Agenda Special 20 Jul 2009

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18/07/09 10:00 PM

SPECIAL MEETING OF TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Monday, July 20, 2009 at 3:00 p.m Fraser River Presentation Theatre 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC AGENDA A. ADOPTION OF MINUTES 1. Special Council Meeting - July 6, 2009 Recommendation that Council adopt the Minutes of the Special Council Meeting held July 6, 2009. 07_06_Special Council draftminutes.pdf B. APPROVAL OF DELEGATION REQUESTS 4:00 P.M. SPECIAL MEETING 1. Dan Paris File 0550-07 Request by Dan Paris, to appear before Council to discuss the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan. Dan Paris Delegation.pdf 2. Gary Pooni, Brook and Associates File 0550-07 Request by Gary Pooni, Brook and Associates, to appear before Council to discuss the Jericho SubNeighbourhood Plan. Gary Pooni Delegation.pdf 3. Alan Hendricks File 0550-07 Request by Alan Hendricks, to appear before Council to discuss the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Application No. 100178. Alan Hendricks Delegation.pdf 4. Dave Melnychuk File 0550-07 Request by Dave Melnychuk, to appear before Council to discuss the Provincial Agricultural Land

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Commission Application No. 100178. Dave Melnychuk Delegation.pdf 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING 1. Michael Jackstien, Jamey Paterson, and Gordon Zacher File 0550-07 Request by Michael Jackstien, Jamey Paterson, and Gordon Zacher, to appear before Council to discuss the Township of Langley 2010 BC Summer Games one year kickoff. Michael Jackstien Delegation.pdf 2. Darrin Kuypers File 0550-07 Request by Darrin Kuypers, to appear before Council to discuss developers infractions to bylaws. Darrin Kuypers Delegation.pdf MOTION TO RESOLVE INTO SPECIAL CLOSED MEETING That Council now resolve into a Special Closed Meeting according to Section 90 of the Community Charter for discussion of the following items identified under Section 90:

Item C.1 - Section 90(1) (f) Law Enforcement; Item E.1 – Section 90(1) (b) Personal; (e) Property; and (k) Negotiations. C. PRESENTATIONS D. REPORTS TO COUNCIL This item was brought forward from the June 1, 2009 Special Council Meeting: 1. Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Application No. 100178 (Alan & Elizabeth Hendricks et al) Report 09-80 File CD 10-31-0151 Recommendation that Council advise the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission that the Hendricks et al Agricultural Land Reserve exclusion application for property located at 21696 and 21846 – 44 Avenue and 4386-216 Street is supported, subject to implementation of edge planning measures in compliance with Ministry of Agriculture and Lands standards. Clerk's Note: Related to this item are: Item F.1 - June 18, 2009 minutes of the Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting. The June 18, 2009 minutes of the Joint Council/Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting are on the July 16, 2009 Items Distributed to Council list.

Hendricks ALR.pdf 2. Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan Update

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Report 09-108 File CD 6480-30-010 Recommendation that Council receive the report entitled “Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan Update”, for information; That Council authorize inclusion of land lying between 199 Street and Latimer Creek in the SubNeighbourhood Plan as shown on Attachment C, subject to payment of costs associated with additional works relating to the expanded area, including municipal administration fees specified in Neighbourhood Plan Policy 07-221; and further That Council endorse the revised terms of reference for the Jericho Sub-Neighbourhood Plan, presented as Attachment D and the next steps outlined in this report. Jericho SNP.pdf 3. Facility Rental Agreement – Sportsplex Management Ltd. Report 09-110 File RCP 7710-01 Recommendation that Council authorize a 5-year Facility Rental Agreement with Sportsplex Management Ltd. from September 1, 2009 until August 31, 2014 for the provision of ice and dry floor facilities for subsidized allocation to Township of Langley community sport organizations; and further That Council authorize budget increases to the Recreation, Culture, and Parks base budgets for 2010-2013 as outlined in the report. RCP Sportsplex Management Ltd - Rental Agreement RTC .pdf 4. Renaming of Fraser Highway in Aldergrove Report 09-109 File ENG 5400-01 Recommendation that Council receive the “Renaming of Fraser Highway in Aldergrove” report; and further That Council approve the commemorating of Fraser Highway between 264 Street and 268 Street as Veteran’s Way. Renaming Fraser Highway to Veterans Way 2.pdf E. CORRESPONDENCE 1. Kids Help Phone - Donation Request File 1850-01 Letter received from Bruce Jagger, Manager, Philanthropic Gifts, Kids Help Phone requesting a $500 donation to support the Kids Help Phone. Clerk's Note; Request Council consider a $500 donation to Kids Help Phone.

Kids Help Phone - Donation Request.pdf

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F. MINUTES OF COMMITTEES 1. Agricultural Advisory Committee - June 18, 2009 Recommendation that Council receive the Minutes from the Agricultural Advisory Committee Meeting held June 18, 2009. COUNCIL That the Agricultural Advisory Committee request Council to extend the Agricultural Viability Study Task Force for the duration of the project. COUNCIL That the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommends that Council not support Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Application No. 100178 on the basis that the property does have agricultural properties and can have benefit to the future of agriculture usage by residents. 06_18_AAC final_minutes.pdf 2. Aldergrove Planning Committee - June 25, 2009 Recommendation that Council receive the Minutes from the Aldergrove Planning Committee Meeting held June 25, 2009. 06_25 APC Minutes.pdf 3. Council Priorities Committee - July 8, 2009 Recommendation that Council adopt the Minutes from the Council Priorities Committee Meeting held July 8, 2009. COUNCIL That the Council Priorities Committee recommends: (i) That Council receive the Consultation Summary Report and the draft Final Water Management Plan; (ii) That Council endorse the following components of the Plan: 1.


Mandate drilling authorizations for new or altered water supply wells. b) Mandate riparian 60 metre setback for new non-domestic wells less than 30 metres deep located next to a fish bearing stream. c) Mandate hydrogeologic assessments for any new water supply wells with a pump capacity greater than 190 litres per minute (50 US gallons per minute). Enhance municipal planning and development initiatives. a) Ensure WMP and other plans affecting water and land are harmonized. b) Mandate new developments to maintain their pre-development infiltration rates. c) Mandate municipal connections for all new developments and subdivisions if, and when, services exist nearby.

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d) 3. 5. 6. 7. 8.* 9. 10. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 19. 20. 21.* 22. 23. 24.


Require proper closure of abandoned wells after new municipal water supply connections are installed. g) Expand xeriscaping initiatives (drought resistant landscaping). Enhance municipal water supply system. b) Initiate a municipal zone tracking and pressure managing. Develop an integrated system for issuing drilling authorizations and surface WLs. Review water supply and licensing on fish bearing streams within the Township. Identify flowing artesian wells and make sure they are stopped or brought under control. Prohibit new groundwater bottling operations. Ensure specified provincial statutory decision makers consider the WMP in making their decisions. Implement a management plan for decentralized sewage in the Township of Langley. Eliminate the exemption in the Water Act that allows persons who are not qualified well drillers to undertake certain activities. Require proper closure of an unused well within a time period that is shorter than allowed under the GWPR. Require all contaminated sites be remediated to soil and groundwater standards for the protection of drinking water. Support the provincial government to ensure local compliance with contaminated site regulations. Collaborate with BC Agriculture Council and MAL to enhance local participation in the EFP program 18. Collaborate with real estate sector to ensure GWPR requirements are met during property acquisition. Restrict the production, use, storage and/or disposal of high risk contaminants in areas above highly vulnerable aquifers and/or within municipal well capture zones. Undertake source water assessments of municipal wells with the Township working on conjunction with the local Drinking Water Officer. Coordinate abandoned well closure through a voluntary registry program. Promote eco-friendly alternatives to emergency response chemicals (e.g. fire retardants). Mandate submission of new and existing well data to provincial WELLS database. a) Water Use Study. b) Expand MOE’s Observation Well Network. c) Township-Wise Contaminated Inventory Study / Nitrate Loading Analysis. d) Stream Flow Monitoring Program. e) Water Balance Study. f) Groundwater Surface Interactions. Enhance public awareness, education, and incentives. a) Expand the Township’s Water Wise and rebate programs. b) Encourage participation in the Private Well Network. c) Raise awareness about the risks of improperly closed or abandoned wells. d) Promote rain barrels, water efficient appliances, waterwise gardens, and grey water recycling initiatives for new developments. e) Encourage efficient irrigation scheduling practices. f) Strengthen awareness about the risks of cosmetic pesticides. g) Enhance awareness of local food production and agricultural practices.

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26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31.

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Review the WMP in Year 5 and provide interim progress reports. Establish a funding mechanism for approved WMPs under Part 4 of the Water Act. Establish a community stakeholder advisory committee to provide input into the WMP and its implementation. Establish a local (environmental) protection officer. Review EMA and the Water Act to identify offenses that are appropriate for ticketing and take steps to make them ticketable. Instigate more rigorous inspection and enforcement of existing regulations affecting groundwater quality.

(iii) That Council refer the following components to a Council Priorities Committee meeting and invite the Ministry of Agriculture staff to attend to determine their position on these elements: 1. 2. 3. 4. 8.* 11. 12. 21.* 24. 25.

a) e) f)

Place peak flow restrictions on specified new or altered water supply wells. Encourage development standards to better meet the WMP goals. Require certified irrigation plans for new developments, and upgraded or replacement irrigation systems (including systems on municipal land). a) Limit the amount of water extracted by municipal supply wells. Mandate summertime lawn sprinkling restrictions for private well owners. Mandate the prohibition of new groundwater bottling operations through legislation. Adopt a series of locally enforceable agricultural practices in the Township. Initiate a pilot Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) in the Hopington area. Coordinate abandoned well closure through a mandatory registry program. Fund and implement a comprehensive monitoring and study program to inform future groundwater decisions. g) Residential metering assessment for the municipal water supply system. h) Support a voluntary metering program, if external funding is secured.

(iv) That Council inform the Ministry of Environment of progress to date, however, delay finalizing the Plan until the referred items are considered. CARRIED Clerk's Note: Please refer to the July 16, 2009 Items Distributed to Council list to review the draft Final Water Management Plan and the Consultant's Summary Report.

07_08 CPC minutes.pdf 4. Joint Meeting of Township of Langley Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee and City of Langley Parks, Environment, Recreation & Culture Committee - June 24, 2009 Recommendation that Council receive the Minutes from the Joint Meeting of Township of Langley Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee and City of Langley Parks, Environment, Recreation & Culture Committee Meeting held June 24, 2009. Minutes Joint City Township RCP AC 06_24.pdf G. ASSOCIATIONS AND OTHER GOVERNMENT ITEMS 1. E-Comm 9-1-1 Request for Presentation

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File 7150-01 Letter received from Ken Shymanski, President and CEO, E-Comm 9-1-1 requesting to appear before Council to provide a brief update on E-Comm 9-1-1 activites and results over the past year. Clerk's Note: Request Council approve a presentation request from E-Comm 9-1-1.

E-Comm 9-1-1 Request for Presentation.pdf H. INFORMATION ITEMS FROM SPECIAL CLOSED MEETINGS I.


J. ITEMS FROM PRIOR MEETINGS K. STAFF ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION WITH COUNCIL 1. OCP Amendment Process That Council direct staff to schedule a workshop with Council to review policies and procedures associated with concurrent Community Plan and Zoning amendments. Clerk's Note: Please refer to Item E.1 on the July 20, 2009 Regular Council Agenda.


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