A Guide On Relationship

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 1,467
  • Pages: 2
A GUIDE ON RELATIONSHIP, FRIENDSHIP AND LOVE Man is a social animal has been proved long ago. We started staying together in colonies so as to man always wanted to be in a social setting. Those social settings gave way to varied feelings and emotions. Some of the feelings of love and friendship fostered within these communities. That same thing that our initial homo sapiens did we have today in the form apartments, community complexes, colonies, cities and towns. And everywhere you can see examples of love, .friendship and several other relationships foster Coming to the fact about love and friendship. These are the two feelings we as human beings always crave for. But it is these two feelings that love and friendship which also give you a maximum amount of pain and hurt. Mostly these feelings result from the mistakes we make when we select our friends. This begets a basic question as to why do we always make wrong selection about love and friendship. Do we become so blind in love that we do not see anything ?bad about the other person? Do we become that unmindful of all other facts that we see only good in that friendship A friendship evolves because we want to have people with similar mindsets be with you. That logic helps you become friends with likeminded people. Friends will always have common thoughts and true friends can even read each other's .thoughts Love blooms because of attraction and there is no logical reasoning to love. That is why it is said that love is blind. But as your relationship matures, you share your thoughts with each other and that is where the potential acrimony may lie if you are not careful about it. The reason being that as you become aware of each other's thoughts you always want to change the other person viewpoint to match yours. That may not happen so easily and the relationship starts getting .affected. Eventually some relationships end because the other person does not want to give in to your demands The other re al ity is t hat man is a f actor of experiences. These experiences keep changi ng you ev ery da y. That changes can af fec t your friendsh ip or lov e as y ou ma y s ee the other person in a di fferent ligh t. It is here that you need to understan d how the basic f eel ings of lo ve and f rie ndsh ip occ ur and how the y blosso m. Once you a re aw are of these ph ys ical and menta l r easons of lo ve and friends hip .you wil l alw ays be caref ul of what can happe n to a relati ons hip

A GUIDE TO A HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP In today's fast changing times it is tough to find a partner who is right for you and fits into your idea of an ideal partner. .Here is my guide to a healthy relationship At the initial stages of a relationship everything seems so perfect and the relationships always seem headed for a long term relationship but that may not be case always. Almost everyone in a new relationship never thinks about bad things .but always about good things and how good the partner is. This is what they call a honeymoon period But sooner or later the novelty wears off and you can be either going the long term way or headed for a nasty split. What happened after those first few months is any body's guess. No guessing but there are a few facts that you need to be careful about and that will do the trick and will also let you know early on if the relationship id headed for .doomsday or for a long term association On of the big factors that play part in the relationship is mutual respect. This aspect of relationship is very important and the way you know that you know that other person has respect for you is that he or she values your positive opinions as well as negative opinions. Same goes for you that you understand other persons thought process and value him as an individual. The key to mutual respect is that you do not pus each other's boundaries and if that starts to .happen you better think hard about the relationship Trust is the foundation of your relationship and if that is gone other factors become irrelevant. A good judge will be that you let your boyfriend hang out with a few of his girlfriends every now and then. That shows him that you trust him. But make sure to see signs of warning if he is crossing his limits. If he or she is not trustworthy better get out of a .relationship fast before it hurts you The other factor is that you treat each other as equals. This of course goes back to the other factor that is respect. That

said it means that do you treat each other as equals and also make sure that you treat each other fairly. A good example would be that if you like watching theater and your partner like going to games then do you take turns to do that or not. If yes then your relationship is going good and if not that means you have to figure what kind of a .relationship you are in The last but the not the least is that open communication. If you are able to tell your partner everything without he or .she being upset about anything you say that means you are definitely in a good long term relationship

WANT TRUE LOVE? DEFINE IT FIRST True love. Most of us search high and low for true love in that one ideal relationship. We struggle over it and with it, yearn for it, craft books, music, and poems about it--all without a clear understanding of what we seek or why we want .it so desperately We're not even sure what love is. How do we define it? The definition of love is as unique and as varied as every individual who experiences it. That's a big part of the problem. Love feels different for each person. So how do we tell if the one we love actually returns the favor? After all, our loved one may offer us love that does not quite feel like what .we know as love To clear up at least some of the confusion, let us establish a basic definition for true love. The truest, purest love is unconditional. Such love is also the simplest form of love because it has no hooks, no standards, no expectations, no .conditions attached to it whatsoever. No complications, no hidden clauses or agendas, no restraints or exceptions Unconditional love is true love, and unconditional love is healing and uplifting--the ultimate source of all life. True/unconditional love sustains and nurtures life, joy, peace, and freedom. That is why we look so hard for true love. .Deep in our souls, we long to be free, loved, and secure The very simplicity of unconditional/true love is also the source of its power. Lacking all limitations, unconditional love is limitless and endless. Unconditional love is simply another way of saying God, the infinite, the divine, the source, known .by many names. Every major religion, in fact, asserts that God is love Unconditional love--God in other words--is so simple that most of us find it very suspicious if not downright impossible to understand or accept. We're certain there has to be a catch somewhere, just as we're convinced that some people, somehow and in some way, have done something so horrible or unforgiveable that they no longer merit God's or .anyone else's love Do we damn child abusers? What about terrorists who cause death on a mass scale? Do we condemn corporate ?polluters? Illegal drug users? Homosexuals? Christian fundamentalists? Those of differing faiths or races Our personal litany of the unlovable/unforgiveable says far more about the limitations of our love than about anyone else. It also shows us that the love we give and receive is constricted and diminished by judgments, standards, or expectations. Once we impose even one tiny judgment, standard, or expectation on love, it devolves away from being .true / unconditional Trapped in the painful web of conditional love, we devote our time and energy to looking for love in all the wrong .places. We keep hoping to find true love somewhere--out there--outside of ourselves, in someone else' eyes But that is not the place to find true love. Only when we look within will we find what we truly seek--love that heals and .sustains us and can even help heal our world

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