Act 1

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 46

ACT TWO Seene 1


A QUIET, Stjl{mr

A waltlng buckboard stands ln front of Tffi GOI,DENGARTER. BIT.L EMErgEg from barber shop and starts toward TIIE GOI,DENGARTERaS }EIJ,ER CNTETS carrylng KATIE t s from hl-s hostelry luggage. OPEI{IITGACT TI{O Orche stra BII,L ( In surprlse ) She only opened last nlghtl She leavint already? (To KATIE, who wlth CAI,AUrIY, eimerges from GOLDETS GARTffi) t'Ilss Bronn. Klnda hoped t t glt t'flghty sorry ytre leavlnt, better acqual-nted. qltttnt better o f & p o l e ca t. I thlnk


A1n I t IlkeIy Chlcago?

CAI,AI{ITY acqualnted wlth hln ls 1lke maklnr a pet out KATIE would be n1ce, Mr. Htekock I t LL turn

BILt up ln Chlcago.

KATTE I tn not golng to Chleago.

CAI,AMITY ftts none of your business, sqluaw-marr,but Katlets movlnt cabln- wlth me. I brung ter 4[t I tm responslb]-e loto t-ty er. fo r lllrat I s xrong wtth

BII.,L the hotel?


KATIE fothing. But there arenrt nany Homen Ln town and ... weI1, Ca1anlty has the ldea re shoul-d Llve together and sort of chaperone eaeh other. BILt You chaperone Calaml She eh&p... ( s,afes head dublously) That oughta be .. . lnteregtlnf . CAI4T'TITY you tlne I

Feel lt


8111, please reel rree


o.o but


tr y

(ny DoH, CalfrtftY

lt .

and KATIE heve

boarded the ra€on. KATIffi snlles and ilaves f{ngers to BILI as CAIAITfITY yel1s to horse, whlch moves off wlth buckboard) Cone on !r,

I{ot Ee.


MTIfiM If l-L buy you a, drlnk.

BII,t ( Snff:ng after wagon) If I fel-t eny hlgher, I t d be f1y1n t .



TEAUA EAwKna Brr,t




UUSIC etarts lntro to EICEffi TEAI{ A EAIfK. BILL approaehes palntttg of KATIE rhlch stands ln front of hoteL. Iretterlng announees: 'I{TGHTLYI AT tuE coIjDEr GARTER, KATIE BROIfI. tl BfLL admlres erude portratt and begtrs to slng. ) BII,L heart ls hlgher than d, hauk Uy Love deeper than ls reIl a W Itn thlnk:tnt tul a 11ttl,e whlle W 3'ove and IElI be doLnt very weJ-l. An orJ. ls glv{ng ne the cye fhe rlnd 1s blowlnf me a I rouLd.n t t be at alL surprlsed Lt I rere only dreanlng al-l. of thls.


t t drop ln






BILL (Cont t d) about

And rhen I strut Llke a SunnY Jbt Dressed ln yeII-er a"nd red take a look at hlm. Folks rl1L shout: Ee t s teehed ln the head I I sald tb,at I rould never faL]I J.aughed at others nhen they fel3-. And bere I In fal.Ilng Hlgher than a hank And deeper than a welL And rhen iletre alL rlgged out cake, Llke a blrthday Eyrg rl1L pop evt4nthere Fo1ks u111 shout palr? Dont t you thlnk they neke a ronderful I sald that I would never falL But lf you promtse not to tetrl, l{V love for you ls hlgher tharl A hark and deeper than a well. (At end of song, BILL le about to enter GOI,DEI{GARTEBUhen DAilI{T, al.l, dressed up and carryLng a enters snalL bouguet of florers, and crosses to hoteJ.) Ecnrdy, Lleutenant.


BILL to take a hand of poker? DANlrT

,, rooklng ror rr ... not($3ilHJffi:nTllt,3:,t1"::1'I gr ...

w gl l ... n o t n o w ... (Heads for door)

You aintt



BIIJI Katle Brosn by any chanee? DAt{t{Y

r could be. ;r.

i ,, . i :rr. ' i ! .:i



.i !,,,ir )':.) ":i , 'ri ,:i iii,i;i'..

'ii;',i, ' l :,, ii . : t r' , , i

" tj:.L,;,il ,i l; " ; i

,i , '1'r;

'i':j , 'iri i ;


she alntt

BILt here any more.

srenoved S^Xx[n"3:in1#:"11evrns)


DAfiITI lftth


BIUt Uh-huh. Yt see Calanlty reekons therers too many roosters tn town, so shets pJ-arurlnt to chaperone Katl-e. But I rouLdntt let that sorry yutr none. Katle nlght be wrltlnr yuh. (U" ex1ts, rhlstllng EGEERJHAN A EAI{K as DANtrII Iooksffi



scE{E L to 2 - ORCI{ESTRA (nil





Seene 2 CAI,A.I,fTTY ' S CABTN.


Thls ls a sp3-lt-set shonlng exterlor of a eabln of rough-hewn logs rlth dangllng shuttersr shabby and unlnvltlrg. conslgts of The lnterlor unpalnted table, chalr, stooL, tmo bunks set apart, blankets bangJrrg to the f3.oor from one, & smudgy lamp, moth-eaten bear-rtrgr a rusty sbotgun and tools hanghg fron wal1. Several shelves support battered utenslls and everythlrg 1s ln great dtsorder and ln a generally wretched condltlon. A flrepJ.ace 1s off to one slde nlth wood bueket bestde lt.


CAIAMrIY fron RIGET foLloued

waa,1... tll"tf;y}ltst

ln a poker gatne. . . Just a, week before Eow dt you l.lke Lt?

a Karrsas felLer of lead polson.


Just wherer ].eft rert won 1r from he dled

KATIE (TeT e:q)reeston fuLl of mls-

A'rlght, t*lI"T:) CAI,AMflY ( Iauehlns) 8111 ilas tn that gafoe . . . Iost everythlng fllLlnts. Do you dlsllke Dlsltke


8111t (Ic.ughs )

but hls

KATIE Eickoek as nueh as you pretend C.C.IAMITT




CAIAIIITY (Conttd) tn fLles ln a Pawnee Goshanlghty, uetn 811-1 are thlcker eanpl Wetr6 Ilke the S€V€D-year lteh t t eaeh other. . . . b u t - l t ts a L o tta fu n se ratchlnt. (Glances at KATIE) ! { a t t e r o t i a ct ... h e ts pr olosed tl me a couple- tlm es. Usta thJxk I was Ln love-wlth him r:ntll ... uaal ... lately ny taste sorta runs t I bJ-ue unlforus nith shlny buttons o . . . KATIE (RJ-so oreanlly) second, lLeutenants wear . . . . CAIAT{TTY (They have reached the door and CALAMIIY kleks lt open) Yeah, 1lke seeond I (nyes KATIE susplclousJy) l l e u t e n a rrts w e a r.... (fney enter cabln and KATIE pauses, a step inslde d.oomay, dlsmay. reglstering CALAIT{fTY sets down bags) You tn meI IL batch lt here , eozy a,s two bugs ln a blanket. (f,frts blanket and shakes lt out. KATfE coughs at dust) N e e d s a l l ttl e a l rl n t, f guess. ( SeIf-eonselously) Al n l t u se d th e p l a ce mu eh...too lonesom e...tfsualLy bunk tn the open, under a wagon or somethlnt .... (Her eonf ldenee ebbs at ICATIEI s obvlous depresston. Busylng herself at f lrepJ-aee, she attennpts to be cheerful) What most foLks mlbs most out here 1s home coolclnt. Anf t h a t l s Ju st w h a t w e tre gonna have...hom e cooklntt I may not be no French chef, but Just hand me a saek ot flour attf s o m e b a co n g re a se r & n t. .. (Peers l-nto enpty contalner) no matter. Wa a I ... w a ter ts rJght handy. Glt 1t from the crlck out th&r. . . (.good lootcs at ICATIE) PLenty of erlek That t s one thlng tbout thls plaeel w ater I

(fottci-ng KATIE enveLopgg I-n jJ-oon, she suddenlY admlts pathetic defeat) N o p e . . .g u e 'ss th a rrs n u thlir t good about 1t.

f r m sor r y,

Ka.tle .


It t1l be all


KATIE Calam. . . fful€. . .

CAIAMITT (Hrtrpped ) I t t s g o s ha w fu L l N o t f1 t for a dog, let alone a 1ady. Dldntt I never lorew hou far trrroyrlt f tlL you eame ln here...Ilke I saw you 1n that dresslnt from belnt a J-ady I was, ttll room ln Chlcago. (fterc stool ln frustratlon) What do f lmolr about nlce thlngs I I never had any I ( Stamps toward door) drlve yuh back tf the hotel. Come on. Itll KATIE (Oetermlnedly) Itm staytng rlght here. CAIAMITY In thls

( Incredulous ) rat t s nest?

We can flx lt up r CaLamI i s a w o ma n l s to u ch .

KATIE lr{ake lt


nlce .

CAIAMTTY A womants touch? A WOI'fANt S TOUCH

CAIAt"ttTY and i{ATIE

(MIISIC starts. for Calanlty NUI,IBER and ICATIE, durlng whlch they c1ean, serub, repalr lnslde and outslde of cabln, fetchlng flowers, water and worlclng a eomplete transformatlon of cabln. The transformatlon lnclude s CALAI'IfTYwho: attended, dlreet€d, and supplled by KATIE, employlng her wardrobe, cosmetlcs and aceessorles, evolves lnto a young 1ady. At the end beautiful of the slnglng and danclng a palr of pretty young ladj-es ln a spotless, frllled-up cabln are toastlng eaeh o th e r w l th te a cu ps) womanI g toueh A w omants toueh


AL1 1t needs



KATIE The naglc of Aladdln eouLdntt do as much. Sre ts a w l za rd , sh els a eham p And she doesntt

CAIA}TflY need a ].a,mp.

KATIE A lrornants toueh Caa lleave e speI1 The klnd of hocus-pocus That she does so welI. CAI,AMITY Wtth the nagle of a broom She can mesmerj,ze a, roon KATIE Wlth a. whlsk, whlsk here And & whlsk, whlsk, there And a, dustpan for the clnders CAIAIVIITY Wlth e rub, rub, here And. a, rub , rub, there, She eaJl pol1sh up the wlnders. lfhen, pre sto cha^nge-o sudden1y The sun comes peeplng through And what does t*Ilster ItHowd,Y-d.on

KATIE Sunshlne say to you? CAIAMITY

I(ATIE It makes you b1lnk To stop and thlnk A woman arrd a whlsk broonr Can aeconpllsh so darn nuch. KATIE and CALAIfIIY So never trnderestlnate a nomanls touchl CAIAMTIY A womanI s toueh ean qulckLy fll-L The empty flower boxes on a wlnder s111 ICATIE One smlle frorn her and nzoomtt Lltt1e buds begln to bloonl A toueh of palnt.



CAIA}{ITY A nagte nalI Can turn a kltehen A ChlpPendale

BOTH chalr lnto

CAIAHITY Even make a ].amF appear tlke & ezyeta3. chandeller KATIE Wlth & taek, tack, here, And a taek, tackr there And a hand around a hammer Wlth & mop: Eop, here and A mop., Eopr there You ean glve a eabln glarnner.

DAscE (oruronar., ROUrrfiE)

CAI,A}'TITY al-1" at onee Tlren goehanlghty, The cabln that lre lrrew beeomes A shlnl-ng eastle bul1t for tryo Me and you. I(ATIE The ptes and eakes A roma,n nakes telL her that Can mahe a feIIer much, J.oves her very


BOTE So never underest{mate a womanls touchl (Ehd of song, shutters &re ln pJ-ace, nlndows curtalned, weeds d.l-nlnlshed, smoke splrallng fron chlurey etc. )

( suaaenly) Goshanlghty, I forgot .,. (es KATIE looks

CAIAUITY at her lrl-

HerbpotteS?ltfn*tilI" alone trr hrs eabln wtth tlek rever. He needs some d.oin t fer. ( Starts removlng shoes) Youtre not golng wlthout

KATIE shoes?




CAI,AMITY (Crosslng to door) C a l n r t w e a r l e m e ro ssl tt the cr lck.

Be back soon.


r'11come I* :#x-ffi"i:3":if,:;"::"') nwoMAsts roucH ul[Dffipr,Ayn oRcffisrRA (TEEY both exlt and dlsappear back of eabln. l'fUSfC of A WOMANTS TOUCH hol-ds under. From O sound of ga1J.op1ng. BIT'T. 1s heard, nI{HoAIn A nomlnt-La,ter, h€ enters; Looks at eabln, brushes hlmseLf and renoves hat. Starts for cabln. Agaln galJ-oplng hoofbeats are heard. BILL pauses. Eoofbeats end. A moment later DANIIY appears ) BTI,.L

( crr mryl Hel-l-o, Lleutena^ntl


you a long way from the fort?

DANI{Y l f h y . . . € e C o l o n e l had a llttle attend to up thls way so. .. so you flggerrd m,akln t out.

buslness for m e to

BII,L youtd drop by and see how the glrls


DANIIT expeet that t s about lt. T (Pause) Say f thougbt you had a poker Bame golng. BII-'L There I s always a poker game golng.

wlth then [f,3]:il"r

on the warpath, folkrs

safer lf the soldlers dldntt wastln t ta=payers t money.

rd feeL a heap

gal-11vant a,rount so Buch...

DAI{I{Y Nlce of you to thlnk of the ta:,cpayers. . . after you I ve eost them ln funeral-s. (fft*y smlLe eweetS-y at eaeh other. KATIE enters carryJ:rg bucket of n a te r)

alL the laoney

2- 2-11

KAT]3 Bl].Ll



($re oBl11n nLleutenantn

ls frlendly; the ls somethfurg nore)

BOTH I'TEI{ (Movlng to rellerre her of the bucket) Here Let meI f | 1l- take lt I (DANIff proves the fastest; takes bucket and smJ-les at BILI) Rlght

BII,L s n a rt h a rn e ss ytre wear lnt,

Katle. . .

DANIT You Just keep on gettlne prettler and (Renembers bouquet whtch he takes from lnslde h1s eoat, 1n eondltlon) oh, here. .:"o"hed


KATIE (tanlng them) veqf nlce. Calamlty loves flowers.

The lleuterrant Walt I

never ealls

I brought

then for

BILL wlthout

t em.

DANIIY . . . Wtrere ls Calamlty?

KAT]3 a slck prospector. .Ilp the htl:lj, vlsltlng (Ieads then to door) Come lnslde. BII,L

yep,that'[t3]il;tffirTlfl)*", Justca1n ,t s lgnal. . Ee y ? . . .

d, dlstr ess

(notn men, no$ wlthin the eabln, reaet to the altered lnterlor and refleet lncredullty) th l s a tn tt h e r e a blnl

sure dont t ].ook rlke we ftxed

r eslst


DA![rr rt.

up a Llttle.

KATIE slt d,own and I t 11 make some tea



KATIE (Cont td) ( Startlry toward f tre$laee ab DAfItf sets dorn water) tilOnlt take A n{ngts. . , BfLL (Another try) Dontt they need you baek at the fort,


They l 3-L ma^nage.

(notn men slt, turn ehalrs anay from each other and fold arms. KATfE, contemplatlng woodbox, glances furtlvely over should€rr then dlsl-odges & eape hanglng about lt so that lt coneeals woodbox) KATIE

O h , d e ar .. .

rm alr.""!t3; Hlul'"l,il ffi;""f;tff:l?"I"u ehop soBe. (Reaches for axe on walf.. l.IEil leap to thelr feet)




do ltl


ne I

Tou earrled

(To DANITY) the water bucket I

B l 1 l - t s rl g h t.


I(ATIE o n l y fa1r .

f rmsorryfSt#:,fril ]3":tltLr.. . N o t r o u bl e

BII,t at all. Katle (ertes at DANIII and exlts. simtles. DANI{f suspeets sonethlng, then noves to embrace her)

Yo u p L a n n e d l tl


K a ti e

DA}TI{Y ....

KATIE (fluafurg hln demurely, takes dlshes IIE pursuea . fron sheJ.f to the table. Sor:nd of BILtts ehopP{ng OFT') of you and Ur. Hlekoek to look It t s very thoughtful

' t : : -' . : fl8r,,]i".!a*r"

1n on us

W 2-2-]-3

KATIE (Cont td) . .but Deadwood t s that klnd of a town, lsn I t 1t ? Lleutenant. and nlce artd. . .$ef-1 I rlean, eyqrTone t s so frlendly (Pauses ; observee slncerely) the other nlght...the the fooL l rnade of nyself . . . after way they forgave Ber and Let me go .. .

(attenptlng Ar\yone couLd forglve

another enbrace ) you anyth{ ng, Katl€. . .

KATTE (Renovee hlg arm from her nalst) I{ot anythl-ng, Lleuten&nt. . . (Renovtng other arn) . . . Bxld not CaLatnlty, (Coes to f lrepl&ce to get kettJ-e ) DANI.T (Pursulng her) dontt }oror what sort Iook, Katie...I about Cal-anLty and B€r but ... It t s not ny ldea, you.

of an ldea you have

KATIE Lt t s hers. Lleutenant,

DA}IITT T h a t t s r l d l e u l o u st Ife tre fr tends...good c a n t t r e a L 1 y b e l l e ve I o .. nell .o.

StreI s ln love wlth

fr lends.

But you


r llke r"J:l#l"i{},rt"ront.

I wouLd no nore thfuik of emtng I o v e s , t h an ...

sher s been very sood to me. betreen

her and the nan she

DAI{I{Y The ma4 she love s I Kat le , I Enrear. . . (n" advanees to her, notlclng

ilffii:"x"#: ;*i:il:i.*t; box eLoak and puJ-Is lt away from"5i"hs exposlng the wood. A grln of amusedenllghtenment trlsts hls I1ps &s KATIE, reacttng ln sheepish

:3i35"3:;3:lh.EiiT";:?[' n"Iinor'


KATIE was her e alL the tlr ne...I... W e 3 . l - ,wh a t d o yo u l mo belleve me. . .I. . .Dann5r, ralt. . .Darrnyl (Orufff selzes her lnto lor a ktss)




I love you, Katle. IOVE YOU DEARIY - DA]Iilf and KATIE Ar e y o u g u re , D a n n {, ..?


DANIVT f couldntt be more sure, Katle. I do love you...€ver you got here . . . BV€r slnce I sayf you . . . DANilT IO\TE YOU DEARLY, I{ore than Just slncerely, More than f eould ever hope to say; KATIE IO\E YOU DEARLY, Words cantt elq)ress lt c1ear1y, You seem to take ny very breath atray;


DANI{T Iooks Llke I l1ke your l-ooks, Llke the way youtre fashlon€d, If I sound lnpassloned, DarJ.lng, may I ... say I BOTE IOUS YOU DEARLY, , I{ore than Just s lncerel}r, DANI{T l'{ore than there are rosebuds In a Sprlng bouquet -BOTE Need I say I need you ltore and more eaeh day. (End of Song KATIS ls iroe)


l.n DANI{Yr s





Open the d6or.

BII,L f got both hands fu1ll

(Xntfn klsses DANIIY qulctrJy and opens door. BILL enters wlth enormous J-oad of wood) Reckon that | 11 hold y I for Here ile are. (Drops wood near flreplaee, then turns back after starlng at the wood already there)

a whlle.

KATIE Er . . . t h e

(Flustered ) fe 1 I cIo a k...1 t

o ver the ...

(nrrghtly) s tea. have Letf

DANI{Y (H"lplne to cover for KATIE, moveg to table. BILL follows as KATIB gets tea and pours) Wetve got a new s6mrnsDderat the fort.. General Stark. he hrows your 8111.


BII,L (Watchlne ICATIE then DANIIYwlth susplc 1on) Served under hln ln Vlrglnla, durlng the war. They t re having

DAI{IVT & balJ. ln hls honor Saturday ntght.

,r thought [1ff5'y::' fT::) KATIE Several people from the theatre have already been lnvlted. I t { r . F r y e r ts g o l n g u l th S u san and .... BII,L Matter of fact, Itve been lnvlted you t d. go wlth *u, Katte.


( Coolv) Sofng wlth'me.


Klnda hoped


BII,L volee ) the lady choose for

herseJ.f , Lleutenant.


f teII

DANilY you she t s golng wlth me. (potf, Ben rlse out of thelr chalrs, sl-owly; thelr nose s belJ-1g."entty r v challenglng eaeh other)

couldn' t . !1nfil:t;ffiiT*'[T What four WeIl,


of us?

your B1l-1, me ...

Calanlty I Sh e t s b e e n l n vl te d , w o n l t e l th e r.


KATTE and CaLamlty? BII,t


IilTTE too . . . &rrd,lf

she doesn r t gor f

DAItI[f, mlschlevously) rs beentffiS:rifu she you to ask her, Liafitenant.

Me? Ifiry me? f told you :iy* BII,L That t s a rlght smart_ arra,ngement I calanlty goes wlth the r,reIienant, Over my dead bodyl

Settles everytHrg I and Katle goes nlth mel



BTI,[ Glt a llttl-e respeet ln yfre volce.when yrre talklng about Ca1an, Lleutenant . . r ., or 1t nlght Just be that wat. She rg a nlghty flne glr1. clrII


BII"t YI oughta be dang proud ti-tafe


You rould{f ;33i;;lt'}}l'"Tr*



BII,L rould t I eertalnly ( startled) Me? Now, *a1t, I a1ntt shuffl-e here I

Sonna be stampeded lnta

no fast

IilTIE both of you. Calamlty t s Oh, I lmow nhat you t re thlnklng, fine on top of a stageeoaeh or behlnd an ox team.. .but she lsntt lady enough to make a soelaI appearanee wlth such gentlemen dlstlngulshed Ife11, she aln t t exaetly

BII,L beaut lful.

I(ATIE The trouble wlth both of you ls that you haventt looked she gets hard enough at Ca1amlty. And lf you walt untll baek, you boys wllL have a P;!g sur?rlse ln store for you I BILL (Coes to broom at flreplaee snd pulIs two straws from 1t. Returns to tabLe e^nd extends f1st, elutchlng strans, to DANNI) Only one wey tt settle thls. Draw & stran, Lleutenant. Iong stran takes Katle. Ipser takes Ca1amlty. (Over shouS.der) t t you, Katle? That satlsfactory (ICATIE has gone to door to see lf CAIAl,fInf ls on the way back. Seelng nothlng she returns. She nods absently to BILI who faces DANI,I[) Draw, Lleutenant. DANlIf (Reluctantly draws straw, the long one. He leaps up a.nd clutehes KATIE, danelng her around. BILI has dlsgustedly thrown other Ilr o n l

straw away)



have the prettlest


at the bal-Il

KATIE Don t t bet on lt, Danny. You may be changlng your mLnd. (At whlch polnt, CALAUHY enters, soaked, covered wlth weeds and mud, halr natted, eJ-othes cHnglng to body. . . & drowned rat. The I'fETystare bIankly, KATIE Is horrlfled)

-a',.,, .,... ., .b'



CAI.,AI'iIlY ( strfahg to flreplace ) Fe1.1.lrr the d,ang-bLa,sted crlckl (Turnsr - sees men, explodes 1n deHsbt) Gosha^mlghtyI look who t s here I Danny I An t 81111 brought you out t t thls neck 6f the wood? (apprehenslve) InJun trouble ?


ICATIE T h e y . o . e a me to a sk you ,.. to go to the ba1l. CALAI'{Inf Both of you? tfaal that t s plunb flatterln e a l n t t g o w l th b o th o f yuh...


It I s al]. rfght.

Yuh dl.d? i{tro non?

I dld,


Only . . .


. .w€ d.rew straws.

CAIAI'IIlY (Watchlng hlm adorlnely) ( Hesltate s )

ETI,t (l{ottcine DANIIf 1s about to say he dtd, forces a, snlle) Ca1am. ( tlonentarlly

ohl Yuh dl-d I

CAIAMTTY dlsappolnted )

(Catehes herself, brlghtens) Waal, that t s flne, BlLLl t.Ilghty flne t

($*r;:; t Inon li;Hl'lL":r3*uYL.n, Don'


KATIE ( Senslng CAIAUIIY t s dlsappolntment) a lg"try man. Ir11 flx you a eup of tba. (nus1-es herself at flreplace. CAIAIdIIY then notLees I(ATIE t s troubled expresslon)

cALAlfiflr Oh, Danny. . . (A9_DANIfYapproaehes) Ex e u e e E Or 8 1 1 L .. . (eff,f, turns aray to ICATIE &s CAIC,MITYdraws DAIt$f asice)


CALAMIry (Conttq) yt 'wanted t I take trl€r hnow I IDarrnyt 8or Ask KatJ-e - her. Danny ' ' ' Do lt fer but . . . *"i,f ,'6igan.lask ''I€r please . . . (OnmfY looks at her feels lieeL, turns awaY) (erlnglng H e r e l s Y o u r te a ...c

11ke a

I(AT]3 tea to tabJ-e)

CAIAI'TITY (Attenptlne to llghten the mood f,er oiln d'lsappolntment ' ild "o-tte" ni:f''e 111 "Ij\1g yOU DEARLY" softlY under) golnt to a balll WelJ., whutire w6 a1l- so g-luq about? WerreAlL the soJers pruilu !"rtey aff-arrJ Here lt r s gonna be ;-rhen Ladles- at the Fort 1n fancy goxllls. - ' ln dress unlformsl ?Sft" ls eneours.glng DANlrf to ask KATIE) strlngs 1n the prlde s I Just beLng probably bffi;;{ "o"set askgd. ... ' t i Sfte has now manoeuvered DANI{I i o K A T IE fs sl d e ...) uent to oneef t" ' Dld I ever telL yuh about the real ehlndlg I (nanny ls tnen. . . )


close to I(ATIE'

DANNY (Suaden1y breaklng from KATIE, , t)ro". {o- CAIAT'IIIY and tmpu]-slve 1y " her on the forehead) klsees Youtre qulte a 1adY, CalanltY ' o " (c^q.IAuIlY ls held breathless " ' is about to contlnue tallthg' touettes her flngers tenderly- !o her forehead then wlth a sma'll Jfgft of contentnrent sfloons. BILL what ls eonlng moves- to "eitlng He ls holdlng her ana catehes her. . . . . the ln hls armg at



23 -20

ACT TWO Seene 3

flgure BACK OF SgRfb{ the sllhouetted The of a bugler hlgh on a parapet. Amerlean fJ-ag floats proudly at top of a flagpoIe. The sun beglns to set behlnd the outllnes of the Dakota h111s, thelr blaek outllnes etehed with the burnlshed go1d. BUGLERplays to descend. to establlsh the hllls. )

retreat and flag beglns (fne purpose here ls the fort, the hour, and

Then the FADE on BUGLERand flag. OF A BANJO lntroduclng: STRITMMING TIM BIACK HII,LS OF DAKOTA. NOTIWE izens of TheY Deadwood, all galLy attlred. carry lanterns as they wallr toward to fort. They are stnging to the strummlrrg of the banio. Among them ue d.lseern SUSAN, IIRER, MIT,T'T:R' JoE, ttDoctt, RATTT,ESI{AIG,and others. "THE BrACK Hrr,ts oF DAKoTA'

rakemebackto the 3Hnt"ffiHi*

The Blaek Hll1s of Dakota To ttre beautl,ful Indlan eountry that I love l-ost ny heart ln'the Black HIJ-Ls, The Blaek HlI1s of Dakota, Wtrere the plnes so hlgh that they klss the sttY above. And when I get that lonesome feellng An d Il m n l Ie s a vfa y fr on home... I hear the volee of the nystlc mountalns Cal1lng me baek home. . . So take rne back to the Black Hlll-s Thc Bl-ack Hll]-s of Dakota Indlan country that I 3.ove To the beautlful


2-3 -2r

Black . .Black fiIl*:.:o*o*

( contt d)

Tbough I t ve wandered far allay. . . Black El11s. . .Black Hl1ls ' . . Ir11 cone back to you someday roam I{here the deer and the buffalo feathers her nest, redwlrrg the and Thatts the plaee that I eaI1 ny home, The land that I love the best. Take me back to the B1aek HlJ.J.s, The Black 8111s of Dakota To the beautlful Indlan country that I love. I"ost ny leart 1n the Black lllJ-Is, of Dakota The Black Hllls Where the plnes so hlgh that they klss the sky above And, rhen I get that Lonesome fee1lng And I tm m11es ailay frorn home I hear the volee of the nystle nountalns Ca1L!ng me back home. So take tue baek to the Black H11Ls The Black Hl1ls of Dakota To the beautlful Indlan country that I Love. (ffre 1leht has faded on the slngers, but the vocaL ensenb1e conttnues Stte ls as BILL and CALAMIIY enter. bundLed up ln an overslzed, shabby mlLltary overco&to head wrapped !n a searf or shawl tled beneath her ehln. BILT.earuies lantern) BII,L (C3-anclng at CALAMIIY) DldJa hafta wear that o1t eoat? :':'


I '-, . r i

j_ : , E. i i -'i: '!

CAINMTTY I t u u z Cu ste rts, 8 1 1 1 . Gave it tt me hlsself. W hatts good enough fer Custer oughta be good enough for Fort Scu11y.

,,.r,.+#r i'ii'jr

. r- i: } t . j l 't . ii. il: . 1. . iE : : i tr;i

;; , 1 $ |


:i,tr :,i .i. l

:1,: ;:',it

BILL Thls ain t t no seoutln I expedi-tLon agln t st Slttln Wet re gotng to a balIl CAI,AMflY

t Bu1l.

I ltrrowI An t we sure got a nlght fer It, alnft t€, 8111? ?9rtt 1t thrll1 yuh Je st t t look at, then h111s? No ronder them InJuns flght so fleree t t hang onto thls eountry I

z-3 -zz

( caraulTY beglns reprlse of TIIE eIACf RILLS Of DAKOTAln uhlch BILL iofns - CEORUS1n ha:monY to Number ls coflsteJ.ffutg flnlsh. CAIAI,{ITY exlt) and cluded. 6"a BILL CALAIIITY, BItt and CHORUS Take me baek to the BLaek Hi11s ifr" BLaek Hl1ls of Dakota Indlan country that I love ' To the Ueauifiul



;t*; *,.1-';,,



Scene 4 T}M BAI,L ROOI{. FORT SCULLY. (Oecorated wlth flags and buntlng for the occasion) to orehestra MISIC HAS CHANGED playJ-ng dreamy waltz-tempo of BIACK HILLS OF DAKOTA. Immaeulately ettlred of f lcers, and thelr beautl-fuI ladles are waLtzlng 1n a wlde oval. OPE}IING SCENE4 Wal-tz concludes and dancers pause DANM, ICATIET Bfr.r. and and applaud. CAIAMITY enter at foyer end of ba]-lroom. DANIIY and I(ATIE are greeted by offlcers and J-adles as DANI{Y removes I(ATfE I s eloak to hang it up. The dancers have notLeed I s atttre wlth shock CALAI,IITY and BILL reaets as he looks agaln at CAIAI\{ITY and wlnees.


BII,L Y I sure

(In an aslde) thd bell-e o t tfie ball-.

You and General Custer. (UnUarrassed he removes her coat and turns a,way to hang lt along wtth hls guns on long racks lmprovtsed for the pur?ose. , CALAI{IiY sans coat and scarf is nou revealed exqulsltely-eostumed as a beauttful, young r'loman 1n I(ATIE t s wardrobe. Onlookers stare at her ln startled dlsbellef . And CAIAIT{IIY remalns potsed and self-possessed as & dazzllng debutante. Ad Ilbs are ttThat heard: heard: can t t be be Calamlty at can Calanltv I tt olt 1g ushel s Calarn lt y ln beauttfultn ete. KATIE ls enjoylng


lt all and watehes DANIIft s amazement at the transformatlon. Then sud,denly, 1lke ants convergtng on a 3-umpof sugar, the men hasten from every dtreetlon to erowd around CAIAI'fIIY. BIT,L turns from eoat raek, watches unbellevlng, then as offtcers el-amor around CALAIIITY beglns to burst wlth prlde) CAIATTTY (et men surround hero pleadlng to be on her card) Pl e a se , fe L 1 e rs...c& l n tt'gtt alL ytr e nam es on thls car dl C a l n t t e ve n sp e l l mo st of tem l ... Thatts al- 1. Itm fl1led upl S o rry... FRYER r.ooks Llke cal-amls been holdlng out on us...carrylng concealed Treapons. }dILLER

r donrt o"{.T3"30ff}ru rrm 100klngat Lt. CAIAMTTY (Breaklng away from erowd of men and &pproaehlng BILL, DANM, and KATIE) How come thls sudden popularlty? rn,s r month, iJn that shtndlg down at Hogants stable, L got such a coLd reeeptlon I spent most ot the nlght wrapped ln a hoss-b1anket, ehatttrl wlth the mules I BILL

Trrs what{^3t#iyrl:I)r"rr*, dress.

yuh...yurrlook better ln a



Youtre an absolute

,. vlslon,

DANI'IY CalamLty.

"r cAIt Do wrruotrr you poLKAfr- oRcEEsrRA ( carauITY g]-ows , t{uslc of potKA SIARTS.

A YOUNG OFFICER approaehes CAIAI{IIY. Ee t s about to reguest the dance)


'i!lr 2-4-25

CAIAMTTT (lntfelpatlng hln) Sorry.. .th1-s dance 1s reserved.. (She turns back to DAI{SY, but he has taken KATIE lnto hls arms and danced onto the floor. CAIAMfIY reacts as BILI vlews her s5mpathetlcally) Danny hasntt even asked me foi a danee ... BILL I f m h a v t n ? th e sa me tro u b l e .... CAI,AMTTY (qrF!fq1, not thlnklng) Dld you want t t danee wlth hh, ioo? (fff,L srileeps her lnto h1s arms and danees off wlth her as her eyes foLLow DANNY and I(ATIE)




Seene 5

A ${ALL, mDGED-GARDEN, CAISOPIEDBY A HIGH TREE. OTI1ISIDEBALI;ROOM. MUSIC OF POLI{A DANCECONTIIIUES. }iOONLIGETFILTERS DOIIN on palrs of lovers. KATIE enters folLowed by DANIIY. SfIe turns, plucks a rose from a bush and ralses lt to her nose. DAI{![Y places arns about her walst and caresses her hairr e.bsorbl-ng her fragranee as she does that of the rose. Sme moments later, the other lovers harre deParted.. DAN}TT

( sortry)

Katle. . .K&tle, dar3-iJtg. . . (H" takes her lnto



KATIE ( n" s lst lne hal-f -heartedLy) D a n n S r,w e sh o u l d n tt...l l o m ust go baek...theyl3.l I J u s t ca n tt b e 1 l e ve l t I . . . D a n r q r,I....


mlss uB .,.

DAIII{T ... that your r e mlne .. .

KATTE i ^Ih a t about Calam lty?

DANIIY (C a re sse s h e r, whlsper s) can be your brldesmaLd. . .. (fney are I-n a fervent klss when the DANCEI'{USIC ends and couples begln drlftlng Ol{. CALAI{IIY and BILL are anong the flrst. CAIAILIIY reacts angrl1y to what she sees, then turns and exlts hurrledly. BIT.L ls about to folLow her when IBYER and SUSAN


+!rr ltf '' 2-5-27

enter and go toward hl-rn. lvleaJtwhlle two so1-dJ.ers move through wlth trays, glasses of punch for the contalnlng g u e sts) Wherets Cal.andty, BllL? about her.

SIISAN Shets stunnlngl

Everybodyts talklng


here'l' ' whx'she''i;3;"X3"n3":Lnil3;",t;iilfii'ft"u has returned, ln her hand a gun. SOLDIEB, et thls moment, ls offerlng tray of punch to DANlff who takest a glass and hands lt to I(ATIE. BILL, alarrned, steps toward CAIAI{IIY) Eey, Ca3-aml You gone Loco? Glve me that gunl CAIAI{ITY Stay clear,

8111 lllckoekl (gs others are rooted to the spot CAIA.MITI Level-s gun just as ICATIE, l-aughlng, ls ralslne glass to 1lps. She f lres and glass shatters ln KATIE I s the becomes a1lve hand. The room wlth excltement, as guests babble I{USIC OF ORCHESTRA ln confuslon. starts as couples move toward chatterLng anlmatedJ.y) dance floor,

KATIE (ro DANI{Y, starlng at handle of glass tn her hanci) eh? Brldesnald, (Coo11y she moves past CAIAMITY wlth DANIIY at her slde and exlts lnto fort) BII,L se1-zlng gun from (S,rfftfy CAIAMITY, who stands ln a furlous state of eruptlon) You qrlrq gone 1oco. That $as a rlght

smart thlng

CAIAMITY (forn as to her next move. AngrlJ-y starts to peeL off her

13*3 Mr.serabr", tl*ff, *lilii) J,*n"",

to do.

2-5-28 ,:' jj.,

, :

( Ste looks ls wearlng out of it, Even took her ln nyproteetlon I Hcy , Calam I


cAIAumY (Cont td) down at the dre s s she and beglns struggllng funlng &s she undresses) cabln reause I thought sfre needed.

BIT,L 1:r tarnat lon y t doin | ?

CAIA}{ITY I b r i n g re r h e re l Me l 41L the r ay fr om Chlcagol ... tt make ]-ove to Danny I Goshanlghty, I tm dunb I (PuJ-1s dress over her head) fhls town alnrt blg enough, BlLlt Nbt fer me anr that t , !0&!t-rustLin t pettlcoat frlLLed-up, f1lrth lt aln t t, s I help meI BILt (Etrbarrassed, turns hls back to h e r) rt aintt that'serloust People always aet pLumb at these soclables t

You sa* tem out ln that

wasnrt aettnr I

(fe e Is o ff p e ttleoat) -:*Hffi*They she calr take thls wtth the rest of her maJx-traps I

Now wait

BTLL (Peektng over hls shoulder) a mlnute, Calam. . . I CAI,AMIIY (Rnother pettlcoat ts reraoved)

And that, (flctcs off


And that I

(ftcts off the other) Bet lt wasn t t the f lrst tl-ne he klssed her I b e e n g o l n t o n rl g h t a l o n g... ( Snlffles. . . flghts baek tears)

Bet lt t s

rf yr have tt blame ,or"u3l* blarne that pretty boy lleutenant I Seems t I me he lrras at the other end of that k l s s l n t b u sl n e ss I CAI.A}{ITY (nlpp1.rrg off stoeki.ngs) She ehamed hln hog-eyed t

2 -tr,-2e. J

CAI,AMTTY(Co n t t d ) (Rotas them up) I.ook at the se , s lJ.k t Pure s 11k I Bet her mother spun f eml BTI.,L be eom lnt by. F o r g o s h sa ke s, C a l a m, th e solJer r sll golnt to dlsrupt the whole fort lf they see Vr .


CALA!'IIlY I€t t en see meI They ean take the se things to I er t A n t t e l 1 fe r tt ke e p o u ta m y slghtl If I see r er agaln, f | put s heJ-p E€ r I 1l8111, a bulLet smaek l-n the mlddle o f t h a t p u rty fa ce o f h e rs l In both of teml (gy now she ls standlng ln her underwear. BILL ls moved to say sonnethlng, then declde s lt t s S u d d enly she dlssolves u se l e ss. lnto tears and moves toward BI[L, laying head on hls breast. Gently he holds her to hlm) BILL I take back everythtng I sald about that old coat. I better get lt t eause y r re golng to sure need lt on the Hay home. If anyone eatehes you and me thLs vray, Deadwood Citytll n e ve r b e th e sa me. SCEIVE5 tO 7


I ti.





ACT TWO Seene 6

TITE GOI,DENGARTEB. A few evenlngs later. A packed audlenee l-s attendlng to the stage where KATIE is enterlng to rlotous applause. BfLt and nDOCttare playlng poker at thelr table. I(ATIE beglns a reprlse of ITIS HARRYTIM PI..ANNTNG TO ilIARRY.II She ls proeeedlng well lnto when CAI.AMITYenters at back 1n her bucksktns and wearLng her guns. She makes her Yray to the bar, her eyes on the stage, her manner 1-s bltter and threatenlng. BIT,T, watehes her out of the eorner of hls eye.




KATIE ( sane 1.yrlces as #I9


PROSPECTOR (ar cAtq,l.,lilY passes) Hl yah, Calaml Where yuh bln? (rrnorlng sasprllIy, Oh, Calam. . .Katle ]-lke to see you. She t s gonng

CALAMTTY hfun' crosses to bar)

JoE (eanrnNDEB) sald

see me . ..



you lf

CALAT'iITY r lg h t now .. .

you come fuI,

she t d

2 - 6 4r

(xatm has caught slght of CALAI'tilY rina beglns to f alter tn her slnglng ' Then the song dles on her IlPs as CAL,AI{fTYadvances menaelngly toward th e sta g e . A u d l ence r eacts appr ehens iveJ-Y) IilTIE (Cotafy as CALAMfTYstoPs some ieet from the stage) What do You want, CalamltY? CAI.A}IITY ( fye s b laz lng, hand s care s s lng guns , ic ily) s[a g e -l e a vl i rt a t noon, tonor r ef... Ttratts a

Be on lt.

I{ATIE me?

You threatenlng



yuh. and Pl-cks ( sne walks back to bar t t s a s p rilly rr glass o f waltlne up )

MIT.T,T:R (Rushlng on stage) Wh a tts g o i n g on? W h a t l s lt? I(ATIE get out of tov{n. to me warned Ca}amlty Just

tt$;' calamrtv


rt''' sheean ;il3il;';:n:r:?t'l"i3rln*l";,'

CALAMITYls standlng n sasprlllyrr)




Buck.. . 1en[t;-n;:;i";H:

seated near stage)

(A sto n l sh e d , h € hesltates, Looks about; then wlth obvlous mlsglvlngs, passes hls gun over footllght s to ICATIE) illIT.T.RR somethlng unusual) yourself nltbr that. . .put lt

down. . -


i, ' . , . , t .

KATIE ( rgnorlng Ca1anlty I


(Class in hand, CALAMIIY freez€sr then turns and l-ooks toward stage )

Cr ond stands h e sl tates. baeklng out of ra^rrge, dbout warlly, leavlng elear l-and between KATIE KATIE, tauntlng) and her target. for? Afrald? What are you raltlne ( CIIAUIIY looks about nervously. BITJ. sftthg lnmoblle watehes her fl-xedJ-y, Then, hand tremb 1tng, she ra.lse s glas s . KATIE, hand trembllng, ratses gun. BILI sl.lps hts own gun lnto hls hand from hoJ-ster. The erowd r &rlt le lpatlng shot of rank anateur, dlve for cover. Awlmard, KATIE Levels gun to f lre . CAIAMIIY walts and shot rlngs out, shatterlng gIass. In the same moment BII'L! s gun, too, has flred . Qulck1y Heads now he replaees gun ln holster. poke up frou behind barr and from under tabl-es and see fragment in cAIAt'tfIY t S HAIID) PROSPECTOR

By crackl


dld lt I

(The men surge towards the stage and KATIE respondlng KATIE, cheerlng her. to the aeclalm cocklly blows l-maglnary smoke from muzzle, tosses gun to lts nsure yeL11ng owner as erowd ad Llbs: nTalked ca l L e d C a l -a r lght up tt her ln f er own languagel n nlmaglne Katle maklng a shot Ilke thatrf etc. from her UUSIC STARTS.. .KATIET splrlted verslon aeeonpllshment beglns brllIlant of rTf S HARRYItM PLAHI{.II{GTO I'IARBY. S CAIA out of GOLDEI{GARTERas BILL Jumps up and pursue s ) IIARRY 3RN REPRISE - KATIE

( sane Iyrles




#; ,


. i,; ,,:1.,


ACT 1TTO Scene 7 OI]TSIDE TIIE GOLDENGARTEB. DIRECTLY FOIJOI,III{G. CATAMIIY stand s defeated and spent as KATIE ean be heard ln ehorus, OFF, She starts to exlt when slnglng. follows her out of GOII]EN BfLL GARTER.



( Strfalng

BII,L to her)

Calanlty t CAI,AI{IIY (Tearful, angry and rebeLllous) Dontt you come after E€r Btll Hlckock. Irm golnt fa stts outta Deadwood I e ant

to pu1l

BTI.L ( Splnnlng her about) Yo u f r e g o l n t to d o n u th l n t of the klnd. But yfr e golnt to llsten or llLl l a ro e k yt sense1ess. ..&s lf yt had any sense t CAIAUIIY L€ t g o o l

B er yt

danged poJ-ecatI

BILL untll

(uofafrrg her flrn eease) I

her struggl-es

I tve Been y do J.ots of erazy thlngs, Calanlty t But lt t s the flrst ti^ne I ever saw yuh nake d, blasted fool of yerseJ.f .

CAI,AMTry (rfghtlng temper and enotlons, she makes d" move to tear herself anay) -' Ienmy offl BILL and llstenl Ytr e a fake, Calaml Y? dr ess, shoot ].tke & man, but y I thtnk 11ke a fenale I


BILL ( Conttd) I female t Katle beg,t yuh. t splttln snarlfu green-eyed, A , of { f r e m an, _and out of the S f r E b ea t yu n -tw l ce t...o u ttr ' ound her el You helped her t. ' . tt h a ve yi u se d r e s p e ct a n d I d l d to o .. . ( Sre looks sharPlY at hlm) IIer th a t g lass outa yr r e hand...r dld. s f i e d ld n rt'sh o o t somebody. plug dldnrt she gone wlld. Luelgr shot musta CAI,AMIlY Whye f,ou. . . BILt yr needed a l_essonl who are you tr teIl peopl9 Tlto tt love? yuh Supp""" yr dld seare that kld- outa town...would that glt I hlm' lleutenant ? Would lt stop Katle f rom lovln b;;-k i t rer baekl brlngIIetd "; thlnklnt l female or hlL her? Thatts Ca1am "' olt l |' "a - t f t" yta h a te yu h l Y t hadda lose totntght, ytd never nln agalnl ( She beglns to sob ) G r w a n ...b a ,rl i a e a i l ft ytre a iemalet Have yr r e hyster lcs an l get r em over wlth I Y t l-1 f eel better I CAIAUTTY ( Crrrlne eonvulslvelY) But If m so'pli:mb cTazy about him, Btllt


BILr, way about her' " same the I }orow...I feel cAr,m{Iry ( f-oofmg touard hfua, quest lonlngly) Y...yfr e

l.n love


Ka t ie ? BII.[,

'lS funny, Itm





dldnt t

CAI,A!'TITY lg lo w. .

BILL ( SrnlJ.e put s s hls arm around . --ii'might

t s all take a ].lttle You wllL too. over lt. "rei[.


tlme, tut

r t 11 glt



(nown to a snlf f J.e, nor{) N o , r uonlt...not


D a n n y...A11 Ilve






about | lm'i3n.

presses eloser to Brr,L, ineonsclously)

marrledr glttlnl ...&b o u t h a vln t kl.ds atrl...

a n t b u lI d ln t

a llt t le

c a b j-n a rt r

( snrrrlhg)

t S slll{r,

but I rea1J-y wanted, aL1 those thlngs...

I was klnda hankerlnt


BILL lem myself , ..

CAI,AMTTY T h e y l l 1 ne ve r b e a n o th e r man llke hlm, 8111...[ot n o t g v € r . o.



BILt a l n f t g o n n a b e e a sy g e ttlnt her outa my system , either ... (nfs J-1ps descendlng towards hers) , .& n d . .. Sfi e Yr a s B o b e a u tl fu l . ( Starlng at CALAI,IITY) So b e a u t lfu l ...€ trD d ... (tnetr 3-lps meet ln a passlonate kl ss..,a n d h e g o es on klsslng her on halr, eheek, whlsperlng. . . ) beautiful. . .crrd female. . .€Lfld..,


(laumurs) Who was that handsomelleutenant a wh1le back. . . ? (l'Iurrnurs) ' Never hearci of 11m'

you were te1llnl

me about


BILt you say to us taklrrg a rlde . . . Just the two of us. J[hat we can tatch the mooRhanglng hlgh over the mountalns. . . ttlfY Ilttle ,

,r :l- :



scRET ro\En





me be alone for a blt


"ldr SECRETrs\Eo CAIAMIIY - Contfd) (H" klsses her and moves lnto the shadows. rfre musie of nstrcnnT lo\lEft has eommeneed. Durlng the break ln the nuslc a syrrbol-le ( o" back of danee oeeurs 1n half Ileht scrln). It carrles out the theme of dJ-scovery of BITl.t r and CALAldts love for eaeh other. The dancers fade ln and out of the song as other daneers appear dressed ln westenr style but movlng romantlcaIly hetghtenlng the mood of the song) Once I had a secret love That llved wlthln the heart of n€r All too soon my secret love Becane lmpatlent to be free So I toLd a frt-endly star The way that dreamers often .do Just how wonderful you are And why Itm so 1:r love wlth you. Now I shout lt from the hlghe st h111-s, Even told the golden daffodt3.s, At last xny heart I s &n open door, And my seeret love I s no secret &rrJmore. (nna of song.


FADE on DANCffiS and



A Ctr TWO Scene I OUTSIDE TI{E GOIDEN GARTEB.. TIORNTNG. A few of Deadwoodt s cltlzens pass and, observe MIIJ;ER, glum-f&c€dr watchlng the bartender remove banner, used to advertise presenee of IGTIE BROWN. tr'BYERholds ladder for BARTEITDffi: PROSPECTOR ( f,oftertng nearby) (To Mfr,T.ER) sure 1n a peck of hard luek, It{1111e. Whytd rJ ter go Yuh hlghtalllnf out on yuh llke that? Try and reason wlth

IttLr;ffi woman...try a


any of you.

OTHM OBSER\ER J e s t a s so o n ts yu h g e t ytself an attr actlon hot as a potato, she clears out. Lllce burnlnt y t re saloon down over y I re head. OTIIER OBSEB\TER g e t p o sse c o u l d u p a Yr a nl br ing r er baek. t-tlLIle . Hot{ nilany men y I want ?

Say the word,

MTT.T.RR f eantt understand Ca1anLty...she never l-et anythlng get her as bad as Katie belng here. All she t s ever been lnterested ln was shootlng Indlans and flghtlng wlth Bi1l. Irve never see her aetlng ltke a female before, Just doesnft beeome h e r . . . o r d o e s i t? (Xotoay has a reply. fTom GOI,DENGARTER)

enters STJSAN

Susan, do y9u thlnk you and. ilfr. can get up an act for ^Ilyershow tontght?::rthg,t ls, if anJrone wl1Lyou thlnk up. D;-Wiry anyone wllL show up tonlght? Why should tfreyfsfroufO they show up any nLght?


FB]EB We wontt need mueh rehearslng. (nagerly' 1ooklng at SUSAN) What do you say, Susan? I guess we can.

But lt

SUSAN wonlt be the same wlthout


I{RYER I t ve worked out a ner.r routlne for our nuuo,ber. ( He beglns to l-mprovlse to reprlse or ''S\TERYoNECOI{PLAINSABOTN TIIE I' as the others watch) WEATIIER WEATHTRDANCE- REPRISE

(DAr{cE) ( sune)



conplaln So lf yqu still Then why the devll dontt Then why the devl1 donrt Then why the devl1 dontt About lt I

about the weather, you do somethlng, you do somethlng, you do somethlng

CAIAMITY Enters. Stre 1s attlred magnlf leently ln hlgh hat and spotless whlte bucksklns . . . a western gL11 in all her glory. She moves past a buLL-whacker) What yuh thlnk of the gladrags... I{tya, Flanaganl (He passes her wlthout a word of achrowledgement whlch astonlshes She pauses and looks CAIA}IIIY. after hlm. As another nan enters from barber shop, CALAMIIY addresses hln wLth the same exultant eheeriness) Heyt Duekfeetl Howts the neu elalm panntn| out? ( Ile too wal-ks by wlttr a seor*L a,s evldenee he has heard. CAIAUITY puzzled 1s about to go after hlm when she reallzes he 1s out of €&rshot. She then turns back and proceeCs toward the GOLDET{ GARTL:R. Undlsmayed, she aeeosts the group there )




ffi----> -ii1lt






stIsAlI, who has caught I.n CALAI'{IIYI s splrlted


somethlng appearance )

IBYER t I,o , Calamlty. . (tt" turns back to SUSANand is about to contlnue wlth his s uggestJ-ons ) CAI,AUTTY (Wow l1L-at-ease) See BlJ-L around anynhere I s? SUSAN He and colorado went out early to work thelr


CAI,AMTlY (ttottclng barurer 1n BARTEIDffits hand) Hey, Joe...l,rlatcha taklnl them slgns down for? -Alntt here no more? (No one ansilers as CAIAI{ITY looks from one lcy countena,nce to the

what r s I a *ti:Ir

she been hurt?



rell mer ,[*S:'l3tII", On her vray back


JOE Chleago.


thlcago ?

[,TILTER (lne"lly, breaktng his slLence) You warned her to get out of town, dldnrt you? got I CALAt"IflY (nngulshed) B u t I d l d 'n rt me a n l ti f w as locot I dldnr t Thatts What I came 1.nto town tt teJ.l rerl Youtre a llttle


Townts gonna mlss that

rBYER The stage r-eft a half PROSPECTOR kld.



want ter to got

hour ago.

(DANHf enters



CAIA}'IITY (ltlserab 1.e) Gosha^mlghty...I never thought she td gol I swearl She wasn t t scared,I She shot back at meI lfhy t d she do lt ? Whytd she leave? DAMIT (S u p p re sse s fur y) Because shets a 1ady, CaLa"mltyl Slrets not mean and seLflsh and she never learned hou to hurt peopl-e and wreck thelr I t v e s , l l ke ...1 1 k€ ...



CALAI,IItY (Cfromng back a sob) S"{, 1t I

DANI{T f dontt have to say ltt Thls note she left Llsten I (Reads) Dear Danny...Calanity loves you. . . B u t f d o n ttl

says everythlngt



DANITT Llstenl (Resumes readlng) Cal.antty loves you, and yqu probably J-ove her...I had no rlght to eone between you, bothr &Dd I want you to be happy...Pretend tt was Adelald Adams who eane to Deadwood. Katle Brown never effi'ted. She doesnf t now. Goodbye, Dann5r. . . (He crumpLes note) Shut upl



I{ITJ.ER . . She ltas the most real

CAI,AMTTY Put then s i gns back trpr I'fll-l-le . (er ALL loolc at her) Itm gonna brlng that stage backl ft t s ].eft

. ..



DANI{Y nornlrrg



CAI,AMTNT Eeek, RsttLeenake ea"rrtt handle that stage Ee t s probably dandllng along along slde. (As she bounds out; then turnsl Eey, DannSr, better go up ln the ht1ls an0 preache!. Ee|s got sone splicint to do. anr Bl].Lt (fxtts on the run) { o ", o p e g rl p th e b a r...r C o n e o n 1n ...€ ve T yb o d y. Dld she say she ...

Dont t r*rorTffifltnga catatrount...but st1l1 Goda.mlghty(


brlng back the Fer E€r too. Me

Mff-,LER need, a dr lnk...r need som ethlng. Itts on the house...

DAIIITT and Bl11? PROtrECTOR to exlt Lnto GOLDEN

(1" a3.l start that

wtthout me uB there r lght now ...

l1fe BlrJ r s gonnahave l1v1ng wlth



gonn; be duLL.

DAN$T a state of shoek)



(wsrc oF DEADrfooD srAcE)


ACT TWO S.cene 9 MUsfC: TIIE DEADI{OOD STAGEholds under ch lowtng. CUTAWAY sane as OF STAGECOAOH Seene 7, Act 1. Stage ls bumplng, roeklngr &nd tosslng. The actton ls helghtened by the sound of furlous ga1Loplng. RATTLEST{AKE ie perehed atop the eoech, drlvlrg helL-bent-for-€ lec t lon, holdlng ttght to the relns. IIe appears to be alert to the sound of gal.loplng hoofbeats ra,elng after h{m. InsLde the eoach, KATIE ls rolltng wtth the movement of the coach, belng tossed al-l over the seat. CAIAIT{IIY (Appears erawllng along baek of coach tonards RATTLESIIAKE. The onLy part of her body that ls vlslbLe are her head and shoulders) You pot-beaded o1r possuml whyncha stop uheir r yelledt MTTI,ESI{AKE (Vefffng over the nolse) ,fhought yuh vaz InJuns.

waaL...stopnowt Anda""go*Hffi ant' go backt RATTI,ESNAre I got sone cargo headed to Chleagol CAI,AMITT Do what I say or ltl-L wa3-J.opyuhl ( She dlsappears and the next we iee of nei- ls J-ooklng Ln on KATIE) Katte t KATIE Calant



( eaeprng)




jilt**f"llt" sonna

(r,urching.wtrh ffi3-3.vemenrvor -

the eoach) Congratulatlons .

rf m gonna be urs. H1eko"*io*nrrY

8111? r thoughtyou ro""flfrH",, That r s female thlnkln'


r k1n geteha rnto Bore rr"adin'r 1 r chlcago, or back

.:^*Fff!h+rr -wJ-

. -wtrere.'re

ICATTE Deadwood,[3i*itt;*lf)

(pushrns her n"SttHfffiuneoach

u"ffl r;i*Tf;rxn"ll"Hfftftri;r have,ta plug ($upr_back lnto eoaeh and both "ffirv.,hglrls -tt Katlel ,caIamlty r

look at eachburst lnto teari) "tfre",


ITATTE fal1 lnto eaeh.otherrs Jgtgt - v-'Y- v sarms, bawl-lng tn happlnJsJl

Femares r..Iilllt-:1":::Tffim, ITlg_"oach_lurehes


.Karr' and cer,auiff i;ii



Iiiltd'll*u"i3" rl # i* ti ;' i'roru,,crv ETfp oF ,SCqq,


ACT TWO Scene 10 ITISIDE THE GOIJ]ENGARTER. deeorated for a It 1s festlvely Tffi IVIUSICBegues Joyful oeeaglon. from DEADIIOODSIAGE of the ].ast scene TOUCH. The MEN of Dead at the bar; a grLzzLed artlst l.s puttlng the flnlshlng touehes to a stgn nJUsI Rmcml" that proeLalils, The women of Deadwood, LneLudlng the soldlers t l-adles from the fort &re movlng a,bout 1n dance, puttlng a touch to a blt of buntlng there, a streamer of rtbbon here. Others move eeremonlously about a reddlng cake wlth four tlny flgures CALAI{ITY, BII"L, KATIE, representlng, AITD DAI[I{T. FIT{AI.E - EITTTRE cot'IPAt[r MIIJ,ffi is offtclatlng

( sor{G: A

at bar.


A womants toueh, a wona"nls touch The nagle of ALaddin eouLdntt do as mueh Srets a wlzard shets a champ And she doesntt need a, Iamp. THE MEI{ (A t b a r) A womant s toueh, can Tteave & apel.I The klnd of hoeus poeus That she does so well Wlth the magle of a broom She ea^nmesmerLze a roon


SIISAN (rnters dressed es a brldesnald) Then fresto. . . ch&Dge-o Suddenly, the Eun comes shlntng through And what does l'[r. Sunshl-ne say to you. tn a (n" KATIE enters attlred weddlng dress and carrylng a bouquet ) AI,L Howdy do I (oemu ln fuLL dress uniformo folLowed by trRYERenters. SOIJDIERSfron the fort form an arch under whleh DANIIY Jolns KATIE for a few lLnes from: IO\TE YOU DEARLY) Love Ir{ore lllore Ever

I(ATIE aNd DANIT you dearly than Just sincerely than I could hope to say

Love you dearly l"lore than the moon Or nearSy DarJ.lng you take ny very breath

away . . .

CALAT{ITY (nnters in brldal gown as MUSIC segues J-nto I{Y SECREThVE, links

arms wlth Bfry

Now I shout lt from the hlghest hlIIs Even told the golden daffodlls, At last ny heart I s an open door And ny seeret J.ovet s No seeret an5nnore . . .

(uusrc segues into:


MTT],ESIIIKE (nnters ln battered top-hat and jng ta1ls ) lll-fltt

Deadwood stage t s ready


tfre weddin partyl

(CAI,AUITY throws her bouquet toward. SUSAN. KATIE throws hers to the women. BILI plcks up CAIAI,ETY...sets her down,


draws back a fold ln her dress, reveal.lng a gun ln a holster. IIe rlthdraws gun and tosses 1t to then IRYIR who holds lt glngerly p a sse s tt q u l ekly on to nDOCtt. As CROIIDthrows rlee, WEDDINGGROUP makes for door as ORCIffiSTRAand VOfCES ln fu1I volume projeet:

pEApJroop jrrAqF)

ALL Oh, the Deadwood Stage ls Wlth the curtains flapplnt th e re 1 n s. sky, a wonderful Beautlful Whlp eraek &Hay-rrhlp craek

rollln t on over the plalns and the drlver a slapplnt day arlay-whlp crack away

Oh, the Deadwood Stage ls headlnr on over the hlIIs lltrere the Injun arrovrs are a thlcker than porkeoplne Dangerous land, no tlme to deLay, I,Ihlp crack away llhlp crack away Whlp era,ck awayl




.jiii, t', '' r{'tl ;ti


' l{|',;;





'f i'i ; ,rri ,.i;1 ' . ', ,'i .r::;,r, ,.i'

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