Aga Workshops

  • May 2020
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AWAKENING GLOBAL ACTION Optional Practicum & Workshop Sessions • August 4 and August 5, 2007 August 4-5 are practicum days for attendees to explore a wide choice of experiences that will bring them deeper into what has called them to Bali. Registration for these sessions will be August 1-3 at Bali Classic Center registration area. Please register early as some sessions have limited seating capacities. Locations will be announced later.

August 4 (Saturday) Morning Sessions 9:00 am-12:00 pm A.1 Global Youth in Action Facilitated by Ryan Feinstein and friends. Join global young emerging leaders in this interactive and engaging dialogue about how the younger generation can use collaboration and creativity to mobilize and strengthen the youth movement. Leave with an array of insights about how to move forward with powerful leadership skills and how to use them to empower your peers. A.2 Architecture, Community & Balinese Culture Presented by Prince Tjokorda Gde Raka Sukawati Enjoy a morning at the Royal Pita Maha and discover how decisions are made to create such a beautiful facility. You will learn about Balinese architecture and the role Balinese culture plays in design, building, sacred space, and community life. Tour the Prince’s woodcarving area and other special experiences. A.3 Story as Healer Presented by Patricia McCabe We will be using the ancient practice of the Talking Circle as done with several different indigenous peoples of North America. This session will use ritual for spiritual informing along with personal storytelling to explore the concerns/solutions of our time and tasks that are being generated for each of us as the purpose of the Awakening Global Action gathering unfolds. A.4 Generative & Authentic Leadership for Transformative Action Presented by Isabelle St-Jean This experiential workshop will identify specific mindsets, trends and attitudes that have been undermining evolutionary changes in the educational, social and political spheres. Learn what it means to be authentic in leadership including the 5 dynamic energies/ archetypes and their corresponding challenges. Discover how to ground your insights, learning and intentions into a specific plan of action. Fee: $7 (includes lunch) A.5 Sustainable Culture Through New Tourism Leadership Presented by Agung Raka Dalem Tourism has become a major source of income for the Balinese, and yet it also creates major environmental and social problems. Discover how the Balinese are developing ways to generate a sustainable tourism that supports indigenous Balinese values and empowers local communities. Learn about the Balinese life philosophy and new training programs that help preserve their ancient culture. A.6 Building a New World of Business Presented by Linda Dunkel Amidst a global expansion of corporations and businesses, one of the most significant movements in commerce is the new focus on what has been called the “triple bottom line”—referring to the three areas of people, profit and planet. This workshop will explore how “for profit” organizations can and are working in new and creative ways to promote both social purpose and financial promise. We’ll focus on the possibilities and examine how each of us can be a part of this growing movement to harness capitalism and be a part of the new paradigm for doing well and doing good together. Fee: $20 (includes snacks) A.7 Morning Yoga Intensive Teacher: Rosey Kobliska-Becker Take a relaxing morning yoga class offering a gentle way to integrate and embody your experiences at the Gathering. Reconnect with your body and inner guide. Rosey brings a special blend of east and west to her classes, creating a safe space that allows students to quiet their minds, open their hearts, and listen. Fee: $25 A.8 Golden Hour with Agung Rai SPECIAL TIME 6:00 am-10:00 am Spend a fascinating early morning sunrise with Agung Rai, the founder/owner of ARMA Museum and a master historian of Balinese culture and spiritual sites. Visit remote temples and newly-discovered sites not available for tourists. Trip will include meditation, wonderful breakfast and a visit to a traditional market. FEE: $25

Afternoon Sessions 2:00 pm-5:00 pm B.1 Balinese Health Clinic Field Trip Presented by Bobbi Aqua Visit one of Bali’s most inspiring free health care centers in Ubud. Hear how to take one’s passion into action, and the impact it can have in medical services for local families in Bali. Visit this unique health clinic and explore the challenges and rewards of working in health services in a developing country. B.2 Moral Courage—Our Values in Action Presented by Donald Proffit Moral courage is the willing endurance of significant danger for the sake of principle. Based on Rush Kidder’s book, Moral Courage, the work of the Institute for Global Ethics, and the presenter’s own rich background as an Ethical Literacy Coach and former high school principal, explore the differences between moral and physical courage, gain awareness of shared global values, share personal stories and nurture moral courage in others and ourselves. B.3 Breath of Hope: Moving from Vision to Action: A World Educational Movement for Global Activism Presented by Therese Poulsen What creates health for the individual is the same as what creates leadership—in awakening to the deeper path of self, we discover our fullest potential to serve our true purpose, to serve our communities, to serve our environment and greater society for peace. Learn how to nurture a vision from an idea into an evolutionary movement, and how you can transform your energy into action in the world. B.4 Spoken Word as Activism Presented by Lyla Johnston Poetry presides over the realms that logic will never know—the realm of the human heart. The language of the inspired and passionate heart, powerful as the ocean and pliant as the stream, has been present at every turning of the tide. This workshop explores finding that voice and brainstorms its many uses in a community near you! B.5 Re-imagined Mythology as Spiritual Autobiography Presented by Luisah Teisch In every culture there is a body of myths and legends that reflect the beliefs of our ancestors. Personal myths and stories impact how we define ourselves—shaping our self-image, influencing choices and guiding actions. In this workshop we will re-examine our cultural myths and personal stories, and re-imagine them in the context of a world that together we can create. Bring an object for the altar, paper, pen, drawing materials.. B.6 Cultivating Your Leadership Presence Presented by Madé Janur Yasa and Robyn McCulloch How can we mobilize people to take personal action toward what we care about for global impact? As leaders, how do we sustain the energy required to live out our passion for social, political, environmental, and educational justice? We will access the wisdom of the body to heighten awareness of your own leadership presence. Learn to mobilize others and engage in practices that allow you to flourish. B.7 Balinese Mysticism Led by Agung Rai SPECIAL TIME 5:00 pm-7:30 pm Join Agung Rai, the founder/owner of ARMA Museum and master historian of Balinese culture and spirituality, as he takes you to a gorgeous temple overlooking the whole island for meditation and dialogue. This is a ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME opportunity! FEE: $15 (for transportation and snacks)

Full Day Session/Activities 9:00 am-5:00 pm C.1 Deep Ecology and the Environment Presented by Agung Prana Spend an exciting day with an award-winning Balinese environmentalist who is on the frontlines of guiding environmental changes in Bali. Hear about the challenges of cultural shifts that need to happen to support new environmental regulations, and explore some of the sites helping to create sustainability in farming and recycling. Fee: $25 (includes lunch and transportation)

August 5 (Sunday) Morning Sessions 9:00 am—12:00 pm D.1 Balinese Politics, Leadership & Sustainability Presented by Prince Tjokorda Putra Sukawati and Prince Tjokorda Oka Sukawati

Join a fascinating discussion about local and regional politics and Balinese leadership. Meet at the Palace and hear about the Princes’ role as social and political leaders. Here is a special opportunity to ask about Balinese life, leadership, sustainability of the Balinese culture and community life. Special visit through the Ubud Palace. D.2 Writing For Change Presented by Jan Cornall Explore your writing ideas and find the most powerful way to write them—life story, non-fiction, articles, film script, poems, song, performance etc. Using meditative writing techniques, you’ll be taken deeply into your creative source to find the essential message of your writing. Learn writing craft and process, and be inspired to set up a daily writing routine. You’ll leave with a tangible outline of your writing project, a strategy for publication/production and a support network to mentor you along the way. Fee: $7 (includes lunch) D.3 Internal Armed Conflict and Peace Processes in Colombia: An Approach from Inside the Country and the Soul Presented by Ricardo Correa Robledo Colombia is still immersed in an armed internal conflict with much violence going on every day. The road toward forgiveness and reconciliation is still quite long. Explore the historical, political and economic roots of this violence. Discussion will be on the country’s development in the last 50 years and the peace processes that have recently been undertaken. Learn how the people, communities and institutions are working together to rebuild their lives and heal the wounds of this war. Fee: $7 (includes lunch) D.4 Morning with Renown Balinese Healer Visit Tjokorda Gde Rai Spend a morning with one of Bali’s top traditional Balinese healers and experience a healing from this powerful shaman. A beautiful Balinese lunch will be served after the healing session enabling participants to share views with like-minded people. Fee: $25 donation D.5 Meditation and Yoga—Balinese Style Presented by Kadek Suambara Enjoy a combination of yoga and meditation that is based on Bali teachings and traditions. Explore how this type of meditation/yoga helps overcome emotional imbalances. Awaken to calmness, peacefulness, love and happiness. Also experience a special therapy using the energy of earth, fire, water, air and sky. It will heal your body, mind and soul by removing energy blockages and offering deep relaxation. D.6 Leading in a Networked World Presented by Kate Sweetman How should one lead in the face of complex, dynamic, and distributed organizations and communities existing today? What qualities and capacities do leaders need to help liberate the collective potential in our organization? What can we do to allow the emergence of collective wisdom, creativity, or capacity in our organization? How do we help convert the outcomes of the above into well-executed actions? D.7 Morning Yoga Intensive Teacher: Rosey Kobliska-Becker Spend the morning in a relaxing yoga class offering a gentle way to integrate and embody your experiences at the Gathering. Reconnect with your body and inner guide. Rosey brings a special blend of east and west to her classes, creating a safe space that allows students to quiet their minds, open their hearts, and listen. Fee: $25

Afternoon Sessions 2:00 pm-5:00 pm E.1 Ancient Pathways for Today’s Awakeners Presented by Carla Woody From the Peruvian Andes, elders send a message of hope and renewal for each person. Learn about the power of intent and how to refine your own subtle energy field. Included is an introduction to the Re-Membering Process, developed by Carla Woody to identify phases of spiritual evolution. Explore the nature of readiness, your personal thresholds, what compels you to move from one phase to another, and re-entry into the larger world. E.2 Leading with Heart: Balinese Traditional Wisdom Meets Western Activism Presented by Peter Wrycza

Touching the fundamentals of Transformational Leadership, discover how the traditional Balinese approach to

living can infuse the drive for social change and renewal with wisdom, heart, and passion. Explore the Way of Unfolding Compass as a practical and holistic tool for orienting our approach to transformation and apply it to issues of concern to participants. This workshop will be of interest to leaders, aspiring leaders, and those wishing to play a greater role in stimulating renewal in their communities. E.3 Beyond Sustainability: The Pursuit of Thrive-ability Presented by Steve Sakala A workshop on how our way of thinking needs to shift if we are going to successfully address current global issues. Whole system models, evolving technology and mimicking the natural patterns of life will be evaluated as valid solutions. Come join us for this exciting discussion that will offer ways to help the human species reverse the degradation of our planet. E.4 Special Visit to Senang Hati (Home for People with Disabilities) Spend an unforgettable afternoon with extraordinary human beings and learn how they adapt to life in the Balinese culture with special needs considerations. Meet artists, painters, dancers and craftspeople. Special welcome performance and wonderful snacks provided. Fee: $20 (donation, transportation and snacks) E.5 Balinese Life in Community—Introducing Bali Banjars Presented by Wayan Windia Discover about Bali Banjars and how the villages serve their residents through a deep community connection. Bali banjars are the source of community structure, organization and ceremonial planning. Visit a local banjar, meet banjar leaders and hear how the hundreds of yearly local ceremonies and rituals are integrated into daily life. E.6 Leadership Jazz: Exploring Leadership, Collective Wisdom and Change Through Music Presented by Gary Muszynski How do we shift to a leadership style that emphasizes flexibility and adaptability? Using the practice of hands-on music-making, experience four leadership mindsets that stay attuned to self, other and the collective, and allows for self-organization akin to what is practiced in a great jazz ensemble. Learn how leadership, social intelligence and collective wisdom converge through the language of music. E.7 ARMA Museum & Lunch Agung Rai and ARMA staff SPECIAL TIME 12:30 pm-4:00 pm Enjoy an afternoon at ARMA Museum exploring the Balinese culture through dance, offerings, and other Balinese activities. Meet local artists and watch/participate as children practice daily for special Balinese dance and music performances. Learn about the artist life in Bali. Includes a delicious lunch. FEE: $12

Full Day Sessions/Activities 9:00 am-5:00 pm F.1 Cultivating Powerful Indonesian Leaders: East Meets West Presented by Madé Janur Yasa Offered in Bahasa Indonesian Jati diri dan mawas diri adalah syarat mutlak untuk menjadi pemimpin yang sukses dan efektif. Di dalam pelatihan ini kita akan menggali lebih dalam tentang philosophy timur dan barat untuk mempertajam mawas diri serta mengerti akan pengaruh atau dampak kita terhadap orang lain. Selain itu bersama-sama kita akan meng- explore “gaya kepemimpinan” anda. Kami akan memperkenalkan praktek-praktek baru untuk mengubah kebiasaan anda sehingga membuka peluang baru serta menjadi pemimpin yang sukses dan efektif. Pelatihan ini interactive bukan ceramah. Anda akan berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam praktik-praktik kepemimpinan, diskusi, tanya jawab dan tawa. FREE (lunch not included) F.2 Paradise Re-Visited: Exploring the Deeper Realms of Balinese Culture Presented by Dr. Ketut Suryani

Spend an unforgettable day with an extraordinary psychiatrist/traditional healer who has been speaking for her culture and the rights of her people for many years. Hear about the complexities and challenges of an indigenous culture impacted by western influences, and gain insights into efforts to retain its core values and beliefs. Visit her modern Balinese home, eat with her family, and explore her latest effort to combat suicide in Bali. Fee: $20 (includes lunch and transportation)

F.3 Facilitative Leadership Training Presented by Interaction Associates Learn a set of practical leadership models and tools that will help enhance your skills as a leader dedicated to driving the “triple bottom line” of people, profits and planet. Discover specific approaches that will help sharpen your abilities to: How to craft your own vision, design a “plan of action”, lead collaboratively, help others build agreements for concerted action and build consensus with those who differ in opinions. Attendees will practice and coach others as well as receive good “peer coaching” as we learn by doing. Fee: $20 (includes lunch)

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