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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 533
  • Pages: 2
STIKES MUHAMMADIYAH GOMBONG Agung Sudaryono1) Dadi Santoso , M.Kep2) Edi Sucipto , S.Kep. Ners. M.Kes. 3) ABSTRAK PENGARUH SENAM DIABETES TERHADAP KADAR GULA DARAH PADA PASIEN DIABETES MELITUS TIPE-2 DI PUSKEMAS MAOS CILACAP Latar Belakang : Diabetes Melitus tipe 2 dapat menyebabkan komplikasi berbagai penyakit. Komplikasi diabetes dapat dicegah dengan mengendalikan kadar glukosa darah. Salah satu tindakan pencegahan dan pengelolaan DM dengan latihan jasmani senam diabetes ( aerobic low impact ) . Senam ( aerobic low impact )direkomendasikan dilakukan dengan durasi 30- 60 menit dengan frekuensi 3-5 kali/ minggu. Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh senam diabetes ( aerobic low impact ) terhadap kadar gula darah pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe-2. Metode : Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre experimental design dengan rancangan one group pretest-posttest. Sampel sejumlah 30 pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 yang diambil secara purposive sampling. Hasil : Karakteristik responden sebagian besar berusia 61-70 tahun dan berjnis kelamin perempuan. Rerata kadar gula darah pasien diabetes melitus tipe-2 sebelum dan sesudah melakukan senam yaitu sebesar 200.10 mg/dl dan 174.70 mg/dl. Ada perbedaan kadar gula darah sebelum dan sesudah senam diabetes dengan selisih 25,4 mg/dl. Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh senam diabetes ( aerobic low impact )terhadap kadar gula darah pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe-2 dengan p<0.000 (p<0,05). Rekomendasi : Sebaiknya program senam diabetes ( aerobic low impact ) dikelola khusus oleh seorang koordinator dan kadar glukosa darah dievaluasi secara berkala minimal tiap bulan. Kata Kunci : Senam Diabetes, Kadar Gula Darah, Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 1)Mahasiswa

Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong satu Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong 3)Pembimbing dua Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong 2)Pembimbing


BACHELOR DEGREE OF NURSING STUDY HEALTH SCIENCE INSTITUTE OF MUHAMMADIYAH GOMBONG Agung Sudaryono 1) Dadi Santoso , M.Kep2) Edi Sucipto , S.Kep. Ners. M.Kes. 3) ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF AEROBIC LOW IMPACT OF DIABETES ON BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL IN TYPE-2 DIABETES MELITUS PATIENTS AT MAOS CILACAP HEALTH CARE COMMUNITY Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus can cause complications of various diseases. Diabetic complications can be prevented by controlling blood glucose levels. One of the management of DM is physical exercise. Aerobic low impact is recommended to be done with duration of 30-60 minutes with frequency of 3-5 times in a week. Objective: To know the effect of physical exercise ( aerobic low impact ) on blood sugar level in type 2 diabetes mellitus patient. Method: This research used pre experimental design method with one group pretest-posttest design. Samples of 30 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were taken by purposive sampling. Results: The characteristics of respondents were mostly 61-70 years old and female gender. The mean blood sugar level of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients before and after doing physical exercise is equal to 200.10 mg/dl and 174.70 mg /dl. Conclusion: There is effect of physical exercise ( aerobic low impact )on blood sugar level in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with p <0.000 (p <0,05). Recommendation: We recommend that the diabetes physical exercise ( aerobic low impact ) program is managed by a coordinator and blood glucose levels are evaluated periodically at least monthly. Keywords: Diabetes physical exercise, Blood Sugar Level, Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 1) Students of Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong 2) First Supervisor of Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong 3) Second Supervisor of Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong

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