Admission Letter

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 4
KIKAAYA COLLEGE SCHOOL P.O BOX 3353 KAMPALA UGANDA MOBILE: 077-2- 404279 E. MAIL: [email protected] ADMISSION LETTER Dear………………………………………………. Senior…………………… Combination…………………………………………… Iam gland to inform you that you have been offered a place in this school leading to the award of the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE)/Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE). Thanks for your interest in Kikaaya College School. The offer is subject the following conditions. • You report punctually to begin the course. • The parent must accept his/her responsibilities. • The offer may be withdrawn if you fail to make reasonable academic progress or for indispline. • You accept to follow the school routine and to observe the school rules and regulations. Please read the following information carefully together with your parent or guardian. 1. INTRODUCTION: Kikaaya College School is a mixed, day and boarding co-education school. It accepts students of all denominations and gives them freedom to worship in their respective denominations. It has two systems of piped water and a stand-by generator. Our motto is “Education for Development”. Therefore when you are here, you are expected to be ambitious, highly motivated and ready to think, design and make things happen. SCHOOL MISSION: “To offer integrated vocational and academic education”. SCHOOL VISION: “To be a world class leading institution in offering academics and vocational programmes” 2. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: The school has well established partnerships and networks with other schools outside the country. It receives volunteer teachers from different countries and cultures bringing a welcome richness and diversity to the school. It also ensures equality of opportunities for all to learn and values positively the differences in race, sex, age, religion and other exceptional needs.

3. SCHOOL CURRICULUM: (a) Academics We put special emphasis on academics and the subjects we offer at “A” level include; Geography, Divinity/CRE, Luganda, Economics, Fine art, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agriculture, Mathematics, Entrepreneurship education and General paper, taught by well qualified, dedicated and caring staff. At O- level, we offer the following subjects: English, CRE, History, Geography, Commerce, Accounts, Fine art, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Agriculture, Luganda, Political education, Catering, Music, and Literature in English. (b) Vocational education: The school offers a general vocational programme in addition to the above traditional secondary education subjects. So in addition to the UCE/UACE award, you will be issued with a certificate of Kikaaya Vocational School in one of the following courses of your choice: Moto vehicle mechanics, electricity and electronics, catering, carpentry, knitting, bricklaying and concrete practice, cosmetology, hair dressing, pedicure and manicure, fashion designing and also a certificate in computer studies and c0- curricular activities. SCHOOL REQUIREMENT: (c) Co-curricular activities. There are a lot of co-curricular activities in the school which include: Music, dance and drama, debating, netball, volleyball, table tennis, interact club, scripture union and we hope to introduce others with time. (d) Career guidance and life skills. We attach great importance to working with our brains and hands. During the guidance and counseling sessions, we encourage our students to think and work for themselves so as to produce quality future citizens. Therefore you are expected to be cautious and friendly to everybody you will find in this school, respect other people, their point of view and respect yourself and property. This is a place of determination and hard work. You are expected to be in harmony with the set up of the school and be descent. 4. SCHOOL ROUTINE: (a) Classes for senior……………….. Will start on…………….. you are expected to start on that day. (b) You are required to report to school everyday (Monday to Friday) from 7:45am – 4:40pm. Leaving school during class time without permission is not allowed. 5. SCHOOL PRAYER:

O God our father, we pray for your blessing upon our school. Give wisdom to all those who make the decisions for the daily running of the place. Give patience to those who teach and diligence to those who learn. Strengthen and uphold all those who find their work difficult or uninteresting. Give us all the courage and steadfastness in what we do and help us always to take our share in working with you to make this world a happier place for your names sake. Amen. The grace of our lord Jesus Christ. And the love of God And the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Be with us all now and forever. Amen. Surely the good news and mercy shall follow us in all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever. Amen 6. SCHOOL ANTHEM: Amighty God of heaven and earth We praise you for the place of our school Which is built on Kikaaya hill Long live Kikaaya College School. We strive for future of our nation. For development and prosperity. Unity and peace and tranquility Long live Kikaaya College School. We commit ourselves into Almighty hands. For protection and security We look forward to attaining our goal Education for development. Is our motto 7. RECOMMENDATION: Obtain your pass lip or recommendation from your former school and come with it. It must have an official signature and stamp. Bring both the original and a photocopy of your recommendation. 8. SCHOOL RULES AND REGULATIONS: A copy of the school rules is attached. Read these rules carefully, understand them and do as instructed. 9. ADMISSION FORM:

Fill the admission form provided with your parent or guardian, sign and bring it when coming to start Finally I wish you a happy and most successful stay in Kikaaya College School. “EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT” Yours faithfully, MUBIRU CHARLES HEADMASTER.

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