A Report On Recruitment & Selection.docx

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Department of Business Management Tripura University (A Central University) Agartala, Suryamaninagar – 799022, Tripura


This is to certify that the project work done on “Recruitment & Selection” is a bonafide work carried out by Miss. Bonani Das under my supervision and guidance. The Project report is submitted towards the partial fulfillment of 2 years full time in Masters in Business Administration. This work has not been submitted anywhere else for any other degree/diploma. The original work was carried during 7th June to 6th August 2017 in (Medica Gamma Hospital).

Name of the Faculty: MR. TAMAL CHAUDHURI Signature of Faculty Supervisor: Date:


"I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of many individuals and organizations. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of them.

I am highly indebted to MR. TAMAL CHAUDHURI for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project & also for his support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards the members of MEDICA GAMMA HOSPITAL, KOLKATA for their kind co-operation and encouragement which helped me in the completion of this project. I would like to express my special gratitude and thanks to the HR Manager of Medica Gamma Hospital, MRS PRIYA KHEMKA YADAV for giving me such attention and time.

My thanks and appreciations also go to my classmates and family members who have helped me in developing the project and people who have willingly helped me out with their abilities.

STUDENT DECLARATION This is to certify that i have completed the Summer Project (Recruitment & Selection) under the guidance of Mr. Tamal Chaudhuri in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Degree of Masters of Business Administration at Department of Business Management, Tripura University (A Central University), Suryamaninagar, Agartala, Tripura (W). This is an original piece of work & I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

Date: Signature: Place: Agartala University Enrolment No:

Name: Bonani Das


Effective human resource management has become more important in recent times. Here are some reasons why: 

Most businesses now provide services rather than produce goods – people are the critical resource in the quality and customer service level of any service business

Competitiveness requires a business to be efficient and productive – this is difficult unless the workforce is well motivated, has the right skills and is effectively organized.

The move towards fewer layers of management hierarchy (flatter organisational structures) has placed greater emphasis on delegation and communication.

As a result, if a business is to be successful and achieve its objectives, then it needs to manage its human resources effectively. Human resource management is usually shortened to "HRM". It is defined by the CIPD as: "The design, implementation and maintenance of strategies to manage people for optimum business performance" In other words, HRM is about how people are managed by a business in order to meet the strategic objectives of the business. The functional objectives set for HRM need to be consistent with the corporate objectives. The key is to remember that HRM is a strategic approach. HRM uses a variety of tools to help meet the strategic needs of the business, each of which works together in an integrated way. The key tools are: 

Workforce planning

Recruitment & selection

Training & development

Rewarding and motivating staff


Roles and responsibilities (organisational structures)


Definition of Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment:Recruitment (hiring) is the first step of appointment. Recruitment refers to the overall process of attracting, selecting and appointing suitable candidates for jobs (either permanent or temporary) within an organization. Recruitment can be defined as searching for and obtaining a pool of potential candidates with the desired knowledge, skills and experience to allow an organization to select the most appropriate people to fill job vacancies against defined position descriptions and specifications. Acquiring the best applicants for a role can be a competitive advantage for an organization whereas ineffective recruitment and selection can result in enormous disruption, reduced productivity, interpersonal difficulties and interruptions to operations, customer service and long term costs. Selection:Selection is the process of picking or choosing the right candidate, who is most suitable for a vacant job position in an organization. In other words, selection can also be explained as the process of interviewing the candidates and evaluating their qualities, which are required for a specific job and then choosing the suitable candidate for the position.

Importance of Recruitment & Selection

Recruitment & selection plays an important role in the success of an organization. In a constantly changing business world, companies need to hire people who are adaptable, loyal, knowledgeable, dependable and confident, thereby creating a foundation for success. Recruitment & selection can be also important for the following reasons:Cost:- Cost is a major reason why recruitment and selection is important. There are many ways in which poor recruitment practices can result in financial losses. For example, if a candidate's competency is not accurately assessed, he may make mistakes that can hinder productivity. If he needs to be retrained or replaced, this takes up more company time that could otherwise be invested toward remaining competitive. Retention:- Improper recruitment and selection practices can often result in high turnover or involuntary separations. If a recruiter is not careful when analyzing resumes and conducting interviews, he/she may hire an employee with a weak work ethic or a tendency to move quickly from one job to another -- "job hopping." Recruiters should pay close attention to the lengths of time at each previous job and carefully check references. Loyalty and Productivity:- Loyalty and productivity are linked. Employees who feel dedicated to the organization will work hard to help it succeed. With this in mind, recruiters must ask questions that provide information about a candidate's strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, interviewers should inquire about a candidate's greatest achievements throughout her career. Generally, loyal employees will have a track record of striving for excellence, resulting in a more competitive, innovative and profitable business. Legal Issues:- Discrimination is a serious concern among recruiters. If discriminatory hiring practices can be proven, this could result in serious harm, both financially and in terms of reputation. First, advertise only the essential requirements for the position. Provide an accurate job description, listing only the position name and the specific duties involved. Things such as language proficiency or physical capabilities should not be listed unless they are absolutely essential for the role.

The scope of Recruitment and Selection

The scope of Recruitment & selection is very wide and it consists of a variety of operations. Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence, hiring right resources is the most important aspect of recruitment. Every company has its own pattern of recruitment as per their recruitment policies and procedures. The scope of Recruitment and Selection includes the following operations – 

Dealing with the excess or shortage of resources.

Preparing the Recruitment policy for different categories of employees.

Analyzing the recruitment policies, processes, and procedures of the organization.

Identifying the areas, where there could be a scope of improvement.

Streamlining the hiring process with suitable recommendations.

Choosing the best suitable process of recruitment for effective hiring of resources.

Process of Recruitment Recruitment is a process of finding and attracting the potential resources for filling up the vacant positions in an organization. It sources the candidates with the abilities and attitude, which are required for achieving the objectives of an organization. Recruitment process is a process of identifying the jobs vacancy, analyzing the job requirements, reviewing applications, screening, short listing and selecting the right candidate. The recruitment process may follow the five best practices. These five practices ensure successful recruitment without any interruptions & they are:Recruitment planning: Recruitment planning is the first step of the recruitment process, where the vacant positions are analyzed and described. It includes job specifications and its nature, experience, qualifications and skills required for the job, etc. A structured recruitment plan is mandatory to attract potential candidates from a pool of candidates. The potential candidates should be qualified, experienced with a capability to take the responsibilities required to achieve the objectives of the organization. Recruitment Strategy: Recruitment strategy is the second step of the recruitment process, where a strategy is prepared for hiring the resources. After completing the preparation of job descriptions and job specifications, the next step is to decide which strategy to adopt for recruiting the potential candidates for the organization. While preparing a recruitment strategy, the HR team considers the following points − 

Make or buy employees

Types of recruitment

Geographical area

Recruitment sources

Searching the Right Candidates: Searching is the process of recruitment where the resources are sourced depending upon the requirement of the job. After the recruitment strategy is done, the searching of candidates will be initialized. This process consists of two steps − 

Source activation − Once the line manager verifies and permits the existence of the vacancy, the search for candidates starts.

Selling − Here, the organization selects the media through which the communication of vacancies reaches the prospective candidates.

Searching involves attracting the job seekers to the vacancies. The sources are broadly divided into two categories: Internal Sources and External Sources.

Screening / Short listing: Screening is the process of filtering the applications of the candidates for further selection process. Screening is an integral part of recruitment process that helps in removing unqualified or irrelevant candidates, which were received through sourcing. The screening process of recruitment consists of three steps −  Reviewing of Resumes and Cover Letters: Reviewing is the first step of screening candidates. In this process, the resumes of the candidates are reviewed and checked for the candidates’ education, work experience, and overall background matching the requirement of the job. While reviewing the resumes, an HR executive must keep the following points in mind, to ensure better screening of the potential candidates − 

Reason for change of job

Longevity with each organization

Long gaps in employment


Lack of career progression

 Conducting Telephonic or Video Interview; Conducting telephonic or video interviews is the second step of screening candidates. In this process, after the resumes are screened, the candidates are contacted through phone or video by the hiring manager. This screening process has two outcomes − 

It helps in verifying the candidates, whether they are active and available.

It also helps in giving a quick insight about the candidate’s attitude, ability to answer interview questions, and communication skills.

 Identifying the top candidates: Identifying the top candidates is the final step of screening the resumes/candidates. In this process, the top layers of resumes are shortlisted, which makes it easy for the hiring manager to take a decision. This process has the following three outcomes − 

Shortlisting 5 to 10 resumes for review by the hiring managers

Providing insights and recommendations to the hiring manager

Helps the hiring managers to take a decision in hiring the right candidate

Evaluation and Control: Evaluation and control is the last stage in the process of recruitment. In this process, the effectiveness and the validity of the process and methods are assessed. Recruitment is a costly process, hence it is important that the performance of the recruitment process is thoroughly evaluated.

Process of Selection

Selection is very important for any organization for minimizing the losses and maximizing the profits. The selection procedure should be perfect. A good selection process comprise the following stepsEmployment interview: Employment interview is a process in which one-on-one session is conducted with the applicant to know a candidate better. It helps the interviewer to discover the inner qualities of the applicant and helps in taking a right decision. Checking References: Reference checking is a process of verifying the applicant’s qualifications and experiences with the references provided by him. These reference checks help the interviewer understand the conduct, the attitude, and the behaviour of the candidate as an individual and also as a professional. Medical Examination – Medical examination is a process, in which the physical and the mental fitness of the applicants are checked to ensure that the candidates are capable of performing a job or not. This examination helps the organization in choosing the right candidates who are physically and mentally fit. Final Selection – The final selection is the final process which proves that the applicant has qualified in all the rounds of the selection process and will be issued an appointment letter.

Difference between Recruitment and Selection



Recruitment is defined as the process of identifying and making the potential candidates to apply for the jobs.

Selection is defined as the process of choosing the right candidate for the vacant positions.

Recruitment is called as a positive process with its approach of attracting as many candidate as possible for the vacant jobs.

Selection is called as a negative process with its elimination or rejection of as many candidate as possible for identifying the right candidate for the position.

Sources of Recruitment Recruitment is broadly classified into two different categories – Internal Sources and External Sources. Internal Sources of recruitmentInternal Sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees within the organization internally. In other words, applicants seeking for the different positions are those who are currently employed with the same organization. This is an important source of recruitment, which provides the opportunities for the development and utilization of the existing resources within the organization. Internal sources of recruitment are the best and the easiest way of selecting resources as performance of their work is already known to the organization. Various Internal Sources of recruitment are:

Promotions - Promotions refers to upgrading the employees by evaluating their performance in the organization. It is the process of shifting an employee from a lower position to a higher position with more responsibilities, remuneration, facilities, and status. Many organizations fill the higher vacant positions with the process of promotions, internally.

Transfers - Transfer refers to the process of interchanging from one job to another without any change in the rank and responsibilities. It can also be the shifting of employees from one department to another department or one location to another location, depending upon the requirement of the position.

Recruiting Former Employees - Recruiting former employees is a process of internal sources of recruitment, wherein the ex-employees are called back depending upon the requirement of the position. This process is cost effective and saves plenty of times. The other major benefit of recruiting former employees is that they are very well versed with the roles and responsibilities of the job and the organization needs to spend less on their training and development.

Internal Advertisements (Job Posting) – Internal Advertisements is a process of posting/ advertising jobs within the organization. This job posting is an open invitation to all the employees inside the organization, where they can apply for the vacant positions. It provides equal opportunities to all the employees working in the organization. Hence, the recruitment will be done from within the organization and it saves a lot of cost.

Employee Referrals – Employee referrals is an effective way of sourcing the right candidates at a low cost. It is the process of hiring new resources through the references of employees, who are currently working with the organization. In this process, the present employees can refer their friends and relatives for filling up the vacant positions. Organizations encourage employee referrals, because it is cost effective and saves times as compared to hiring candidates from external sources.

Most organizations, in order to motivate their employees, go ahead and reward them with a referral bonus for a successful hire. 

Previous Applicants – Here, the hiring team checks the profiles of previous applicants from the organizational recruitment database. These applicants are those who have applied for jobs in the past. These resources can be easily approached and the response will be positive in most of the cases. It is also an inexpensive way of filling up the vacant positions.

External Sources of Recruitment – External sources of recruitment refer to hiring employees outside the organization externally. In other words, the applicants seeking job opportunities are those who are external to the organization. Although hiring through external sources is a bit expensive and tough, it has tremendous potential of driving the organization forward in achieving its goals. Various external sources of recruitment are:

Direct Recruitment – Direct recruitment refers to the external source of recruitment where the recruitment of qualified candidates are done by placing a notice of vacancy on the notice board in the organization.

Employment Exchanges – Employment exchange is a government entity, where the details of job seekers are stored and given to the employers for filling the vacant positions. This external recruitment is helpful in hiring for unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled workers.

Employment Agencies – Employment agencies are good external sources of recruitment. Employment agencies run by various sectors like private, public, or government. It provides unskilled, semi-skilled and skilled resources as per the requirements of the organization. These agencies hold a database of qualified candidates and organization can use their services at a cost.

Advertisements – Advertisements are the most popular and very much preferred source of external source of recruitment. The job vacancy is announced through various print and electronic media with a specific job description and specifications of the requirements. Using advertisements is the best way to source candidates in a short span and it offers an efficient way of screening the candidate’s specific requirements.

Professional Associations – Professional associations can help an organization in hiring professional, technical, and managerial personnel, however they specialize in sourcing mid-level and top-level resources. There are many professional associations that act as a bridge between the organizations and the job-seekers.

Campus Recruitment – Campus recruitment is an external source of recruitment, where the educational institutions such as colleges and universities offer opportunities for hiring students. In this process, the organizations visit technical, management, and professional institutions for recruiting students directly for the new positions.

Word of Mouth Advertising – Word of mouth is an intangible way of sourcing the candidates for filling up the vacant positions. There are many reputed organizations with good image in the market. Such organizations only need a word-of-mouth advertising regarding a job vacancy to attract a large number of candidates.

Recruitment Interviews

An interview is a purposeful exchange of ideas, the answering of questions and communication between two or more persons. It refers to a conversation with one or more persons acting as the role of an interviewer who ask questions and the persons who answer the questions act as the role of an interviewee. The primary purpose of an interview is to transfer information from interviewee to interviewer. Interviews can be either formal or informal, structured or unstructured. Interviews can be carried out one-to-one or in groups; they can be conducted over telephone or via video conferencing.

Interview process

Interviewing candidates is the final stage in the recruitment process. To find the right person for a specific position, there should be a proper process, that has to be followed for the right results. An ideal interview process for selecting the right candidates is as follows – 

Determine the requirements of the job. Conduct a thorough job analysis.

Prepare a specific job description and a job specification.

Make a plan – how and where to find qualified candidates.

Collect and review applications and resumes and from them, select the most potential and qualified candidates for further proceedings.

Interview the shortlisted candidates based upon the job description and specification.

Verify the candidate’s background with the references provided by them.

Types of Interviews

Depending upon the requirements, situations, locations and time, the interviews are broadly classified into ten different categories. Recruiters should be knowledgeable enough to understand which type of interview should be used when. The ten different types of interviews are as follows – 

Structured Interview – In this type, the interview is designed and detailed in advance. A structured interview is pre-planned, accurate, and consistent in hiring the candidates. Unstructured Interview – This type of interview is an unplanned one, where the interview questionnaire is not prepared. Here, the effectiveness of the interview is very less and there is a tremendous waste of time and effort of both the interviewer and the interviewee. Group Interview – In this type of interview, all the candidates or a group of candidates are interviewed together. Group interviews are conducted to save time when there is a large number of applications for a few job vacancies. A topic will be given to discuss among the candidates and the interviewer judges the innovativeness and behaviour of each candidate in the group. Depth Interview – Depth interview is a semi-structured interview, where the candidates have to give a detailed information about their education background, work experience, special interests, etc. And the interviewer takes a depth interview and tries in finding the expertise of the candidate. Stress Interview – Stress interviews are conducted to discover how a candidate behaves in stressful conditions. In this type of interview, the interviewer will come to know whether the candidate can handle a complex job. The candidate who maintains his composure during a stress interview is normally the right person to handle a stressful job. Individual Interview – In an individual interview, the interview takes place one-onone i.e.; there will be a verbal and a interaction between two people, an interviewer and a candidate. This is a two-way communication interview, which helps in finding the right candidate for a vacant position. Formal Interview – A formal interview held in a formal way, i.e., the candidate will be intimated about the interview well in advance and the interviewer plans and prepares questions for the interview. This is also called as a planned interview. Panel Interview – Panel interview, is being conducted by a group of people. In this type of interview, three to five members of the selection committee will be asking questions to the candidates on different aspects. The final decision will be taken by all the members of the panel collectively.

Exit Interview – Exit interviews are conducted for those employees who want to leave the organization. The importance of exit interview is to discover why an employee wants to leave his job.


a) Aim and establishment of the hospital    

Established on 14th January , 2017 Dr. Alok Roy – Chairman, Dr. B. Ramana – Vice Chairman Vision- They are committed to bring the best in healthcare.  Mission- The mission of the organization is to deliver excellent clinical outcome with superior patient care in a transparent manner within a safe environment.

Types of services provided - Health care services

b) Administrative Departments of the hospital I) Head- Owner  

Vice Chairman Vice President

ii) Vice Chairman  

Medical Departments Nursing care service

iii) Vice President 

Centre       

Head HR Maintenance Executive Purchase Security IT Finance

SPECIALISED MEDICAL DEPARTMENTS OF MEDICA GAMMA HOSPITAL Bariatric surgery This kind of surgery is mainly carried out on patients who have obesity. Weight los is achieved by reducing the size of the stomach with a gastric gland or through removal of a portion of the stomach or by resecting and re routing the small intestine to a small stomach pouch. Medica gamma Hospital is well specialised in this department. Dr. B. Ramana is the Head of Bariatric Department. Comprehensive Hernia Surgery A hernia is the abnormal exit of tissue or an organ such as the bowel through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides. Hernia come in a number of different types. Most commonly they involve in which the abdomen specifically the groin. Groin hernia are most of the inguinal type but may also be femoral. Medica Gamma hospital is well specialised in this department. Gastro intestinal surgery This is the branch of medicine that deals with the diseases relating to digestive system. Diseases affecting the intestinal tract starting from mouth to anus along with the alimentary canal is their complete focus. This hospital provides a great service to these patients by the highly qualified doctors Internal Medicine It is the medical branch dealing with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of adult diseases. Physicians specializing in internal medicine are called internists or physicians. Internists are skilled in the management of patients who have undifferentiated or multi system disease processes. Internists care for hospitalized and ambulatory patients and may play a major role in teaching and research. The hospital is specialised in this department. Oncology This branch is of medicine that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer. A medical professional who practices oncology is an oncologist. Medica Gamma Hospital also specialises in Oncology. Plastic and cosmetic surgery

Plastic surgery is a surgical speciality involving the restoration, reconstruction or alteration of the human body . It includes cosmetic or aesthetic surgery, reconstructive surgery, craniofacial surgery, hand surgery, micro surgery and the treatment of burns. Medica Gamma Hospital specialises in this department and gives a well to do service to its customers. Psychiatry and Psychology This branch mainly deals with the diseases related to mental health. This hospital also specialises in psychiatry and psychology. Orthopaedics This branch mainly deals with disease of bones and fracture of the bones. An orthopaedic cast, body cast, plaster is a shell frequently made from plaster or fibreglass encasing a limb. An orthopaedic cast, body cast, plaster cast, or surgical cast, is a shell, frequently made from plaster or fibreglass encasing a limb. This department is also available in Medica Gamma Hospital. Endocrinology and Diabetes This branch deals with the biology and medicine dealing with the endocrine system,its diseases, and its specific secretions known as hormones. It is also concerned with the integration of developmental events proliferation, growth, and differentiation , and the psychological or behavioural activities of metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sleep, digestion, respiration, excretion, mood, stress, lactation, movement, reproduction.

Proctology This is a branch which deals with the diseases related to rectum and anus. This hospital is specialised in this department.


Q1. Do you think that Recruitment and selection Process effective for the Organizational objectives?

Is Recruitment & Selection process effective 20

15 10 5 0



Strongly Agree



Neither Agree/Nor Disagree 0

Strongly Neither Agree/Nor Agree Agree Disagree 17 11


Strongly Disagree



Strongly Disagree Disagree 0 2


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 17 employees have agreed that Recruitment and selection Process is effective for the Organizational objectives, 11 employees have strongly agreed that Recruitment and selection Process is effective for the Organizational objectives & 2 employees have disagreed that Recruitment and selection Process is effective for the Organizational objectives.

Q2. Which method do you mostly prefer from the following for recruitment and selection?

Methods for Recruitment & Selection 25 20 15 10 5 0 Series1

Direct Method

Direct Method 21

Indirect Method 21

Indirect Method 5

Third Party 4

Third Party 5


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 21 employees said that they prefer Direct Method for Recruitment and Selection, 5employees said that they prefer Indirect Method for Recruitment and selection & 4 employees said that they prefer Third Party for Recruitment and selection.

Q3. Does the organization clearly define about the objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process?

Organisation defining objectives requirement & specifiaction 20 15 10 5 0

Yes 18



No 12

No 18


Interpretation: Out of 30 employee, 18 employee have responded positively that their organization clearly define about the objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process, and 12 employee said No that their organization doesn’t clearly define about the objectives, requirements and candidate specifications in the recruitment process.

Q4. Do you think that Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates appearing for selection process?

Job Responsibilities and Job Description defined in selection process 15 10 5 0


Strongly Agree Agree 9


Strongly Agree



Neither Agree/Nor Disagree 1

Neither Agree/Nor Disagree 3


Strongly Disagree



Strongly Disagree Disagree 1



Interpretation: Out of 30 employee, 9 employee have agreed that Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates appearing for selection process, 3 employee have strongly agreed that Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates appearing for selection process, 1 employee have responded Neither Agree/Nor Disagree that Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates appearing for selection process, 15 employees have Disagreed that Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates appearing for selection process & 2 employees have Strongly Disagreed that Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates appearing for selection process.

Q5. Which is the most important quality the organization looks for in a candidate?

Important quality in a candidate 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0


Knowledg e 4

Past Experienc e 5



Team work ability 4

Past Team work Knowledge Experience Discipline ability 4 5 0

Intellectua l

All the Above



All the Intellectual Above 4 3


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 4 employee have responded that Knowledge is the most important quality the organization looks for in a candidate, 5 employee have responded that Past Experience is the most important quality the organization looks for in a candidate, 4 employee have responded that Tem work ability is the most important quality the organization looks for in a candidate, 3 employee have responded that Intellectual is the most important quality the organization looks for in a candidate & 14 employee have responded that All (Knowledge, Past Experience, Discipline, Team work ability, Intellectual) are important quality the organization looks for in a candidate.

Q6. Do you think organization looks for experienced employees in selection process?

Organisation looks for experienced employees 25 20 15 10 5 0 Series1

To some Yes No extent 22 2

Yes 22

No 2

To some extent 6


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 22 employees have responded positively that organization looks for experienced employees in selection process, 2 employees said No that organization doesn’t looks for experienced employees in selection process & 6 employees said that To some extend organization looks for experienced employees in selection process.

Q7. What form of interview did you prefer?

Preference for Interview 25 20 15 10 5 0

Personal Interview


Personal Interview


Telephonic Interview 3


Video Conference

Telephonic Interview 25

Video Conference



Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 25 employees said that they prefer Personal interview, 3 employee said that they prefer Telephonic Interview & 2 employees said that they prefer video conferencing for interview.

Q8. Are you satisfied with round of interview conducted?

Satisfaction level of interview 20 15 10 5 0

Yes 16



No 2

No 16

To some extent 12

To some extent 2


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 16 employees said Yes that they are satisfied with the round of interview conducted, 2 employees said that No they are not satisfied with the round of interview conducted and 12 employee said that To some extent they are satisfied with the round of interview conducted.

Q9. How do you rate the HR practices of the company?

Ratings of HR Practices 15 10 5 0 Series1

Excellent 0


Very Good 7

Very Good 0

Good 15

Good 7

Satisfactory 8

Satisfactory 15


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 7 employees said that they rate as Very Good for the HR practices of the company, 15 employees said that they rate as Good for the HR practices of the company, 8 employees said that they rate as Satisfactory for the HR practices of the company.

Q10. Does your organization do employee verification before and after selection?

Employee verification Yes





No 30


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, everyone has responded positively that their organization do employee verification before and after selection.

Q11. According to you is the training mandatory for all level of employees after the recruitment process?

Is training mandatory for all employees 12 10 8

6 4 2 0 Series1

1 12

Strongly Agree

Agree 12

2 10

3 1

Neither Agree/Nor Disagree 10

4 5

Strongly Disagree

Disagree 1

5 2



Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 12 employees have agreed that training is mandatory for all level of employees after the recruitment process, 10 employees have Strongly Agreed that training is mandatory for all level of employees after the recruitment process, 1 employee have Neither Agreed/ Nor Disagreed that training is mandatory for all level of employees after the recruitment process, 5 employees have Disagreed that training is mandatory for all level of employees after the recruitment process and 2 employees have Strongly Disagreed that training is mandatory for all level of employees after the recruitment process.

Q12. How you will increase the efficiency of an organization (department wise)?

Effeciency of organisation 12 10 8 6 4 2 0



To create the environment



To create the Motivation environment 10

Co- relation & Cooperation 12

Proper monitoring

Feed back



Co- relation & Cooperation 1

Proper monitoring 12

Feed back 3

Interpretation: Out of 30 employee, 10 employee said that by motivation the efficiency of an organization can be increased, 1 employee said that by creating the environment the efficiency of an organization can be increased, 12 employee said that by Co-relation & Cooperation the efficiency of an organization can be increased, 3 employees said that by proper monitoring the efficiency of an organization can be increased & 4 employee said that by Feedback the efficiency of an organization can be increased.


Q13. Do you think that recruiter should be knowledgeable and Experience?

Knowledge and Experience of Recruiter 20 15 10 5 0




Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree



Neither Agree/Nor Disagree

Strongly Agree 13

Neither Agree/Nor Disagree 0


Strongly Disagree

Disagree 0


Interpretation: : Out of 30 employee, 13 employee have Agreed that recruiter should be knowledgeable and Experience &17 employee have Strongly Agreed that recruiter should be knowledgeable and Experience.


Q14. Do you ever get advice from your senior or your colleagues to improve your performance?

Performance to be improved No



No 30


Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, all employees have responded positively that they get advice from their senior or colleagues to improve their performance.

Q15. Do you think recruitment and selection process depends on interviews?

Recruitment & selection depends upon interview Axis Title

15 10 5 0


Agree Strongly Agree 15


Strongly Agree



Neither Agree/Nor Disagree 2

Neither Agree/Nor Disagree 9


Strongly Disagree



Strongly Disagree

Disagree 2



Interpretation: Out of 30 employees, 15 employees have agreed that recruitment and selection process depends on interviews, 9 employees have Strongly Agreed that recruitment and selection process depends on interviews, 2 employees have Neither Agreed/ Nor Disagreed that recruitment and selection process depends on interviews & 4 employees have Disagreed that recruitment and selection process depends on interviews.

Findings & Analysis 1. Maximum employees said that Recruitment and selection Process is effective for the Organizational objectives. 2. Majority of the employees prefer Direct Method for Recruitment & Selection. 3. Majority of the employees said that organization looks for experienced employees in selection process. 4. Most of the employees have rate the HR practices as Good.

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