A Clil University Teacher Profile A Romanian Perspective

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  • Words: 3,229
  • Pages: 13
Teodora Popescu “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia


Abstract This paper aims at presenting a profile of CLIL university teachers from a Romanian perspective. The key issues that we will focus on are: the relevance of plurilingual education in a European country; CLIL teacher competences regarding classroom management, learning strategies, language use and use of teaching materials; awareness-raising as to the process of language acquisition for CLIL (cultural, linguistic, psychological, sociological and pedagogical aspects); a possible action plan for CLIL teachers. We will exemplify CLIL teaching in Human Resources Management.

Introduction There is at present wide literature on the subject of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and still there are many areas that call for research and, especially for classroom practice. We will start our present paper by providing a general framework for the conceptualisation and implementation of this educational domain. CLIL as such is an umbrella term coined by David Marsh of the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, where courses in different subject through a second/foreign language and learning a second/foreign language by studying content-based subjects have been popular in vocational secondary education for a number of years. It was adopted by the European Network of Administrators, Researchers and Practitioners (EUROCLIC)1 in the mid 1990’s. The term refers to any activity


EuroCLIC url: www.euroclic.net

in which a foreign language is used as a tool in the learning of a non-language subject in which both language and subject have a joint role (Marsh 2002: 58). Specialists felt compelled to give currency to such a term, as the nature of CLIL had to be more clearly defined from out of a whole series of related approaches, such as content-based instruction, immersion, bilingual education and many others. Whereas CLIL shares certain aspects of learning and teaching with the previous learning/teaching processes, it essentially operates along a continuum of the foreign language and the non-language content without establishing the precedence of one over another. “It was thus exclusive in explaining how a variety of methods could be used to give language and non-language subject matter a joint curricular role in the domain of mainstream education, pre-schooling and adult lifelong education. Usage of this term allows us to consider the myriad variations […] without imposing restrictions which might fail to take account of school or region-specific implementation characteristics […] It does not give emphasis to either language teaching or learning, or to content teaching and learning, but sees both as integral parts of the whole.” (Marsh 2002: 58) It may therefore stated that CLIL represents a lifelong concept encompassing all sectors of education from primary to tertiary and beyond, from a few hours per week to intensive modules lasting several months. It may involve project work, examination courses, drama, chemistry and mathematical research. CLIL is flexible and dynamic, where topics and subjects – foreign languages and non-language subjects - are integrated in order to provide value-added educational outcomes for the widest possible range of learners. Nevertheless, we need to pay heed to the fact that the underlying value is related to the quality of the learning experience. The efficiency of CLIL revolves around a series of situational and contextual variables, consequently it is essential that CLIL pedagogies are correctly understood. One of the first steps is to identify the fundamental principles and effective classroom practice which will lead to the creation of a framework for assuring quality in diverse contexts. CLIL per se is no guarantee for effective teaching and learning. Kees de Bot (in Marsh 2002: 32) asserted that “It is obvious that teaching a subject in a foreign language is not the same as an integration of language and content… language teachers and subject teachers

need to work together… [to] formulate the new didactics needed for a real integration of form and function in language teaching.” The CLIL teaching / learning programme caught on quite rapidly, particularly in Europe. According the Eurydice Report on European developments for CLIL “The CLIL methodological approach seeking to foster integrated learning of languages and other areas of curricular content is a fast developing phenomenon in Europe… Aware of this challenge, national policy makers are taking a greater interest in CLIL and offering a wide variety of initiatives consistent with the different circumstances facing them.” (Eurydice 2006: 2) 2

CLIL components Coyle (2002) put forward four major components that need to be emphasised by all those who desire to successfully implement CLIL programmes. These are as follows: •

subject matter (content);

the language of and for learning (communication);

the thinking integral to high quality learning (cognition);

the global citizenship agenda (culture).

This framework points out that the effectiveness of CLIL depends on successful combination of several factors: progression in knowledge, skills and understanding of the content, engagement in associated cognitive processing, interaction in the communicative context, developing appropriate language knowledge and skills as well as acquiring a deepening intercultural awareness through the positioning of self and ‘otherness’. Coyle further on recommends six principles around which CLIL has to revolve: 1. Content matter is not only about acquiring knowledge and skills, it is about the learner creating their own knowledge and understanding and developing skills (personalised learning);


Eurydice Report 2006 url: http://www.eurydice.org

2. Content is related to learning and thinking (cognition). To enable the learner to create their own interpretation of content, it must be analysed for its linguistic demands; 3. Thinking processes (cognition) need to be analysed for their linguistic demands; 4. Language needs to be learned which is related to the learning context, learning through that language, reconstructing the content and its related cognitive processes. This language needs to be transparent and accessible; 5. Interaction in the learning context is crucial to learning. This has extended implications when the learning context operates through the medium of a foreign language. 6. The relationship between cultures and languages is complex. Intercultural awareness is pivotal to CLIL. Its legitimate place is at the core of CLIL.

Plurilingual and pluricultural competence We would like in the following to elaborate on the relevance of CLIL to the development of plurilingual and pluricultural competence. This last concept pertains to the ability to use languages for the purposes of communication and to participate in intercultural interaction, where a person, regarded as a social agent has proficiency, of varying degrees, in several languages and experience of several cultures. This is not seen as the superposition or juxtaposition of distinct competences, but rather as the existence of a complex or even composite competence which the user may bring into play. (CEF, p.168) The most important follow up of this new philosophy is that the aim of language education is thoroughly modified. It is no longer perceived as simply to achieve ‘mastery’ of one or two, or even three languages, each taken in isolation, with the ‘ideal native speaker’ as the ultimate model. Instead, the desideratum is to develop a linguistic repertory, in which all linguistic abilities have a place and a role. Therefore it is essential that some key objectives pertaining to language education should be borne in mind:


languages offered in educational institutions should be diversified and

students given the opportunity to develop a plurilingual competence. zOnce

it is recognised that language learning is a lifelong task, the development

of a young person’s motivation, skill and confidence in facing new language experience out of school comes to be of central importance. zThe

responsibilities of educational authorities, qualifying examining bodies and

teachers will go beyond the attainment of a given level of proficiency in a particular language at a particular moment in time. Further on, it may again be underlined that plurilingual and pluricultural competence also promotes the development of linguistic and communication awareness, and even metacognitive strategies which enable the social agent to become more cognizant of and get hold of his or her own ‘spontaneous’ ways of handling tasks and more specifically their linguistic scope. Moreover, this experience of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism: • exploits pre-existing sociolinguistic and pragmatic competences which in turn develops them further; • is conducive to a better perception of what is general and what is specific with reference to the linguistic organisation of different languages (form of metalinguistic, interlinguistic or so to speak ‘hyperlinguistic’ awareness); • by its nature refines knowledge of how to learn and the capacity to enter into relations with others and new situations. It may, therefore, to some degree accelerate subsequent learning in the linguistic and cultural areas. This is the case even if plurilingual and pluricultural competence is ‘uneven’ and if proficiency in a particular language remains ‘partial’. It is by no means an easy task to outline now all the efforts that the European Commission has made towards the implementation of multilimgualism and plurilingualism, being fully aware that citizens' language skills will be equally important in achieving European policy goals, in particular against a background of increasing global competition and the challenge of better exploiting Europe's potential for sustainable growth and more and better jobs. Furthermore, cognizant of its own responsibilities and of those of the other Institutions, the Commission

reckons that the situation can and must improve and consequently recommends to Member States to take additional measures to promote widespread individual multilingualism and to foster a society that show consideration to all citizens’ linguistic identities. At present there are languages that are spoken in Europe, both as mother and foreign language. The supremacy is still held by English as a foreign language, although there are still some languages that are also reported as being used, unsurprisingly, German, French and Spanish (more than Italian).

Table 1. Languages most commonly used in the European Union (Source: Eurobarometer Report 63.4; http://europa.eu.int/comm/public_opinion/archives/eb/eb63/eb63_en.htm) Key competences of a CLIL teacher In the following lines we would like to tentatively present some of the competencies that we consider a successful CLIL teacher should possess.

z Classroom management skills (clear instructions, examples and explanations in

English, equal and effective class participation; successful teacher-student communication, appropriate organisation, pacing and distribution of class activities, etc.); z Teaching strategies, techniques and methods (communicative approach and

learner-centeredness; fostering of learner motivation); z Awareness of cognitive issues entailed by CLIL (integration of linguistic

meaning and specialist content); z Teamwork abilities and networking skills (to cooperate with colleagues from

different disciplines); z Appropriate use of language exponents (teacher instructions - class







transmission); z Well-informed use of teaching materials (with a double focus: on content and


A Romanian perspective In the following we would like to delineate the general educational routes in Romania. The table below presents the structure of our educational system, according to age, grade, educational and qualification levels, as well as the equivalence with the ISCED system. The educational system in Romania follows in broad terms the structure of most European countries. Foreign languages are studied along all educational routes, with different hour allocation for each. According to the type of school (general education, vocational school, etc. and the concentration of the class, the number of foreign language classes may vary from 1 to 5/6 (with optional courses) per foreign language. There is also the possibility to study up to 3 foreign languages (FL1 – foreign language 1, FL2 – foreign language 2, FL3 – foreign language 3).


Type of education



Post-university education 6 Doctorate (PhD) >19

5 Post4

compulsory 18













Post- high school education









School of

school –

Arts and











5 4 3








Lower secondary school



school –




– upper



and post






High school








Educational level


Primary school




1 Lower secondary education

Primary education

Pre-school education




Table 2. The structure of the educational system in Romania (Source: ETF, Sharing expertise in training – Country Monograph on education, training and employment services in Romania 2003)

It might also be of relevance to bring into discussion the system of initial and continuous teacher training in Romania, with special emphasis on language teacher education. The initial teacher training programme is generally run alongside the specialist bachelor programmes, managed by a special department in each university, in accordance with the principles and guidelines laid down by the Ministry of Education and Research. Therefore, the initial language teacher education in Romanian universities follow the pattern indicated below: z Pre-service teacher training (Module I) – 35 ECTS:

•Psychology of Education (56 tuition hours, 5 ECTS); •General Pedagogy I (Introduction to Pedagogy & Curriculum Theory, 56 tuition hours, 5 ECTS) and II (Theory of Instruction and Theory of Assessment, 56 tuition hours, 5 ECTS);

•Foreign Language 1 Teaching Methodology (42 tuition hours, 5 ECTS); •Foreign Language 1 Teaching Practice (Practicum, 42 tuition hours,



•Foreign Language 2 Teaching Methodology (42 tuition hours, 5 ECTS); •Foreign Language 2 Teaching Practice (Practicum, 42, 2,5 ECTS); •Electives: Information and communication technologies; Theory and practice of civic education (42 tuition hours, 4 ECTS);

•Final Portfolio (14 tuition hours, 1 ECTS) We have only illustrated the teacher education programme for future teachers of modern languages. The only difference for future teachers of other subjects would be that they will only have one course in Teaching Methodology (according to their subject content) and one course in Teaching Practice (amounting to 84 tuition hours altogether), therefore the package will only add up to 30 ECTS. z

In-service teacher training (Module II)

•Curricular area (Language and communication – in the case of teachers of modern languages) didactics (56 tuition hours, 5 ECTS);

•Class management (56 tuition hours, 5 ECTS);

•Counselling and career advising (56 tuition hours, 5 ECTS); •Computer-assisted learning (42 tuition hours, 4 ECTS); •Electives:

I (Intercultural education; Educational policies; Contemporary

pedagogic doctrines; Primary and secondary education management – 42 tuition hours, 4 ECTS) and II (Adult learner pedagogy; Psycho-pedagogy of learners with special needs; Sociology of education; Educational research methodology – 42 tuition hours, 4 ECTS);


practice (Practicum – 42 tuition hours, for teachers without

previous teaching experience);

•Final Project (42 tuition hours, 3 ECTS). zTeacher Certification

The teacher certification framework is a testing system jointly run by the Ministry of Education and the Teacher Education Department of each individual university.

• Preliminary Teacher Certification (for newly qualified teachers – Level III); min. 2 years’ teaching experience;

• Advanced Teacher Certification (Level II); min. 5 years’ teaching experience; • Expert Teacher Certification (Level I); min. 8 years’ teaching experience. As can easily be seen from the above information, future and practising teachers of foreign language teachers in Romania never get and formal training in content and language integrated learning and teaching. If they need to acquire any additional competences, they have to do it on their own, which means it usually works both ways: teachers of specialist subjects need to improve their language skills, whereas the language teachers need to acquire some specialist knowledge in the field under discussion.

Illustration of a CLIL-course in HRM As a response to the challenges posed by the need for internationalisation and standardisation of education across Europe, more and more universities in Romania are trying to include specialist courses taught in English, which at the

same time aim at increased linguistic competences Illustration of a Human Resources Management course in English for Romanian students Syllabus overview Course objectives and Learning outcomes (what students will be able to do at the end of the course) 1


HR Basics


HR and human behaviour


HR system alternatives


HR links to strategy


Labor market context of HR


Legal context of HR


Staffing: Selection and placement


Employee development


Employee performance


Rewards and compensation

zHR z


and firm performance

Case studies

COGNITIVE OBJECTIVES z Describe the field of "human resource management" and understand its

relevance to managers and employees in work organizations. z Describe fundamental employment laws in Romania. z Conduct a basic job analysis and apply this understanding of job requirements to

other human resource management systems such as selection, performance appraisal, and compensation. z Recognize basic human resource management tools such as performance

appraisal forms, and understand some of the technical details of human resource management practices. z Apply relevant theories to the management of people in organizations. z Analyze business challenges involving human resource systems. z Critically assess and evaluate human resource policies and practices.



use of overall spoken interaction skills

Understand a non-native/native speaker interlocutor



Carry out conversations and informal discussions


Participate in (in)formal discussions and meetings


Develop goal-oriented co-operation strategies


Describe past work experiences and put a case forward


Take part in an effective information exchange


Interview and be interviewed successfully

CULTURAL OBJECTIVES • Be able to bring the Romanian culture and other foreign cultures in relation with each other; • Show cultural sensitivity and the ability to identify and use a variety of strategies for contact with people from other cultures; • Be able to fulfil the role of cultural intermediary between the Romanian culture and a foreign culture and to deal effectively with intercultural misunderstanding and conflict situations; • Be capable to overcome stereotyped relationships.

Conclusions and suggestions for CLIL teacher training programmes In view of achieving the aim of successful implementation of quality CLIL teacher training we advance the following suggestions for teacher education programmes that can be implemented in Romanian and other European universities: z Trainees should have the chance to teach in local bilingual or language

specialist schools using CLIL methods. z Trainees need to practise CLIL teaching in methodology seminars and

workshops. z Trainees become increasingly aware of the body of research into CLIL

approaches to language teaching, and its widening use in European foreign language teaching. z In case there are limited locally available educational contexts, such as local

bilingual schools, cooperation between teacher education institutions and local schools may help develop new contexts in which CLIL teaching can take place.

z Given the limited time-frame of initial teacher education, it may be more

worthwhile teaching CLIL approaches during in-service education courses.

Bibliography 1. Commission of the European Communities (2005) Communication from the Commission to the Council, The European Parliament, The European Economic and Social Committee and The Committee of The Regions: A New Framework Strategy For Multilingualism, Brussels 2. The European Commission (2004) European Profile for Language Teacher Education – A Frame of Reference Final Report A Report to the European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture. 3. The European Commission (2006) The Action Plan on promoting Language Learning and Linguistic Diversity: 2004-2006. 4. Marsh, D. and Maljers, A. and Hartiala, A-K. (2001) Profiling European CLIL Classrooms Languages Open Doors. 5. Marsh, D (Ed) (2002) CLIL/EMILE- The European Dimension: Actions, Trends and Foresight Potential Public Services Contract DG EAC: European Commission. 6. Richards, J.C. and Rodgers, T.S. (1986) Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching Cambridge University Press. 7. Popescu, T. (2007). “Advocating Content and Language Integrated Learning in Romanian Universities” Educaţia 21, no.4, Centrul de Cercetare şi Inovaţie în Curriculum, Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă, Cluj-Napoca.

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