Abis Autoconfiguration

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BSC3119 Nokia BSC/TCSM, Rel. S12, Product Documentation, v.1

Abis Autoconfiguration

DN98941771 Issue 5-0 en

# Nokia Corporation

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Abis Autoconfiguration

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and describes only the product defined in the introduction of this documentation. This document is intended for the use of Nokia's customers only for the purposes of the agreement under which the document is submitted, and no part of it may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or means without the prior written permission of Nokia. The document has been prepared to be used by professional and properly trained personnel, and the customer assumes full responsibility when using it. Nokia welcomes customer comments as part of the process of continuous development and improvement of the documentation. The information or statements given in this document concerning the suitability, capacity, or performance of the mentioned hardware or software products cannot be considered binding but shall be defined in the agreement made between Nokia and the customer. However, Nokia has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the instructions contained in the document are adequate and free of material errors and omissions. Nokia will, if necessary, explain issues which may not be covered by the document. Nokia's liability for any errors in the document is limited to the documentary correction of errors. NOKIA WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE IN ANY EVENT FOR ERRORS IN THIS DOCUMENT OR FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL (INCLUDING MONETARY LOSSES), that might arise from the use of this document or the information in it. This document and the product it describes are considered protected by copyright according to the applicable laws. NOKIA logo is a registered trademark of Nokia Corporation. Other product names mentioned in this document may be trademarks of their respective companies, and they are mentioned for identification purposes only. Copyright © Nokia Corporation 2007. All rights reserved.

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Contents Contents 3 List of tables 4 List of figures 5 Summary of changes 7 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

Overview of Abis Autoconfiguration 9 BSC pre-configuration for Abis Autoconfiguration 10 Autoconfiguration as an automated process 11 Restrictions to the Abis Autoconfiguration operating tasks Behaviour of Abis Autoconfiguration alarms 14


Adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration 17

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List of tables

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List of figures

List of figures

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Summary of changes

Summary of changes

Changes between document issues are cumulative. Therefore, the latest document issue contains all changes made to previous issues.

Changes made between issues 5 and 4 The document has been revised throughout to comply with the latest documentation standards. The instructions for adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration have been moved here from BSS Integration.

Changes made between issues 4 and 3 The document has been revised throughout to comply with the latest documentation standards. The instructions for adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration have been moved to BSS Integration. No changes have been made in the document due to new features.

Changes made between issues 3 and 2 UltraSite and MetroSite do not support the ABIS Autoconfiguration feature. Therefore these site type references have been removed. MetroSite examples are replaced with InSite examples Section Adding an extension TRX has been removed. Other changes

Structural changes made to the document for S10.

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Overview of Abis Autoconfiguration


Overview of Abis Autoconfiguration Abis autoconfiguration refers to the simplification and automation of BTS commissioning and integration. The autoconfiguration solution provides operators with efficient and straightforward procedures to automatically configure the transmission while expanding and maintaining the network. The Nokia InSite Base Station supports Abis Autoconfiguration. Autoconfiguration is an alternative for end-to-end transmission capacity allocation in a network that contains Nokia InSite BTSs. Autoconfiguration addresses the circuit allocation of the BSC's 1.5 or 2 Mbit/s (ET) unit, the configuration of the base station's integrated transmission unit, and the downloading of the base station parameters. Abis loop tests are performed to verify that the commissioning has been successful and that the equipment operates correctly. Abis Autoconfiguration requires an MML, Abis Interface Configuration MML (ES), with which the autoconfiguration pools are handled. The MML includes commands for creating and deleting AC pools and for displaying information about them. All commands related to this MML are optional.

Note TRX tests are not performed on Nokia InSite BTSs.

Abis Autoconfiguration can also be used when splitting a Base Station System (BSS). Optionality of Abis Autoconfiguration

Abis Autoconfiguration is optional in the BSC. The functionality is controlled with one PRFILE parameter, ABIS_AUTOCONF_IN_USE, in class 2 (SYSTEM_FUNCT_CONFIGUR). The operator cannot change the parameter value. If autoconfiguration is not allowed, the operator cannot use the pool management MMI or create radio network objects for autoconfiguration.

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More information on Abis Autoconfiguration

For Abis autoconfiguration instructions, see Adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration.


BSC pre-configuration for Abis Autoconfiguration Ideally, the BSC is configured using Nokia NetAct and therefore the user at the BSC site does not need to carry out any configuration tasks. The BSC can also be configured with the MML. To pre-configure the BSC with the MML, follow these steps: 1.

Make sure that the BSC is operational or under commissioning.


Create the radio network objects and the O & M and TRX signalling links into the BSC's radio network database without predefined Abis circuit allocation, using either: . Nokia NetAct . BSC MML commands When you use BSC MML commands, you create the signalling links without predefined Abis circuit allocation by giving the needed parameters during the BCF/TRX creation. In Nokia NetAct, the creation of the signalling links (TSL values 0-0) is separated from the BCF/TRX creation. For more information, see section Creating a base station and initialising its parameters of BSS Integration.


As a default, the radio network objects are in locked state in the BSC after the creation. Therefore the BSC does not activate the BTS after the autoconfiguration has been completed. If you want the BTS to automatically be operative in the network, you must unlock the radio network objects before the autoconfiguration starts.


Create the transmission objects related to the Nokia InSite BTS. The Q1 addresses are saved to the BSC. For more information on the creation, see section Creating a base station and initialising its parameters of BSS Integration.


If necessary, install, create, and connect the Abis ET unit, which terminates the PCM line in the BSC. The physical installation of the ET units requires that the BSC MML is used. (Note that this is not in the scope of this manual). For more information on the creation, see Abis Interface Configuration or BSS Integration.

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Overview of Abis Autoconfiguration


Create the autoconfiguration pool into the ET-PCM using either Nokia NetAct (Q3) or the BSC MML. The size of the pool can be 3 - 31 TSLs (ETSI) or 3 - 24 TSLs (ANSI). You can create one or several pools to the same PCM. There is a limitation, controlled by the system, which allows you to create a maximum of four autoconfiguration pools/BCSU. A pool is created as a continuous block of 64 kbit time slots. It cannot be divided into two PCMs. The BSC reserves the circuits so that they cannot be used for other purposes without deleting the pool first. The BSC automatically creates and activates a 64 kbit access channel into the last time slot of the AC pool. The access channel is used for communication between the uncommissioned base stations and the BSC. The BSC is ready to serve the accessing BTS after the access channel has been created. For more information on the creation, see the step Create an autoconfiguration pool of BSS Integration.

Note In GSM Office there can be only one autoconfiguration pool in one ET port and the pool's last time slot (access channel) has to be the last time slot of the ET port.


Autoconfiguration as an automated process The following steps are executed during installation and commissioning:

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The Installation Engineer installs the new Nokia InSite, connects the transmission link, and powers-up the uncommissioned BTS (Note that this is not in the scope of this manual). For more information, see the appropriate InSite user manual or Overview of Nokia Autoconfiguration in GSM Office.


The BTS performs autodetection to find out the number and type of its units.


The Installation Engineer starts Nokia Autoconfiguration in the GSM Office by giving the autoconfiguration request command with the InSite BTS Manager that is running on a laptop PC. The Installation Engineer provides the required configuration parameters and launches Nokia Autoconfiguration.


The new base station starts the autoconfiguration process either

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by searching for capacity directly from the BSC (port scan) through a local transmission unit, or . by connecting to a hub transmission node which has already scanned the AC pool information. The hub transmission node acts as an AC pool server for any autoconfiguring client BTS. When the client BTS connects to the hub transmission node, the hub node (or several nodes) is used to create the transmission circuit between the accessing BTS and the BSC's ET port(s). The capacity for the circuit is reserved from the AC pool. .


The BTS startup continues with a O & M signalling link activation. The BSC updates the allocated Abis circuits to the radio network database and LAPD channel definition files in the memory and on the hard disks. The BSC also informs Nokia NetAct about the allocated circuits.


The success of the autoconfiguration process is tested automatically. The BTS requests the BSC to perform Abis loop tests. An Abis loop test is executed for each time slot, one after another.


The 7758 (ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION COMPLETED) notice including the testing status is set. The notice is BCF specific.

Note TRX tests are not performed on Nokia InSite BTSs. If all time slots of the pool (except for the access channel) are allocated, the BSC finally automatically deletes the pool (autodelete).

Note BTS testing is not done if the autoconfiguration procedure fails.

The test results can be read from the report history or the report printer of the BSC. The 7758 (ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION COMPLETED) notice can be seen in both the BSC and Nokia NetAct and it is saved in the alarm history as well. The tests can also be repeated with the BSC's MML. For more information on the Abis loop test, see Scheduled Radio Network Test Handling (UC) and Single Radio Network Test Handling (UB).

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Overview of Abis Autoconfiguration


Restrictions to the Abis Autoconfiguration operating tasks There are certain restrictions related to the task-based instructions: BCF creation .

The autoconfigure parameter (AC) can only be used with Nokia InSite.


The bit rate parameter (BR) is obligatory if the BCF is created to be autoconfigured. If the BCF is not created to be autoconfigured, this parameter cannot be used.


You cannot give the D-channel link set number (DNBR) parameter, if the BCF is created to be autoconfigured.


The D-channel link set name must be unique. A new O & M signalling link with the given name is created during the BCF creation.

TRX creation

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If the BCF is waiting for Abis autoconfiguration, you can only create the TRX under it to be autoconfigured.


You cannot give the parameter value ISDN to the TRX transmission type (TRA) parameter, if the TRX is created to be autoconfigured (the parameter autoconfiguration value is Y).


You cannot give the Abis speech circuit parameter if the TRX is created to be autoconfigured.


You cannot give the D-channel telecom link set number (DNBR) parameter if the TRX is created to be autoconfigured.


The name of the D-channel telecom link set must be unique. A new telecom signalling link with the given name is created during the TRX creation.


The bit rate (BR) parameter is obligatory if the TRX is created to be autoconfigured. You cannot give this parameter if the TRX is not created to be autoconfigured.


You can give the combi link (CL) parameter only if the parameter transceiver identification value is 1 and the TRX is created to be autoconfigured. If the combi link option (combined O & M and Telecom signalling channel) is used, the bit rate values of the O & M link and the telecom link of TRX-1 must be identical.

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Behaviour of Abis Autoconfiguration alarms Initial stage, all objects created to be autoconfigured: BCF BTS TRX



No active alarms. Unlocking the objects (TRX first, then BTS, then BCF): BCF BTS TRX



When the BCF is unlocked, the BSC sets the alarm 7756 (BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION) (BCF specific). Locking the objects that are waiting for autoconfiguration: BCF BTS TRX



When the BCF is locked, the BSC cancels the alarm 7756 (BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION) (BCF specific). The autoconfiguration is done and it has been successful to TRX (unlocked objects before AC): BCF BTS TRX



When the autoconfiguration has successfully been finished, the BSC cancels the BCF-specific alarm 7756 (BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION). The autoconfiguration is done and it is unsuccessful: BCF BTS TRX



If the BSC does not receive the message BTS_OMU_STARTED within the time limit, the BSC cancels the autoconfiguration procedure and sets the 7757 (ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION FAILED) alarm for that BCF. In addition, the 7756 (BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION) alarm is still active.

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Overview of Abis Autoconfiguration

If the objects have been locked, the 7756 (BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION) alarm is not active. Locking the objects after unsuccessful autoconfiguration: BCF BTS TRX



When the BCF is locked, the BSC cancels the 7756 (BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION) alarm. The 7757 (ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION FAILED) alarm is not cancelled. The 7757 (ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION FAILED) alarm is active as long as the autoconfiguration has succeeded or the BCF is deleted.

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Adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration


Adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration For an overvierw, see Overview of Abis Autoconfiguration.

Steps 1.

Create a BCF to be autoconfigured (EFC). As a default, the operational state of the new BCF is 'Locked' (L). Since you cannot create the TRXs if the operational state of the BSC is 'Unlocked', you must first create the entire BCF site (BCF, BTS, and the TRXs) before you can change the state of the BCF to 'Unlocked'. EFC:,<site type>:,,;

Note No similar D-channel link set name can be created before this command is given.

Note If you want the new site to automatically be operative after the autoconfiguration, unlock the BCF by giving the autoconfiguration request command with the BTS Manager before the Installation Engineer starts the autoconfiguration at the site. If you unlock the BCF before the autoconfiguration is completed, alarm 7756 (BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION) is set.


Create a BTS (EQC). As a default, the administrative state of the new BTS is 'Locked' (L).

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Abis Autoconfiguration

Abis Autoconfiguration does not change the usage of the EQC command. EQC:,, :,: ,:<mobile country code>,<mobile network code>,;

Note The BTS-specific parameters power control and handover control must be created before you can unlock the BTS, although Abis Autoconfiguration is not related to these parameters in any way. The commands used to create the parameters are: EUC (power control, POC) and EHC (handover control, HOC). For more information, see Handover Control Parameter Handling and Power Control Parameter Handling.


Create a TRX to be autoconfigured (ERC). As default, the administrative state of the created new TRX is 'Locked' (L). ERC:,::,::,,;

Note If you want the new TRX to automatically be operative after autoconfiguration, unlock the TRX by giving the autoconfiguration request command with the BTS Manager before the installation engineer starts the autoconfiguration at the site.

Note When creating an InSite TRX to be autoconfigured, it is recommended that the Compressed Abis time slot allocation solution be used. Use the SIGN parameter in the ERC command. This solution is particularly advisable in low traffic areas in the case of BTSs with one TRX, where it is essential to have coverage. For more information, see Nokia BSS transmission configuration.

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Adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration


Create an autoconfiguration pool (ESC). The Abis interface ET-PCM must be created before the autoconfiguration (AC) pool. For more information, see Abis Interface Configuration (ES) or BSS Integration. ZESC:;

Note For GSM Office the AC Pool must extend to TSL 31 or TSL 24 (E1 or T1, respectively). With the GSM Office solution, you can only create one AC pool / ET and the AC pool's last timeslot has to be the last timeslot of the ET-PCM.

Note An AC Pool cannot be created on a timeslot which is reserved for existing D channel links.

To delete an autoconfiguration pool, use the ESD command. Enter the parameter circuit or pool id. 5.

Display information on autoconfiguration pool (ESO). To display information on autoconfiguration pools, use the ESO command. Enter the parameter circuit, pool id or PCM number The following information is displayed for each pool: . pool id . PCM and time slot to identify the location of the pool . number of free time slots in the pool (access channel is reserved) . name, number, and time slot of the access channel . unit type and index of the unit controlling the access channel. Further information

Example ZEFC:12,I:DNAME=OMU12,AC=Y,BR=64;

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Abis Autoconfiguration

ZEQC:BCF=12,BTS=12,NAME=CENTRUM1:CI=33,BAND=900:NCC=3, BCC=4:MCC=111,MNC=02,LAC=3344; ERC:BTS=12,TRX=1:AC=Y,:FREQ=23,TSC=0:DNAME=AC1:BR=64, CL=Y,CH0=MBCCHC; ZESC:CRCT=32–1&&–31; Examples of the ESO command: ZESO:CRCT=72-9; ZESO:CRCT=72-9&&-20; ZESO:ID=1; ZESO:ID=1&&5; ZESO:PCM=72&75; ZESO; Expected outcome

The BSC is ready to serve the new accessing BTS after the steps Create a BCF to be autoconfigured,Create a BTS,Create a TRX to be autoconfigured and Create an autoconfiguration pool have been completed. The Installation Engineer uses the BTS Manager to give the system information relevant for the Abis autoconfiguration. The new base station starts the autoconfiguration procedure. From the BSC point of view a successful Abis autoconfiguration procedure can be explained as follows. It is assumed here that the site has already been 'Unlocked' before step 1 and that the alarm 7756 BLOCKED BECAUSE WAITING FOR ABIS AUTOCONFIGURATION is set for the BCF.

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The BTS or hub transmission node looks for the access channel and finds it.


The BSC sends a report about the autoconfiguration pool sizes to the hub node or the BTS.


The BTS asks the BSC to allocate traffic and signalling circuits for the TRX


The BSC allocates the circuits for the O & M link.


The BSC activates the O & M link.

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Adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration


The BSC allocates the circuits for telecom link(s).


The BSC activates the telecom link(s).


The BSC allocates the speech circuits of the TRXs.


Information about allocated circuits is sent to the BTS.


The BTS continues its boot up from the commission state to the OMUSIG link establishment waiting state.




Possible BTS software downloads are done.


Configuration data is sent to the BTS.


Abis loop tests are done.


State changed information is sent from the BTS to the BSC (TRX specific).


The BTS informs the BSC about the completion of the configuring phase.


The operational state of the TRX is changed to working (WO) if it was unlocked in the beginning.


A new BTS is ready for traffic.

Unexpected outcome

The BSC does not allow the BTS access procedure to continue If the BSC has some other active access sequence, for example, some other Nokia InSite is accessing at the same time, the BSC puts the request to a queue. If the BSC cannot serve the queuing Nokia InSite during the defined period of time, it discards the request. The BTS tries to access the BSC constantly until it is served. Unexpected outcome

Autoconfiguration procedure fails and alarm 7757 is set The alarm printout gives an error code which should be checked. The following list gives possible reasons for a failure:

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The pool is not found.


The BSC's BSC ID is wrong.


The BCF has not been created in the BSC.


The BCF is not waiting for the autoconfiguration.

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The TRX is not waiting for the autoconfiguration.


The TRX has already been autoconfigured.


There are no TRXs to autoconfigure.


Links cannot be combined.


Allocation cannot be optimised.


There is no room for circuits in the pool.


The BCF cannot be reserved for autoconfiguration.


Modifying the OMUSIG has failed.


Activating the OMUSIG has failed.


Modifying the TRXSIG has failed.


Activating the TRXSIG has failed.


The traffic channel allocation has failed.


The message from the BTS is missing.


The BTS has interrupted the scenario.

These are general level error codes. For more details, see the computer log of the Marker and Cellular management Unit (MCMU) and act according to the more specific error data, for example, link number, trx_id, bcf_id, incorrect BSC's Cnumber, pool id or incorrect access channel id. Try the Abis autoconfiguration again after you have found and solved the reason behind the error.

To create the Abis autoconfiguration pool again: 1.

Check if the Abis autoconfiguration pool has been created. Use the MML command ZESO (interrogation)


Create the Abis Autoconfiguration pool if it does not exist yet. Use the MML command ZESC (creation).


Start the autoconfiguration of the BTS site.

Unexpected outcome

Testing fails

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Adding a new Nokia InSite base station and a TRX with Abis Autoconfiguration

The automated testing is performed in the BSC during the Abis autoconfiguration procedure. The testing can also be done separately without any connection to the Abis autoconfiguration procedures. For more information on Abis loop tests, see Scheduled Radio Network Test Handling (UC) and Single Radio Network Test Handling (UB). The failure of testing does not affect Abis autoconfiguration as such. Although the testing might fail, the BSC regards the Abis allocation as successful and does not cancel it if the BTS sends a message telling that the BTS has been started via the O & M link that was just allocated.

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