Advance Sermon Planning

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Date 4/1/2007 4/6/2007

L.S. Series The Life of Jesus in John: Palm Sunday X

Good Friday

Text John 12:12-19

Title A Taste of Glory

John 19:16-42

He Brought It On Himself

Theme While the Jews would soon reject Jesus as their king, the Pharisees rightly saw that "the whole world has gone after Him." (19) By having the psalmist and prophets make so many predictions about His life and death, Jesus really laid out the path of His life before He ever arrived. In the end, though, what He brought on Himself most of all was the glory that was due Him and the lov John 20:1-31; also We Finally Get It (Life, that Why did John write all of this? So that we might believe that refer back to John is) "Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing we 1:12. may have life in His name." Of anything that could convince us that Jesus is the Son, surely the resurrection is at the top of the


The Life of Jesus in John: Easter


The Life of Jesus in John

John 17, Acts 1:8

A Growing Prayer

Jesus pray is first of all for His disciples, then for those who will in the future believe. In Acts 1:8, the same idea can be found: the kingdom will grow and expand as God blesses and as His people serve. As a congregation, we are currently experiencing


Hosea 5:1-12

Hosea 5:1-12

Moving Boundaries

It will speak of the parameters and priorit ies we set for God in our lives. Songs that would fit well after the sermon have to do with commiting our lives to Jesus, such as "Living for Jesus", or "Take My Life and Let It Be".


Proverbs 14:4, Luke Building Bigger Barns 12:13-21




Celebration Sunday

Exodus 35:1-36:7

An Abundance of Gifts

Bigger barns can be built for the glory of God and the increase of the work that is being done, or they can be built for our own kingdoms. Our desire in this building project is not to build our kingdom(s), but to make room for the growing ministry that G In the building of the tabernacle, an offering was received that far exceeded the need. Why? Because the people of God had experienced God's grace and gave themselves to Him. We also receive offerings, but not only of physical goods and money. We also rec

Climbing the Mountains of Life

Deuteronomy 34

The Joy that Comes from Climbing Mountains


Climbing the Mountains of Life

Job 40:3-5 and 42:1-6

When Life Isn't Fair


Climbing the Mountains of Life

Mark 12: 41-44, 2 Corinthians 8: 1315, 2 Kings 4:1-7

When Money Runs Short

The Holiness of God: Not for the Faint of Heart! -- Holiness in Heaven

Isaiah 6:1-7(and Anatomically Correct The seraphim were created just right to be in the presence of Lord's Day Q&A #2, Seraphs and Humble Men God: wings to fly with, plus wings to cover the faces and their part 2, Savlvation?) feet. Isaiah's eyes weren't covered and he "saw" the King, the Lord Almighty, and was terrified because he realized that he didn'








Although climbing mountains is hard work, there is much to be gained by it. You get away from the crowds; you gain strength; you can see things that you can't see from the ground. We begin this series by thanking God for the opportunity to climb mountains

All of our trials pale in comparison to what Job experienced… especially when we consider that he didn't have much help from family and friends to make it through. Yet by keeping faith in God, he did make it through - stronger and wiser than before. His tw It is difficult to be without the necessities of life. It is even more difficult to trust in God while in the midst of a time of need. If, however, we trust in God to provide for our needs, we will climb the mountain of "want" and be strengthened by it. is often true of Biblical "heroes," Joseph came from a Climbing the Mountains of Life Genesis 37 and 45 When Relationships "Go As Bad" classic "dysfunctional" family. But he stayed true to God and was able to forgive his family, be reconciled with them AND be used as a blessing to many nations. Regardless how God chooses to use us Climbing the Mountains of Life Ephesians 5;1-21 When We Have Lost ControlThe Bible both commands self-control and calls it a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Yet we especially in facing addictions, we find ourselves falling short on…self-control. Addictions are great at pointing out our sinfulness (Romans 7) AND our need for someone Don't Play with Fire! The Holiness of God: Not for the Leviticus 10 (and Although Aaron's sons were not actually "playing" with fire, Faint of Heart! -- What is Holiness? Lord's Day Q&A #2, they did get burned by it. If this story seems unfair to us, it is part 1, Sin?) only because we don't really understand God's holiness. This message will begin by giving a picture of God's holiness and prepa

The Holiness of God:Not for the Mark 4:35-41(and The Terrifying Presence of The disciples were afraid enough of the storm. But when they Faint of Heart! -- Holiness on Earth Lord's Day Q&A #2, the Holy God realized that they had been living with someone who was part 3, Service?) greater than a storm, then they were terrified. Perhaps they were terrified because they realized just how uncontrollable and "other-worl


7/15/2007 7/22/2007 7/29/2007

The Holiness of God: Not for the 1 Corinthian's 6:12- Who Gets My Body? Faint of Heart! -- Holiness Inside Us 20 (and Lord's Day Q&A #1?)

Paul's point can best be understood very simply: if you knew that the Holy One of Israel is living in your body, would you even consider uniting your body with a prostitute? Another way to ask the same question: would you consider uniting your body with a

Vacation - Jerry Van Someren preaching Vacation - Dave Kiel preaching Pre-BAC

Daniel 6: 1-10

Hanging On in Prayer

Mark 4:1-20 and 26-29

A Time to Sow

Post-BAC: evangelistic

Matthew 5:8, Psalm Turning Our Hearts Toward It is only those who are "pure" - unadulterated, undiluted, full 24 Home strength - in their love for God who will "see" God. In what areas are we diluted/polluted? What would we need to confess and repent of in order to be pure? Who will God accept in their impu

Joy to the World, 1

Psalm 16:11, Joy to the World Matthew 28:8, Acts 2:28, John 16:24, (cf. Matthew 13:20 and 13:44)

You might not be able to tell by looking, but joy should be found most in the Church and in the lives of individual believers. This is because joy comes from: seeing God's activity in our lives; growing in obedience; and seeing other's blessed. Really, jo


Joy to the World, 2

John 15:11, Joy and the Path of Life Hebrews 1:9 and 12:22, James 4:9, 2 John 4, 3 John 3-4

If we want to have the joy that Jesus Himself experienced, we must obey as Jesus did. Why? Because the Bible teaches us and Jesus showed us that it is through obedience that we have "full/abundant life." (John 10:10) We may need to get a new/better idea o


Joy to the World, 3

1 John 1:1-4, Luke Sharing in the Joy of Others Read Luke 1 & 2 about the birth of Jesus and you will quickly 2:10 (evangelism) see that there is great joy when God initiates salvation in our world and in individual lives. This is a joy that we can share in when we share the good news of Jesus Christ and when we see oth


Joy to the World, 4

James 1:2-18

Joy to the World, 5

1 Thessalonians 1 The Gift of Joy






Paradoxical Joy (suffering) For Christians, suffering does not necessarily mean the absence of joy. In fact, Jesus' followers showed and taught that suffering can be a source of joy because it shows that we are Jesus' followers and because it leads to our maturity.


The "Rest" of the Creation Story,1 Genesis 1:1

In The Beginning, God…


The "Rest" of the Creation Story,2 Genesis 1:26-31

Unique Creations



The "Rest" of the Creation Story,3


The "Rest" of the Creation Story,4 All Nation's Heritage Sunday


The "Rest" of the Creation Story,5


The "Rest" of the Creation Story,6 Disability Concerns Sunday


The "Rest" of the Creation Story,7 World Hunger Sunday



The "Rest" of the Creation Story, 8


From Whom All Blessings Flow, 1


From Whom All Blessings Flow, 2


From Whom All Blessings Flow, 3 Thanksgiving


From Whom All Blessings Flow, 4



A Baby Came To Change the World, 1


As we enter this week of activity in the Art Camp, we are reminded that God is at work sowing the "seed" of His Word in our hearts and in the hearts of the children. We need to seriously consider what kind of soil we are while also praying that the childr

Joy comes from God, most notably when we are filled with the Holy Spirit. As this will be the day in which we kickoff Sunday School and many other ministries, we will ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit and of joy as we work this year to obey, to share an

Without spending too much time on the controversy between creation and evolution, I think it is important for us to recognize what we can say for certain about the creation of the world. Much of Genesis 1 & 2 has to do with details regarding how; this ser Since the Bible makes much of humanity being created by God in God's image, we also should take note of that. What does that and doesn't that tell us about who we are? We (male and female) share some of His likeness; we are the "crown" of creation (Psalm Genesis 1:28, 2:15, Caretakers of God's What is our primary (i.e. first) task as people living on this Gideons 3:17-19 Creation earth? To care for it. If the earth reflects God's glory and we also are image-bearers of the creator God, then it makes sense that our care for God's earth reflects His glory. Acts 17:26-27 The Many Faces of the Through the year, but especially during All Nations Heritage Image of God Week, we celebrate the ethnic diversit y of all nations that have become a living part of the Christian Reformed Church. In our diversity, though, we are all united in Christ. In Acts 17:26-27, Romans 8:18-27 The Groans of a Pregnant Paul states that creation is "groaning" as it waits to give birth Creation to the "new thing" or "recreation" that God is working on right now. In the same way, we are "groaning" as we wait to see what God is going to do in our lives. With this groaning comes also Exodus 4:1-17, God's Glory Revealed in His Just as God is "in charge" of our ethnic diversity, so also He John 9:1-12, 35-41 Image is the designer of our "diversity in abilities." God takes credit for this diversity in Exodus 4; Jesus states that at least blind man's disability was so that God could be glorified. How migh Matthew 8:1-4 Crisis in God's Creation We can't very well separate the experience of hunger in our world from the factors that lead to it. HIV/Aids is more and more causing not only death and despair, but also hunger. How can we as Christians respond as we care for not only the plants and cre Revelation 21:1-8 In the End, God… God is making "all things new." This message seeks to summarize all the things that God has done in creating the world, is doing in maintaining the world and will do in recreating the world. It will make a logical transition as well to the three-part seri Ecclesiastes 2:17- Giving Thanks for Good Since creation, we have been called to work. Yet because of 26 Work the Fall, work can be meaningless and toilsome - unless God gives us work that brings us satisfaction because of the meaning it brings to our lives and to the world. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 Giving Thanks for Good Since creation, we have been called to be in relationship with Friends others. Yet because of the Fall, relationships can sometimes take more energy from us than they give us joy. We celebrate those relationships that we have that are life-giving and receive them Psalm 100 Giving Thanks that We We give thanks to God because "He is good and His love Belong to God endures forever, His faithfulness through all generations." We can see that when we see that He made us and provides for us. Luke 2:21-40 Giving Thanks for God's Jesus' birth is "good news of great joy." Yet that joy doesn't Own Son not always come easily or painlessly to our lives. As we look forward to Advent, we ask in what ways we experience challenge and pain while we receive the gift of Jesus. Luke 4:14-21 When God's Favor Comes Jesus came to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, especially for those who were not experiencing the world's riches. In so doing, He tackled the issues of poverty and injustice.

A Baby Came To Change the World, 2

Matthew 8:14-17, Revelation 21:4

Carrying Our Diseases

Jesus came to eradicate illness, suffering and death from human existence. We in the West have been blessed to see much of that happening through modern medicine, but there is a long way to go - and even longer for those in developing countries.


A Baby Came To Change the World, 3

Matthew 9:35-39, Ezekiel 34

Taking Charge Again

Jesus had compassion on the people because they were like "sheep without a shepherd." There was no one to lead them toward God or even just in living life. While Jesus' leadership style was that of service, He did nevertheless come to "take charge."


A Baby Came To Change the World, 4

John 15:1-8

Prioritizing Fruit

To the chosen people of His day, Jesus said, "I have come so that My people will bear fruit." As a result, Israel was no long the true vine. What might Jesus say to us today?


Christmas Eve

Isaiah 9:1-7

A Crazy, Mixed-Up Beautiful Considering how Jesus came to turn the world upside down, Birth we wouldn't expect His birth to be "normal." Indeed, it wasn't. And yet, when the dust settled and the confusion cleared, a world-changing baby had been born.


Forgetting What is Behind and Lectionary A Path of Praise through a Christmas is over and Jesus' family moves on - through Pressing On Toward What is Ahead readings: Isaiah Life of Trial extreme trials and threats. If we follow the Lectionary 63:7-9; Psalm 148; readings for today, we find a mixture of praise and danger. Hebrews 2:10-18; Which one do we focus on as we look at our lives? Matthew 2:13-23

Date 12/30/2007





2/3/2008 2/10/2008







3/23/2008 3/30/2008

4/6/2008 4/13/2008 4/20/2008








6/9/2008 6/15/2008








8/10/2008 8/17/2008







10/5/2008 10/12/2008 10/19/2008 10/26/2008 11/2/2008 11/9/2008 11/16/2008 11/23/2008 11/27/2008 11/30/2008 12/7/2008 12/14/2008 12/21/2008 12/22/2008 12/24/2008 12/28/2008


Series Text Title Theme Liturgy??? A Path of Praise through a Life of Trial Christmas is over and Jesus' family moves on - through Forgetting What is Behind and Lectionary Pressing On Toward What is readings: Isaiah extreme trials and threats. If we follow the Lectionary Ahead 63:7-9; Psalm readings for today, we find a mixture of praise and 148; Hebrews danger. Which one do we focus on as we look at our 2:10-18; lives? Matthew 2:13-23 Forgetting What is Behind Matthew 5:17- In Search of a Fulfilling Life The setting for the Sermon on the Mount has to do with Fulfillment 20, 7:15-23 fulfilling the Law and exceeding the righteousness of the Pharisees. This sermon will challenge us to look at our own righteousness and to ask where we need to grow. X Matthew 5:27-32 Being Faithful in an Unfaithful World Fidelity is in short supply in our society, yet it is expected 1st Commandment and Forgetting What is Behind Fidelity of Christians that we be faithful to each other. This Lord's Prayer sermon will challenge us to be sexually and emotionally faithful in our marriages and in our pre- or post-marriage days. 2nd Commandment Forgetting What is Behind Matthew 5:38-48 Living, Loving and Forgiving We often talk about faith in Jesus as receiving Forgiveness and 6:14-15 forgiveness from God. In truth, it is just as much a matter of offering forgiveness to others. That is, to be a Christian is to enter into a way of living with others that is based on love and freely offers forgiveness. Forgetting What is Behind Matthew 6:1-4 The Secret Side of Giving In order to give to the needy in abundance, there are 3rd Commandment many private disciplines that must be in place. This Finances sermon addresses the final goal - giving to others - by looking at all of the "secret" work that precedes the giving. (See One Conversation at a Time, pp. 100-101) Matthew 7:24-29 Leaving Foolishness Behind Forgetting What is Behind Even though the disciples now knew what life in the 4th Commandment and Foolishness kingdom of God was like, they would still be considered Lord's Prayer foolish if they didn't put Jesus' plan into action. Lent Rock Solid #1 Luke 2:41-52 A Lifelong Journey Begins 5th Commandment Jesus begins His lifelong journey of learning in the temple, sitting at the feet of teachers. For most of us, that is where we begin as well - learning the faith from others. In this, there is an appreciation for the past (traditions) while beginning to wrestle in the present. A good introductory question to lead into the series would be Luke 6:46. Lent Rock Solid #2 Luke 3:21-23 The Power for Living When Jesus was 30 years old and about to embark on 6th Commandment His ministry journey, He was baptized by John and filled by God with the Holy Spirit. It is the same Spirit that Jesus promised His followers, so that they also might be led into truth and have the power to live by it. Lent Rock Solid #3 Luke 4:1-13 The Ultimate and Common Threat Jesus is led by the Spirit "into temptation" in order that 7th Commandment He might model for us how to resist temptation. He resists by the power of the Spirit and by the Word of God, which teaches to put God first and not to test Him. A good application of this would be for us to treasure God so highly that we flee temptation. Lent Rock Solid #4 Luke 4:14-15 The Discipline of Ministry 8th Commandment Using our gifts and serving others are absolutely necessary disciplines for us if we are to grow to maturity in Christ. It is impossible to imagine a person who is "Christ-like" who is not also a servant. Lent Rock Solid #5 Luke 5:1-11 The Ministry of Multiplication If we have in our minds a picture of a Christian as a lone 9th Commandment soldier, doing their work by themselves without involving others, then we haven't seen Jesus clearly. He shared life and ministry with His disciples. Had He not, much of His work would have ended with His death. Lent Rock Solid #6: Palm Sunday Luke 6:12-16, A Clear Channel for Guidance and Although He was Almighty God, times of seclusion and 10th Commandment and 9:28-36, 11:1-13, Strength prayer were important for Jesus. When the three Lord's Prayer 22:39-46 disciples got a taste of what Jesus experienced, they wanted to just stay right there. But Jesus showed that prayer, while a rich blessing, is for the purpose of real Purim - Good Friday Luke 22 - 23 Inside the Rock Luke shows us how Jesus grew "in wisdom and stature, Apostle's Creed and in favor with God and men." He modelled for us how Feast of (esp. v. 23:53) Esther to build our house (life) "on the rock," yet His life was taken from Him and He was laid "in a tomb cut in the rock." Another stone was rolled across the entrance. Was this the end? Is this what our end will be if we follow Rock Solid #7: Easter Luke 24:1-12 After the Stone What Jesus showed us was how to build our lives on earth so that we would inherit a life that could never be shaken or taken. Compassion & Free the Family Matthew 5:21-26 Nice People Commit Murder Beginning with a skit that describes Wobegonics and Minnesota Nice, we see that Kingdom of God Nice is Sunday different. KoG Nice involves taking care of people when they need help; it also includes speaking the truth in Retreat weekend - Jerry Van Someren preaching Back to God Hour - Rev. Guillermo Serrano, Spanish ministry leader Passover Grand Opening Exodus 12:1-30 A Time to Remember and Cherish As we enter into a new worship space, it is good for us to look back and remember God's faithfulness, especially because His faithfulness is the foundation of our future. As verse 2 states, "This is the beginning," but it is based on God's salvation. GEMS In My Father's House: 1 - The I John 2:28 - 3:10 Abba, I Belong to You GEMS theme: God is our loving Heavenly Father. Our series will focus on our identity and worth are based on the fact that God loves expectations of members as us and calls us His children. Knowing and believing that we live together in God's we ARE His children – daughters of the King – motivates house. us to live our lives as He instructs – to live as Jesus did. In My Father's House: 2 1 Peter 1:3-12 The Wonder of Worship When you consider what it is that we are called to believe, it only makes sense that we need regular doses of refocusing. Peter begins his letter with a song of praise to our God that will be our song of praise as well as we gather together and are united with others who share our beliefs. X and In My Father's House: 3 2 Peter 3 Hurry Up and Grow! Spiritual growth is a never-ending process. While there are many means that we use to grow spiritually, we ask Pentecost of our members that they take advantage of at least one of them (in addition to worship) so that the growth that they seek might be more focused to their needs. In My Father's House: 4 1 Peter 4:1-11 Commissioned and Empowered to God has given us gifts/abilities/talents to use for the Serve benefit of His kingdom. More than that, we ask that each person use their "gifts" at least once each year through the ministry of Bethel Church so that we can reap the fruits of shared ministry. In My Father's House: 5 Matthew 13:44- A Heavenly Hope Chest A brief survey of the word "treasure" in Matthew shows 45 us that Matthews perspective on treasures is that they are to be laid before Jesus in joy. We'll trace the idea of treasures from Matt 2:11 (wise men) through 6:19-24 and 13:44-45 to Jesus' statement in 19:21. What's the Big Deal?: 1 1 Corinthians Is It Time to Eat? As we prepare for Communion next week, we'll spend some time understanding what the Reformed churches 11:17-34 teach about communion. The message and service will be designed to help us examine ourselves in terms of faith, hope and love as well as encourage us to use the coming week to teach our children. X What's the Big Deal?: 2 Romans 6:1-14 Washed and Watered by God In baptism, we are reminded that God washes away our sin - not only the stain (guilt) of our sin, but also the sin itself. In other words, we are both forgiven and given the Holy Spirit to live new life. Shavuot - Feast of Weeks (or of Harvest) Schiebout What's the Big Deal?: 3 Exodus 34:1-28 Signs of the Times We're In The Sacraments are both signs and seals of God's work in our lives. The Feast of Weeks is really a sign that baptism points to what God sealed in us on Pentecost, so this service will help us to see how the sacraments function as signs and seals. Sea to Sea The Boys of Summer:1 Titus 1:1-4 A True Son in the Faith We'll begin a study of Titus by looking at the historical Sunday background, including spending some time imagining what it would have been like to be Titus, a ne w Christan called to organize a church among new Christians living on a large and "godless" island. Titus 1:5-16 Who Shall Lead Us? Children's The Boys of Summer:2 Titus' mission would begin by commissioning others Message who, along with him, would confront godless living with the truth. It requires personal intregrity to confront, along with the ability to speak the truth pointedly. The Boys of Summer:3 Titus 2:1-15 One Brother to Another Paul lets Titus know how he is to teach people to live in accordance with what they have been taught. We are taught to say no to ungodliness and yes to selfcontrolled, upright and godly lives. Communion: The Boys of Summer:4 Titus 3:1-11 True Living Based on the kindness, love and power of God, we have SERVE recap/report been set free from godlessness. Our emphasis in Julian to Julian to talk about speak about serving others should be to focus on this truth which sets Rehoboth Rehoboth us free - and can set others free as well. This requres us to focus on "the main thing," the Gospel. Children's The Boys of Summer:5 Titus 3:12-15 Productive Living As we devote ourselves to doing good, we find that our Message lives become more productive. Not only are we able to provide for ourselves, but we are blessed to be a blessing to others. 2 Corinthians Letters from Servants What wonderful images - "the fragrance of Christ" and pre-BAC changed lives as our "letters of recommendation." As we 2:12 - 3:6 prepare to enter BAC2ONE week, we will be reminded that we have been given a great privilege in the lives of the campers - to spread the fragrance of the knowledge of God. 2 Corinthians Endless Possibilities Paul reminds us to view nobody from a worldly point of post-BAC view, but rather to do all that we can to reconcile people 5:11- 6:2 to God so that they, like we, can become the righteousness of God. That is, Paul calls us to invite others into the endless possibilities that God has for their Rob Braun Children's Calvin on vacation Message Communion The Boys of Summer:6 Jude 1-2 A Brother to Greatness We'll begin a study of Jude by looking at the historical background, including spending some time imagining what it would have been like to be Jude, the brother of Jesus. We might focus especially on the ideas of mercy, peace and love as blessings which come to us through Jesus Christ and are experienced through Communion. Jude 3-16 A Brother's Humble Request Children's The Boys of Summer:7 Jude begins by calling the church to "contend for the Message faith." To him, that means that they will pursue righteousness and obedience while never letting go of grace and salvation. He draws on many sources, some not even canonical, to draw out the common thread in the history of God's people. Labor Day The Boys of Summer:8 Jude 17-25 One Brother to Another Jude's ultimate desire is to present his brothers and sisters in Christ to his brother in heaven, Jesus. We will focus on the majesty of Jesus even as we think about presenting Him to others and others to Him. Rosh HaShanah Luke 14:15-24 The Servants(') Calling What a strong desire God has to see His banquet room filled with those who are celebrating with Him the feast He has prepared. What a shame that some will refuse to join the feast. And what a wonder that the servants just keep going, putting out invitations. This sermon will call us to "go and invite" during September (and beyond). Communion Mark 5:1-20 Calling out to Family Jesus doesn't let the healed man join Him in His travels, but instead says, “Go home to your family and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” Have our family members heard what God has done for us? Have they been invited to join us in experiencing His grace? Gideon's Yom Kippur - Day of Luke 5:17-26 Calling out to Friends What an incredible joy it would have been for the four Atonement friends to not only see their friend healed, but his sins forgiven. Granted, Luke tells us about this to show that Jesus had the power to forgive sins; but I can't help but believe that he also wanted us to see the example of those who would bring their friends to Jesus. Revelation 19:1- Looking Ahead to the Wedding Feast The Book of Revelation really builds toward a climax in 10 chapters 19-22, in which Jesus comes back to claim His bride, the Church. On this day, we will have sent out the invitation far and wide for people to come to worship with us; the message will be one in which they hear the invitation to prepare for the Wedding Feast of the Lamb by embracing Jesus Christ. All Nation's Sukkot - Feast of Tabernacles Heritage Simchat Torah


Hannukah Christmas Eve

Date 2/10/2008

Title Series Honoring Rock Solid #1

Text Title Luke 2:41-52 A Lifelong Journey Begins


Receiving Rock Solid #2

Luke 3:21-22 Power for Living


Treasuring Rock Solid #3

Luke 4:1-13 First Thing First

3/2/2008 3/9/2008



Rock Solid #4

Teaching Rock Solid #5


Rock Solid #6: Palm Sunday


Good Friday


Rock Solid #7: Easter

Luke 4:14-15 The Discipline of Ministry Luke 5:1-11 The Ministry of Multiplication

Luke 6:12- A Clear Channel for Guidance 16, 9:28-36, and Strength 11:1-13, 22:39-46 Luke 22 - 23 Inside the Rock (esp. v. 23:53) Luke 24:1-12 After the Stone

Theme Liturgy??? Jesus begins His lifelong journey of learning in the temple, sitting at the 5th Commandment - Honor your feet of teachers. For most of us, that is where we begin as well - learning father and mother the faith from others. In this, there is an appreciation for the past (traditions) while beginning to wrestle in the present. A good introductory question to lead into the series would be Luke 6:46. When Jesus was 30 years old and about to embark on His ministry 6th Commandment - murder journey, He was baptized by John and filled by God with the Holy Spirit. It is the same Spirit that Jesus promised His followers, so that they also might be led into truth and have the power to live by it. Jesus is led by the Spirit "into temptation" in order that He might model 7th Commandment - adultery for us how to resist temptation. He resists by the power of the Spirit and by the Word of God, which teaches to put God first and not to test Him. A good application of this would be for us to treasure God so highly that we flee temptation. Using our gifts and serving others are absolutely necessary disciplines 8th Commandment - stealing for us if we are to grow to maturity in Christ. It is impossible to imagine a person who is "Christ-like" who is not also a servant. If we have in our minds a picture of a Christian as a lone soldier, doing 9th Commandment - Lying their work by themselves without involving others, then we haven't seen Jesus clearly. He shared life and ministry with His disciples. Had He not, much of His work would have ended with His death. Although He was Almighty God, times of seclusion and prayer were 10th Commandment - Coveting important for Jesus. When the three disciples got a taste of what Jesus experienced, they wanted to just stay right there. But Jesus showed that prayer, while a rich blessing, is for the purpose of real life. Luke shows us how Jesus grew "in wisdom and stature, and in favor Lord's Prayer with God and men." He modelled for us how to build our house (life) "on the rock," yet His life was taken from Him and He was laid "in a tomb cut in the rock." Another stone was rolled across the entrance. Was this the end? Is this what our end will be if we follow Him? What Jesus showed us was how to build our lives on earth so that we Apostle's Creed would inherit a life that could never be shaken or taken.

Date 7/28/2008

Day Monday

Focus theme Possibilities





(Deuteronomy 34:1-4)




Luke 4:1-13, 9:18-27




Matthew 25:14-30




Matthew 25:31-46



Endless Possibilities

2 Corinthians 5:11- 6:2

Theme Memory Verse 2 Corinthians 5:17 On Monday and Tuesday, the goal is to help the children see the potential in their lives. This could be artistic potential (in keeping with the camp theme) or any other kind of potential. If we use Dt. 34, it will be more in the line of Martin Luther King Jr.'s, "I Have a Dream" speech - Joshua 1:8 "I've been to the mountaintop and I've seen over to the other side." That is, I've seen the Promised Land, and it is good.

Once the campers begin to recognize their potential, we don't to remind Ezekiel 36:25 them that even if they reach their potential humanly speaking, they will still fall short of the glory of God. Through the cross of Jesus Christ, we are reconciled to God; through His resurrection, our lives are opened up to even greater potential - in service to God and to others. We'll see in Luke 4 that Jesus was tempted to pursue lesser goals; Luke 9 shows us that we follow Jesus by also taking up our cross. The key to sharing our master's happiness is to invest in and share in Ephesians 2:10 His mission. We take the artistic talents, intellect and strength that we've been given and give them back to God for His benefit, not our own. On this first "Endless" day, we focus on the endless number of ways that God has gifted us to be a blessing and the endless number of ways that we can use those gifts to bless others. On this second "Endless" day, we focus on the "Endless" (i.e., eternal) Jeremiah 29:11 impact we can have. Through speaking words of life to others, they can join us in heaven. By acts of love, we can shape their lives. And our acts of love will live in eternity with us, since they are ways that we have loved God and that He treasures. Paul reminds us to view nobody from a worldly point of view, but rather to do all that we can to reconcile people to God so that they, like we, can become the righteousness of God. That is, Paul calls us to invite others into the endless possibilities that God has for their lives.

We are talking about Steven Curtis Chapman's song, "All Things New" as a theme song. We are also planning on using skits every morning based on Max Lucado's book, "Best of All." We talked about having a skit or dramatic reading based on Hebrews 12, probably in the first half of the week.

Visual Images

Supportive Media "I Can Only Imagine"

Promised land

Veggie Tales on talents?

Petroglyphs/Pictographs; Ancient pottery; writing our initials in concrete

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