8th Wad 2008 Final

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,739
  • Pages: 38
Word A Day Subatomic: smaller than an atom. Molecule: A group of atoms bound together in a definite arrangement to make a compound. Atom: the smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element.

Combustion: a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat, CO2 and H2O Charles’s Law: The volume of a gas at constant pressure varies directly with the temperaure. Boyle’s Law: the pressure of a gas at constant temperature varies

inversely with the volume. Direct Relationship: a mathematical relationship between two variables in which change in one variable is associated with a change in the other variable in the same direction. Inverse Relationship: a mathematical relationship in which

one variable decreases as another increases. Pressure: (symbol: 'p') is the force per unit area applied to an object in a direction perpendicular to the surface. Effusion: flow under pressure, an outpouring of liquid, (of speech or emotion.

Barometer: an instrument that measures atmospheric pressure Volatile: explosive: liable to lead to sudden change Scientific Theory: Inferred explanation for why observable phenomena happen. (Explains why Things happen) Scientific Law: Statements or descriptions of how observable phenomenon happen. It does not state why they happen, it does state that they do happen.

Period: subdivision of geologic time that divides an Era into smaller units. Example: The Mesozoic can be broken into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. Era: subdivision of geologic time that divides an Eon into smaller units. 3 major eras: Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic.

Criteria of Living Creature: Living things are: • made of cells. • obtain and use energy. • grow and develop.

• reproduce. • respond to their environment. • adapt to their environment.

Eon: T he la r gest f or mal unit of geologic t ime. T her e ar e f our eons: the Hadean, Ar chean, Pr oter o zoic, and Phaner o zoic. Chordate: animals that have a supporting rod (vertebrae) that runs most of the

length of the body for at least part of their lives. Cenozoic: means “recent life.” This era began 65 mya and continues to the present. This is the age of mammals. Mesozoic: means “middle life.” This era lasted from about 250 mya until about 65 mya. This era is known as the age of reptiles. Paleozoic: means “old life.” This era lasted from about 540 to 250 mya. It is the first era that is well represented by fossils.

Precambrian: The time period that encompasses all time from the Earth's formation, 4.6 billion years ago to start of the Paleozic 550 million years ago. mya: “million years ago.”

WAD TEST #2 Epicenter: the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake

Hypocenter: The point in the earth where an earthquake originates; also known as the focus.

Richter Scale: The scale used by scientists to measure the intensity of an earthquake. It was created by Charles F. Richter in 1935. Mercalli Scale - a subjective measure of the strength of an earthquake. It measures the degree of intensity.

Magnitude - the amount of energy released from the earthquake. Theory of Plate Tectonics: The scientific theory that the earth's lithosphere is divided into plates (or semi-rigid sections) which move horizontally and interact with one another, causing the formation of mountains, folds, faults, volcanoes, earthquakes, ocean trenches, and the mid-oceanic ridges.

Pangaea: (Greek for "all lands")The name given to the single land mass, that occurred 250 mya (million years ago), when all the earth's continental tectonic plates where very close to each other. Alfred Wegner: the scientist who first proposed the idea of continental drift, which became know as the theory of plate tectonics

Asthenosphere: the weak,  plastic like layer of Earth's  interior, just below the  lithosphere, over which the  surface plates slide. Transform Boundary: a boundary between plates that

are sliding past each other.

Divergent Boundary: Tectonic plate boundaries at which the plates move apart.

Convergent Boundary: A boundary between plates that are moving toward each other, or colliding.

Heliocentric: Theory proposed by Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus in which the sun is the central body in our solar system. Geocentric: Theory of

the solar system proposed by Ptolemy in which the earth is the center of the universe. Primary Resource: A primary source is a document, speech, or other sort of evidence written, created or otherwise produced during the time under study. Examples: Original Documents, articfacts, interviews, diaries, photographs etc.

Secondary Res ource: Sources that provide interpretation and analysis of primary sources. Secondary sources are one step removed from the original event or "horse's mouth." Examples are encyclopedia, newspaper commentaries, textbooks.

Asthenia: abnormal physical weakness, lack of energy.

Foliated: Having strong mineral orientation and/or mineral banding or layering.

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Speleology:(spee lee AH lo gee) the scientific study of caves; from the Greek word for cave, spelaion

Stalactite: An icicle-like mineral formation that hangs from the ceiling of a cave. QuickTimeª TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to and see athis picture.

Stalagmite: A coneshaped mineral deposit that forms on the floor of a cave. QuickTimeª and a decompressor TIFF are (Uncompressed) needed to see this picture.

Metamorphic: any rock derived from pre-existing rocks

by extreme heat and pressure, but does not result in a melt of the rock. Diatom: a photosynthetic single celled organism enclosed by a shell of silica.

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Sediment: Solid material that was in suspension and transported by air, water

or ice and has come to rest on the earth’s surface. Frost Wedging: Weathering of rocks by the expansion of water as it freezes in fractures and pore spaces. Lithify: To turn to rock. Sedimentary: Rocks which form at the earth's surface, made up of either particles of preexisting rock or chemical

precipitates (minerals solidified from a dissolved state). Anthracite: Hard, dense, energy rich coal. Cleaner and hotter than bituminous coal. Generally the only coal used for home heating. Coal: a sedimentary rock formed from the fossilized remains of plant material. Analogy: A comparison between two things, for

the purpose of explanation. Intrusive or Plutonic: a kind of igneous rocks that crystallized underground. Because of the slow rate of cooling, the crystals are typically very large. Extrusive or Volcanic: an igneous rock formed when magma cools and hardens above Earth's surface. Because of the rapid rate of cooling, extrusive rocks have tiny crystals, or if

cooled very rapidly, have no crystals at all. Igneous: rocks which formed by the cooling and solidification (crystallization) of molten rock which originated from below the earth's surface. Lava: Molten (liquid) rock found on the earth’s surface. Magma: Molten rock below the Earth's surface.

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Rock: Any solid mass of mineral matter that occurs naturally as part of our planet. Geode: a hollow rock with the cavity usually lined with crystals

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Inorganic: Something that was never “alive” and never will be. Kilo: (symbol: k) is the SI prefix denoting a factor of 103 (1000)

Saturate: to fill to the point no more will fit. Supersaturated: a solution that holds more solute than it normally can at normal temperatures; heated to get more solute to dissolve Question: Why did so many groups heat their solutions when making evaporate crystals

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Hot Plate:

Cleavage: The breaking of a mineral

along crystallographic planes, that reflects a crystal structure. Conchoidal fracture: A fracture that produces a smooth, curved surface. (glass breaks like this.) Amorphous: The term applied to rocks and minerals having no definite crystalline structure, having no specific orientation of atoms.

Mohs Hardness Scale: A scale that ranks the mineral hardness based on relatively from 1-10. 1 is the softest mineral (Talc) and 10 is the hardest mineral (Diamond) Hardness: Property of a mineral's resistance to being scratched.

Streak: The color of a mineral in the powdered form. Refraction:

The change in direction of a wave because of a change in the medium it is traveling through. QuickTimeª and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

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impervious to light, cannot be seen through.

Algorithm: A formal set of instructions that can be followed to perform a specific task, such as a mathematical formula or a set of instructions in a computer program. s

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= test tube holder QuickTimeª and adecompressor TIFF (Uncompressed) are needed to see this picture.

= alcohol lamp Mineral:

anything that has all of these properties 1)Solid 2)Inorganic 3)Naturally occurring 4)Crystalline Structure 5) Definite Chemical Composition

Vitreous: Glassy, or glasslike. having extremely low or no porosity. Geology: the science that deals with rocks and the physical history of the earth. QuickTimeª and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

= Petri dish Draw a picture of this def.

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= pipette. Draw a picture in journal. Surface tension: A measurement of how much the molecules on a liquid tend to like to stick to each other. If something has a high surface tension, it likes to bead up. Surfactant: A material that decreases the surface tension of the

solution in which it is dissolved. Quantitative data: Data that can be counted or measured in discrete units (numbers). Qualitative data: Information that is difficult to measure, count, or express in numerical terms. Data that is rich in detail and description, usually in a

textual or narrative format. Logic: A method of human thought that involves thinking in a linear, step-by-step manner about how a problem can be solved. Conjecture: an unproven guess that is based on observations. Supernatural: not existing in nature or subject to explanation

according to natural laws. Postulate: (logic) a proposition that is accepted as true in order to provide a basis for logical reasoning.

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