A Poke Of The Trident-ii

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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II

©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II


“aṣṭau vasavaḥ ekᾱdaśa rudrᾱḥ, dvᾱdaśᾱdityᾱḥ, te ekatriṁśat indraś caiva prajᾱpatiś ca trayastriṁśᾱv iti.”

~ Yājñavalkya, The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Ninth Brahmana, Adhyaya Three, Verse 2 Vedic religion has thirty three devatas – dwadash aditya, ashta vasu, ekadas rudra, Indra and Prajapati. “katame rudrᾱ iti. daśeme puruṣe pranaḥ ᾱtmaikᾱdaśaḥ; te yadᾱsmᾱt śarīrᾱn martyᾱd utkrᾱmanti, atha rodayanti, tad yad rodayanti, tasmᾱd rudrᾱ iti.”

~ Yājñavalkya, The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Ninth Brahmana, Adhyaya Three, Verse 4 The eleven Rudras are the five gyanendriyas, five karmendriyas and the Atma. When they cease of function or leave the human body, they cause the person to cry (Rodan is crying and hence the name Rudra). Shiva evolved as a God of destruction or re-organization in the Sanatan Dharma during the Gupta era (280-550 CE) and was closely associated with Rudra. He was called the auspicious one and thus was linked to Soul or Atma. Rudra was given a Trident to achieve his goal of separating the soul from the body. This trident was called Tri-shoola since it had a base and three sharp tips with which Rudra caused death and destruction. Vedic Astrology uses this concept in making some of the most remarkable predictions about death and destruction.

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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II

The Theory In this paper I would use two theories of Vedic Astrology. a) Tri-Shoola b) Sarvatobhadra Chakra Readers who are not familiar with these concepts can go over books on Vedic astrology on the above concepts.

©Ancient Indian Astrology Classes

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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II

The Case LA Fire – 2009, LA There is not much to write about this incident here since this is happening right now. Anyone with access to any daily news would know about the damage this event caused to life and material.

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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II

The City City Los Angeles Natal Chart

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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II


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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II

The Event LA Fire

Moon (Maheshwara) was in Moola nakshatra which is a Tri-shoola nakshtra. Ketu (Rudra) in Pushya nakshatra has Vedha on PPhal and Shatabhishak nakshatra which are Trishoola nakshtras.

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AIAC – A Poke of The Trident-II

~ Ancient Indian Astrology Classes September 4, 2009 00:00 hrs CST Chicago, IL http://www.ancientindianastrologyclasses.com http://aiaclasses.blogspot.com

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