Action Items To Defeat Health Care

  • June 2020
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Health Care Defeat/Party building action items 1. Join the NW St. Johns County GOP Club and sign up for regular blogs on how to fight the healthcare bill. The latest entries are attached including a great one from Dr. Garamoni who has started a group of doctors opposing the bill called “Doctors on Strike for Freedom in Medicine”. 2. Fax the targeted Senators regularly: 4 per day (2 from each site shown) from your computer are free. Go through: and I have attached the letter I sent last week and one sent by Dr. Garamoni. Just type it once, then copy and paste it into each fax cover sheet—it’s really easy. You don’t have to give your address if you do it that way, so they don’t know if you are from their state or not! 3. Another suggestion that goes hand-in hand is to write a "dummy" check to: “Your Opponent in the next election." The check amount is what you think you might be able to give to the opponent. Cut off the bottom of the check showing your account number. Below the copy of the check write a note similar to this one: "Dear Senator Name: I am faxing you a copy of a check that I will write to your opponent if you vote Yes for this healthcare bill. Although I do not live in your district, money talks and I will make sure my money is loudly proclaiming your ouster from the Senate. Vote NO or out you Go! Signed, Name, Address and Email." 4. Barack Obama's " Organizing for America " has put the call out for people to Email their local papers and write a letter to the editor. They have created a VERY easy and fast way to write all your local papers with just a few key strokes. PLEASE take a minute to do this today and jump behind enemy lines to help kill the bill. Go to : Beat them at their game a. Put in your Zip code. You will be redirected to a page where you enter all your address information. b. Check all the boxes for all of your local papers. c. NOW CAREFUL THIS IS THE IMPORTANT PART ! DO NOT CLICK NEXT. Instead Click " 2. Compose Letter " this is in the top middle of the page. This will allow you to compose your own letter to the editor against the healthcare bill. d. Write your letter to the editor against the healthcare bill. e. Now click Next f. Preview your letter to the editor and click Send Email


5. Walk your neighborhood handing out the fact sheets and instructions on how to speak up. See attached fact sheets on “What the Healthcare Bill Means to You” and What the Healthcare Bill means to Seniors”. 6. Organize small neighborhood “Tea Parties”/information gatherings in your or a neighbor’s home. Have handouts with the above information as well as contact information and action items for those who attend to take with them. 1st Coast Tea Party will provide speakers if you want them to. 7. Encourage all seniors to cancel their membership in AARP and tell them to let them know why they are doing so. They can tear up their AARP card and mail it in with their registration to American Seniors Association, a conservative group which supports seniors, not Big Government, for a 2-year subscription for the price of a 1-year subscription. Write letters to the Board of Directors for AARP expressing your outrage that they are speaking for seniors. Maybe a petition? 8. Get contact information for the Board of the AMA and write letters. Also contact all of your doctors and get them to contact them. Also ask your doctors for their written feedback on the Healthcare Bill—if they don’t understand how it will affect them, be prepared with a fact sheet. (See Dr. Garamoni’s letter) 9. Write follow-up letters to the Blue Dog Democrats who voted against the bill in the House and thank them. We will need their continued rejection of the bill once it is approved by the Senate 10. Sponsor a large-scale town-hall meeting. First Coast Tea Party has a speaker’s bureau and will provide speakers for large or small events. 11. Write letters--make it more fun by organizing a Letter Writing Party at your home or a local restaurant. Invite your neighbors and friends and tell them to bring paper and pens. You can mail them in bulk to FreedomWorks and they will hand-deliver to the appropriate offices. 12. Hold an impromptu demonstration outside Bill Nelson’s and Corrine Brown’s district office and call the local media to cover it. They MUST not be re-elected! 13. Continue to call Senator Nelson representative Corrine Brown on a weekly basis to make sure they know they will NOT keep their seats if they support the Health care bill. 14. Identify different public venues (maybe our own churches, club meetings, etc.) at which we can register voters.

15. Get a list of people in each precinct/neighborhood who are not registered to vote and talk to them about the issues. Invite them to register to vote by providing the necessary paperwork (should be done as teams).

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