9/11 Commission Questions For Cia Official Jami Miscik

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  • Words: 1,782
  • Pages: 6
COMMISSION SENSITIVE Interview for Ms. Jami Miscik Position: Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency Purpose: The purpose of this interview is to explore the state of the DI prior to 9-11, its priorities, structure, capabilities and the quality of the intelligence produced. We also want to understand what, if any, reform initiatives were proposed by Ms. Miscik prior to 9-11 and those that were put in place immediately after the attacks. This is the first of at least two interviews of Ms. Miscik in an effort to understand the Directorate and to explore questions related to analysis and warning. It is our intent to use this interview to help pave the way for our interviews of DI analysts. Key Questions Background 1) Please provide for us an account of your positions at the CIA and the years that you held those positions. State of the Directorate of Intelligence Prior to 9-11 1) Please describe to us the state of affairs within the DI when you were appointed as DDL Were you pleased with the quality of the work force? Was there sufficient depth of knowledge to meet the challenges you were presented? Was it resources properly? 2) What was the arrangement at that time with the CTC on the conduct of counterterrorism analysis? How was it functioning? Was there an analytic strategy for counterterrorism when you arrived as DDI? 3) How did you find the quality of the analysis being performed in the DDI? How do you judge the quality of the analysis? 4) Do you take responsibility for the analytic product of the Counterterrorism Center, even though it is located in the Directorate of Operations? 5) Prior to 9-11, how did you review and evaluate the analysis on terrorism you were giving the White House each day? 6) How do you manage the Directorate's operations? What data sources do you use to know who is doing what and for how much? 7) STRATEGIC RESEARCH/ANALYSIS: How much of the DI's efforts are spent on current vs. strategic intelligence and is this an appropriate dichotomy to examine intelligence analysis? a. What role does long range analysis play in the work of the directorate? b. What guidelines do you give your leadership team on how analysts should spend their time with respect to long range research and anlsysis?




8) PDB: Is the President's Daily Brief the primary focus of the DI or the primary I focus of just the PDB staff of the DI? To what extent does it drive the day-to-day /^ Activities of the Directorate? 9) WARNING: When you arrived, what was the DDF s role/responsibility for warning? Has this changed after 9-11? a. Who is responsible for warning of terrorist attacks to the President and the cabinet? b.

How should the warning system work?

c. How does the DI work with the NIC, and in particular, the NIO for warning? 10) What is the role of the ADCI for Analysis and Production? Does this individual have oversight over the analytic agenda of the DI? Please describe the role he plays in the DI. 11) Generally, how many detailees from other intelligence agencies are working in the DI? Which agencies provide the largest number of detailees? 12) The DI is host to several "centers," how do you judge the effectiveness of these Centers? How do you arbitrate tensions between the Centers and the geographic offices? Tradecraft of Analysis 1) Is the T/C of analysis unique for CT as compared to other substantive areas? 2) Does CT analysis require special training or can an analyst be moved from a nonCT area to a CT account? Directorate of Intelligence after 9-11 1) Please describe the events in the DI on the morning of 9-11. Did a team remain at their post after the attacks to support the DCI and the White House? What analytic requests were made in the immediate aftermath of the attacks? 2) Please recall for us the changes implemented in the immediate aftermath of the attacks (9-11 to 9-20). 3) Please describe the reforms made to the organization of the DI after 9-11. 4) What resources were reallocated to increase the DI's efforts on CT? What issues were dropped in order to increase efforts on CT? 5) What new responsibilities does the DI have today to provide intelligence to nontraditional departments and agencies in the aftermath of 9-11? 6) How do you evaluate the effectiveness of these changes to the CT analytic product? 7) How do you evaluate the quality of the analysis the DI is producing today? 8) What do you see as the greatest challenges to the DI in the months and years ahead? COMMISSION SENSITIVE


COMMISSION SENSITIVE Interview for Ms. Jami Miscik Position: Deputy Director for Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency Purpose: The purpose of this interview is to explore the state of the DI prior to 9-11, its priorities, structure, capabilities and the quality of the intelligence produced. We also ^ want to understand what, if any, reform initiatives were proposed by Ms. Miscik prior toj 9-11 and those that were put in place immediately after the attacks. /This is the first of lit least two interviews of Ms. Miscik in an effort to understand the Directorate and to explore questions related to analysis and warning. It is our intent to use this interview to ' ^J help pave the way for our interviews of DI analysts. ,i ~ , ^

Key Questions

Background 1) Please provide for us an account of your positions at the CIA and the years that you held those positions. State of the Directorate of Intelligence Prior to 9-11 1) Please describe to us the state of affairs within the DI when you were appointed as DDI. Were you pleased with the quality of the work force? Was there sufficient depth of knowledge to meet the challenges you were presented? Was it resource^ a. properly? 2) What was the arrangement at that time with the CTC on the conduct of counterterrorism analysis? How was it functioning? Was there an analytic strategy for counterterrorism when you arrived as DDI? 3) How did you find the quality of the analysis being performed in the DDI? How do you judge the quality of the analysis? 4) Do you take responsibility for the analytic product of the Counterterrorism Center, even though it is located in the Directorate of Operations? JPrior to 9-11, how did you review and evaluate the analysis on terrorism you weregiving the j.T^-f White House each day? 5) How do you manage the Directorate's operations? What data sources do you use to know who is doing what and for how much? 6) How much of the DI's efforts are spent on current vs. strategic intelligence and is this an appropriate dichotomy to examine intelligence analysis? 7) Is the President's Daily Brief the primary focus of the DI or the primary focus of just the PDB staff of the DI? To what extent does it drive the day-to-day activities of the Directorate? 8) When you arrived, what was the DDFs role/responsibility for warning? Has this changed after 9-11? Who is responsible for warning of terrorist attacks to the President and the cabinet?


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How does the DI work with the NIC, and in particular, the NIO for warning? -<> A 10) What is the role of the ADCI for Analysis and Production? Does this individual have oversight over the analytic agenda of the DI? Please describe the role he plays in the DI. 11) Generally, how many detailees from other intelligence agencies are working in the DI? Which agencies provide the largest number of detailees? 12) The DI is host to several "centers," how do you judge the effectiveness of these Centers? How do you arbitrate tensions between the Centers and the geographic offices? Directorate of Intelligence after 9-11 1) Please describe the events in the DI on themoming of 9-ljj>Did a team remain at Cjheirpost after the attacks to support the"DCT and the~White House?JWhat analytic requests were made in the immediate aftermath of the attacks? 2) Please recall for us the changes implemented in the immediate aftermath of the attacks (9-11 to 9-20). 3) Please describe the reforms made to the organization of the DI after 9-11. 4) What resources were reallocated to increase the DI's efforts on CT? What issues were dropped in order to increase efforts on CT? 5) What new responsibilities does the DI have today to provide intelligence to nontraditional departments and agencies in the aftermath of 9-11? 6) How do you evaluate the effectiveness of these changes to the CT analytic product? •2

7) How do you evaluate the quality of the analysis the DI is producing today?!'* * &,-• 8) What do you see as the greatest challenges to the DI in the months and years ahead?




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Delete I Reply | Reply to All | Forward | Redirect | Blacklist | Message Source I Resume | Save as | Print Back to INBOX ^ t Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 10:05:55 -0400 From: "" 4? To: "" ^ Subject: Miscik I'd also be interested in the following: 1. what does she think the value of the detailees is? what is their function liaison or integrated? Does she provide detaiklees to other org.s - what's the value of that? •K-.

2. Education and training of analysts - isuues? long term plan to address them? 3. Transformation into the transnational issues arenas? 4. Input from foreign sources of all kinds (esp from/thru INR)? 5. Role and value of OSINT? Delete 1 Reply j Reply to All | Forward 1 Redirect | Blacklist | Message Source | Resume | Save as | Print Back to INBOX "3 Move 1 copy jThis rnessage to



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