SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin Introduce about SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin
By : Effendy (8b)
SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin is International school. SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin has 3 class, there is RSBI (international), Akselerasi, and Regular. RSBI is a new program, the student must speaking English language. Akselerasi class is a class which is graduate just in 2 years, you can step to next class in 8 months. When, the Regular class in a usual class. Which do you choose ? - You Should see a next page
SMP Negeri 6 Banjarmasin has many facilities there are: - UKS - Badminton Hall - Computer Laboratories - Physic Laboratories - Biology Laboratories - Indonesia Language Laboratories - A big playing field - 5 Canteen - Etc
RSBI class is must speaking English. The lesson is like common lesson. RSBI class has a facilities : - 2 ac (air conditioner) - 2 fan - A projector - A computer (include CPU, monitor, etc) - A printer - Free Hot Spot !!! - A nice carpet - Glass book shelf - Lamp - Map - Etc…
Akselerasi class is just 3, the class has many facilities there are : - 2 ac (air conditioner) - 2 fan - A projector - A printer - Free Hot Spot !!! - A nice carpet - A locker - Lamp - Map - Etc…
Regular Class is usual class, the class is has 5 class each grade,the class has a facilities: - 2 fan - Lamp - Book self - Map So, did you choose to be in SMP negeri 6 ?
Enough my presentation, hope you can understand and like it.