8th Grade Wad Words 2007 (final For 8th Grade Only)

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  • Words: 1,925
  • Pages: 26
7th Grade WAD----3rd Trimester 2006-07 Week 34: Buoyant: tending to float on a liquid, or rise in air or gas.

Upthrust: the upward force that a liquid or a gas exerts on a body floating in it. Buoyant force: the upward force on an object immersed in a fluid, causing it to float or at least to appear to become lighter.

Archimedes: (Greek: ΑΡΧΙΜΗ∆ΗΣ ), a Greek mathematician, astronomer, philosopher, physicist and engineer. He was killed by a Roman soldier during the sack of the city of Syracuse, despite orders from the Roman general, Marcellus, that he was not to be harmed. 287-212 BC

Archimedes Principle: When a body is completely or partially immersed in a fluid it experiences an upthrust, or an apparent loss in weight, which is equal to the weight of fluid displaced.

Week 33: Qualitative: observations that do not involve measurements and numbers ("My brother is shorter than my sister," is a qualitative observation.) Quantitative: observations that involve measurements and numbers ("My brother is 30cm shorter than my sister," is a quantitative observation.) Density: is a measure of mass per unit of volume. symbol: ρ (Greek: rho) g/ml : abbreviation for “grams ÷ milliliters” this is the unit that density is commonly measured in. (Note: unit of mass ÷ unit of volume)

Week 32: Meniscus: 1. The curved surface of a liquid in a narrow-diameter glass tube.


Crescent shaped cartilage, usually pertaining to the knee joint; also known as "cartilage." There are two menisci in the knee, medial and lateral. These work to absorb weight within the knee and provide stability.

Beaker: 1. A beaker is a type of laboratory glassware which consists of a cylindrical cup with a notch on the top to allow for the pouring of liquids.

2. Dr. Bunsen Honeydew is a character from The Muppet Show, performed by Dave Goelz. The muppet was a bald, bespectacled, lab-coated scientist who would do periodic science segments from "Muppet Labs...where the future is being made today". The face of the muppet had no eyes, only glasses, and his experiments always went awry, usually causing great harm to his long-suffering assistant Beaker (Richard Hunt), a nearly mute muppet with shocked red hair.

Week 31: Volume: the amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object. (Measured in liters or cubic meters). graduated cylinder: laboratory glassware that is used for measuring the volumes of liquids in a quantitative manner.

water displacement: occurs when an object is immersed in a fluid, pushing the fluid out of the way and taking its place.

displacement vessel (be able to draw a picture of this).

Week 30: Weight: The downward force of gravity on an object that has mass. (Mass x Gravity = Weight), or W=mg Inertia: the tendency of an object to resist change in its motion. Mass is the measurement of inertia. Law of Inertia: Newton’s First Law of Motion: An object in motion will tend to stay in motion and an object at rest will tend to stay at rest unless acted upon by a force.

triple beam balance: scientific tool used to determine the mass of an object. (Be able to draw a picture of what it looks like.)

Week 29: Matter: anything that has mass and volume.

Mass: a measure of the total amount of matter in an object. Gram: a basic unit of mass in the SI system of measurements. Gravity: The attractive effect that any massive object has on all other massive objects. The greater the mass of the object, the stronger its gravitational pull. Metric Prefixes: Study Hint: Make a chart for the prefixes.

SI: The International System of Units from the French language name Le Système international d'unités) is the modern form of the metric system. Tera: (symbol: T) is a prefix in the SI system of units denoting 1012, or 1 000 000 000 000 (1 trillion). Giga: (symbol: G) is a prefix in the SI system of units denoting 109, or 1,000,000,000 (1 billion).

Mega: (symbol M) is an SI prefix in the SI system of units denoting a factor of 106, 1,000,000 (one million). Kilo: (symbol: k) is the SI prefix denoting a factor of 103 (1000) * * * *

one one one one

kilogram is 1000 grams kilometre is 1000 metres kilowatt is 1000 watts kilojoule is 1000 joules

Hecto: (symbol h) is a SI prefix denoting a factor of 102 (100). Deka: (symbol da) is a SI prefix denoting a factor of 101 (10) Base Unit: the unit if measurement with no prefix denoting a factor of 100 (1) Remember: Anything raised to the 0 power = 1. Deci-(symbol d) is a prefix in the SI system of units denoting a factor of 10-1 (1/10). Centi- (symbol c) is a SI prefix in the SI system of units denoting a factor of 102 , or 1/100. Milli- (symbol m) is a prefix in the SI and other systems of units denoting a factor of 10-3, or 1/1,000. Micro- is a prefix in the SI system denoting a factor of 10-6 (one millionth). The symbol for it is the micro sign (µ), the Greek letter mu. Nano- is a prefix (symbol n) in the SI system of units denoting a factor of 10-9. (one billionth)

Week 24: Application of the WAD Words

The goal thus far with the WAD words was for you to memorize their meaning. The next step is to get you to understand how scientists use them. For the rest of the trimester, we will practice using the words in different contexts, so that you can do more than “know” the meaning of the words; you will be able to use them. The final exam at the end of the trimester will have a WAD application section, which we will now review for, one day at a time. 1.

Can you give an example that demonstrates the difference between an observation and an inference?

2. What are some fundamental beliefs that scientists have about the nature of scientific thought?

3. Scientific knowledge is tentative. Can you give one example from something that we did or studied in class that demonstrates this aspect of the nature of science? 4. Scientific knowledge is subjective. Can you give one example from something that we did or studied in class that demonstrates this aspect of the nature of science? 5. Scientific knowledge is empirically based. Can you give one example from something that we did or studied in class that demonstrates this aspect of the nature of science?

7th Grade WAD----2nd Trimester 2006-07 Week 23: Galelio: (1609) He was the first person to make and use a telescope to observe space. He discovered four moons of Jupiter, which showed that not all celestial objects go around Earth. He favored the idea of a sun centered universe. (1) Dr. Mae Jemison: Astronaut who went into orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Endeavor, September 12, 1992. She was the first nonwhite woman to go into space. Dr. Sally Ride: In 1983, she became the first American woman in space on the shuttle Challenger (STS-7).

Week 22: Ptolemy: (140 A.D.) Greek astronomer who thought the earth was the center of the universe. (2) Copernicus: (1543) A Polish astronomer who first postulated that the sun is the center of the universe. (1) Tycho Brahe: (1601 A.D) a Danish astronomer who believed that the earth was the center of the universe. He was the first person to collect large amount of data on the locations of the stars. (3) Johannes Kepler: (1609) Discovered the scientific law (Keplers Law of Planetary Motion) that all planets revolve around the sun in elliptical orbits and that the sun is not in the exact center of the orbits. (He analyzed Brahe’s data to come up with this law) (2)

Week 21: Astrolabe: An astrolabe is an instrument that was used to determine the altitude of objects (like the sun) in the sky. It was first used around 200 BC by astronomers in Greece.


A direction in terms of a 360° compass. North is at 0°. East is at 90°. South is at 180°. West is at 270°.


The vertical angular distance of a point in the sky above the horizon. Altitude is measured positively from the horizon to the zenith, from 0 to 90 degrees.


The point in the sky directly above the observer. The

highest point.


The line where the sky and the ground seem to meet.

Week 20: Equinox: either of the two days when the periods of daylight and darkness are of equal length throughout the entire world. The vernal equinox is usually March 21; the autumnal equinox is usually September 23. Longitude: the imaginary line that runs from the north pole to the south pole. It measures the distance in

degrees east or west of Greenwich, England, the prime meridian which is 0. The measurements range from 0-180 degrees. Latitude: the imaginary flat lines that run parallel to the equator. It measures the distance north or south of the equator of a given position. The equator has a latitude of 0 degrees, the South Pole is 90 degrees South. (the north pole is 90 degrees North)

Week 19: waxing: growing in size, getting bigger, increasing. Waning: shrinking in size, getting smaller, decreasing.

Gibbous: A shape of the Moon when it is more than half lit but less than full. Draw a picture to help you remember this-> New Moon: a phase of the moon in which none of the moons face is visible (when the moon is dark). Blue Moon: When a single month has two full moons, the second full moon is called a Blue Moon.

Week 18 Spectrum: a band of colors, as seen in the rainbow, produced by the separation to light based on their different wavelengths.

Penumbra: the partially shaded region of a shadow caste by an opaque object. Opaque: not transparent

Week 17

Umbra: the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object. Shadow: You define what you think this word means Solar Noon: when the sun reaches its highest point in the sky. It occurs at when the sun is at the midpoint between sunrise and sunset. (Does not always happen at exactly noon) Astronomy: the branch of science that deals with celestial objects, space and the physical universe as a whole. Nature of Science (NOS): how science functions; the values and assumptions inherent to scientific knowledge and thinking.

Week 16 Empirical: Based on or derived from observation of the natural world. Tentative: Subject to change, not certain or fixed Scientific Theory: Inferred explanation for why observable phenomena happen.

Scientific Law: Statements or descriptions of how observable phenomenon happen. It does not state why they happen, it does states that they do happen. Independent Variable the manipulated variable; the variable that is changed intentionally in an experiment. (x-axis) Dependent Variable - the responding variable; the variable that may change as a result of a change in the independent variable (it is what you measure) (y-axis)

Constant Variables: the variables in an experiment that are kept the same intentionally for all trials. Control: (n) this is when you run an experiment without the independent variable. HYPOTHESIS




Observation: Descriptive statement about natural phenomena that are “directly accessible to the senses (or extensions of the senses) and about which several observers can reach consensus with relative ease. Inferences: Statements about phenomena that are not “directly” accessible to the senses, but based on logical reasoning

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