7th Wad 2008 Final

  • May 2020
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Triple Beam Balance: used to find the mass of an object.

an instrument

Mass: The amount of matter in an object. Measured in grams (g). Graduated Cylinder: a container with straight sides and marked with lines to enable measurement of volume.

Displacement: when an object is immersed in a fluid, pushing it out of the way and taking its place. Beaker: 1. A beaker is a type of laboratory glassware which consists of a cylindrical cup with a notch on the top to allow for the pouring of liquids.

2. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew is a character from The Muppet Show, performed by Dave Goelz. The muppet was a bald, bespectacled, lab-coated scientist who would do periodic

science segments from "Muppet Labs...where the future is being made today". The face of the muppet had no eyes, only glasses, and his experiments always went awry, usually causing great harm to his long-suffering assistant Beaker (Richard Hunt), a nearly mute muppet with shocked red hair. Meniscus: the curved surface of the liquid. Always measure at the lowest point of the liquid. Volume: the amount of space that an object takes up. Liquids: measured in liters Solids: measured in cubic meters (m3) Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space. Rube Goldberg: United States cartoonist who drew intricate diagrams of very complicated and impractical contraptions that accomplished simple tasks. Mega: (symbol M) is an SI prefix in the SI system of units denoting a factor of 106, 1,000,000 (one million). Kilo: is a prefix in the SI system denoting a factor of 103(thousand). The symbol is: “k” Hecto: is a prefix in the SI system denoting a factor of 102(hundred). The symbol is: “h” Scientific Model: a representation of an object or system to demonstrate how it is or functions. Note: Models are “useful”---and not always “truthful” because no model is perfect. Scale: a ratio between two sets of measurements. Neap Tide: a weak tide occurring at the first and third quarters of the moon, when the gravity of the sun and moon pull in different directions.

Draw a picture of this: Spring Tide: A strong tide that occurs at the new moon or full moon, when the gravitation pull of the sun and moon are in line. Draw a picture of this: Deka: is a prefix in the SI system denoting a factor of 101(ten). The symbol is: “d” Astronomical Unit: The distance from the Sun to the Earth. 1 AU = 149,600,000 km = 92,957,000 miles. Micro- is a prefix in the SI system denoting a factor of 10-6 (one millionth). The symbol for it is the micro sign (µ), the Greek letter mu. Blue Moon: When a single month has two full moons, the second full moon is called a Blue Moon. Gibbous: A shape of the Moon when it is more than half lit but less than full. Draw a picture to help you remember this-> Waxing--- to increase in size, bigger. Wanning---to decrease in size, smaller Opaque: not transparent Penumbra: the partially shaded region of a shadow caste by an opaque object.

Umbra: the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object. Zenith: The point in the sky directly above the observer. The highest point. Equinox: either of the two days when the periods of daylight and darkness are of equal length throughout the entire world. The vernal equinox is usually March 21; the autumnal equinox is usually September 23. Horizon: The line where the sky and the ground seem to meet. Azimuth: A direction in terms of a 360° compass. North is at 0°. East is at 90°. South is at 180°. West is at 270°. Altitude: The vertical angular distance of a point in the sky above the horizon. Altitude is measured positively from the horizon to the zenith, from 0 + to 90 degrees. Copernicus: (1543) A Polish astronomer who first postulated that the sun is the center of the universe. Ptolemy: (140 A.D.) Greek astronomer who thought the earth was the center of the universe. ` Circumpolar Stars: Stars that can be seen at all times of the year and all times of the night.

Astrology: The pseudoscientific study of the planets and how they might influence the lives of people. Pseudoscience: False science; an activity resembling science but based on fallacious assumptions. Hurry up. Sit down and lets go. So much time….

Astronomy: the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space and the physical universe as a whole. SI: fea from the French language name Le Système international d'unités) is the modern form of the metric system. Base Unit: “1” of whatever unit of measurement you are using… grams, liters, seconds etc. Deci- “d” SI prefix meaing 1/10 Centi- “c” SI prefix meaing 1/100 Mili- “m” SI prefix meaing 1/1000 Hydroelectric Power: Biodegradable: Percieved Obsolescence: Planned Obsolescence:

Obsolescence: The loss of value or usefulness usually over a period of time, because of wear, changing technology or user preference.

Mobius Loop: The name of recycling logo which consists of a triangle of three arrows. NIMBY: someone who objects to having something in their own neighborhood but does not object to it being sited elsewhere. Stewardship: Taking responsibility for the well-being of something that is valued, such as a natural resource. Endangered Species: A species considered to be in imminent danger of extinction. Have your zoo homework out and ready to be checked. Biome: An ecosystem that covers a large geographic area where plants of one type live due to the specific climate in the area. Carbon Sink: A part of the earth that permanently removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and binds it in organic compounds. Question: Where in the world are the major “carbon sinks?” Photon: A particle of light; the smallest individual unit of energy. Cycle: To recur in repeating sequences. Carbon Cycle: The process by which carbon is taken up by plants and animals and returned to the environment in a continuous cycle.

After you are done with the wad, get out a 1/2 piece of paper and get ready for your quiz. The quiz will start at 12:41 sharp.

Photosynthesis Chemical Reaction: 6CO2 + 6H2O (+ light energy) ( C6H Carbo n

O6 + 6O2



This will come down at 12:55---get it down, you will Gluco have a quiz on it. se (sugar

Photosynthesis: Process by which green plants convert carbon dioxide, water and sunlight ( to sugar and oxygen. Clamp: = Ring Clamp: Ring Stand: = Food: be able to define this word based on our discussion in class. Calorie: A unit of energy defined as that amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius Parasitism: A symbiotic relationship between two species of plants or animals in which one benefits at the expense of the other, without killing it.

oxyge n

Mutualism: A symbiotic relationship between two organisms that benefit both. Commensalism: A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other is not affected. Symbiotic: the relationship between two interacting organisms or populations. Potential Energy: P.E. The energy that matter has because of its position or because of the arrangement of atoms or parts. Kinetic Energy: K.E. The energy that a moving object has due to its motion, the energy of motion. Null Hypothesis: the hypothesis that states the I.V. will not make a difference in the experiment. If…then..because Statement: A statement used to write a hypothesis.

Hypothesis: A testable statement used to start an experiment. Omnivore: An organism that can use both plants and animals as a food source. Carnivore: An animal that eats the flesh of other animals to obtain nutrients and energy. Herbivore: Any organism that eats only producers (plants). Domino Causality: One thing makes another thing happen,

which then makes another thing happen….FOREVER. It never stops. Simple Linear Causality: one thing directly makes another thing happen and the effects end there. Biotic: living Abiotic: not living Stereoscope: a magnification tool that gives the viewer two slightly differing pictures, one to each eye, to give the effect of depth. (only magnifies x2 or x4)


Constant Variables: the variables in an experiment that are kept the same intentionally for all trials. Dependent Variable - the responding variable; the variable that may change as a result of a change in the independent variable (y-axis).

Independent Variable: The manipulated variable; the variable that is changed intentionally in an experiment. (xaxis) Protocol: The formal design for an experiment. It explains what will be done, when, how, and why. Variable: A value that can change. Consensus: A collective opinion or general agreement. Objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions Inferences: Statements about phenomena that are not “directly” accessible to the senses, but based on logical reasoning. Observation: Descriptive statement about natural phenomena that are “directly accessible to the senses (or extensions of the senses) and about which several observers can reach consensus with relative ease. Bias: Unfair prejudice towards one group or thing.

Subjective: Based on personal feeling or interpretation; not objective. Empircal: Based on an observation of something in the natural world. Science is empirically based. It can only study things that can be detected. Tentative: subject to change, not certain or fixed. Creativity: is the ability to produce something new, to generate unique approaches to problems or opportunities. Scientists have to be creative. Nature of Science (NOS): how science functions; the values and assumptions inherent to scientific knowledge and thinking.

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