Africans & Americans Lost History

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Chapter 8 HOW ETHIOPIA BECAME A CHRISTIAN NATION If Ethiopia did not become a Christian Nation, Islam would have spread from the eastern shores of Africa across the entire 37,500 miles of the African continent to the western shores of Africa.We will analyze how Islam and Christianity are so interwoven into countries in Africa the history of Africa cannot be told unless historians include parts of other countries history as well, this is precisely, why it is inconceivable the history of other nations like Rome can be told without mentioning what contributions the Africans made to their history, Africans history are tired to other nations history around the world, a good example is Ethiopia history, it cannot be told unless you include Arabia history the history of Rome, Jeruslem, Asia minor, India, Spain and China. Let us now take a peep at Ethiopia thousand years war and only a faction of its history, how Ethiopia first became a Christian nation is found in the Kebar Nagast, translated to mean Glory of the Kings scriptures by the Ethiopians kings, these are Ethiopian religious chronicles that have been around since the time of queen of Sheba, legends of the queen of Sheba are common throughout Africa, Arabia, Persia, Ethiopia and Israel in Arabian tradition, many of the Arabic folklore about the queen involve magic carpets ride and talking birds one tale said Balkis, meaning the queen ruled with the heart of a woman the head and hands of a man, Islamic stories portray Solomon as marrying the queen, in contrast to the bible, they portray her abandoning her gods and converting to the God of the Israelites, Arabian folklore the Qu'ran present fanciful stories of the Queen Sheba, several Jewish legends which developed in post-Biblical times also present dubious accounts of the queen and Solomon, though many of her challenges to Solomon are believable, in the targum Sheni, the Midrash Mishle and the Midrash Hachefez are similar to Islamic tales, and likewise unconvincing, here again as in Arabic the legends of the Queen, is about her encountering a talking hoopoe bird, in another legend she is described sending Solomon six thousand boys and girls all born the same hour, the same day, same month and same year, all of equal size and dressed in identical purple garments. 90 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation A more realistic portraits of the queen of Sheba appear in the Bible and in the Kebra the Ethiopians religious chronicles or scriptures, according to Ethiopian legend, she was born in 1020 BC in Ophir, off the African shore of the Red sea, Ophir is a Hebrew name, she was educated in Ethiopia, her mother name was queen Ismenie; her father was chief minister to king Za Sebado and succeeded the throne after his death. One story describes her as a child. It say at one time Sheba, called Makeda was to be sacrificed to a serpent god, but was rescued by the stranger Angaboo, later, it says her pet jackal bit her badly on one foot and leg, leaving lasting scars and deformity, in 1035 BC, her father died Sheba became queen at age of fifteen, contradictory to legends refer to her as ruling for forty years, and reigning as a virgin queen for six years, in most accounts, she never married. Sheba was known

to be a beautiful black African woman, despite her ankle and leg deformity. She was intelligent, understanding, resourceful, adventurous a gracious queen, she had a melodious voice and was an eloquent speaker, she was excellent in public relations and international diplomacy, she was also well known as a competent ruler, the historian Josephus said of her, she was inquisitive in philosophy and on that and on other accounts also was she to be admired, power and riches could not satisfy the queen's studious soul, she possessed an ardent hunger for truth and wisdom, before her visit to Solomon, she wrote the following psalms to her people. I desire wisdom and my heart seeketh to find understanding. I am smitten with love of wisdom, for wisdom is far better than treasure of gold and silver, It is sweeter than honey, and it maketh one to rejoice more than wine, and it illuminates more than the sun, it is a source of joy for the heart, and a bright and shining light for the eyes, and a giver of speed to the feet, and a shield for the breast, and a helmet for the head, It makes the ears to hear and hearts to understand, as for a kingdom, it cannot stand without wisdom, and riches cannot be preserved without wisdom, he who heapeth up gold and silver doeth so to no profit without wisdom, but he who heapeth up wisdom. 91 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation No man can filch it from his heart, I will follow the footprints of wisdom and she shall protect me forever, I will seek asylum with her, and she shall be unto me power and strength. Let us seek her, and we shall find her; let us love her, and she will not withdraw her self from us, let us pursue her, and we shall overtake her; let us ask, and we shall receive; and let us turn our hearts to her so that we may never forget her, in another section of the chronicles taken from the first book of Kings holy Bible, 10 - 13, it says after the queen visit Solomon she returned to Ethiopia. The conversion of how Ethiopia became a Christian nation came as the results of an accident. Constantine the great made Christianity the official religion of Rome in about 330 AD, the Phoenicians were the first to knit the Mediterranean Sea into a trading state master seafarers of far antiquity, symbolically speaking, they were well know in their time and in that time in history for some they were known as greedy rogues, the Bible praised their ships of oak and cedar as works of art that sing. The conversion was the direct results of Phoenician Christians traders becoming ship wrecked in the Red Sea. In about AD 332, a small ship carrying a number of Phoenician fishermen traveling northward in the Red Sea became strained, it was perhaps due to fate or you can say, most likely misfortune, this same year these traders were shipwrecked. They were caught in a powerful storm as they entered the Gulf of Aden, off southern shores of Yemen, which is in Saudi Arabia, the strong winds toss the small ship many miles off its main coast, some of the survivors were fished from the waters by Ethiopian pirates. Among the captives were two young brothers the sons of a Christian leader whose name was Merobius, at the time of the shipwreck the Ethiopians were at war with Rome, the African state was holding out strongly against the new crusade for Christianity. After pulling the Phoenician survivors out of the waters the Ethiopian pirates had them all form a straight line on the

beach, the leader of the pirates while walking in front of the line to evaluate their condition, he notice most of them wearing a small metal cross around their neck, recognizing the sign of the cross and knowing that it was a symbol for Christianity. 92 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation He had their hands bind behind their back had the Phoenicians kneel with their heads bowing toward the ground, while his strongest men held their swords on the back of their necks awaiting further orders, from the beginning of the line the leader approached each individual crewman, he gave each one a choice, they can deny the sign of the cross and deny their faith or they can die, each of the brave crewmen choose the latter, they were all killed, accept for the two young lads, the sons of the Christian leader Merobius who had sent the lads on the journey for the adventure, when the leader of the pirates saw the boys, they were placed at the end of the line, the executioners looked uneasy they didn’t want to decapitate the young lads as they had done with the other crew members. He decided he would take the young lads to the palace to let the Ethiopian king decide their fate, when they were presented to king Ameda, he became aware immediately, of the fact the younger lad was around the same age as his own son, he noticed that the boy was calm and contented, the king asked him what was his name, when the boy replied telling king Ameda his name, he then confessed his faith stating I am a Christian the same time he grasp a cross which was hanging from around his neck, this compel the king to have mixed emotions, he felt pity for the young lad, at the same time he felt a bit of admiration for him, for the boy strong stance in upholding his faith, the king decided to spare their life and instead he took them into his household to work as servants. The brave young lad name was Frumentius as time passed he convert the king son to Christianity, the younger lad became tutor to the king’s son. At that time the son had just been crowned prince, his name was prince Ezana, as the young lad, Frumentius taught the prince about the Christian faith, ultimately, the sixteen year old prince began teaching the doctrine, now prince Ezana, Frumentius and his older brother, whose name was Adesius began to make other young converts they were all around the same age, prince Ezana was so impressed he became a better oracle of the faith, than the two brothers 93 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation He had a large room cleared out in the palace in which he put in columns of flat benches six feet long, with a small pedestal setup in front center to teach the Christian doctrine, they had regular Sunday mass, on Friday evenings have Rosary and they had confessions every Saturday in a booth sat up inside the room. although, none of them were ordained the younger lad was an Alter boy and he imitated the priest in Rome and did everything exactly, as they done from memory, the young lad was able to recite many verses of Bible scripture in which became Ethiopia religious chronicles this very day, two and a half years the brothers lived in Ethiopia, the Ethiopian citizens were coming from near and far

to hear the word, finally, one day out of nowhere, the prince called for them and said they are free to leave Ethiopia and return back to their homeland in Phoenicia, an ancient city outside of Greece and told them his guards would accompany them and see that they have all that is necessary for a safe journey back home. When they returned Roman Emperor Constantine sent for them, their efforts teaching the Christian faith to the heathens in Africa had spread to parts of Europe, the emperor was so impressed when he heard their story he told them to return to Ethiopia, this time he aided them with other priests from the church and in the future, a few years later, the head of the church at that time St. Athanasius, made the younger lad a bishop when he came of age, now a few years later they were returning back to Ethiopia with many gifts and aides from the catholic church in Rome, returning in peace. Bishop Frumentius and his older brother established the first Christ Coptic church in Ethiopia. king Ezana, the crown prince was now the king of Ethiopia he gave them and Christianity his full support, young people they first taught were now also adults and many of them helped to spread the religious teachings to other Ethiopian citizens and the whole nation of Ethiopia converted. When the crowned prince became an adult and king Ezana reign over Ethiopia, the two brothers bishop Frumentius and his older brother archbishop Adesius returned there with a large expedition, the entire country became the greatest Christian nation on the whole continent of Africa. 94 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation It is written in the chronicles the glory of the kings, Ethiopia religious literature, these chronicles of the rulers of Ethiopia goes back as far as the six dynasty BC in Egypt, celebrate with high praise the grandeur and the virtues of the two beloved brothers who were always friends and equals without being rivals. Let us now look at what affect an African Emperor had on the rest of the world by becoming a Christian and how he actually, changed the pages of history, this world as we know it to be this present day, would never have came into existence had it not been for this great African king. In fact it was during his reign that the thousand year war started with the Arabs in Arabia and the Africans in Ethiopia. In AD 569, the ruler of Ethiopia was Emperor Elesbaan, he was called Calam Negus by the Ethiopian citizens, meaning black Ruler or of African ancestry, he ruled Ethiopia and Yemen which is the southern end of Saudi Arabia, immediately, after inheriting the throne and as a gesture of good faith he elected Abraha as the commanding chief and general of his military. Abraha had risen in ranks after being in charge of akhamnes, what they called peasants in those days, who work for four-fifths earnings, although the modern world would have considered him a freed slave. Abraha was formally, in charge of a large work crew, he always drove the workers to perform their duties in a timely manner, this was of course in the area of labor, when it came to military tactics he was untrained in the art of warfare. When Abraha first came into power the Judaizers, Hebrew speaking people of Judea was the dominant power in Yemen, southern Saudi Arabia messages were being sent to Emperor Elesbaan that they were persecuting the Christians, they had multiplied in numbers, establish their faith in Yemen by building a Christ Coptic church there, the ruler of the Judaizers was named Dhu Nowas.out of desperation he had his army burn the Christian church in the city of Zhafar. To add insult to injury, he had his men dig up the bones of saint Paul of Zhafar

and had the bones desecrated. 95 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation He threw the bones onto the main roadway where everyone can see them, saint Paul was known as the patron saint of the Yemenite Christians church there, he dug a gigantic hole in the ground and had twenty thousand faithful Christians put to death, he burned them alive inside the cavern, which was transformed to look more like a furnace. The despairing Christians living in Yemen kept sending missions to Rome to consult with Justinian, who was then the Roman Emperor at Constantinopole, the Christians bagged him to come to their rescue. Emperor Justinian was moved by the recitals and messages sent by the Christians in Yemen, he remembered previous Roman in Arabia defeats due to Rome awkward geographical position, the Romans could not go into the hot tremendous Arabian desert with the necessary forces and equipment they would need, their inability to get a sufficient number of regiments, supplies, cavalry, 20 ft. high catapults and arrow launchers across the Arabian desert. It was equally hard to haul everything they need by way of the Red sea, he did not want to send another expedition and fail he wrote a heartfelt letter to the Patriarch, who was head of the Christ Coptic church in Alexandria asking his advice, the latter suggested an appeal to Emperor Elesbaan the emperor of Ethiopia. Justinian accordingly, sent his envoys to Ethiopia, the Ethiopians received the Romans in Ethiopia for the first time in history, mounted on a gold trimmed chariot with four wheels and scythes of gold, drawn by four trained elephants. Elesbaan welcomed the expedition into his country, on his nude dusky black torso, hanging from around his neck glittered ornaments of pure gold and rare gems, his arms ringed with heavy gold and jeweled bracelets, his head was swathe in a turban of fine linen, it was fasten by a gold pin and a brooch full of large gems, around his waist a rich ornamented gold buckle, he held a spear in his right hand, riding on the chariot looking straight ahead and at attention. Later that same day at an evening mass he promised in his sermon that he will do all in his power to aide the Christians in Yemen, by that he meant Ethiopia would be going to war, emperor Elesbaan promised to aide the Christian Yemenites being persecuted in southern Arabia. 96 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation The Judaizers leader Dhu Nowas murdered twenty thousand Christians setting them ablaze in a cavern furnace. Emperor Elesbaan gave orders to his chief commander Abraha to assemble an army of seventy thousand warriors, Rome sent twenty thousand fighters he included a fleet of one hundred and fifty ships and gave Abraha orders to go to Yemen do whatever it takes to save the Christians from being condemn by the Judeians authorities, as the commander was crossing the Red sea. Commander Dhu Nowas positioned his men along the beach awaiting his ships to draw nearer to land. Dhu Nowas with a slightly, small army ordered his men to open fire before the fleets could reach shore Abraha being accustomed to controlling large work teams, kept pushing his fleets through the fierce dark clouds of explosions, he arranged the ships in a M formation with his ship being the one in the center, the first ships that came close to shore took the bulk of the

cannons fire. Just as Abraha had planned Dhu Nowas ran low on ammo before his ship and the other ships in back of the formation could reach shore, Dhu Nowas trying to save ammo until the ships came closer, allowed the Ethiopians to hurry in get aboard rowboats in the confusion he was not sure which boats or ships to take aim, after a long and hard struggle, Abraha and his army reached the shores and a great battle was fought on the beach, the account which historians would write later, read similar to when Caesar landed on the coast of Britain, like all large battles on the beach the blood had turn the sands red, even the waves that washed upon the shores were bloody if this is how the Red sea got its name on this particular day there could not be a more accurate description. They fought for hours from darn till dusk, at last Abraha came out victorious, over twelve thousand Judaizers were killed in the triumphant, the Ethiopians captured Zhafar taking prisoners and killing the severe wounded who couldn’t walk, among the prisoners were one of commander Dhu Nowas favorite wives. Abraha sent a message to Du Nowas telling him to surrender, after Du Nowas received the message, he rallied his forces and went into battle again.

97 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation

This time he was wounded badly on his right hand and knee his troops were now faced with total defeat, realizing this was a sign that his luck had run out completely, he threw himself from a cliff onto the sharp rocks in the sea, now Abraha claimed himself to be ruler of Yemen, without getting consent from the emperor Elesbaan, without notice he had all the prisoners he had taken captive executed and put to death all the known leaders of the Judaizers, he ordered his men to ravage and plunder the villages. He seized all the wealth of the country and within the same year he rebuilt the church in Zhafar for reasons that is obvious, Abraha actions indeed aroused the displeasure of Emperor Elesbaan, the Emperor was ashamed that his chief commander had not conducted himself as a true Christian after the victory, he thought it unnecessary that he had innocent people killed, he sent a personal hand written letter to Abraha. The Emperor wrote; Have you forgotten that Christians suffered this same kind of subjugation, demoralization and triarchy, yet, your sins are not forgiven you because you and your men continue to rape women and degrade the helpless victims in the villages even after the enemy of our faith has been defeated, Abraha really could not think of a good reason to justify his behavior he sent a short reply, saying the first thing that came to mind, be it now, I rule Yemen, it shall be cleanse of all do not practice the Christian faith and those Christians live here will be happy and free of tyrant authority forever, this answer did not please the Emperor, it was like chasing the wind it did not make sense.

The Emperor appointed a Christian Arab, named Abrahaim governor for Yemen, to replace Abraha, when Abraha heard the news he revolted and gathering a large army, he declared he would not give up Yemen without a fight, the new appointee formed a large army and marched toward Zhafar to meet them, when the forces met facing one another their troops remained at ease while the two leaders galloped on their horses to meet each other half way. 98 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation As they met in the center of an open field Abrahaim challenged Abraha to a single duel with just the two of them, he figured this would avoid senseless blood shed among Christians and to preserve Ethiopia’s power in Yemen unimpaired and intact. He believe hundreds or maybe thousands would be saved by not having the armies fight one another the men on both sides looked on intensively, as the two leaders faced each other. Abraha accepted the challenge and the two had a fierce but rather short duel. As the fight started , Abraha being inexperience with the sword received several minor wounds right from the jump was losing the fight no sooner than it had started. Abraha received a wide gash across the eyebrows, the flow of blood blinded him and he was forced to yield. Abrahaim paused because he did not want to take the life of Abraha, he only wanted him to surrender, shortly, after he paused an archer from Abraha army took aim and shot an arrow that struck Abrahaim dead center in his back, killing him instantly, Abraha and his men once again seized power and ruled over Yemen, the only thing that really changed was the slash across his forehead, he was given the nickname Al Arsham, which mean scar face. Again Emperor Elesbaan sent another message to Al Arsham immediately urging him to conduct himself as a true Christian believer, he even plead with him and his men to treat the citizens of Yemen with dignity and concern. The Emperor paid restitution to citizens of Yemen and sent them his personal apologies from the Christian Coptic church shortly, after receiving messages the second time Al Arsham and his men settled down stopped the plundering and mistreating citizens of Yemen with the support of the church it began to prosper, the merchants living in Yemen set up trade with: Africa, India, Ceylon, Siam, Greece, Egypt and European countrues Al Arsham being over-zealous for the spread of Christianity, ordered a large church to be built at Sauna, in southwest Yemen and in order to attract the multitude of pilgrims who passed through his country, to visit the temple in the city, this was before it was considered a holy place by Muslims, Rome even contributed the fine marble for this church. 99 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation To further influence the pilgrims not to go to Mecca, he gave them special inducements, the Meccan Arabs construing this as an attack on their faith and also

an effort to block their trade, began to protest, one of them came all the way from Jeddah, which was nearly one hundred miles away to show his contempt. he stole into the church one night and deposited his excrement on the holy Altar, this made Al Arsham so angry, he declared it an act of war with the Meccans and swore to demolish their sacred temple in Mecca., just as before Al Arsham went against the orders of Emperor Elesbaan who humbly begged him saying, seek not seek to destroy the Arabians sacred place of worship in Mecca for it is neither written in holy books of the Coptic church. Nor will it be sanctioned by God. Al Arsham never having discipline to obey authority, could not control his outrage he constructed a large army of twenty thousand men with a large cavalry and fifty trained armored elephants, they marched toward the Arabians sacred temple in the city of Mecca but before he could reach the Meccans sacred place of worship disaster overtook him thousands of his men were killed by a sandstorm in the desert, smallpox also broke out in his army, nevertheless, Al Arshum had a gift of knowing how to push toward certain goals, with strong determination he and his army made it to Mecca, sufficiently strong, or maybe enough to intimidate the defenders of the city, persuading them to open the gates of the city for him and his army, mounted on a magnificent white elephant, named Mahmoud, meaning the praise worthy, the elephant wore trappings of silk and gold, he wanted to receive the Meccan full submission in person, as the elephant passed under the archway of the city gates, for some reason it stopped and just stood there and no matter whathe did to induce it to budge it remained in one spot motionless. Perhaps it was nervous if we let our imagination run wild we can come up with dozens of reasons why the elephant didn’t move, or we can go with the Arabs Meccans version of what happen, Arab scholars made up a legend about this particular incident. Saying that Allah, God cause the elephant to submit to his Allah will at that very moment and the elephant knelt there before the temple and was praying, they believed this was the real reason the elephant refused to go any further. 100 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation Although the legend does not suggest this was a miracle and any way, but because the elephant did not move it was in no way in Al Arshum and his army favor, suddenly, a roar, joy went up from the Arabians, they saw it as a sign from God their sacred city is to be preserved, now with a wave of confidence they started rushing the Ethiopians, Meccans attacked them such frenzy, throwing rocks and making loud noises the elephant stamped away not long after this the rout of the Ethiopian Christians out of Yemen would be final and complete. Al Arshum returned to Ethiopia, where he later died of smallpox , his elephant refusal to enter Mecca is called the era of the Elephant, one other event is placed above it in importance, the birth of prophet Mohammed, may he rest in peace, the stubborn elephant is regarded as having foreshadowed the birth of the prophet the event occurred a year apart the elephant incident occurred AD 569 and the prophet was born AD 570. According to Arab historians God himself attacked the forces of Al Arshum

turned the elephant into a statue momentarily, other Arab writers say that God sent thousands of little birds from the sea. Each with a stone in which was graven the name of an Ethiopian soldier to bombard the enemy, that because of this Al Arshum died a horrorable death, he rotted away and his limbs fell apart, all this of course is a poetic rendering of the account of the sandstorm, plague of small-pox and abuse he committed against their Faith in the one hundred and fifth chapter of the Muslims holy book the Qu’ran. It reads, God sent myriad of birds soaring over their heads, who threw down upon them stones graven with the celestial vengeance, the infidels were cut down like corn by the reaper, they later used Al Arshum attack on their sacred city as justification for an attack not only on the Ethiopians in Yemen but for a campaign against the Christians in Ethiopia, the thousand year war started between the Arab Meccans and the African Ethiopians, thirty three years after the death of Al Arshum, the Ethiopian inhabitants of Yemen were driven back across the Red sea, Christianity brief days in Arabia was over. An author named Gibson, emphasizes the universal significance of Al Arshum defeat in his book, decline and fell of the Roman Empire.

101 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation He wrote, if a Christian power had been maintained in Arabia, the religion, faith of Islam would have been crushed in the cradle, he went on to the say Abyssianians, Ethiopians would have prevented a revolution and Islam never would have materialized, this indeed change civil religious states of the world, according to another writer Abbe Gregoire he said, for centuries now the Romans cathedrals in Italy, Spain and Portugal honored Emperor Elesbaan as a patron saint of the catholic church in Ethiopia, later when Islam was sweeping through all of northern Africa and southern Asia. St. Elesbaan held firmly against it over a thousand years, Ethiopia was the verdun, a scene of many bloody battles for the incorporation and conversion of Islam in east Africa. If the religion or faith of Islam had been able to dominate Ethiopia, it teachings might have even spread into central and west Africa in about AD 602, European missionaries and Christianity never would have gotten a foothold in Africa at all, most of the Ethiopian leaders are called, Emperors of Ethiopia, the Conquering Lion of Judas, the God Elect or king of Kings, this one ruler name stands apart from all the rest, he is the only leader to be honored as a Saint in Ethiopia the Muslims faith and population grew in strength and in numbers. They became a powerful force in the far east, war between Ethiopia and the Meccans to be more precisely, Islam vs. Christianity continued on for over a thousand years, as Islam spread converting millions of followers, Muslims could have invaded and destroyed the government in Ethiopia, they held out against it, only keeping the fighting to a minus, the main reason not to invade Ethiopia, St. Elesbaan was remembered, how he spared the rod in Yemen. When they were most vulnerable, he ordered Al Arshum not to abuse the Christian faith he also refused to aide him when he went to Mecca, to destroy what is now called the holy Kabah the war continued to wage on back and forth with neither side making any serious demands nor putting forth any serious efforts to end it, Arabs never forgot and always knew if St. Elesbaan, whom they

called the Black Ruler would had assist and went alone with Al Arshum Christianity would have been the dominate force in Saudi Arabia Islam ever began and St. Elesbaan could have destroyed their place of sixteen hundred years ago, historians refer to the ancient Ethiopians Abyssinian instead of Africans.

. years before worship as

102 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation This contributes to why we had lack of information regarding Africa history, isn’t it true this was a very realistic tale about Africa history, with many true and verifiable facts but as stated in the beginning of this writing, this story of Ethiopia history or Africa could not have been told accurately, without mentioning the roles Rome, Arabia and other countries played in Africa history too, which works both ways, you can’t record the history of the nations of the world, without mentioning the role Africans played in their history, to cut through all the red tape the truth of the matter is if we want to know the truth concerning our history that was lost, whatever land Africans set foot on outside the African continent is where African history is - . There are to many complications we must try to figure out concerning our lost history, for one the language barrier, but there were many myths told about Africa and the people of Africa in the past that was not true, one simple myth everyone pays very little attention to and believe is perfectly harmless is the myth saying an ostrich bury it head in the sand or ground when danger approaches, this is an out right lie and an untruth, which is why we should either ban saying it or teach it as a myth explaining how it came about. When the early explorers first observed the ostrich in Africa, they did not understand the fact that an ostrich digs for roots and do not see the predator coming, the explorers made up the myth that ostriches were trying to hide by burying their heads in the ground, they said they were large dumb birds with a very small brain the size of a pea an ostrich will run when they see danger coming, even attack and fight small animals and even humans to protect their eggs. They will make lions, hyenas and other predators chase them away from the eggs nest the early explorers did not know this nor did they know an ostrich is near-sighted, this is the reason they have long necks and legs, to see predators when they are sneaking up on them, the ostrich would look up toward the direction of the predator, sometime will not see the danger coming, then start digging for roots again, to the early explorers it seemed as though the ostrich saw the predator than tried to bury or hide their heads in the ground or sand.


How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation For hundreds of years and even in this present day scientists know ostriches are not hiding their heads in the ground but none of them care enough to correct the myth and there are thousands of other myths like this told about Africa and its people, the truth is the people who made up these myths were not even scientists, they were adventurers and agents sent to Africa to write reports on a new continent they say they had just discovered. The question is how can we learn the truth about our history when no one cares to tell the truth regarding Africa true history, perhaps the following synopsis will shade light on this delicate subject. In the printing business there is a saying that says the dye is cast, this mean once the little cubes with letters on them are put into place on the printing press, there is no turning back the paper must be printed, with the mistakes that were made, a totally new dice cast must be made to correct the mistakes, the myths have already been told about Africa and its people, now that we know they were strictly lies, myths and untruths. The historians and literary specialists across the globe need to agree to write a totally new world dictionary and delete the words that support these countless myths. The myths should be described in another new World dictionary as not being factual, even if this is not done, teachers and schools across America should have a list or books of all these myths and untruths. They should teach and admit the facts which these myths are based, these myths were taught to us by white bourgeois anthropologists, they pretend they are teaching us African history and undercover teach white dominance of Africans and white superiority I should say what the truth really is they - meaning the so-called white power structure have a white inferiority complex and its time we realize their white skin make them feel inferior to the colored skinned people of the world, it is this reason they are always trying to prove they are the best at everything and for this reason colored teachers and educators should be objective, they can rewrite Africans history to dispel these myths, so we will learn the truth of Africans and Americans of African origin lost history and glorious past.

104 How Ethiopia became a Christian Nation There is only one life story for everyone I believe there is one story relating to every individual in the world. Its the story of how they lived their life. It can be

frightening but it can also inspire us as we live in life we are all faced with a series of conflicting thoughts and in another sense we’re instill with a sense of wonderment. Humans are caught up in a web of good and evil. Virtue and vice. A make believe story of who they think they are suppose to be and the realism of who they really are. Yet if I was to define good vs., evil, I must say with all sincerity. I believe they were both warp into our first consciousness at birth, the day we came into the world, they shall both be woof into the fabrics of our being in our last dying thoughts, despite what we believed in and how much we changed in life. If we are blessed to live to a ripe old age we will all be confronted with these questions before we die, was my life more good than evil, did I do more good in the world than evil and was I a good person in life or plain evil, depending on your answer, you will be able to lay down close your eyes and die in peace. Written & Created by ~****essatheKing****~

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