Education, A Mothers Perspective

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 765
  • Pages: 2
Education, A Mothers Perspective As a Muslim woman and mother living in this kufr society, it is difficult for me to go by my day-to-day practises without being exposed to some kind of kufr. It’s hard enough to refrain from looking at it, let alone explain to my two-and-a-half year old daughter that not everyone is a Muslim. Al-Hamdulillah though, she knows the difference between a kaafir and a Muslim. Some days she’ll stand at the window telling me she’s looking at the kaafir go by. Other days when I speak to her about Sheikh Usaamah, she’ll think about it and reply with ‘Go away kaafir’, and raise her hand as if to hit someone.

Times are getting more and more difficult for the Muslims, with our brothers and sisters being arrested up and down the country. The hatred towards Muslims is blatant, yet we still choose to leave our children in the hands of the kuffaar. How can we say ‘Laa ilaaha illallaah’ and allow our children to be educated (and dictated) by the kuffaar in school everyday? With the introduction in the last few years of Citizenship into the Curriculum, we are allowing our children to be taught that they must give allegiance to the Queen, and have hatred towards our great scholars and Mujaahideen.

In English, as part of GCSE, they must study Shakespeare, whose books are full of homosexuality, fornication and adultery, each of which are great sins in Islam.

When we allow them to do PE, they must expose parts of their awrah as a ‘safety measurement’. In Religious Education, come Christmas time, our children are taught how to sing Christmas Carols, and come Halloween they are indoctrinated with ghosts and spooks, whereas in Islam we believe that the Jinns are created by Allah (swt). They worship and obey Him, as we as Muslims should, and they cannot harm us unless we harm them. Aside of this, each year they are taught about Diwali, Hanukkah, Vaisakhi and Chinese New Year, to name but a few.

Allah (swt) has informed us that it is prohibited to teach our children anything other than the deen of Islam until the age of seven, after which, anything that they are taught, is solely for the reason of refutation and nothing else.

The amount of things our children are indoctrinated with are unbelievable.Once, before I started practising, I went on a school trip with some five-year olds whom a member of my family used to teach, and in the coach, I was sitting in front of one

girl who had two boys next to her. She was telling them what she intimately wanted to do to them. A’oodhubillah! Only recently, someone I know was talking about something in her school, and she mentioned that a girl in her school had a boyfriend. The first incident was almost ten years ago now, yet both events are related, as they were a result of the kufr taught in schools. In Islam, we separate the two genders for this very reason, yet we are labelled backwards. Realise sisters, that the child that you think is ‘safe’ in the hands of the kuffaar, is being indoctrinated with kufr day by day. Ask yourselves, how aware are you of what your child gets up to at school?

At the end of the day, we are responsible for our own children. After all, why have children if you’re going to put them into school at the age of three and a half, and in the hands of the kuffaar?! They are enemies of Allah, yet we think that education is the best way forward for our children; it may be so, but what kind of education? Even the so-called Islamic school nowadays are full of kufr.

We need to ask ourselves what we want our children to be when they grow up. Do we want them to be great scholars like Imaam Abu Haneefah (ra) and ‘Aa-ishah bint Abee Bakr (ra) or pop stars and film stars? Do we want them to be like Usaamah bin Zayd and Khaled ibn Waleed or the next Michael Jackson or David Beckham?

It is time that the Muslims woke up and began taking interest in their children’s lives. For every word they speak and every action they take is based on what they have been taught by either what they have been taught at school or by what they are being taught at home. Let it be that latter my dear sisters. Let it be the future for our children and not their failure.

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