A Story....................... About Trust Allah,

  • Uploaded by: Reep Hod
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  • May 2020
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  • Words: 415
  • Pages: 2
Once a merchant found himself in difficult circumstances. He asked another man to lend him one thousand dinars. The man said “Get me a witness and I will lend you the money.” The merchant replied, “Allah suffices for a witness!” The man said again, “Get me a trustee then!” The merchant replied, “Allah suffices for a trustee!” Finally the man agrees “Allah is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. You are right. “He gave the merchant the money and set a deadline for repayment. The merchant traveled to various places, traded in different goods, and earned money. When the deadline drew near, the merchant intended to come back and repay his debt. Unfortunately, there were no ships leaving to his destination. He waited for days and days but in vain. “What should I do? I made Allah a witness; how can I then betray Him? I have no choice, and this is what I will do.” He got a tree trunk, made a hole in it, and put the money inside with a message attached. The merchant sealed the trunk well so that no water would enter and spoil the money. He stood beside the tree trunk, raised his hands and invoked Allah: “O Allah, You have saved Prophet Moses from the sea. Save this trust that I keep within your care and deliver this money to its owner.” And then pushed the trunk into the sea. When the time of repayment arrived, the owner of the money went out down to the seashore waiting for a ship bearing the merchant. However, one did not appear. Instead he found a piece of wood. He took it home thinking to use it to make fire. When he chopped it into pieces, he found his one thousand dinars and the message! He exclaimed, “O Lord! I don’t believe my eyes! My money? By the sea? I know that Allah is the All-Seeing!”

After a while, the merchant found a ship. He returned and went to meet the man. The merchant wanted to give him the money, but the man told him, “Allah repaid your dept. Haven’t you heard the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) say “Those who borrow money from people and intend to repay it --- Allah will repay for them? Your money and your message reached me safely.” Allah hears every du’aa’ we make. Remember the Morale of the story, trust Allah, and make du’aa with all your hearts, Allah hears every du’aa’ we make.

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