Abbott Shadow Ministry Attachment 8.12.09[1]

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  • Words: 802
  • Pages: 2



Leader of the Opposition Shadow Parliamentary Secretary Assisting the Leader of the Opposition

The Hon Tony Abbott MP Senator Cory Bernardi

Senator the Hon Nick Minchin

Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs (Deputy Leader of the Opposition) Shadow Minister for Trade, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government (Leader of The Nationals) Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Northern and Remote Australia Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Roads and Transport Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Development and Emerging Trade Markets

The Hon Julie Bishop MP

Senator the Hon David Johnston

The Hon Warren Truss MP

Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald

Shadow Minister for Resources and Energy (Leader of the Opposition in the Senate) Shadow Minister for Tourism and the Arts Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism Shadow Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations (Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate) Shadow Minister for Employment Participation, Apprenticeships and Training Shadow Treasurer Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs, Financial Services, Superannuation and Corporate Law (Deputy Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Shadow Assistant Treasurer Shadow Minister for COAG and Modernising the Federation Shadow Minister for Education, Apprenticeships and Training (Manager of Opposition Business in the House) Shadow Minister for Early Childhood Education and Childcare Shadow Minister for the Status of Women Shadow Minister for Youth and Sport Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Education and School Curriculum Standards Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Water Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Population Policy Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for the Murray Darling Basin Shadow Attorney-General Shadow Minister for Justice and Customs Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Public Security and Policing Shadow Minister for Defence Shadow Minister for Defence Science and Personnel and Assisting Shadow Minister for Defence Shadow Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Shadow Minister for Health and Ageing Shadow Minister for Ageing Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Regional Health Services, Health and Wellbeing Shadow Minister for Families, Housing and Human Services Shadow Minister for Seniors Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities, Carers and the Voluntary Sector Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Families, Housing and Human Services

Senator the Hon Nick Minchin

The Hon Ian Macfarlane MP

Mr Steven Ciobo MP Mrs Jo Gash MP Senator the Hon Eric Abetz

Mr Michael Keenan MP

Senator the Hon Ian Macdonald Mr Don Randall MP Mr Mark Coulton MP

Senator Mathias Cormann The Hon Joe Hockey MP Mr Luke Hartsuyker MP

Senator Barnaby Joyce

The Hon Sussan Ley MP Senator Marise Payne

Senator Mitch Fifield Hon Joe Hockey MP

The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Senator the Hon Brett Mason

The Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP

Senator Marise Payne

The Hon Dr Sharman Stone MP Mr Steven Ciobo MP Senator the Hon Brett Mason

Senator Marise Payne Senator the Hon Brett Mason

The Hon Ian Macfarlane Senator Cory Bernardi

Senator Cory Bernardi

Senator Simon Birmingham

Senator Simon Birmingham

Senator the Hon George Brandis SC Mr Michael Keenan MP Mr Jason Wood MP

Mr Michael Keenan MP

Senator the Hon David Johnston The Hon Bob Baldwin MP

The Hon Bob Baldwin MP

Mrs Louise Markus MP Mr Stuart Robert MP The Hon Peter Dutton MP Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells Dr Andrew Southcott MP

Senator the Hon David Johnston

The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Senator Mitch Fifield

The Hon Bronwyn Bishop MP Senator Mitch Fifield

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Senator Gary Humphries

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Shadow Minister for Climate Action, Environment and Heritage Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Action Shadow Minister for Indigenous Affairs (Deputy Leader of the Nationals) Shadow Minister for Finance and Debt Reduction Shadow Special Minister of State and Scrutiny of Government Waste Chairman of the Scrutiny of Government Waste Committee Shadow Minister for Agriculture, Food Security, Fisheries and Forestry Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Shadow Minister for Small Business, Deregulation, Competition Policy and Sustainable Cities Shadow Minister for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy Shadow Minister for Immigration and Citizenship Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Citizenship

The Hon Greg Hunt MP

Senator the Hon Eric Abetz

Senator Simon Birmingham Senator the Hon Nigel Scullion

The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Shadow Parliamentary Secretary Innovation, Industry, Science and Research Chairman of the Coalition Policy Development Committee

Senator Barnaby Joyce Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson Senator Guy Barnett The Hon John Cobb MP

The Hon Joe Hockey MP

Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck

Senator the Hon Richard Colbeck The Hon Bruce Billson MP

Senator the Hon Michael Ronaldson

The Hon Tony Smith MP

Senator the Hon Nick Minchin

Mr Scott Morrison MP Senator Gary Humphries

Senator Gary Humphries

Mrs Sophie Mirabella MP

Senator the Hon Brett Mason

Senator the Hon Brett Mason The Hon Andrew Robb AO MP Shadow Cabinet Ministers are shown in bold type.

In addition, the Hon Philip Ruddock MP will act as Shadow Cabinet Secretary.

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