Africans & Americans Lost History

  • May 2020
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Chapter 4 THE NEHUSI (Africans) PHARAOHS OF EGYPT Nehusi is an Egyptian word which means, full-blooded African. The Nehusi pharaohs of the Old and Middle Kingdom Following are some of the most outstanding African pharaohs of the old kingdom and the middle kingdoms of Egypt. Although there were other African pharaohs that lived from the first to the eighteenth dynasty there were twenty-three dynasties in all the last five kings were not of African origin. for instance, the last three Ramses I, II, and III. were not of African origin it is for this reason Hollywood always promote and use the name of Ramses in movies of Egypt. Eighteen African pharaohs will be represented here, for the sake of space and time anyone can go on the Internet and see pictures and sculptures of these same pharaohs. 1 King Menes or Narmer the first African pharaoh of Egypt his sculpture is displayed on the Internet, but his face is barely visible the image is also very small and blurred. It is obvious he was of African origin I couldn’t help but wonder why show a image of him, when you cannot see his face clearly, the image is deceptive. King Menes was the first African pharaoh to rule over Egypt he united upper and lower Egypt and built the first Oval temple at Khafaje. 2 His successor was king Zoser which is an Egyptian Nubian word Arab scholars wrote his name as Djoser again we are confronted with a language barrier. Zoser is a west African wordwhich mean high - priest both of these Kings were pure - blooded Africans of the old kingdom. King Zoser was the second great African king to rule Egypt he designed the first Step pyramid and tomb at Saqqara. King Zoser also designed and had the city of Memphis built the first capital of Egypt. Although he did not live long enough to see the step pyramid and the city of Memphis completed in his life time. 44 The Nehisi Pharaohs of Egypt Some Egyptologists believe canopic jars containing his visceral are buried in his tomb at Saqqara in fact he was the first African pharaoh to build most of the large architectures in Egypt out of hewn stone and granites. 3 King Imhotep lived about 2,980 BC he was the third African or Nehusi pharaoh of Egypt he was better known as the “god of medicine” by the Greeks he was called the chief physician by the Egyptians. Imhotep learned to be an architect from his father whose name was Kanofer his mother name was Khreduonkh, his wife was named Ronfrenofert. All of them were black African decendants King Imhotep was also known as a sage, scribe, chief lector, priest,

astronomer, poet and philosopher. He was known by Greeks as the first surgeon. Imhotep completed the building of the first Step pyramid. 4 King Khufu or Khafre was another pharaoh of pure African origin. It was this great African king who ordered the building of the great pyramid at Gaza scribed on his tomb in Egyptian hieroglyphics, it read - “this will be my eternal home for my mortal body” he was the son and successor to king Sneferu, an African Cameroonian descendant. 5 King Cheops or Chephen whose face was calved on the 2,600, this king had the second great pyramid built at Gaza he Cameroonian descendant, for the sake of a clearer explanation. mean they would be considered Bantu since their name came from tribe.

Sphinx in Gaza was also a Cameroonian that particular

6 King Mycerinus or Menkaure and his black beautiful wife Queen Khamerernebty of the fifth dynasty Old kingdom, both were of African origin it was this king who ordered the building of the third great pyramid at Gaza his statue can be seen today in Egypt along side the goddess Hathor. 7

King Mentuhotep I, of African origin founded the eleventh dynasty 2,100

BC. 45 The Nehisi Pharaohs of Egypt 8 King Amenemhet I, of African origin founded the twelfth dynasty he moved the capital of Egypt from Thebes to Memphis his son king Sesostris I, succeeded the throne and reign from 1,962 to 1,928 BC he was the second king of the twelfth dynasty his son wrote the famous “Instructions” for his father Amenemhet I this work has become classic today in Egyptian literary. It is still being taught at the University of Cairo in Egypt.. 9 Khummit Amen Hatshepsitou. The Loving one, better known as queen Hatshepsut became the first female of pure African origin to rule over Egypt 1,500 BC. In the lower Egypt delta Queen Hatshepsut was the greatest female ruler of all times according to Egyptologists she developed and built one of the world most remarkable specimens of architecture, the temple of Deir-Al-Bahari, ser chief architect whose name was Senmut was also a full blooded African he designed and constructed the temple of Amen-Ra in lower Egypt. Queen Hatshepsut, father was king Thutmose I, her half brother was king Thotmes III. 10 King Thotmes III became known as the mightiest conqueror and administrator for over sixty years, his armies invaded and defeated Syria in Megiddo BC. 1,479 his mother name was Amemesyia of African descent a servant woman of the king court. 11 King Thutmose I had another son. of whom was Queen Hatshepsut real brother. his name was king Thutmose II, named after his father rumors were his half brother king Thotmes III had him poisoned so he would be next to inherit the throne. Queen Isis was Queen Hatshepsut and king Thutmose II mother.

12 Sesostris III, was the fifth African king and pharaoh of the twelfth dynasty, he ruled Egypt from 1,878 to 1,843 BC. 13 King Amenemhet II, succeeded the throne, pictures on the Internet shows him being of pure black African blood. 46 The Nehisi Pharaohs of Egypt 14 His son Amenemhet III, was the next king his mother was an African woman name Queen Mutemwiya sharing the throne with her was his first wife Queen Tiya she could not bear children for him he took a second wife by the name of Queen Gilukhipa who had a daughter for him whose name was princess Sitamon. He married his daughter so that her son would be the next king, the Egyptians married blood relatives to pass on their heritage the kingship or the throne they did not commit incest because as blood kin they did not copulate, this was the case with king Amenmehet and his daughter. Queen Sitamon remarried and had a son. 15

King Amenmehet IV, Queen Sitamon son became the next ruler of Egypt.

16 Tuthmosis III, an African pharaoh who founded the eighteenth dynasty became the next king, he was the son of a pure black Nubian Queen. 17 The tenth king and pharaoh of the eighteenth dynasty was Amenhophis III his son was king Amenophis IV the following chapter will be on the life of Amenophis IV. 18 king to

Amenophis IV, who changed his name to king Akhenaten IV, was the next reign after his father.

As a child eight years old in the third grade, I remember thinking, there is a cover-up somewhere when it comes to revealing the truth about Africans history, as I grew older I came to uncover many of these hidden facts. for instance; Why is the nose broken on two thirds of all the statues in Egypt, the face on many of the statues are damaged, like the face of king Menes or Narmer the first African pharaoh to rule Egypt, 6000 BC, yet his picture is displayed on the Internet so small, dark and blurred no one can visualize his true features, which mean its not clear enough to see if the face is damage or the nose broken or his features, the second African pharaoh of Egypt, was king Zoser or Djoser his nose was broken, the third pharaoh of Egypt, was king Imhotep, (Iu-em-hotep), a black statue of him reading a book - the nose is broken. 47 The Nehisi Pharaohs of Egypt King Sesostris III, King Thotmes III, King Thutmois IV, King Akhenaten, a statue of the boy King, Tutankhatmen that were calved in stone has the nose

broken and last but not least the nose on the Sphinx is broken. And the nose was broken off of hundreds of other statues in Egypt. This brief observation will be made concerning the reason why two thirds of all the sculptures in Egypt either have a broken nose or the face on the statue is damaged, it has nothing to do with erosions due to the passing of time, as some historians would have us to believe. Historians writes that in 1798 Napoleon led an expedition to Egypt conquered the Turkish, who at that time ruled over the Egyptians, they said he reformed the Egyptian government abolishing slavery and feudalism, they went as far to say he restored basic rights to the Egyptians, they wrote the French scholars he brought with him began scientific studies to restore erosive statues. Napoleon was a tyrant After reading this information scholars wrote concerning Napoleon life, one would think Napoleon was a saint, when I dug a little deeper and did more research about Napoleon. I discovered some of these writers of history neglected to mention an important fact it implies when Napoleon invaded Egypt, he also ordered his men to take the cannon and shoot off the nose of the Sphinx, because he thought it looked to Negroid and like an African it was the face of King Chephren, an African pharaoh that reign 2600 BC in the forth dynasty he did not stop there, he than ordered his army to break the nose off every statue in Egypt that had African features, to put it bluntly, he ordered the nose broken off all statues that had a wide nose. Its true Romans, French and Arab scientists did intensive studies in Egypt on erosions they reconstructed statues and painted them a light shade, they filed and reshaped the nose on statues, they went as far as to marry black Nubian Egyptian women, their purpose was to change the native Egyptians of Africa original features and that is exactly what they did, the point is they knew by mixing their lighter gene with the darker people in due time the dark skinned Africans will began to look like European offspring.

48 The Nehisi Pharaohs of Egypt The scientists knew the genes would change black Egyptians skin to a lighter skin shade the greatness of the origin of the people who built the pyramids, the Sphinx, stunting structures and all the achievements of the Egyptians of African origin will be accredited to white Europeans. The truth of how the Africans were the people who built the pyramids are being kept a secret by all of the Caucasian nations that came along after they were constructed, they boldly, disguised the truth of Africa’s history to make it look as though someone from their own ethnic origin invented, created or were the originators of the pyramids. It is written in many documents concerning Africans history, the name of the person what country they were from and how they made the discovery of whatever they discovered, the truth is Africans did indeed have a history, our human birth rights gives us the right to know the truth regarding our past, we should not have to accept the lies, from the time our forefathers first set foot on American soil as slaves in 1620.

We were told Africans did not have a history, we also have been lied to concerning our true history. In some of the best literature ever written, you will find remarks stating Africans were illiterate they could not read or write, they were uncivilized, prehistoric and savages. A good analogy is suppose some adoptive children were told no one knew where their parents were and their parents were uneducated, lazy and listless, than one day their real biological parents appear and reveal the truth to the adoptive children, they tell them their great grandparents were kings and queens, the children will feel proud, contented and completely, fulfilled for the rest of their life our forefathers experience and suffered every hardship imaginable during slavery, when they were slaves, their adoptive parents told them petty stories of their own pettiness and about their past if only subconsciously, they purposely made them unaware, the adoptive parents miseducated them and made them into petty people.


The Nehisi Pharaohs of Egypt Today our real long lost parents are on the scene Father truth and mother nature, they tell us of things new and noble, they tell us to put education into action, they say to us this is what will draw our enemies closer to us. Than we would be able to talk to our enemies and they will listen, they tell us of boundless freedoms that will delight us, the day we create a one world government they tell us our earth will enjoy a green future, they say unto us we are here now and we cannot go back, we cannot go back to times when there were sacrifices at temples and cement and concrete jungles, to where there were all manners of unknown surrounding us and we lived in an uneducated dark place. We cannot go back where there are mountains whose summits has never been scaled, oceans whose depths have never been reached, they tell us with all honesty, we cannot go back to slavery its a total disgrace and disrespect to the human family to prostitute little children five, six, seven years old etc. and make them slaves we must put an end to this present day slavery or this kind of slavery will put an end to humanity. Its a crime against humanity I look you straight in the eyes and say we must learn to live together peacefully or we will die alone miserably and above all else we must respect each others way of life, so speaks father truth and mother nature today, now our heart must express it even more emphatically, we must teach the uncivilized to be civil.

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