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Iil Multiple Perspectives o Brainstorming
Dimensionsondiifted Strotegies Knowledge and Skills . Inferences o Drawins Conclusions
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Relevanceand Significance o ResourcePerson . Role Flaying
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Instructionol rtloterioIs
o What Is A CommunityfromA to Z book, by Bobbie Kalman o CommunityHelpersfrom A to Zbook, by Bobbie Kalman o journals
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BockgroundInformotion A communify is a group of people who live in the sameareaand sharemany resources. It is the job of thepeoplein a community to take care of their s::roundings, support one another, and work togetherto make their neighborhood a safe,healthy, and happy place. The people who live in it make it what it is. A community helper helps people. A. Draw a picture of a house similar to homes in the community.Ask students where they live. Leadthem to say their city or town. Discussthat the city or town is called a communitY.Ask studentsto brainstormwhat is in their community. Ask studentsto describe who lives in their home. (family) Draw an example of a family next to the house.
B. Tell studentsthat a community can be big or small. Explain that communities share many of the samethings. Ask studentswhat things are sharedin the community. Lead them to discover they all go to the same school, play at the sameparks, buy groceries at the samestores,and use the samelibrary. Accept answersapplicable to your community. C. Ask studentswho helps them in the community. Display Attachment 20 and ask studentsto identify the helper in each illustration. Count the heipers in the book and discusswhat they do. Ask studentswhom the people are helping. Read aloud Community Helpersfrom A to Z.Explainthat many people help keep a community working properly.
@McGee-KeiserAcademic Enrichment Programs