehicles sent from the Company’s Plant at LSP, information to and prior approval of Logistics Dept of ABC must be sought. In the event of approval has not been received, LSP will be debited for detention charges levied by the Transporter on the Company. Also if detention arises out of LSP inability to unload, then the LSP shall be liable to bear the same. (33) The LSP shall deliver a transit-loss report in the form and manner required by the Company, on receipt of the goods by the LSP, reporting any damage or discrepancy in the quality or quantity of the goods, after which the Company shall not be obligated to entertain any claims. The same has to be reported on LR of transporter and acknowledged by the representative/driver of the transport company. (34) The LSP is required to get ledger acknowledgement for all local dealers. For upcountry dealers, the LSP shall provide the ledger statements to Sales Team for confirmation. (35) The LSP will store at the warehouse, unserviceable goods, which may be received from customers. Such goods returned will be kept at specified place and display of “ABC GOODS NOT FOR SALE” to be prominently written. The disposal instructions in respect of those will be advised to the LSP by the Company’s Officers from time to time and the LSP will act accordingly. The LSP will maintain proper records in respect of such goods separately in a register. (36) The LSP shall ensure the delivery to the Local Dealers within 24 hours of the preparation of the Invoice. He shall ensure that no undelivered items are lying in the Warehouse after 24 hours of the issue of invoice. A maximum period of 3 days can be considered under special circumstances with the written approval of General Manager – Sales. No commission will be payable on sales return and for any undelivered/late delivered items lying in the Warehouse if no permission has been taken. (37) The storage of goods/damaged goods/sales returns in the warehouse will be done in-line with instructions which the Company will issue from time to time so that there is no damage to the Company’s goods. (38) Dispatches should be made by Road Transport/Railways as the case may be as instructed by the Company and such dispatches shall be made by the LSP within the order fulfillment period as specified by the Company, subject to availability of booking. Consignment notes and other documents should be forwarded to the Company’s Office as per details which would be worked out and intimated to the LSP later or negotiated through Bankers as per the Company’s instructions. (39) For up-country dispatches by Road Transport, the Company shall advise the LSP the names of the authorized Transport Carriers and the rates applicable for each destination. In case the LSP is required to arrange for transport of goods by road to up-country stations, the Company will make Payment of freight charges to the

Records and Documents

LSP on the basis of rates agreed by the LSP with the Transport Carriers as per the contract between LSP and the Transporter. In the event of dispatches of Goods by Rail, the LSP will be reimbursed the actual Railway Freight on the submission of the evidence of payment. All booking reimbursement shall be done on monthly basis by the Company. (40) Dispatches of the Company’s goods will be made by the LSP as per the instructions and on behalf of the Company and goods shall be booked showing the Company as the ‘CONSIGNOR’ and the consignee being ‘SELF’. However, the LSP will be responsible for the local cartage & the safety of the goods from the LSP’s warehouse until booking is completed at the Road Transport booking office. Railway/ Road freight for up-country dispatches of Invoices will be to the Company’s account and separate bills should be submitted for reimbursement of the same on a monthly basis as per approved rates with supporting documents in the prescribed format. (41) The LSP will be kept informed by Sales & Marketing Dept through ERP System of the Dealers credit limit, and all relevant details. The LSP is required to fully adhere to the Credit policy of the Company related to Dealers billing, which are to be serviced by him in writing by the Company. The Sales & Marketing Dept of the Company will notify further new appointments or any termination of dealers to the LSP. All such notices shall be acknowledged by the LSP and maintained as records for the life of this Contract. All dispatches will be based on the above-mentioned information and in accordance with the Company policies and procedures for each of the abovementioned issues. (42) The Company shall make available to the LSP, such printed stationery (bearing the Company logo) and other documents as the LSP may require to enable the LSP to render the services. The LSP shall always be responsible for the safe custody of such stationery and documents and render its account to the Company. The LSP shall notify the Company sufficiently in advance for replenishment of stationery so as to ensure that the operations do not suffer due to shortage of stationery. Other stationery for daily purpose and records shall be on LSP’s account. In case of non-availability of stationery, the Company will advise the LSP regarding the use of alternate means of documentation. (43) The LSP will maintain proper records of Inventory, updated Stock register, Sales Register, Claim Register, Collection Register, Bank Deposit Slips, Sales & Stock Transfer Invoices (both inward and outward), copy of Lorry Receipts (inward and outward dispatches) and all other records informed by the Company from time to time. And the same should be made available to the Company’s employee(s) for their inspections/verifications whenever required. The LSP is also responsible to keep/maintain records prescribed under the provisions of Local Sales Tax Act/VAT/CST. The LSP shall also take the data back-up of all the documents/files in a CD (read only) at a periodical intervals as directed by ABC time-to-time and a copy there of shall be forwarded to ABC. The LSP shall appoint person/persons who will be in a position to operate Company’s software program, or such other system introduced in future in the computer system and generate reports as provided and required by the Company. The LSP will follow the working procedures as prescribed in the Company’s LSP Manual and TS-16949 Standards.

Collections, Accounting & Banking Operations

Other Points

(44) The Company's officers, executives, representatives and Sales staff shall be entitled to verify the statements records without any obligation whatsoever that are submitted to them by the LSP from time to time and also be entitled to verify the stocks of the Goods. During such visits, the LSP shall render the requisite assistance in such verification. The LSP shall give in writing and get the approval from the Company, the names of persons who are authorized to sign invoices and all relevant documents on behalf of the Company. The LSP shall fully indemnify the Company for the actions taken by such authorized persons. (45) All documents and records maintained or to be maintained from time-to-time shall be the property of the Company and therefore the Company reserves the right to call for or to take in it’s custody all such records/documents required by it. However, in the event of termination of this Agreement, the LSP shall handover complete records, files, and other documents to the authorized person of the Company. (46) The LSP will be responsible for collecting payments of the sale proceeds in respect of goods sold by the LSP, and the same will be lodged immediately within hours/days/by the next working day in the Company’s Bank account which is already in operation at ………... Under no circumstances, shall any payment be held back by the LSP or any delay made in depositing of Cheque/Demand Draft in the Company’s Bank account or with the Company Office. (47) Besides collection and deposit of instrument of sale proceeds, the LSP will liaison with the Bank and ensure that the Bank follows the standing instructions given by Head Office for transfer of funds either by T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) or by Demand Draft or by EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer). (48) In respect of money received, the LSP shall follow the instructions given or to be given by ABC regarding Cash Management System (CMS). The LSP shall maintain proper records of collection. (49) The LSP is responsible & required to reconcile & match the ledgers of dealers at local level at regular intervals. If differences are reported by dealers, the LSP should call for the AR and SD ledgers of the dealers and reconcile the same with the accounts of ABC with the help of ABC. After completion of account reconciliation, an account reconciliation statement should be prepared for all such dealers and send the same to ABC as well as to the dealers for review and passing of necessary correction entries at respective ends. (50) If any documents, papers, orders or notices addressed to the Company are received by the LSP, the same will be forwarded to the Company promptly for necessary action and the LSP should not deal with the same in any manner whatsoever unless otherwise instructed by the Company in writing in this respect. The LSP shall not part with the Company’s privileged information to any body without the prior written consent of the Company. (51) The LSP shall obtain any governmental or quasigovernmental approvals or licenses that may be necessary for performing its work or obligations contemplated under this Agreement. (52) The LSP shall comply with. provisions of all local laws/state & Central Laws such as Sales Tax, Octroi, Excise, Licenses, Shops &

Establishment Act, Labour Laws/applicable Acts/Statutes like Payment of Wages Act, 1996, Workmen's Compensation Act, Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970, Employees Provident Fund Act (1952) etc., all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations of state, local and other governmental authorities and entities governing the performance of the Services under this Agreement or any other enactment passed by Parliament or State Legislature and any rules made thereunder by the appropriate Government. The Company shall not be held directly or indirectly liable in event of commission by LSP of any act or omission contrary to any existing law or regulation and LSP shall indemnify the Company from any loss or damage incurred by LSP as a result of such act or omission. (53) The LSP will cooperate and facilitate all activities such as Audit, Inspection or Assistance in Legal Disputes to the Company against third parties. The Company will duly inform the LSP in advance about the same so that the LSP has the necessary time to plan for the activities and also he should support & assist to the internal audit team during their surprise/general visits to the LSP. (54) The LSP shall not, without the specific prior written consent of the Company, have or enter into any other business relationship with the Company, directly or indirectly, through any of its associates or affiliates or related parties, which in any manner could give rise to any conflict of interest during the term of this Agreement. The LSP shall have no right to transfer or assign this Agreement or Commencement of Contract or benefits arising under it to any person without the written consent of the Company. (55) The retention period of all documents under this Agreement at LSP end shall be 8 years.

Term & Termination

(56) The Agreement shall remain valid for a period of one year effective from ………… to ………… (unless otherwise terminated as provided in terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned) and may be reviewed by the Company after expiry of one year. It may be further renewed at the option of the Company for period or periods by issuing a renewal letter to LSP. Any such renewal, modifications to this agreement will be made in writing with the consent of both the parties and will be duly attested by both the parties. (57) This Agreement may be terminated by either party during the agreement period by giving a clear advance notice of 2 (Two) calendar months only. (58) This Agreement shall be deemed to be terminated forthwith, with immediate effect on the happening of any of the following events: (a) If the LSP has been adjudicated as insolvent by any court of competent jurisdiction. (b) If the LSP make any default in the performance, observance and despatch of any of the material according to the terms, conditions and stipulations herein contained in this Agreement or in the performance or observance of any policy or procedure prescribed by in the Company LSP Manual and/or by the Company’s Management. (c) If the LSP, without prior written consent of the Company to that effect, assigns to any other person(s) firm or company the rights and obligation secured under this Agreement. (d) Inability to perform the Agreement or to continue its operation as a result of the occurrence of any event of force majeure, as defined in Clause 70 for an unreasonable period of time. (59) The Company may at its option conduct performance reviews on a periodic basis. If performance of LSP is found unsatisfactory and does not meet the standards for a period exceeding one calendar month after the Company having given written notice to the LSP, the Company reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without any notice period. (60) The expiry or premature termination of this Agreement shall be without prejudice to any rights and obligations incurred prior to the date of such expiry or termination. (61) Upon expiry or termination of this Agreement, the LSP shall forthwith cease to make representation on behalf of the Company or to effect sale of goods or to make use of any of the stationery, documents, stock or the like, entrusted by the Company and shall return such stock, stationery, documents, vouchers, duplicate of the invoices, records made up to such date and shall account for all of them to the Company as per the instructions of the Company and within the specified time frame. (62) In the event of termination of this Agreement by reason of failure of a party to fulfill the terms set out herein, the party breaching the terms of this Agreement shall indemnify and hold harmless the effected party from, against and in respect of any loss or expenditure incurred by the effected party as a result of such termination. (63) The cost of transferring and transporting the goods to the alternate locations shall be borne by the LSP/Company depending on whose initiation the Agreement is terminated. (64) The Company shall, within 30 (Thirty) days from the receipt




of aforesaid stationery, stock, documents, invoices etc. give proper receipt thereof and within 30 (Thirty) days there from prepare the final account in respect of the service charges and reimbursements, if any, payable to the LSP and shall thereafter arrange for the necessary payment of the same to the LSP. (65) All approvals, consents, notices and other communications required or permitted to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be considered effective when sent by registered post acknowledgement due or by courier service and addressed to the other party at the address noted above, unless by such notice a different address shall have been designated and shall be deemed to have been served at the expiry of (7) seven days from the time of posting the same and in proving service thereof, it shall be sufficient to show that the said notice was properly addressed and stamped. (66) Both Parties agree that it shall protect, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the other Party from and against all liabilities, losses, costs, damages, expenses, claims, attorneys' fees, and disbursements of any kind or of any nature whatsoever imposed upon the other Party, whether incurred directly or indirectly by the Parties. (67) All disputes arising between the parties hereto as to the construction, meaning or effect of this Agreement or any article, clause or thing contained herein or the rights, duties, liabilities and obligation of the parties hereto including interpretation there of shall be referred to the sole arbitration of the nominee of the Managing Director of the Company, whose award shall be final and binding on both the parties. All such arbitration proceedings shall be in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 or any statutory modifications or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. The venue of arbitration shall be at Company’s Registered Office. All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be tried and settled by the courts of …………………..


Force Majeure

Insurance Coverage

Entire agreement Amendments

(68) The LSP shall not divulge or disclose any information, knowledge or material or the contents of any document or drawing that the LSP may have in his possession or control by virtue of this Agreement and the LSP’s relationship with the Company hereunder or due to the LSP gaining access to any system provided by the Company, including any details regarding the goods of the Company, specifications, prices, quality, quantity and stock information, excise and custom duty details, returns and assessments, customer details, processes, policies and systems and the LSP hereby undertakes to execute all such documents and agree to all secrecy and confidentiality covenants as may be required by the Company from time to time. (69) The obligations of confidentiality shall continue during and after the termination of the Agreement. (70) The Parties to this Agreement shall be excused from performance hereunder to the extent that such performance is prevented, delayed, or obstructed by causes beyond its reasonable control, including (without limitation) acts of any central, state, or local governmental authority; fires, floods, or other natural disasters; strikes or labor unrest; terrorism or acts of war; degradation of telecommunications service; severe weather conditions; or for any other matters that are beyond their control, whether or not otherwise foreseeable. The relevant party shall, however, inform the other party of the occurrence of such event, as soon as possible. (71) If the force majeure event continues for a significant period of time, after all available preventive measures have been applied without success, the party may be discharged from their commitments and this Agreement may be terminated pursuant to Clause 58. (72) The Insurance coverage for Fire, Earthquake Damage, Theft, and Burglary shall be taken by the Company centrally for all locations from its Registered Office. In the event of occurrence of any theft, burglary from LSP’s warehouse, the Company will debit the LSP with the landed value of goods involved which shall be credited back to LSP to the extant of claim accepted by insurance agency. The Company, in order to meet its business requirement, reserves the right to appoint any other LSP or Distributor/Dealer in ……… and suburban area under LSP’s operation. The discretion of the Company regarding this will be absolute and final. (73) This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the Parties as to the subject matter and shall not be amended except in writing executed by both Parties to this Agreement. (74) No amendment, deletion, addition or other change in any provision of this Agreement or waiver of any right or remedy herein provided, will be effective unless specifically set forth in writing signed by the Parties to be bound thereby.



Entire Agreement


Testimonium Execution

(75) The mention in this Agreement of any particular remedy shall not preclude the Parties from any other remedy Parties might have, either in law or in equity. The failure by either Party to enforce at any time the provisions of this Agreement or any right in respect thereto shall in no way be considered to be a waiver of such provisions or rights or in any way affect the validity of this Agreement. No delay, omission or failure by any party to exercise any right or remedy provided for in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a waiver thereof or acquiescence in the event giving rise to such right or remedy, but every such right or remedy may be exercised from time to time and so often as may be deemed expedient by the party concerned. (75) If it should be found that any term or condition of this Agreement which is essential to the proper and effective operation of this Agreement violates any law or regulation of any authority having jurisdiction over the subject matter of this Agreement, and that term or provision is accordingly of no force or effect, the parties hereto shall consult with each other in good faith to agree upon a remedial action with a view to continuing and maintaining this Agreement. (76) The parties hereto acknowledge that each has read this Agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms. The parties further agree that this Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of their Agreement relating to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all proposals (oral or written), understandings, representations, conditions, warranties, covenants, and other communications between the parties relating hereto; provided, however, that nothing herein shall serve to supersede or impair any provision of the License Agreement, it being the intention of the parties hereto that this Agreement shall supplement and not alter the terms thereof. SCHEDULE – I Commission: Fixed Commission: Rs. ……………/- (Rupees …………………… only) pm as fixed fees, irrespective of sale made. Variable Commission: ……….. % commission on value of sales based on the Net Selling Price. Stock Transfer Handling charges at the warehouse shall be at the rate of Rs. ……… per unit subject to a minimum of 2% of the monthly sale volume. Note: The aforesaid commission and rate of interest thereon are subject to change with the consent in writing of both parties to the agreement. The ‘Net Selling Price’ is defined here as the gross amount of Invoices for the accounting month less deductions for sales tax, surcharge, octroi levy, discounts, allowances, sales returns and refunds i.e. exWarehouse price. SCHEDULE - II Details of Computers, Printers, Network and other peripherals along with minimum configuration IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PARTIES HERETO HAVE EXECUTED THESE PRESENTS ON THE DAY, MONTH AND YEAR ABOVE MENTIONED. Signed and delivered for and on behalf of M/s ……………., by the hand of Mr. ……………., Director

Signed and delivered for and on behalf of ABC, by the hand of Mr. …………, Director Witnesses 1. 2.

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