Active Suppression Of Substrate Noise In Cmos

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14 International Conference





Ciechocinek, POLAND 21 – 23 June 2007 ABSTRACT: Noise generated by digital sub-circuits becomes serious problem in fast mixed signal systems on chip (SoC). Digitally generated noise corrupts supply voltages and is propagated inside a silicon substrate as so called substrate noise. A discussion and simplified analysis of passive and active circuits for substrate noise suppression is presented in this paper. An example of an active circuit is design and tested by means of simulations. The achieved results show higher efficiency of the active circuits in substrate noise attenuation in comparison to known passive solutions.

INTRODUCTION In resent years many complicated electronic systems are realized as a system on a chip (SoC). SoCs have many advantages, to mention a few: high degree of miniaturization, low power consumption, high speed, good reliability, and low cost of high volume fabrication. These possible advantages over multi integrated circuits implementation demand high experience from a designer, and taking into account problems related to interactions of many functional blocks on the same silicon substrate. Because of very large scale of integration and complicated nature of modern SoCs, sometimes it is difficult to correctly predict and avoid problems with interferences between functional blocks, which may cause degradation of SoC performance. The verification tests conducted on fabricated experimental chips reveal problems with correct functioning of some SoCs. The interactions between noisy digital and sensitive analog sub-circuits are frequently a reason for excessive noise and result in performance degradation of mixed signal systems [1]. Even in uniform digital circuits, interferences between functional blocks may cause problems, like increased jitter of a system clock, variation in buffers delay or false bit generation [2]. The common reason for all the mentioned problems is too strong coupling between sub-circuits placed close to each other on the same substrate. The analysis of future trends in CMOS technology and package evolution [3] predict problems in future SoCs. In a typical SoC three basic categories of system noise can be distinguished: noise on power/ground supply rails, substrate noise [4], [5], and crosstalk between signal lines. The power supply or ground noise arises when a sub-circuit generates supply current pulses of short rise and fall times. Such short pulses cause voltage drop on positive and voltage bounce on negative supply lines due to voltage drop on series parasitic resistances and inductances of the lines. Because the supply rails are very strongly coupled to a silicon substrate, a significant portion of supply noise is

also transferred to the substrate and it becomes substrate noise. The research in the resent decade enabled better understanding of the main mechanisms of noise generation and propagation [4], [5] as well as possible prevention methods [6]-[13]. Unfortunately, the prevention methods designed for early, relatively small and slow SoCs may become inefficient in future very fast systems. It is because there exists some fundamental limitations in further reduction of parasitic coupling inside a common substrate and in minimization of resistances and inductances of the supply lines and package leads. The limitations of the commonly used methods for noise suppression can be alleviated by using active circuits. The active suppression circuits [8]-[13] seem to be promising alternative to the passive circuits in efficient noise suppression. In this paper a short discussion about passive and active circuits for noise suppression is presented in the second section. The next section presents an example of an improved active circuit design together with simulation results. The final section contains discussion and conclusions.

BASICS OF NOISE SUPPRESSION The series parasitic resistances and inductances of power supply rails and on-chip interconnections biasing guard rings on a substrate are limiting factors for system noise reduction. In the case of functional blocks placed close to the edge of a chip, the interconnections parasitic impedance can almost be reduced to value of package impedance by using short and wide metal paths. A more difficult situation is with blocks located away from chip bond wire pads, where relatively long on-chip interconnects increase the total series impedance. For such blocks the total series resistance and inductance less than 10-20 Ÿ and 10-20nH is difficult to achieve without using sophisticated and expensive packages. An interesting alternative to the application of expensive packages and using very wide

Copyright © 2007 by Department of Microelectronics & Computer Science, Technical University of Lodz

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on-chip interconnection paths is the generation of local signals that compensate substrate noise or the generation of a low impedance ground inside a chip. The first compensation technique [10]-[13] is able to efficiently suppress substrate noise at relatively low frequencies up to 50-100MHz range. The technique uses operational amplifiers to create a compensation signal shifted in phase by 180O. By proper injection of the compensation signal into a substrate, noise can be significantly attenuated in the vicinity of the guard rings. The technique is only efficient at low frequencies due to limitations of the amplifier gain bandwidth. The second technique, based on the generation of a low impedance ground, has better frequency characteristics. Such technique has a potential ability to provide a high quality ground even for low quality packages and long on-chip interconnects. The published circuits using that technique are based mainly on operational amplifier or current conveyor architectures and also suffers from the frequency limitation. Impulsive supply noise, generated by fast switching digital circuits, with short rise and fall times is very badly attenuated by that kind of circuits [8]. In order to design improved active circuits for noise suppression it is crucial to understand weaknesses of the known circuits and specify fundamental requirements for better solutions. The active circuits for noise suppression designed in a SoC can only have speed characteristics similar to digital sub-circuits placed on the same substrate. The most abrupt supply/ground current pulses are generated by the fastest digital gate, which is an inverter. The supply current pulses of very short rise and fall times generated by the inverters can only be suppressed by a circuit as fast as inverters. Any other slower amplifiers, as for example multi-stage operational amplifiers or current conveyors, will not be able to deal with such pulses and they may additionally worsen the system noise performance due to potential instability and ringing effects caused by parasitic resonances of the on-chip supply network. To explain basic requirements for the active noise suppression circuits, in view of commonly used passive suppression circuits, two simple models of decoupling configurations are presented in Fig. 1 and 2. In the figures the passive and active decoupling circuits are presented. The system noise is represented by the voltage source Vn, which is coupled via the coupling capacitor Cc to a signal line. The coupling capacitor can represent coupling between on-chip interconnections or it can represent a simplified case of coupling via a silicon substrate. The part of system noise coupled to the signal line is labeled as Vc. To reduce noise level on the signal line, the decoupling capacitor is connected to it. The decoupling capacitor is represented by series capacitance Cd and resistance Rd to improve modeling accuracy at high frequencies. Additionally, Rw and Lw represent parasitic resistance and inductance of package leads, bond wires and an on-chip ground line. In the simple passive decoupling circuit, shown in Fig. 1, the decoupling capacitor is connected between the on-chip ground and the signal line. The active decoupling, modeled in Fig. 2, uses an operational amplifier with a

feedback loop to improve efficiency of noise suppression. A real operational amplifier is modeled by a frequency dependent controlled voltage source of gain A Z and output resistance Ro. In the active circuit the decoupling capacitor is connected in a negative feedback loop. Due to the Miller effect, the equivalent capacitance seen from the inverting input of the amplifier is greater than the decoupling capacitance Cd, and overall efficiency of the circuit is increased.

Fig. 1. Model of a passive circuit for noise suppression.

Fig. 2. Model of an active circuit for noise suppression.

The efficiency of the discussed circuits is dependent on magnitude of the equivalent decoupling impedance Zdec, which forms with the coupling capacitance Cc a voltage divider. For the considered models, noise voltage on the signal line can be calculated as Vc Z

Z dec Vn Z Z dec  1 jZ Cc


According to (1) for an ideal on-chip grounding ( Lw , Rw o 0 ) and very large decoupling capacitance, when Z dec o 0 , a complete noise cancellation is

theoretically possible. In a realistic passive decoupling circuit, the decoupling impedance is and the lower Z dec jZ jZLw  Rw  Rd  1 jZCd boundary of noise suppression is mainly limited by the package, bond wire and on-chip interconnection impedances. For the considered configuration the lower limits for noise suppression are


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Vc Z Vn Z

­° Cc at low frequencies (2) ® Cc  Cd °¯1 at frequencies above the resonance

It is important to notice that the passive decoupling is completely inefficient at high frequencies above the resonant frequency of the supply network, where the on-chip ground network behaves as inductance. This property makes the passive noise suppression highly inefficient at frequencies above 0.5-1GHz in typical SoCs. It is also worth to notice that large on-chip decoupling capacitance does not guarantee good noise grounding. It can only provide local suppression of differential mode noise, whereas common mode noise remains attenuated [4], [5]. The active decoupling circuit presented in Fig. 2 has different properties. In a properly designed active circuit Cd !! Cc , which means at high frequencies 1 jZ Cc !! Z dec .





Z dec

Z dec Vn Z  1 jZ C c

# 1 !! Z dec jZ C c

and limited supply power the two requirements are contradictory. In order to find the optimal solution the decoupling impedance (3b) is expressed in terms of the total supply current I DD and the output buffer biasing assuming and current I D2 , A jZ # GB Z I DD I D1  I D 2 Z dec jZ E

I D 2  Rd

1  D I DD  I D 2 Z

equation (1) can be simplified to Vc Z

where g m1 , CL and I D1 are the transconductance, the total load capacitance and the drain current of the first stage, whereas g m 2 and I D 2 are the transconductance and the drain current of the output buffer. D and E are constants specific to selected CMOS technology and the amplifier architecture. According to (3a) and (3b), the improvement of noise suppression requires an enlargement of the amplifier voltage gain A Z and a reduction of the output resistance Ro . For a specified


Z dec jZ Cc Vn Z


jZ Cd 1  D I DD  I D 2 Z


The expression (5) can be used as an object of optimization for a selected amplifier architecture and technology. A typical plot of the impedance magnitude is presented in Fig. 3 for 0.35Pm CMOS technology and a constant supply power Pdiss 3.3mW .

where Z dec jZ

Ro  Rd 1  1  A Z jZ C d 1  A Z


The expression (3b) shows that the amplifier reduces the parasitic series resistance Rd and increases the decoupling capacitance Cd . In the case of the ideal amplifier A Z o f the noise voltage Vc can completely be attenuated even for a non-ideal package ( Lw z 0 , Rw z 0 ) and a non-ideal decoupling capacitor ( Rd z 0 ). Unfortunately a practical amplifier has limited gain bandwidth (GB), which means reduction of the voltage gain A Z to zero at frequency equal to GB. The output resistance Ro of a typical amplifier is relatively large and may additionally increases at high frequencies. In order to better understand the important tradeoffs of the active circuit design let us consider a simple two stage amplifier consisting of the first voltage gain stage and the second low-resistance output buffer. For a typical CMOS amplifier GB and the output resistance Ro can be expressed in terms of biasing currents GB #

g m1 CL

D I D1


Ro #

1 g m2

E I D2


Fig. 3. Z dec as a function of the output biasing current.

Two families of characteristics are presented in Fig. 3. The dashed lines labelled c refer to a two-stage amplifier with the input stage composed of nMOS transistors with the aspect ratio 100/0.35 and the output nMOS source follower of 100/0.35. The second family d represents an amplifier with much wider output buffer of 8000/0.35. The characteristics are plotted for three frequencies 50MHz, 300MHz, and 1GHz which is close to the gain bandwidth of the amplifiers. For the first amplifier a local minimum of the decupling impedance is observed when about 60% of the total supply current flows into the output buffer. The second amplifier provides much lower decoupling impedance and has relatively flat characteristics. For all considered cases the decoupling capacitor is assumed to have Cd 10 pF , Rd 3: The plots presented in Fig. 3 show how the reduction of amplifiers output resistance 221

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is important, especially at high frequencies close to the gain bandwidth of the amplifier. Other simulations show that the equivalent decoupling impedance Z dec can not be sufficiently reduced without a significant reduction of the amplifier output resistance even for relatively big decoupling capacitance Cd > 100pF. This property can easily be observed in the next plot.




5) 6)

Fig. 4. Z dec as a function of frequency.

Fig. 4 presents a comparison of four amplifiers, the parameters of the amplifiers labelled as c and d are the same as previously, the amplifier e has the aspect ratios 100/0.35 and 500/0.35 for the input and output stages respectively, the amplifier f has wide 1000/0.35 nMOS transistors in the input stage and thin 100/0.35 in the output. Comparing the curves d and e with c and f one can easily notice that the decoupling impedance can significantly be reduced by lowering the amplifier output resistance even for relatively small decoupling capacitances. The most important conclusions from the presented analysis are summarized as a set of guidelines for the active circuit design: 1) It is necessary to achieve as low as possible output resistance with opened feedback. Because of a relatively small gain bandwidth of typical amplifiers in comparison to a frequency spectrum of

supply noise, a high output resistance can not be reduced by a negative feedback loop. The output low-resistance stage of the amplifier should be able to source and sink sufficiently large current to compensate strong supply pulses. To achieve a sufficiently fast and robust circuit with small oscillations in its response, the configurations with a single voltage gain stage and a buffer are preferred. The circuit should have high power supply rejection ratio and should not generate power/ground noise by itself to avoid interferences with other components in a system. To reduce overall power consumption the amplifier should work in AB or B class. It is possible to find the optimal balance of the biasing currents for amplifier stages based on a precise model of the amplifier and a decoupling capacitor.

ACTIVE SUPPRESSION OF NOISE As discussed in the previous section an amplifier with very low output resistance is crucial for efficient noise suppress at high frequencies. One of the possible amplifier configuration is presented in Fig. 5. The circuit consists of an AB-class output push-pull source follower (M1 and M2) with biasing devices (M3 and M4) providing low output resistance. The input voltage gain stage is equipped with transistors M5 and M7. The protecting guard ring is made out of p+ diffusion on a silicon p-type substrate and connected to the output of the amplifier by means of capacitance C2. Two symmetric inputs of the amplifier are also capacitively coupled to the ring (C1 and C3). The polysilicon resistors R1 and R3 together with the capacitors C4 and C5 provide filtering of supply current impulses generated by the amplifier. The symmetric configuration of the circuit significantly reduces the biasing currents and saves supply power.

Fig. 5. Active circuit for substrate noise suppression.


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TABLE 1. Dimensions of the transistors from Fig. 5.


M1 M2 M3, M4 M5

Aspect ratio W/L 400/0.35 600/0.35 60/0.35 200/0.35


M6 M7 M8 M9

Aspect ratio W/L 3/0.35 160/0.35 2/0.35 0.5/12

The output source follower is connected to the digital supply voltages of the system (VDD1 and VGND1), whereas the voltage gain and biasing circuits are supplied from additional dedicated voltages (VDD2 and VGND2). The transistors dimensions for the amplifier are listed in Tab. 1. The total power dissipation of the circuit is 4mW at a supply voltage 3.3V and it can further be reduced depending on the requirements on magnitude of suppressed noise. The presented circuit was designed so that to be able to compensate substrate noise current impulses of magnitude as high as 5mA. For example, substrate current impulses of amplitude 0.5mA require only 1.5mW. Figures 6 and 7 present the basic parameters of the amplifier shown in Fig. 5. The open loop gain of the circuit is detailed in Fig. 6, and is equal to 30dB at medium frequencies. The gain bandwidth is about 800MHz.

The efficiency of substrate noise suppression was tested using a ring oscillator as a substrate noise source. The substrate was represented by a resistive-capacitive network extracted using SubstrateStorm from Cadence. Representative results are presented in Fig. 8-10, where the passive decoupling circuit, from Fig. 1, is compared to the active one from Fig. 2. For all simulations the package leads and bond wires was modelled by series inductance Lw =10nH and resistance Rw =10ȍ. Fig. 8 shows the small signal output resistance of the circuits. The impedance of the passive circuit gradually increases with frequency due to parasitic inductances of a package and bond wires. The active circuit has relatively small impedance at frequencies above 900MHz. The increase of impedance at low frequencies is caused by the capacitive coupling of the amplifier to the guard ring, as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 8. Comparison of the decoupling impedance.

Fig. 6. The open loop voltage gain of the amplifier from Fig. 5.

The opened loop output resistance Ro as a function of frequency is shown in Fig. 7. The resistance varies from 30ȍ at low, to 55ȍ at high frequency. After closing the loop, the resistance decreases to several ohms at low frequency and to about 40 ohms at 1GHz.

Fig. 7. The open loop output resistance of the amplifier from Fig. 5

The results of the time domain simulations are presented in Fig. 9 and 10. The active circuit provides over 9dB greater attenuation of noise power over the passive circuit. It is observed about 2 times better suppression of noise peak-to-peak amplitude. Additionally the active circuit makes noise pulses narrower in time in comparison to the passive circuit, which reduces the pulses energy and as a result prevents from triggering sensitive digital gates. The other simulations for a faster ring oscillator show even better performance of the active circuit. The active circuit does not generates parasitic oscillations even for relatively large supply parasitic inductances of 100nH.

Fig. 9. Substrate voltage measured close to the guard ring achieved for the active circuit.


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Fig. 10. Substrate voltage measured close to the guard ring achieved for the passive circuit.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The analysis of an active circuit for substrate noise suppression is presented in the paper. It was determined the basic requirements for an amplifier to achieve an active circuit for noise suppression efficient at high frequencies, where the classical passive circuits do not work properly because of relatively big inductances of package leads and bond wires. It was shown, that at high frequencies an amplifier with very low output resistance and medium gain bandwidth is more efficient than an amplifier with greater gain bandwidth and higher output resistance. From a low-power application point of view, it is better to reduce the output resistance of an amplifier, by proper division of the biasing currents and using AB-class amplifiers, than increase the gain bandwidth by forcing high biasing currents. Having a precise model of a decoupling capacitor and an amplifier it is also possible to design the amplifier with the optimal proportion of the biasing currents, which guarantees the smallest total decoupling impedance. An example of such a design together with verification simulations are presented in the last section of the paper. The comparison of the active circuit to the classical passive decoupling configuration shows higher efficiency in noise suppression. It is especially true for modern sub-micron technologies where high transconductance MOS transistors are available.

THE AUTHOR Dr. Grzegorz Blakiewicz is with the Department of Microelectronic Systems, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland, email: [email protected].

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partly supported by the Ministry of Science and Information Society Technologies, grant R02 01401.

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